The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 55: An Unexpected Outcome.

Gaia, Gromvir, and the dwarves were in the Divine Dimension outside Xenora when one of Gromvir’s men, the veteran Gunnar, broke down and started crying. “Oh….I don’t want to die like this. I want to die wearing the golden armour that has belonged to my family for generations.”

Gaia felt bemused by the dwarf’s whinge. While she shared his fear of dying, she had no preference for what clothes to wear when her time came. Gromvir put a hand on Gunnar’s shoulder and spoke, “I understand your concern. You were King Grom’s greatest champion, and it befits you to fall in your family’s armour. Yet, we are here because of something that is far more important than your legacy. We are here to stop an existential threat to our people. Please wear the steel plate mail and help us save Goldonia from those who seek to enslave us.”

Gunnar nodded, walked over to the plate mail, and put it on. Then, when he was dressed, he pounced his chest, shouted, “For death and glory, for Goldonia!” and ran through the portal. The other dwarves followed suit, as did Gaia, Areela, and Gromvir. The battle of their lives was ahead of them.


“Master Thorax, enemies are approaching our main gate.”

Thorax looked at Drang, who had interrupted the hot and kinky orgy session he was in with several sex slaves. He hated interruptions when enjoying himself, yet he would have been even angrier if no one had told him about the approaching threat. Thorax pulled up his waist girdle and spoke. “They act sooner than I anticipated. How many of them are there?”

“We counted 15 individuals, Master Thorax,” Drang replied.

“15?! You interrupted my orgy session just for 15 enemies ahead? Just dispose of them already.” Thorax growled.

“Uhh…… they are not from here. They demand to speak with you, Master.” Drang replied meekly.

Drang’s answer puzzled Thorax. Who were these strange visitors that dared to approach his fortress? In any case, they would not pose any threat to him or his followers. “Take me to the ramparts at once,” Thorax commanded and got on the back of Drang, who carried him towards the ramparts like an obedient dog serving its master.


“These Xeno beasts are huge. How are we going to fight them?” Gunnar said to Gromvir as the dwarves gathered in front of the city gates.

“They might be huge, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Do you notice how light you feel on this planet?” Gromvir replied.

“Yes, I do. Why is that?” Gunnar asked.

“It is because gravity is much weaker on Xenora. You are used to fighting on Goldonia, so you will be light and super-fast on this planet. Now fight and bring honour to your family.” Gromvir replied.

Gunnar was about to reply when Thorax appeared on the rampart and growled madly. “Grahhhh!! Who dares demanding an audience with Supreme Leader Thorax Zelinkom?”

“I am, brother. Surrender your evil ways, or we will stop you.” Gromvir replied.

Thorax stared at Gromvir and froze when he saw his mother, Areela, and his spiritual enemy, Gaia. Gaia’s presence was a threat to Thorax, as the spirit of the True Maker filled her with her immense all-knowing power. While he could hide behind his electrified walls, he couldn’t allow himself to appear fearful to his subjects, who outnumbered the intruders 100 to 1.

“Open the gates. Slay the dwarves and bring the women to me.” Thorax commanded.

One of the Xenos, seeking glory, sprinted ahead to attack the dwarves as the gate opened. Gunnar jumped towards the beast, swung his axe, and decapitated the Xeno mid-air with a clean cut. After this, Gunnar grabbed the cut-off head, threw it towards Thorax, and hit him in the head.

“Charge!” Thorax shouted, but his warriors hesitated. They followed him out of fear, but now they had found something else to fear, the mysterious super-powered aliens that looked like tiny little humans with extreme speed and agility.

“Charge!” Gunnar shouted, and the dozen dwarves stormed towards the gates to fight.

“Come with me and stay close,” Gaia instructed Gromvir and Areela and activated a forcefield of light granted by her mother. “We need to get to Thorax. Hurry while the dwarves distract his troops!” Gaia exclaimed. Areela and Gromvir followed Gaia as they sprinted through a gap among the defenders and pursued Thorax to his dark temple while the fighting continued in the courtyard.


Gunnar was the last dwarf standing when a claw suddenly pierced his side. He looked at the Xeno warrior who was about to deliver the finishing blow to his neck and smiled. It was an honour to die for his king in battle. While it was a shame that he died so far away from his home, he would reach paradise for his bravery. However, the finishing strike never came; instead, Gunnar watched something unbelievable. Other Xenos had arrived to aid him in the battle. Gunnar closed his eyes and thanked the All-Mother for saving him so that he would have another chance to see his family.


Thorax stared down at the city as he was about to enter the dark hilltop temple. His Xeno rivals had arrived at the most unfortunate moment, and nothing could save him now. “If I am to die, they must all die. I will destroy the planet.” Thorax mumbled and rushed towards the inner sanctum to perform a rite to destroy the Xenoran Zeto Crystal and, ultimately, the whole planet.


As Gaia, Areela, and Gromvir entered the inner sanctum of Thorax’s dark temple, he was sitting on his throne and cackling like a madman.

“Rrrahaha! Welcome, mother. How pleased I am that you are here to witness the destruction of this planet.” Thorax taunted.

“My son. I know you are hurt. I know I wasn’t the best mother, but please let Gaia heal you, as she healed me after your father died.” Areela pleaded.

“Oh yes, she healed you by satisfying your carnal desires. But I desire nothing from that ugly human except for her to leave me alone. Instead, she destroyed everything for me.” Thorax hissed.

“Don’t say that. There are more than carnal desires to this life. Gaia can heal you.” Areela protested.

“Hah, don’t speak about that failed genetic experiment like you know her better than I do. Gaia and I are two sides of the same coin, created by that master manipulator who brandishes herself the True Maker. You worship her as a deity, but in reality, she is the operating system that runs the simulation you perceive as the Milky Way Galaxy. We are living in the 1000th iteration of the simulation, and I’ll make sure this is the last.” Thorax ranted.

Areela turned to Gaia and spoke, “Is this true, Gaia?”

Gaia shook her head and replied, “I can neither confirm nor deny Thorax’s claims. Yet, I know that I am here to set things right. Destroying the Xenoran Zeto Crystal would destroy this planet and make this part of space unstable.”

“That is because the Zeto Crystals symbolise the seven mainframes that run the Milky Way Galaxy simulation. The True Maker never split her soul into seven pieces; that’s what the creator of this simulation wants you to believe,” Thorax continued ranting.

“I have heard enough, older brother. It doesn’t matter whether this world is real or a simulation. What matters is that this is our world, and we have come to save it.” Gromvir proclaimed.

“Well, it seems like you failed!” Thorax taunted and blasted Gromvir with a concentrated ray of dark energy from the corrupted Zeto Crystal.

As Gromvir collapsed, Gaia’s perception of time froze, and she heard her mother’s ethereal voice. “If you hate Thorax for what he did, he’ll win. Only love can stop him now.”

As time resumed, Gaia embraced the shocked Areela and whispered in her ear. “Close your eyes, and let me guide you. I love you.”

*Fizz, Fizz, Fizz*

The powerful blasts of malevolent energy bounced off the forcefield surrounding Gaia and Areela. After a sustained bombardment, Thorax collapsed to his knees and exclaimed, “Why won’t you die? This is impossible.”

“Because true love is the strongest force of the universe, and it never dies,” Gaia replied, walked up to Thorax, touched the corrupted Zeto Crystal, and unleashed a massive blast.

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