The Shifter and the Witch

Chapter 17


So, I never did any research on werewolves. I didn’t Google them or ask questions within the magical community, and I’m not going to. Whether it turns out that Deklan loves me or not, I want him to know how I feel.

Yesterday, I asked Hannah if she would spend tonight at my place so Deklan and I could have some time alone. She agreed. A few minutes ago, she left with Jinx.

I’m a little nervous about telling Dek that I love him, but mostly I’m excited.

When I think it’s getting close to when he will come in from the studio, I check the time on the stove.

5:53 PM

Yep. He should be coming in for dinner any time now.

I wanted us to have a nice meal, and since I’m not the best cook, I called one of my favourite restaurants and ordered dinner. I got a steak for Deklan and chicken kiev for myself.

I already picked up the food, and it’s keeping warm in the oven. The table’s set, and everything’s ready. I’m just waiting on Deklan.

It’s another couple of minutes before I hear his footsteps coming up the back porch steps.

“Something smells good,” he says as he comes in.

He takes in the dining table, which I’ve set with two place settings, candles, and a bottle of wine. His gaze shifts to me as a smile blooms on his face.

“What’s this?” he asks. “Is it just you and me tonight?”

“Yes.” I nod. “Hannah’s spending the night at my place.”

His smile widens.

“I picked up dinner for us,” I tell him. “You go wash up and change, and I’ll grab everything out of the oven.”

As he heads upstairs, I go over to the stove. I pull the two foil containers out of the oven, plate our dinner, and bring it over to the table, then take a seat and wait for Deklan to join me. By the sounds of it, he’s moving around pretty fast. I can hear his footsteps go from his room to the bathroom, then back to his room. Then he’s coming back down. I’m surprised to find he’s put on dress slacks and a button-down shirt.

I smirk. “I didn’t think you owned anything but jeans and T-shirts,” I tease.

“You like?” he asks, smiling.

“I like.”

He joins me at the table, and I pour each of us some wine. “A toast.” I smile and raise my glass.

“To you and me,” I murmur.

Silver bleeds into Deklan’s gaze. “To you and me,” he repeats.

His voice is huskier than it was moments ago.

We clink glasses, sip some wine, and then tuck into our meals. Conversation is light as we eat. When we’re both finished, Deklan reaches over and takes my hand. His expression becomes a little more serious.

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you,” he murmurs.

I smile to myself. He’s taken the words right out of my mouth.

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you, too,” I share.

“You first,” he offers.

Just before I speak, nerves strike. Butterflies are suddenly having a rave in her belly. I take a breath, take a moment, and collect myself, then I take the plunge.

Gazing deep into his beautiful eyes, I murmur, “I love you.”

At those three words, Deklan’s eyes explode with silver, and his lips split in a wide smile. My nerves disappear in the face of that reaction.

“I love you, too,” he echoes.

Now, I’m smiling too.

“I love you so much,” he murmurs. “That wasn’t what I wanted to tell you, though,” he says after a moment. “I mean, I wanted to tell you that... but there’s something else.”

When he pauses, I wait quietly for him to continue.

“The thing is,” he says a little shyly. “My wolf and I...we claimed you. In werewolf society, you and I are mated.”

I didn’t think the smile on my face could get any bigger, but it does. Now I know werewolves can and do mate with non-wolves.

Deklan relaxes as he takes in my reaction to his news. “You’re smiling,” he points out unnecessarily. “Can I take it that means you accept my claiming?” he asks.

I furrow my brow. “I can reject it?” I ask, and he nods.

Huh. I didn’t know a claiming could be rejected.

“I accept your claiming,” I murmur, in case I need to say that to make it official or something.

In the blink of an eye, I’m in Deklan’s arms. I chuckle and slide my hands around his neck while he wraps his arms around me. He pulls me in close, and his lips settle on mine, but only for a moment. In the next moment, he’s leading me upstairs. And we're making love for the first time. And it's beautiful.

Afterwards, I have to ask him something. I prop myself on an arm, lift my free hand to his face, and stroke my fingers along his cheek and jaw.

“About the mate thing...” I murmur.

Deklan covers my hand with his and presses a kiss to my palm before lowering our joined hands to the mattress between us.

“Are we married according to werewolf customs?” I ask.

“Yes,” he says, nodding. “In werewolf society, we’re the equivalent of married.”


“It doesn’t matter that I’m not a werewolf?” I ask. “I was worried about that...”

He shakes his head. “No. It’s common for a wolf to claim a mate from another species.”

“And how does a wolf claim its mate?” I ask.

“Well,” Deklan says, and gives a little chuckle. “You know when I kissed you in the kitchen...?”


“And I bit you,” he continues, “... here...” He lifts his hand to my shoulder and strokes a finger along my skin.

I nod.

“A wolf stakes its claim on its mate with a bite,” he tells me. His hand settles over mine once more.

Thinking back on that morning in the kitchen, I frown. He didn’t bite me that hard.

“You didn’t bite me that hard,” I say.

“It’s more of an imprint,” he shrugs. “Or a stamp.”

“What’s it look like?” I ask. I wish she could see it.

“Kind of like a sunburn in the shape of my bite,” he tells me.

“And that’s it?” I ask. “You stamped me, and now we’re technically married? Werewolves don’t have a wedding ceremony?”

Deklan cants his head. “Some werewolves do, and others don’t,” he shrugs. His brows lift, and he looks at me intently. “Would you want a ceremony?” he asks.

I blink at the question. Do I want a ceremony? I gaze at Deklan for a moment or two. The man walked into my life and changed everything. Well, I suppose that technically, I walked into his life.

For some reason, I never thought I'd find love, and I never cared about finding love, but then I met Deklan. Now, I can’t imagine my life without him.

Do I want a ceremony? Hell yeah, I do.

I nod at Deklan’s question, and he breaks out into a grin.

“Me too,” he says.

The happiness I’m feeling shines back at me in his eyes. I lean into him and press my mouth to his.

“I love you.”

“I love you,” he echoes.

We make love again, and it’s slow and tender, and beautiful.

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