The Umbra King (Vincula Realm Book 1)

The Umbra King: Chapter 15

and Rory sat in the bakery where Cat worked. Rory was grateful Bellina hadn’t brought up the night before. A small mercy, though Cat was a different story.

“Don’t sweat it, butcher girl,” she called from behind the counter. “No one takes Nina seriously, and Ronny is nothing but a love-sick dick.”

“Thanks,” Rory mumbled around a mouthful of donut.

“Are you wearing that saucy dress you bought to the Plenilune ball?” Bellina asked, shimmying her shoulders.

Rory took another bite of her donut and looked at Bellina as she chewed. “What is the Plenilune ball?”

“The staff really goes out of their way to keep things from you,” her friend said, shaking her head. “The Plenilune is in three days, and every month the king throws a ball. It’s not as pretentious as it sounds. There are no poofy dresses or ballroom dancing.”

“The entire town is invited,” Cat chimed in. “Every shop in town pitches in, so there’s a variety of food.”

Rory set her donut down. “Of course, it’s in three days,” she muttered. “I have to wear that dress because I’m out of credits.“ The dress left nothing to the imagination, and she could only imagine what the staff would think of her once they saw her. Her plan had been to catch Caius alone in it.

She could hear the insults now. Whore. Butcher slut. She sighed.

Bellina shimmied her shoulders. “You’re definitely getting laid.”

“As great as that sounds, everyone in this realm hates me,” Rory reminded her.

“No, they don’t. Most of them, maybe, but not all. Everyone liked you last night.” Bellina shoved a forkful of cheesecake into her mouth. “Besides, even your worst enemy will want to fuck you in that thing.”

“I don’t know what your dress looks like, but I already want to fuck you in it,” Cat offered.

Rory laughed as she stood. “I have to get back so I can go to sleep. Three a.m. comes early.”

Bellina set her fork down and leaned back in her chair. “I can’t believe they put you on the early morning shift. At least you get two days off each week.”

“It doesn’t surprise me.” Rory replied. “The upside is if the ball is in three days, I’m off the next morning.”

Rory turned to leave and almost ran headfirst into Nina. She seemed to pop up everywhere. “Get out of my way,” the maid snapped as she shouldered past.

Rory ignored her and left with a wave in Bellina’s direction.

As she trekked back to the palace, she thought about how she would wear her hair and if she’d get to spend time with the king or not. If she was going to wear the dress in front of the masses, she would put it to good use.

The morning of the ball, Rory rushed around the kitchens, trying to finish her duties as fast as possible. She needed plenty of time to get dressed and convince herself to go.

The ball started at five, and she agreed to meet Bellina, Asher, Kit, Tallent, and Cat at five-thirty. Max said he would rather eat nails than go, and Rory was inclined to agree.

She was almost done when Nina strolled in with a sardonic smile on her face. “I’m glad I caught you,” she said in a sickly sweet voice. “There has been a change in the schedule for tonight.”

Rory stiffened. “I’m sorry to hear that. Now, if you will excuse me, my shift ended.”

She put her rag in the bin and began to untie her apron, but Nina’s voice stopped her. “I am afraid you’ll be working the ball tonight.” She walked into Rory’s line of sight. “You will take empty plates and glasses from the guests, make sure the food and drink tables are full, and stay to clean up the throne room once the night is over.”

Rory stared at Nina with wide eyes. “This is low, even for you,” she hissed. She should have expected this.

“It’s already been cleared by the king.” Nina’s smile was wide and cruel. “Report at four-thirty sharp.”

When Nina left, Rory lost her temper, grabbed a butcher knife from the counter, and hurled it against the wall.

The blade felt good in her hand.

Rory waltzed into the ballroom at four-thirty wearing a long, black, silk dress with slits to the top of each thigh. The top was rigid and held up by two thin straps and the neckline plunged to her navel, showcasing the little bit of breasts she had.

Nina hadn’t specified what Rory had to wear, and if she was going to suffer, she was going to do it in style. Her hair fell in a sheet down her back, and the left side was pinned back with a black metal pin. Her makeup was done, and her lips were blood red, according to the label on the tube. She looked damn good, and she knew it.

The hair, skin, and body products in Vincula were modern, otherwise she wouldn’t know what to buy. It really wasn’t bad in the prison realm, and if her friends and family were here, she would enjoy it.

One maid working the ball saw her walk in and shook her head. “Where is your uniform, girl?” The woman was older, with a tight grey bun and a frown on her weathered face.

“Nina didn’t say I needed to wear my uniform.” She shrugged. “Sorry.”

The woman huffed and waved her toward one table. “I’m Gracie.” She pointed to things and explained when to fill and when to clear off the other tables used for dining. Gracie was an odd name for an old woman, but Rory simply nodded as she rattled on.

Once the maid finished, Rory took her post behind the beverage table and periodically scanned the growing crowd for her friends. There were no phones in Vincula, and she hadn’t been able to let them know she wouldn’t be joining them tonight.

Spotting Asher as he entered the room, she slipped out from behind the table and made her way to him. When his eyes landed on her, he scanned her from head to toe and whistled.

“Damn, are you sure you don’t want to fuck me? Because I would leave with you right now,” he said with a playful wink.

She shoved him lightly. “Nina is making me work tonight.”

“What?” he asked incredulously.

“She does what she can to make my time here a living hell,” she sighed as frustration boiled her blood. “I have to get back or old lady Gracie will hunt me down and kill me herself.”

Asher nodded. “I’ll tell the others, and if you get the chance to poison Nina’s drink, take it.”

Rory laughed and waved as she slipped back behind the beverage table right as Nina approached with hate in her eyes. “What are you wearing?” she demanded.

Rory popped a hip. “Is there a problem?”

“Why aren’t you in uniform?” Nina’s face seemed to darken in color, matching her hair.

“Because I don’t have to be.” Rory held out a glass of wine. “You look like you could use this.”

Nina snatched the glass and threw the wine all over the front of Rory’s dress. Rory jumped back and held her hands out as wine trickled down her chest, and when she looked up, Nina smirked. “Oops.” She stomped away, and Rory seethed as her skin turned sticky.

A few people were looking at her, some with grins, some with pity. Grabbing a few napkins from the nearby dessert table, she dabbed at her dress, but her attempts were futile.

She returned to her station, all hope of a decent night gone.

She felt the moment he entered the room. Everyone must have, because the talking died down to a murmur as Caius approached his throne. He turned to the crowd with a lazy smile.

He looked exquisite in a finely tailored suit that hugged his muscular arms and thighs perfectly. For aether’s sake, looking like that should be a crime.

“Happy Plenilune. Enjoy the night; you have earned it with your hard work this month.” A maid placed a highball glass in his hand, and he raised it in toast. The crowd responded in turn, and it was obvious the subjects of Vincula adored their king.

She was constantly having to separate what she’d been taught about Vincula from reality, as it all seemed to be a lie. The king’s eyes collided with hers, and she held her breath.

His eyes drifted down her body, and when they made their way back to her face, he wore an indiscernible expression. Without breaking eye contact, he reached out his hand and snapped, summoning a nearby maid.

His eyes never left hers as he spoke with the girl before sending her away. Not a minute later, the same maid tapped Rory on the shoulder. “The king needs to speak with you.”

Rory snapped her head back toward Caius, and the side of his mouth lifted a fraction. When she approached the bottom of the dais, he motioned for her to come closer, and once in front of him, he snapped his fingers again.

The same maid appeared with a rag and a jar of something Rory didn’t recognize. The maid handed the items to her and scurried away.

“On your knees, Miss Raven,” the king purred.

Rory looked at the things in her hands. “What is this?”

Caius leaned back with his arms draped on each side of his throne. “My shoes are looking a little dull. Shine them.”

Her jaw almost hit the ground as she stared at him. “You have got to be kidding.”

His brow rose slightly. “Do I look amused?”

“Yes,” she muttered as she bent to her knees.

The same maid brought a stool for Caius to prop his feet on, and he motioned for Rory to begin. The room quieted down and watched as Caius seized a chance to humiliate her in front of the entire town. Again.

As she sat on her knees, the slits in her skirt rode up, exposing her bare hips. The king’s eyes caressed her skin, and she could have sworn the gold in his eyes darkened as his pupils expanded. She suppressed a triumphant grin.

Looking up, she smiled innocently. “You did say you liked me on my knees.”

He brought his thumb to his lip and trailed it over the pillowy flesh, something she noticed he did often. “Yes,” he said in a rough voice. “I do.”

She returned to her task, and when her hand grabbed the back of his shoe, she ran it slowly over his pant leg until she was gripping his calf. His muscles tensed beneath her hold, and she fought another smile.

She ran the rag methodically over his shoes, shining the leather to perfection, and periodically, she would lean back and dab non-existent sweat on her chest with her free hand. Caius tracked her movements, his eyes growing darker by the minute and when his shoes were finished, she used his leg to help her stand.

Her hand crested the top of his thigh before she straightened with a sly smile. “Is there anything else you need, Your Grace?”

Shadows discreetly trailed under her dress and up her legs in a way that instantly made her wet, and she bit her lip to stop a moan. “This is a dangerous game you are playing, Miss Raven.” He leaned forward, and his shadows retreated. “One that will leave you broken if you are not careful.”

She leaned down to position herself in front of him. “I’m counting on it.”

Straightening, she walked away, swishing her hips for him, full of satisfaction.

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