The Unexpected Princess

Chapter Pegasus

I looked around the hall curiously, down the long entrance way there was a long black and red carpet, on either sides of the walkway were places where everyone was sitting, everyone in the hall had a long dresses or suits, except for my family. I looked ahead at the royal family, the king had a hard look on his square face, he had short blonde hair and a bit of stubble on his face. The queen sat next to him, she looked at us with kind eyes, her long brown hair tied in a braid over her shoulder. Then I looked at the prince’s, first I looked at the youngest, Prince John. Being the youngest he was the shortest, he had sea green eyes and short dirty blonde hair, then I looked at Prince Zach, he was the middle child so he was older than John but younger than Ethan, he looked a lot like the queen, having the same electric blue eyes and brown hair. And lastly my eyes wandered to Prince Ethan, he watched all of us intently, he had goldish eyes like his father and the same square face but his features looked kinder, he had blonde hair, his bangs almost covering his eyes.

We stood side by side waiting to be announced. The king stood up and looked at us, “Before we begin we would like to welcome of you ladies to are castle.” He then nodded to Ms.Jules to begin. “First we have Shimmer from Ireland.” A wolf with silver fur took a step forward and bowed slightly and took a step back. “Next Majesty from Europe.” She stepped forward and dragged her second paw across the floor. I rolled my eyes, she needs to stop trying so hard I can smell how desperate she is from here. “Next Raven from the United Kingdom.” She continued to go down the line and introduce us, “Shadow from the United States.” When I heard my name I took a step forward and placed my muzzle on the ground bowing. I looked up and noticed that Prince Ethan was staring deep into my eyes, I shook my head and staggered backwards. That look he gave me, why did he look at me like that? Why do I feel like this? “Now you may all shift into any animal of your choosing.” Once the king said that you could hear the popping sounds of the girls shifting into other animals.

An image came into my mind, my bones started popping and shaping, I felt my wings on my sides, my legs grew longer and skinnier, my neck and face started to change. When I was finished everyone gasped and started to talk quietly. The king sat up in his seat and the queen stood up,

“There is only one other person known to take that form, the form of Pegasus.” Her voice was laced with amazement. I snorted and stomped my hooves, why is everyone so amazed, I don’t get why Pegasus is so special! “Ethan now it is your time.” The king spoke, his voice shook a little. The prince stood up and made his way to us, he started at the first girl and made his way down. He stopped at me and gently patted my mane. He stared deep into my eyes, my breath hitched in my throat and his touch made me nervous. “You. It’s you, Shadow.” He whispered. He backed away and started to shift. He shifted into an elegant horse. What? Me? There’s no way! I didn’t even want to be here let alone become his mate! He neighed happily and stood beside me pressing his side to mine.

I snorted loudly and stomped my hooves. No! It’s not me! He’s lying! I moved away from him, I snorted again and stomped louder. There is no way I’m letting someone claim me. No way not happening. I looked at my family and Max gave me a sad look while my parents looked at me worriedly. “Stop, someone calm her down now!” The king shouted. I neighed loudly, as the royal guards tried to grab me. I stood on my back legs and spread my wings, quickly retracting them again. This is my way of telling everyone to get away from me. But they don’t understand what it means and still tried to grab me. Ethan neighed loudly and everyone backed away from me. He hesitated before taking a step forward, I kept my eyes on him as he slowly moved towards me. He pressed his nose on the side of my muzzle, and I started to calm down. Ugh why did he have this affect on me? When I was calm he stepped away from me,

“Ms.Jules take the girls to their rooms, they must prepare for tonight’s dinner.” Ms.Jules nodded to the king and escorted us out of the hall. “Miss.Heart that behavior was inappropriate.” Ms.Jules walked beside me. I huffed and shook my head. “What? Are you shocked he mated on you?” She asked. I sighed and hung my head down. Why me? This is the last thing I wanted. Ms.Jules led us into another hallway with many doors on either side. I took this opportunity to shift back into my human form. When we were all back Ms.Jules led us each to our own rooms. I walked into my room and gasped slightly.

It was a large room with a huge bed in the middle, the walls were painted red and the ceiling was black, it had a white marble floor, the bed had a black comforter with matching pillows. There was a large window with a window seat. I sighed softly and sat down on the bed. My mind started to drift to what happened a few moments ago, why did he have to mate on me? Now I’m stuck here and I can’t go home. I suddenly felt pain in my stomach, I groaned and held my stomach. I saw something glow from under my shirt. I slowly lifted my shirt and watched as a line started to move around my stomach. The line separated and became two lines. I heard my door open but I was too entranced by what was happening. When it was finished it glowed brightly again before dimming, it was the royal crest that was imprinted on my stomach.

“I probably should have warned around about that.” I heard Ms.Jules voice. I looked up and she was standing a little away from me, another girl by her side, she looked only a little older than me. “That might have helped it hurt like hell.” I growled.

“Yes well this is Marie she will be your maid while you are staying here, she will be in the door next to yours so call her if you need anything.” She said and she walked out.

“Hi I’m Marie it’s nice to meet you Miss.Heart.” I smiled, “Just call me Snow Miss.Heart sounds too formal.” Marie laughed.

“As you wish, now what would you like to wear to the dinner this evening?” She asked. I collapsed on my bed, “Can I take a sick day? I don’t wanna go.” I felt my bed sink beside me. “Why not? I heard that you’re his majesty’s mate, are you happy?” I sighed and grabbed one of the pillows clutching it,

“No, the last thing I wanted was for this to happen, all I want is to go home.” I felt a tear slide down my face. “Aw don’t worry it’s not so bad here.” I smiled. “I guess so the rooms sure are nice.” I looked at Marie and we started to laugh.

She then stood up and walked over to the closet, she opened the red colored doors and walked inside. Curious I followed, it was a huge walk in closet, the only was full of dresses.

“Pick what you would like to wear tonight.” I looked over at her, “Yeah uh I don’t really wear dresses.” She started to rummage through the many dresses,

“Well you had better get used to it because that’s mostly what you’re going to wear.” She said. I could tell she was going to have dressing me up. I stubbornly sat on the floor criss cross and folded my arms over my chest. “No way you’re putting me in a dress.” She sighed, “Oh come on you can’t tell me that you’ve never worn a dress in your life.” She protested. I thought about for a minute, “Well I like Lolita dresses, have any of them?” She smiled brightly and moved to the other side of the closet. “Here are all of the Lolita dresses.” I stood up and looked through them.

I picked one, it was a short dress that would fall to my knees, it had small black straps with ruffles on them, the top was a mixture of red and black and ruffled at about the waist, then it had many layers of different types of fabric but all black and the lace fell to my knees. The back had lace ties that went from the top to the bottom. I decided that this dress would work. Marie, said she had a few things that would match the dress and was off to find them. I changed out of my normal clothes and into the tight dress. I guess it wasn’t that bad, but I still didn’t like it. When Marie came back she was carrying a few boxes. She set them down on my bed. “Okay so I found a couple of things that go along with the dress.” She opened the biggest box and pulled out a pair of shoes. They were knee high, black with red laces, with matching socks. Then she opened the second box that had an assortment of things, a ribbon choker with a small chain that held a blood red stone. Lace gloves they came just short of my elbow and stopped just at my fingers, a red ribbon going up it. The last thing in the box was a red and black lace bow.

When I was finally finished getting dressed Marie started to fuss over my hair and makeup, I stopped her. “Uh I’d like to do my own hair and makeup if you don’t mind.” She looked upset but agreed. “Right I’ll be out here when you’re done.” I walked into the large bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and set down all my supplies on the red colored counter next to the sink. First I took out all of my facial piercings and scrubbed my face. I thought about what I should do for my makeup and decided to get creative. First I used my black eyeliner and lined my eyes with it I branched some lines on top of my eyes lid and around the corner of my eye, I did some loops under my eyes. Then I took some of my black eye shadow and darkened the holes of the loops with it. When I was finished it looked like a little black flower. I applied red lipstick and add some black stripes. When I was finished with my makeup I decided to style my hair, I was just going to leave it like it is but might as well make that look nice too.

I took my brush and started to fluff up my bangs so they would stick out more, when it was all fluffy I moved it across my forehead and put the end behind my ear. Then I parted the bottom of my hair and started to crimp it. When I was finally finished I moved all of my hair of my left shoulder and put in the bow on the left side of my hair. I looked through the many piercing rings I had and I settled on black loops for my shark bites, red glow in the bars for my dimple piercings with matching tapers for my ears, and a small silver ring for my septum piercing. When I was finally finished I walked back into the room where Marie was waiting. She looked at me and her face tightened,

“Are you sure you want to have in all those piercings?” I nodded, “Yes because without them I just have a bunch of holes in my face.” She sighed,

“Alright well your parents should be here in a moment and I will escort you all to the dining hall.” Just then my door burst open and Max ran into the room. He wrapped me in a tight hug and spun me around. I winced when he tightened his grip on my stomach. He instantly put me, “Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yeah my stomach just hurts a little.” My parents gave me a knowing look. “Well now I must take you all to the dining hall.”

Marie led us down the hallway, Max linked our arms together.

“So how does it feel knowing you’re the prince’s mate?” He asked. “It sucks, this is the last thing I wanted.” When We entered the dining hall Chloe and Jade came up to us, Jade was in an emerald green dress that went down to the floor, Chloe was in a light blue dress that went down to her knees.

“Wow Snow you look beautiful!” Jade exclaimed. I smiled softly, “Thanks.” Max’s grip tightened on my arm, “Ow Max.” I looked at him and noticed that he was focusing on Jade. No way, he’s not..? “Hello earth to Max?” I waved my hand in front of his face. He just kept his gaze on Jade. Yep he is. I shook my head and pulled Jade along, not paying attention to where I was walking I bumped into someone. I started to fall but was soon caught, I looked up and saw Prince Zach,

“You best watch yourself princess who know what could’ve happened if I didn’t catch you.” He winked at me and walked away. I scoffed, the boy needs a reality check and fast. I sat down at the table Max on one side of me and Chloe on the other, Jade sitting across from Max.

The king stood up from his chair,

“I’d like to welcome all of you to this feast. One of the lovely young ladies here is my eldest son’s mate, which one we do not know but it should be quite an adventure. Please enjoy the food.” After his speech he sat back down and everyone started to eat, Max stuffing his face. I looked at the end of the table and noticed Prince Zach smiling at me, I rolled my eyes and looked at the food in front of me. This stuff is all to proper, all I want is pizza and a monster, but I guess I’d better get used to this kind of food. I poked at my food with a fork, not really paying attention to anything when something hit me in the face. Everything went quiet, I wiped the contents off my face and realized it was pasta. I looked up and noticed Natalie smirking at me as she twirled her fork in her fingers. I abruptly stood up knocking my chair over, a growl escaped my throat. I clenched my fists and the arm became cold, everything started to freeze around me.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” Max mumbled. This girl who thinks she’s all that is about to see what I can do. A frost started to cover the table, it didn’t touch anyone but Natalie, it started to travel up her arms up to her shoulders and down from there. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, “That’s enough Snow.” I heard the queens soft voice. I looked up at her and she nodded. I opened up my fists and faced my palms towards the table, the ice started to retract. When it was all gone Natalie stood up the look of rage on her face,

“You’re going to let her get away with what she just did to me?!” Prince Zach stood up from his chair his hands in his pockets, he had a menacing look on his face,

“You shouldn’t have started it by throwing food in her face, you are the one to blame here miss.” Prince Ethan stood up as well,

“What you did was wrong on all costs and unladylike. And I can assure you it will not go unpunished.” Prince Ethan looked at me and smiled softly. I gave him a small smile in return. The queen wrapped her arm around my shoulder, “Please follow me.” She led me out of the dining hall.

“Snow I know that my son mated on you.” I looked up at her in shock, “How did you know?” I asked. “I took me second to figure it out, but you have the same amount of power as you did earlier when you took the form of Pegasus.” She led me to a door with two guards standing outside, she nodded to them and they opened the doors.

“But if you could sense it why can’t Ethan?” She laughed softly. We sat down on a couch. “Ethan is still young so there is many senses he doesn’t have yet, and that’s one of them.” She took my hands in hers.

“Snow you have great power but you need to learn how to control it, your ice is very powerful and you get let it out every time something happens.” A maid came into the room with a wet towel and handed it to me, I thanked her and she walked out of the room. I started to wipe the pasta from my face. “I have a question why is taking the form of Pegasus so hard?”

The queen walked over to a bookshelf and pulled a book from it, it was large gray book, that looked worn. She sat down and opened it to a page, she handed the book to me.

“Pegasus is a symbol of power, also known as a pet by the goddess Maliya. Once during a great battle Maliya was thrown off of Pegasus, frantically Pegasus searched for Maliya but she couldn’t be found, even after the battle was over Pegasus didn’t know where Maliya was, so the legend is that whenever a shifter is able shift into Pegasus she is trying to find the reincarnation of Maliya in attempt to find her goddess.” I looked at the torn pages of the book, it was of Maliya in the battle of the Gods, she was riding Pegasus, she wore great armor strands of her long dark hair covering her face. I looked up at the queen,

“So what you’re saying is that Pegasus is using me to find Maliya?” She nodded, ’It appears so.” I sighed and leaned back, “Great first I become the prince’s mate and now a legendary horse is using me to find her long goddess. This has been a very stressful day.” I placed my hand on my stomach but winced when I touch the new marking.

“So you already have the crest on you? You need to keep that hidden best you can, Ethan isn’t aloud to know who his mate is just yet.” I nodded,

“Yes your majesty I’ll do my best.” She smiled. “Call me Anna.” I smiled softly, “I’ll try my best...Anna.” She pulled me into a hug, “You must be exhausted after today, go and get some sleep, tomorrow you start your royal training.” I stood up bowed quickly and left the room.

As I walked down the hallway I bumped into someone, but was quickly caught. “You must watch where you’re going miss you could get hurt.” I looked up and saw that it was Prince Ethan who caught me.

“I’m sorry your majesty I’ll try and be more careful next time.” I kept my head down. I felt his finger under my chin, “Don’t look down when you’re talking to me.” I looked up at him, “Is that an order?” He smirked, “No it’s a request.” I smiled,

“Well in that case I have no choice but to accept.” He stared deeply into my eyes. “Those eyes they seem so familiar, where have I seen them before?” He asked himself. I stepped away from him,

“I’m sorry but I really must be going, I hurried down the hall and into my bedroom slamming the door behind me. I slid down my door and buried my face in my hands. I have got to stop acting like that around him all I want is to go home and that’s what I intend to do.

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