The Sentinel of Cassendar: Resquarian

Chapter 8

Dracia walked into the library with Leal to find a group of people already gathered next to the large table with the map of the land over it. She knew most of them. Lady Elise smiled at Dracia as Dracia and Leal walked up to the table. Leal’s father nodded at them both, while the queen grabbed Dracia’s hand as she got close and gave it a squeeze. Princess Lexine and Galen were on the other side whispering to one another. Lord Ethen was talking with his father, Lord Quain, as Lady Maia listened. Her father stood next to the king and her mother sat in a chair at the far end of the table.

There was one man, Dracia did not know. He looked to be about her father and Lord Quain’s age. He was a handsome man, tall and lean. His dark hair had only a sprinkling of gray mixed in, and his eyes were so dark brown they almost looked black. He had a few lines around his eyes and mouth which made Dracia think he was easily prone to laughing and smiling. He had a closed shaved dark beard on his face, but Dracia could tell he had a strong chin. She also couldn’t help but notice his dark brown eyes were constantly on her as she walked in, a small look of shock registered on his face.

“I believe everyone is here,” said Lord Quain looking around the group. “Everyone have a seat, and we will begin.”

Leal pulled out a seat for Dracia before sitting down next to her. He seemed to have noticed the man across from them staring at Dracia, because Leal stared back at the man, though the man gave no signal that he noticed.

“I believe we all know each other except for Lord Owin,” said Lord Quain looking at the man who stared at Dracia. Lord Owin took his eyes off of Dracia and turned to Lord Quain. “Lord Owin is the commander of the Siccarian forces. I thought it would be helpful to include him in this meeting. I hope you have no objections, King Rommel.”

“I have none, but you need to check with my son,” said King Rommel. “I am turning over the throne to Prince Leal as soon as a public proclamation can be made. He is the true leader of Lanoxan.”

“I am glad Lord Owin could join us. I look forward to hearing his wisdom on the matters we will discuss,” said Leal with a nod at Lord Owin.

Lord Quain introduced each person around the table to Lord Owin, as Owin nodded at each one.

“It is good to see you again, Lord Arwel,” said Lord Owin to Dracia’s father.

“I hope it really is, my lord,” said Lord Arwel with a small smile.

“As we all know by now, Navalia has made their first move, attacking the north of Lanoxan, specifically Westmoria, claiming the land as their own,” said Lord Quain.

“We believe they have forces stationed all along the north of Lanoxan and a few to the south, if what the High Captain, Roderick, and I saw in Lady Belleth’s chambers is to be believed,” said Ethen. “Meaning, they could be poised to attack several villages or lords’ lands at one time.”

“This also means, the Navalians have probably figured out we are not dead,” said Leal.

Ethen nodded. “I am sure they have dug through the snow by now and have found no bodies.”

“We need to let our kingdom know the Cassendar’s are still alive” said Dracia. “I need to contact my Sentinel to let them know I am still the High Captain, and they need to prepare for what is coming.”

“We need to do this all the right way,” said Lady Elise. “Messages could easily be intercepted or received by the wrong person. If you send them by bird, or man, either could be easily overtaken.”

“I could send my Elites in pairs,” said Dracia. “They could take messages for us to different parts of the kingdom.”

“We will need our Elites to help us fight until we can get the full might of the Sentinel and hopefully some royal guards behind us,” said Roderick.

“We could at least send a few out to the eastern part of the kingdom, those lands closest to Siccaria. I need to at contact my brothers,” said Dracia. “Colm and Kellen could help get the word out around the kingdom.”

“You should contact your brothers, Dracia, and have them come here,” said Lady Elise. “It is two weeks until the High Winter feast. If your Elites go tonight, they could reach your brothers in time to travel, I believe.”

“They are staying at our family’s summer manor,” said Lord Arwel. “It is in the east of the kingdom, probably a four day’s ride from here.”

“Good, you shall send your Elites out tonight to go fetch them,” said Lady Elise. “They will need to be here for what I have planned.”

“What do you have planned, mother?” asked Lord Quain.

“I plan to officially introduce Dracia as my granddaughter and a High Nobel of Siccaria,” said Lady Elise. “I believe it might also be a good time for King Rommel to name Prince Leal as the true King of Lanoxan. It would be a uniting of our kingdoms before we stand together against Navalia.”

“You plan to use our forces against the Navalians in Lanoxan?” asked Lord Owin as he looked at Lady Elise.

“Yes, my son and grandson have both agreed we would stand with the Cassendars against the Navalians,” said Lady Elise.

“I am the commander of your forces, my lady, and I am not sure it is wise to send the majority of our forces away to fight for a foreign kingdom,” said Lord Owin.

“You do realize if the Navalians are successful in their taking of Lanoxan, they will turn their eyes to Siccaria, don’t you?” asked Leal.

“I am sure they will, but we will be ready,” said Lord Owin.

“If they take Lanoxan, they could have much of the Sentinel on their side,” said Dracia. “I believe they have already contacted retired members of the Sentinel as I faced seven traitors last summer myself with your Lord Ethen. Have you ever fought against any Elites of the Sentinel, my lord?”

“No, High Captain, I have not, but the Siccarian forces are very strong and numerous,” said Lord Owin. “I know your Elites are well trained, but what will be left of them if Navalia is victorious?

“What about doing what is right, then?” asked Dracia. “Lanoxan is not perfect, but we have striven to live in peace with you and all of our neighboring kingdoms. The powers that control Navalia will not live in peace with anyone, I do not believe. They have already conquered smaller kingdoms and forced a new way of life on them. What happens to all the people who live in Lanoxan if Navalia invades all of our kingdom? Will you just sit by and watch them suffer?”

“Siccaria is officially tied to Lanoxan with the marriage of my granddaughter to the Crown Prince,” said Lady Elise. “We will not leave her kingdom to suffer alone.”

“I beg your pardon, Lady Elise, but I do not know the High Captain as a High Noble of Siccaria. I have never met the woman before today.”

Lady Elise made a noise of annoyance. “Lord Owin, I have seen you stare at my granddaughter since she came into the room. Are you really going to deny she is the true daughter of my daughter, Lady Ava?”

Lord Owin sat back in his chair. “No, I cannot deny it. The resemblance is too strong, and I have heard the rumors through the palace, which I can see our true. Still, the fact remains that the tie between Lanoxan and Siccaria is weak at best.”

“Do you forget who you serve, my lord?” said Ethen sternly.

“I serve the people of Siccaria, and your family, Lord Ethen,” said Lord Owin.

“Then by leading our forces to help rid this land of the evil that controls Navalia you will serve both my family and our people,” said Lord Ethen. “Will we have a problem with you doing your duty?”

Lord Owin sighed. “No, my lord, I will serve as the High Nobles determine. I was merely offering my counsel.”

“You counsel has been received,” said Lord Quain. “And now you will keep to our instructions to make sure the bulk of our forces are ready to travel to Lanoxan in the coming weeks. You will receive more information soon.”

“Now back to the first matter at hand,” said Lady Elise. “King Rommel, do you agree to proclaim Prince Leal as king during our High Winter feast in two weeks? I know it is unusual to do so outside of your kingdom, but word will travel quickly from here, making a statement to your kingdom and Navalia.”

King Rommel looked at his wife. “My wife and I are both prepared to hand over our crowns to Prince Leal and the High Captain,” said the king. “We will be pleased to do so at your winter feast.”

“Good, I and Lady Maia will handle the arrangements. You will help me, won’t you, my dear?” asked Lady Elsie looking at Maia.

“Of course, grandmother,” said Lady Maia. “Perhaps Queen Lyvia and Lady Owena would like to help as well.”

The queen nodded as Lady Owena looked at Lady Elise. “I will help if I am wanted. I do not want to cause any unneeded stress.”

“You will be welcomed, Lady Owena,” said Lady Elise. “We will have to do things quickly, and I am sure you have much experience with this sort of event.”

“Will Dracia remain High Captain after she is crowned as queen?” asked Lexine as she smiled slightly at Dracia.

“I will for the time being,” said Dracia. “I will not leave my position with the kingdom in such danger.”

“But you have duties as queen that are incompatible with that of High Captain,” said Lexine.

“How so?” asked Dracia.

Lexine smiled wider. “I believe you already know my thoughts on this subject, but how can we secure the line of Cassendars if you are constantly in danger fighting? I assume Leal will want to fight with you as well.”

“I will,” said Leal. “I will fight for my kingdom and my people, as well as stand next to my wife in battle.”

“Then what becomes of the line of succession if one or both of you die?” asked Lexine.

“It falls to you,” said Dracia. “You will be kept safe during this war at all cost, and if something happens to me or your brother, you will see to the future of our kingdom.”

“I will not sit back in Siccaria while my kingdom and those I love are in danger,” said Lexine fiercely.

“No, I will not ask it of you,” said Dracia, “But you will be kept safe and far from the fighting. You can serve as a healer as you have that skill. You will be well guarded by some of my Elites at all times.”

“So, you are expendable, but I am not?” asked Lexine shaking her head.

“I can serve my kingdom better than you as a fighter,” said Dracia calmly. “I am choosing the best way to serve Lanoxan.”

“You are not,” said Lexine, hitting the table with her hand.

Dracia opened her mouth to disagree when Leal took Dracia’s hand. “Lexine, I know your opinion, and I believe it is of value, but you will have to respect Dracia’s decision as I have.”

Lexine shook her head. “I only want what is best for the kingdom and you and Dracia, Leal.”

“We know both know it, sister,” said Leal with a smile as Dracia nodded.

“What happens after the prince and High Captain are crowned? When will we travel to Lanoxan?” asked Galen.

“Very soon,” said Dracia. “We will watch these two weeks before High Winter’s feast and decide where to travel first in the kingdom, our goal to get to Winsdell and secure the High Palace. Meanwhile, you and I need to work on our project, Galen, and Leal needs to continue training with Ethen.”

“Your project to find out more about the land’s history before the kingdoms?” asked Ethen.

“Yes,” said Dracia nodding. “I believe the one leading Navalia has some sort of connection to old magic that was in existence even before the royal magic of the kingdoms. I hope to find out more while we are here. Galen and Lexine are helping me.”

“The library attendants have been helpful to you, Galen, I hope?” asked Ethen.

“They have, and I have found some interesting books. Thank you, my lord,” replied Galen.

“If that is all, I believe I need to get started planning our event,” said Lady Elise. “Lord Owin, please see to your forces as you have been instructed. I am sure Lord Ethen, and the High Captain will be in contact with you soon.”

Lord Owin nodded. “The forces will be ready and willing to do as pleases the High Nobles.”

Dracia found herself a few days later walking from her room towards the library after spending almost two hours being fitted for a dress which was one of her least favorite things to do. She hated standing still, and couldn’t help but fidget, gaining a small scolding from her mother even with Lady Elise in the room. Dracia couldn’t blame her mother; it was ridiculous she couldn’t hold still to be measured and prodded for a few minutes at a time when she could stand still in a cold forest for hours waiting for a battle.

She entered the library to find Galen and Lexine sitting by each other, agreeably engaged. She almost turned and left the room, before Lexine pulled back and looked at Dracia.

“I am sorry, Dracia, I guess we lost track of time,” said Lexine as Galen blushed and looked away. “Oh really, Galen, it is no big thing. I could tell you of the times I caught her and Leal in much more interesting positions than this.”

“I don’t think that is helping, Lexine,” said Dracia smiling as she watched Galen grow even redder.

“How about we begin then,” said Lexine handing Dracia the book as Dracia sat down.

Dracia opened the book to a page she had not seen the last few times they had met. Each time, she had found at least one page that contained a hint of something so sinister and so seductive it made her blood run cold, yet she could hardly stop sensing it, having to have Galen or Lexine take her hands away.

She put her hands on the page in front of her and moved them down. Whoever had written this had been in a good mood. The writing was light and whimsical. As her hands went down the page, she felt a smile come to her face. It was some sort of blessing on a child to come. She realized this must have been written by an expectant mother or father, waiting to welcome their child. She felt the love and excitement in each word, hoping for a child that would be happy and healthy.

“This is a blessing for a baby that will be born soon,” said Dracia as she looked up. “I do not sense the strange magical power I have felt before.”

She turned the page and put her hands over the words. This one turned out to be a cure for some sort of skin condition. The next one was a blessing for wealth. She turned the page again, and she could immediately sense the change. Her fingers eagerly went to the page, her eyes closing as she felt her way through the words.

Someone extremely powerful had written this. She could feel their confidence and their strength in every word. Every letter so sure, every word, carefully chosen. She felt something come over her as she slowly moved her fingers over each letter. Her lips moved as she said the words in her head. Control, power, persuasion, everything in this spell was made to get whatever the one who used it desired. She felt as though her fingers were pulsing with power as she continued to sense the words. She was lost to the world around her, no longer in the palace library. Lexine and Galen might as well have disappeared. There was only her and this strange power giving her the ability to do as she pleased, everything she wanted in her fingertips.

Honeysuckle, the taste came to her lips, the strong taste of honeysuckle, and suddenly she was transported to a late spring night long ago at the edge of her father’s land, where honeysuckle grew. She had been out walking along the edge of the forest there behind the house, tired of the party that was supposed to be for her. She was tired of the young men who asked her to dance and flirted shamelessly with her, only wanting the connection with her father. She was tired of the girls who fell all over Leal touching him as they could, or dragging him off to dance. She certainly didn’t want to hear anymore of Lady Suzelle bragging about kissing him last fall.

Leal had come to her, and they had talked of their time as children when they would eat the nectar of the honeysuckles for hours at a time. Leal had taken a few blossoms off of a honeysuckle vine that was growing over a bush. He indulged in the nectar as he did as a child. Soon after, he had kissed her for the first time, and she could taste the nectar of the honey suckle on his lips and tongue.

“Dracia,” said Lexine loudly, as Galen took her hand.

Dracia looked up at both of them, surprised at where she was, in the palace library and not at the edge of a moonlit forest in late spring.

“What was it?” asked Galen as Dracia took her hands and put them in her lap.

“I think this is what was used on your father, Lexine,” said Dracia looking down at the page. “I can say for certainty it is, and it was done with ancient magic in a way that can only be used for nefarious purposes.”

“So, you think Lady Belleth can use ancient magic?” asked Galen.

Dracia nodded. “It would seem so.”

“I suppose she was that oracle who came to see father all those times, and the one who put mother in the summer palace with some devious healer.”

“Yes, I imagine Lady Belleth was behind it all,” said Dracia.

“How can she use magic like this?” asked Galen as he took the book from Dracia. “Where did she get knowledge of this power?”

“I don’t know, but we need to find out more about it. You two need to read all those books you found on the history of the land and see what you can find. Bring me a book later, and I will read it when I can. We will meet in a few days to share what we have found, and take another look at this book.”

Galen nodded as he passed the book to Lexine. “If Lady Belleth has access to this kind of power, we will have to be very careful how we proceed.”

“I know,” said Dracia. “Think of what she did to your father all those years with just a drink. We still don’t know how she controlled Leal. One day we will have to face her again, and we need to know what we are dealing with.”

Dracia stood as still as she could as the attendant finished buttoning up the back of the golden gown she would wear that night. Her mother, Lady Elise, and Queen Lyvia all stood around and looked at her as the attendant stepped back.

“You are so lovely, my dear,” said Queen Lyvia as she smiled at Dracia. I think gold was the perfect choice, Lady Owena.

“I agree,” said Lady Elise. “I would rather she be in red, but she is representing both of her kingdoms tonight so this is a good compromise. It is missing something, though.”

Lady Elise picked up a wooden box on the vanity. She brought it over and opened it in front of Dracia. “This was my daughters. I gave it to her on her eighteenth birthday, and I would like you to have it now.”

Dracia looked down to see a golden chain on which a pendant in the shape of a tree hung. The tree was inlaid with red rubies and glittery diamonds making it appear as though flowers were growing on its branches. Lady Elise nodded to the attendant, who took the necklace and placed it around Dracia’s neck, clasping it so it hung just above the neckline of her dress.

Lady Elise took Dracia’s hand and led her over to the long mirror in the room.

“See how beautiful you are, my dear.”

Dracia looked at herself, turning a bit so she could see all of the gown. It was a beautiful dress. It was lowcut and had sleeves that came off of the shoulder going to her elbows. The bodice was tight and showed off her trim waist. The skirt was full and covered her slippers. Little sparkly gems were sewn all over into the fabric, making it appear as if the dress sparkled. She had never worn gold, and she was surprised to see it went well with her skin tone and brown eyes and hair. Her hair was half pulled up, the rest falling in waves down her shoulders and back.

“You do look wonderful, Dracia,” said her mother as she half-circled her. “Since I was cheated out of your wedding, this will have to do.”

“You look perfect,” said Queen Lyvia. “But I hope you will wear this from me. It has been in the Cassendar family for generations. There is plenty of family jewels waiting for you in the High Palace, but I had this with me.”

She took Dracia’s arm and put on her wrist a pretty bracelet that was two rows of diamonds and emeralds, that lay tight against her skin.

“Thank you,” said Dracia as she raised her arm and moved it around, watching the jewels sparkle in the candlelight.

“It is almost time to go,” said Lady Elise. “And I would like a moment with my granddaughter. We will meet you by the throne room in a few minutes.” Lady Elise nodded to the other ladies, and they all walked from the room without another word.

“To say this is a big moment for you would be an unnecessary understatement, my dear,” said Lady Elise as she stood in front of Dracia. “You are finally taking your rightful place in your true family. It is a bittersweet day for me. I am glad to finally have you here, but to know that not only were your robbed of your true place, but that we were deprived of the joy of having you amongst us, is almost too much for me to take.”

“I am very sorry to not have know all of you sooner,” said Dracia as she reached out and took Lady Elise’s hand. “But I will have you know that even knowing all of you for such a short time, I find that you do all mean very much to me. Lanoxan is my home, and I shall serve as it’s queen, but Siccaria is very much in my heart.”

Lady Elise nodded. “You have chosen Lanoxan, I suppose, since you have chosen your prince who will now be king,” said Lady Elise with a deep sigh. “I would never ask you to give him up, but you must know how very rare it is for two powerful royal families to be united this way. If it has happened, it has happened so long ago it is lost to history.”

“It has happened now,” said Dracia. “I would not give him up even if you asked me. I could not do so. You say I have chosen him, and perhaps I have, but it never felt like a choice. It was as natural to me to love Leal as anything I have ever done.”

“As I said, I am not asking you to make a choice. You will be noticed as a High Noble of Siccaria tonight, and you will be named Queen of Lanoxan,” said Lady Elise. “You will be a member of the two greatest and oldest royal families of our land. You are an oddity, my dear.”

“I am used to it, grandmother,” said Dracia with a smile. “I was also the first female High Captain of the Sentinel. I know I have many responsibilities to Lanoxan and Siccaria, but I am ready to see to them all. I will not let either of my kingdoms down in anyway.”

“I am not worried that you would, Dracia, but there are other things to consider as well. Perhaps things I should speak of you with another day,” said Lady Elise.

“No, I would like to hear what you have to say now,” said Dracia.

“I believe you have spoken with Ethen of the Siccarian ability? I think you have experience with it?” asked Lady Elise.

Dracia nodded. “I believe I have always had some access to it my whole life, but lately it has become very strong since I have realized who I truly am. It has been a little overwhelming, but Ethen has helped.”

“You also have access to the Cassendar power now, don’t you?” asked Lady Elise.

“Yes, at least some of it. I do not have the same abilities as Leal or even Lexine, but I am able to do some things with it,” answered Dracia.

“Your husband should gain some of the Siccarian ability as well if he hasn’t already. I do wonder and worry, what this will be like for both of you.”

Dracia looked at Lady Elise with a grimace. She had not thought of this. She had noticed both her power and her ability inside of her. She even believed they might have worked together at some point. While it was strange and overwhelming a times, it had not felt harmful to her or even wrong. It had felt like a new part of her that belonged, something she needed to get used to, but something that was becoming vital.

“I don’t think you need to worry about it,” said Dracia. “It will take some getting used to, but I don’t believe it will be dangerous in any way. I think it might even be helpful.”

“I hope you are right,” said Lady Elise. “If you do have any issues or concerns, I hope you know you can come to me as well as Ethen and Quain. Let your husband know I am willing to speak with him about it. I know what it is like to marry into the Siccarian nobles after all. Maia could be helpful to him as well.”

Dracia leaned forward and kissed the older woman on the cheek. “Thank you, grandmother. I want you to know I am very happy to be here, and while none of this is what I ever expected, I am glad to have the opportunity to know you now.”

“You are everything I could wish for, my dear. You own mother would be very proud of you, I believe. No matter what I might think of your father, Ava did love him, and he has raised an extraordinary daughter, it seems,” said Lady Elise as she brought her hand up and held Dracia’s face for a moment. “Now, I am sure Ethen and Quain are waiting for us. You will enter with us, and join your prince inside. We will name you a High Noble before you and Prince Leal are crowned.”

Dracia nodded. Her mother had already gone over it with her several times, but it was a momentous event, two momentous events actually. It hadn’t been too long ago she had found out who she really was, and now she was going to not only claim her Siccarian heritage but her place as the queen of Lanoxan as well. It was a bit overwhelming.

Dracia followed Lady Elise out into the hall. They walked down the hallway to the large double doors that were the entrance to the throne room. A few people were walking into the doors, and Ethen, Maia, and Lord Quain stood by the doors nodding at people as the entered. Dracia’s mother and Queen Lyvia stood to the side.

As they approached, Ethen, Maia, and Lord Quain turned around. Ethen smiling at Dracia as Maia walked to her.

“You look wonderful, Dracia,” she said as she took Dracia’s hand.

“You look beautiful as well,” said Dracia looking at Maia in her red gown, with her dark hair piled up on her head, a glittering tiara just above her brow. “But you always do.” Maia squeezed her hand and let it go.

“We should get inside, your majesty,” said Lady Owena to Queen Lyvia.

“I am glad you have married my son,” said Queen Lyvia as she stood in front of Dracia. “I believe you make him very happy which is all I ever wanted. I know you will be a good queen to the kingdom, but above all I want you and Leal to be happy.”

“We are and no matter what we will continue to be happy. I do love him, and I have no doubt in his love for me,” said Dracia as she smiled at the queen.

“Good, I will see you inside,” said the queen as she leaned forward and kissed Dracia’s cheek.

“I know I haven’t always shown it well, but I do love you, Dracia. There were times I let my own low moods and jealousies get in the way of that love, but it was always there. I only want good things for you,” said Dracia’s mother as she took Dracia’s hand.

Dracia looked at her mother, feeling her Siccarian ability that had been unlocked search through the woman in front of her. She could see the hurt her mother had been through in her life. She could feel the disappointment and lost love, but above all she could feel the love her mother did have for her.

“I know, mother. I want you to know I do believe you, and I love you as well,” said Dracia as she leaned forward and kissed her mother’s cheek.

“You make your father and I very proud,” said her mother as she walked away with Queen Lyvia into the throne room.

“Are you ready, Captain?” asked Ethen coming to stand by her. He offered her his left arm, his right being held by his wife. He smiled at her, the light from a nearby torch on the wall shining off the gold of his crown.

“I believe I am, Ethen,” said Dracia as she took his arm. “I don’t know if it is the dress or the strength of your family, but I feel very much as if I were born for this moment.”

“It is our family, cousin, and you were born for this. You are a High Noble of Siccaria, and you are also soon to be a queen,” said Ethen softly.

“You are a High Captain as well,” said Maia as she looked over as Dracia.

Dracia nodded as Ethen said, “And the High Captain is strong and just.”

The doors opened and Dracia walked with Ethen and Maia behind Lady Elise and Lord Quain into the room. The center aisle was clear with the room full on both sides. Dracia knew they were the lords and ladies of Siccaria as well as a few Lanoxan families from the east side of the kingdom.

Dracia tried to keep her eyes forward as they walked, but towards the front, she caught sight of her father and mother standing with her brothers. She felt a wave of relief hit her as she saw Colm and Kellen smiling at her. She had not heard they had arrived and to see them well and safe for the moment in Siccaria made her smile as she looked at them.

She looked up to the dais to see the Cassendar royal family standing together to one side, all dressed in green. Lexine smiled at Dracia and gave her a small wink. Dracia looked next to her to see Leal staring at her, and Dracia could not look away. He looked so handsome and regal in his tunic with his family standard stitched on the front, a robe of green and gold over his shoulders. She felt the power within her wake at the sight of him. She felt it reach for him as she felt his own power reach out for her.

Her Siccarian ability searched him as her Cassendar power met his. For a few moments, she could see into his mind, and the pure love she felt he had for her took her breath away. She didn’t need a special power to know he adored her, but to actually feel it in such a way was something different. It made her feel safe and confident. She smiled at him as she ascended the dais with Ethen and Maia, not taking her eyes off of him until see walked past him to stand before the throne that was in the direct middle of the dais.

“People of Siccaria, visitors, and friends,” said Lord Quain from the front of the dais, “I welcome you tonight on this high holiday to not only ask the gods to see us through this winter, but to introduce and welcome home a piece of our High Noble family that has long been missing. Before we start, I ask a high priest of the gods of Siccaria to offer up prayers to the four gods of life, mercy, health, and death.”

The high priest of the Aurorial temple came forth and offered prayers for the festival, Dracia, and the coronation of Lanoxan’s king. Dracia found that the gods of Siccaria were much like the king’s gods of Lanoxan just without the names Lanoxan had given them. Dracia often wondered if the gods of each kingdom were the same, going by different names, but giving life, mercy, health, and death just the same.

After the prayer, Lord Quain spoke again. “Many years ago, we lost my dear sister unexpectedly. She was the true leader of our family, and her loss has echoed through our kingdom ever since. We were not aware that my sister had married, making promises to Lord Arwel Yates of Lanoxan. Of that marriage, came a daughter that until recently we were not aware existed.

“I would like to present to you Dracia Cassendar, the High Captain of the Sentinel of Cassendar, a princess of Lanoxan, and a High Noble of Siccaria.”

Lady Elise took Dracia’s hand and brought her up to Lord Quain. Dracia curtseyed low before him, him taking her hand and standing her up.

“She is the daughter of Lady Ava, and she is my niece. Tonight, she takes her place as a true member of our family.”

Ethen walked forward holding a small cushion with a glittering tiara sitting on it. He held out it out to his father, who took the tiara and looked to Dracia. She kneeled carefully down in her dress.

“This is the tiara worn by her mother, Lady Ava, and tonight it becomes hers,” said Lord Quain as he gently put the tiara on Dracia’s head.

He took her hand and again stood her up, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it before leading her over to the center throne. He moved over to the closest throne to her as the other High Nobles took their place.

Lord Quian nodded, and Dracia stated with the rest of her family, “We serve our kingdom as we lead. May the god of life, give us wisdom. May the god of mercy guide our actions. May the god of health keep us safe, and may we serve with pride and justice until death takes us.”

All people in the throne room below the dais kneeled down as Dracia and the other High Nobles took their seats on their thrones. The people rising and applauding as Dracia looked over at Ethen who smiled at her.

A few of the lower nobles of Siccaria came on the dais and greeted each noble. Everyone bowing before Dracia, welcoming her to the family. She nodded at each one, trying to give what she hoped was a kind smile. She felt a little out of her depth. She had gotten fairly good at looking stern or indifferent as the High Captain, but gracious smiles were a little foreign to her.

After the lower nobles were passed, Leal walked over to her and bowed before her before offering her his hand. She took it and stood up.

“We have some time before our coronation. Would you come walk with me for a moment?” he asked quietly.

She saw the other High Nobles were standing and talking with different people who had come up to them. She nodded and walked with Leal off of the dais.

“Dracia, I am very glad to see you,” said Colm as he came up to her. He took her hand and kissed it.

“I am very happy to see you, Colm,” said Dracia happily. “And Kellen as well. I hope you have left both of your families safe.”

“They are safe,” said Colm. “I think we are far enough south and east to have some safety for the time being. I will speak with you and father before we go back of what we should do.”

“I will speak with you again tonight as well as greet Kellen, but I have promised my husband a quick moment.”

Colm smiled and bowed towards Leal who nodded in return, taking Dracia’s hand and leading her through a side door to a small parlor in which a fire burned.

“I take it you had already planned this?” asked Dracia looking around.

“I did ask Ethen where I might be able to see you alone for a few moments,” said Leal smiling as he pulled her close to him. “You are so unbelievable beautiful tonight. When you walked in, it took me a moment to decide if you were real.”

“Are you worried about your coronation?” asked Dracia.

“Not at all, though I hope it is soon as I am afraid the lords and ladies out there are probably very ready to eat, and not see some foreign prince become king.”

“I am sure they are more interested than you know,” said Dracia as she smiled up at him.

“Perhaps, they are, but only because one of their own will become queen as well,” said Leal and his bent down and kissed her. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Can you even begin to understand how much I love you?”

Dracia sighed contentedly, feeling his love wash over her. “I can, actually. I can see it clearly, and I can feel it as long as you don’t shield me from it. I only wish you could truly understand how much I love you.”

“You could try to show me,” he said as he leaned up and gave her a smirk. “It may take you a while, though. I would like to be thoroughly convinced of you love.”

“Don’t worry, your majesty,” said Dracia as she put her arms around his neck and pulled him down. “I plan take all my duties as your queen very seriously. I want to make sure my king is well pleased.”

“I look forward to your service,” said Leal as he kissed her.

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