The Right Move (Windy City Series Book 2)

The Right Move: Chapter 28


Daily update—I need to get away from the apartment. Can I spend the night at your house?


Is everything okay?


See you soon.

I packed my bag while Ryan was at practice and had planned to be gone by the time he got home. But once Annie called to tell me Ryan canceled team dinner, I knew I couldn’t leave yet.

I probably should’ve gone further than Zanders and Stevie’s penthouse if I’m really trying to get away, but I don’t know that I am. I don’t know what I’m doing. All I know is that apartment is filled with him, and it’s suffocating.

How much I want him is suffocating.

How much I care about him is suffocating.

How much love I have for that man after only a few short months is suffocating.

Call me dramatic, but last night’s realizations messed me up. Ryan has lived through a pregnancy with a woman he thought he loved, anticipating their future and family. He spent nine months loving a child that wasn’t his. How do you come back from that? It’s no wonder he’s guarded and untrusting.

It was excruciating for me, as only a bystander, to hear how someone tried to use Ryan in the most hurtful of ways, how he thinks everyone around him has tried to take advantage.

I very clearly heard the way he didn’t exclude me from that statement, and I refuse to miss the blaring neon signs once again. I refuse to stay in a space that isn’t meant for me, just like I stayed in a relationship that was no longer my future.

The last thing I want is to be compared to the woman before me. I care about Ryan far too much to let him believe that, so I’ll prove it. I’ll move out. That way, he couldn’t possibly continue to believe I was using him.

As soon as Ryan was distracted and all but Ethan and Dom had left the apartment, I left too. But as I haul my duffel bag into the guest bedroom, and before I’ve even changed into my pajamas, I hear his voice from down the hall.

“Happen to see a mouthy blonde tonight? Mile-long legs and a banging brain?” Ryan asks his sister and Zanders.

I can hear the smile in Zanders’ tone as he talks to his fiancée. “I love this for us, Vee. Watching your brother squirm like a love-sick puppy. Mushy motherfucker.”

“Fuck you very much.”

Stevie laughs from where she sits on the couch with Zanders and their dog, Rosie. “She’s in the guest room. She’ll be out in a minute, I’m sure.”

I knew he’d come here or at the very least, call, but he was quicker than I expected.

I’ve only just pulled out my toothbrush to get ready for my night, so with it in hand, I sheepishly make my way down the hall.

Ryan doesn’t seem upset, only slightly unimpressed. Leaning a shoulder against the corner wall of the living room, he keeps his hands in his pockets and one foot crossed over the other, casually unaffected.

“There’s the runaway.”


Eyes soften. “Hi, Blue.”

Zanders squeals from the couch like a teenager.

“I was giving you some space,” I explain before I’m asked.

“Why would I want space, and from you of all people?”

“Last night—”

“Last night, you didn’t let me finish what I was trying to say.”

He pops off the wall, quickly swallowing the distance between us and meeting me across the room. He crowds me with his beautiful body, stepping into my space as I retreat at the same pace.

His hooded eyes look down at me, bottom lip sliding between his teeth. “Can we finish our conversation now?”

I swallow, audibly, and with a simple nod.

“No one has ever come into my life without just looking for what they can gain from me,” he repeats his words from last night, as if I could forget them. “Until you.”

Backing up, my shoulders hit the wall where Ryan brackets his hands above my head, caging me in, and ensuring I hear his words.

“Until you walked your colorful, messy, and extremely tempting ass into my apartment. I’ve never once felt taken advantage of by you. In fact, if you remember, I was the one who didn’t want you paying rent. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t need to save money anymore, you’re not leaving.”

“That sounds very kidnap-y of you.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

Looking down, I find the bright pink toothbrush still in my hand. My romantic brain played this out a lot differently. Maybe this confession would come in the middle of a rainstorm or announced publicly in front of millions of people. Not while I’m holding my toothbrush in the middle of my best friend’s apartment.

“We have an audience,” I whisper, nodding towards the couple of eavesdroppers on the couch.

“Good. They can watch for all I care.” Ryan gently takes my toothbrush and sets it on a nearby table before draping my arms over his shoulders. “After what they put me through last year? This is the very least they deserve.”

A quick bubble of a laugh escapes me.

The sound causes a beautifully soft smile to tug at the corner of his lip, concaving his dimples. “So, are we done with the whole bullshit conversation about you moving out?”

Ocean eyes drop to my mouth.

“But I spend a lot of your money.”

“Someone needs to.”

“And I’m messy. You don’t like messy.”

“I like your mess.”

“And I’m needy. I have no idea how to be alone.”

“Good. I don’t want you to be alone. I want you to be with me.”

His eyes fall to my throat, watching it work its way through a swallow.

“Come home with me, Blue.”

Apparently, half a second is too long to hesitate because Ryan continues. “And let me make this perfectly clear, even if you say no, I will throw you over my shoulder and take you with me. But I’m working with a knee injury here and would rather you come on your own free will.”

His mouth twitches, trying to keep in a straight line to re-enforce his threat.

I don’t think this man has any idea how funny he can be. He likes to think he’s serious and stoic, but he makes me smile more than anyone else I’ve ever met.

“Take me home, Shay.”

Ryan’s lungs fill with a deep breath before he grabs my duffle bag, links his hand with mine, and leads me towards the door.

“Indy, to make this clear, I don’t want a single daily update tomorrow!” Stevie announces from the couch.

“I’ll text you in the morning with details!”

“I’m getting a new number.”

“Aren’t we the cutest family foursome you’ve ever seen?” Zanders pitches in.

“Love you all,” Ryan finishes from the doorway, pulling me behind him. “Rosie most of all, of course.” Which is ironic seeing as Ryan has to take an allergy pill every time he’s with her, but happily does so anyway just to spend time at their place.

Across the street, he pushes through the doorway of our apartment, swiftly picks me up, and takes me to his bed, tossing me on the mattress. But not before I notice the scraps of papers that make up our relationship pinned back on the fridge.

His chest moves in relief as if seeing me in his house and on his bed has brought him peace. “Right where you belong.” His gaze scans the length of me. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For everything. For tonight. I think I’ve always wanted to have the team over, to have people over, but it scared me. To let people into my life has scared me.” Leisurely, he begins to unbutton his shirt, standing over me. “But you, having you here, I want everyone to see how lucky I am to have you in my home.”

While on my back, I watch Ryan hang his shirt in the closet. I thought about this countless times, knowing he wouldn’t be able to undress without putting every little thing where it belongs, but understanding why he’s like this gives me a whole new appreciation to his cleanliness.

The view isn’t half bad either. All this does is give me more time to admire his rippling chest and lean, muscular arms.

He’s so beautiful and protective and hardworking. How someone didn’t appreciate him is beyond me.

Ryan returns, crawling onto the mattress like a starved man. His hands push my hair away from my face, palms to my temples. “So, thank you, Indigo.”

My legs open around him without hesitation as I sling my arms over his shoulders. “You’re welcome.”

“Now, please, for the love of God, kiss me.”

“Are you sure? Because the other night when we…well, we didn’t kiss.”

His eyes bounce away from mine as he hovers over me. “That’s because I didn’t know what you wanted. I didn’t know if you just wanted to get off or if you wanted me.”

My brows pinch together. How did I not catch this before? How did I not realize he needs to be told how wanted he is? When someone else pretends to love you, pretends to want you, of course you need reassurance.

Tugging his chin, I force eye contact. “I want you, Ryan. I’ve always wanted you, but I didn’t know I could be so lucky to have you.”

That stunning smile is back. “Then kiss me, Blue.”

So, I do, soft and leisurely, nails raking over his neck. He cups my face, fingers threaded into my hair as we take our time more than we ever have before. For the first time, there’s not a question whether this is real. I know it is.

But I ask anyway.

“Are you just pretending?”

He pulls away, laughing deep and full. “I stopped pretending a long time ago, Ind.”

“I…I don’t want this if I’m just a convenience. You know, because I live here.”

Call me insecure, but I spent far too long in a relationship that was convenient and comfortable, and I refuse to do it again.

Eyes searching, they soften as he watches me. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but Blue, you’re the most inconvenient thing that’s ever happened to me.”

My heart flutters, words sticking in my throat.

“If I was looking for convenience, I wouldn’t have gone years without touching a woman. Waking up and thinking of you, falling asleep and wishing you were there, it’s been distracting, tiresome, and goddamn infuriating, but I wouldn’t give you up for the world.”

I’ve been told beautiful things, lovely and romantic things. But being told I’m inconvenient simply because Ryan acknowledged he couldn’t continue living the lonely life he assumed was destined for him is one of the most romantic things I’ve ever heard.

His lips are back on mine, capturing and taking before they dot along my jaw, my neck, my chest.

“Thank you for listening to me last night,” he murmurs against my skin.

Guilt racks me. “Don’t thank me. I clammed up. You were telling me something incredibly significant, something essential to who you are, and I clammed up.”

He lifts himself, placing his chest on mine, laying on my body with his legs extended off the bed. I make a mental note that he hasn’t bent his right knee and soon, we need to stop so I can get an ice pack on it.

“You were perfect,” he reassures.

“I want you to know, it wasn’t your story that made me freak out. It was the thought that you wanted me gone.”

“I know.”

My thumb flutters over his freckled cheek. “How do you feel after talking about it?”

“Lighter. Like it matters less today.”

It does matter less, in fact, I could argue that it doesn’t matter at all. That just because someone made him believe his value is based on his income or his name and not him as a man, doesn’t make it true. And maybe he’s beginning to see that.

He bends down to kiss the smile off my lips. Mouths molding, our tongues tangle, my hands roam and my legs tighten around his waist. He keeps me still with a hand cupping my cheek while pulling my bottom lip between his teeth.

The way he kisses drives me feral. I couldn’t tell you the last time I made out with someone but rolling around in bed with Ryan Shay has me feeling like a teenage girl who has finally gotten her first kiss.

In some ways, this is a first. I’ve never been seen the way Ryan sees me. I’ve never been appreciated the way his eyes worship me. I’ve never been encouraged to be myself the way Ryan praises me to be.

“What do you want, Blue?” His voice is a low husk, but without pressing more, I know what he’s referring to. Our bodies grinding and writhing into each other know too.

I want him to fuck me. I can feel the bulge of his erection sliding against my leg, looking for friction. I want him inside of me, but more than anything, after last night, I’d rather we move at a pace that makes him realize I’m not her.

“I want you to set the pace.”

He stills, brows furrowing before he drops his head to my chest and kisses me there. His fingers intertwine with mine, pushing my hands above my head and into the mattress as his body rolls against me. He continues down my stomach, placing lingering kisses over my dress, all the while pulling the fabric up.

Ryan’s injured leg is unbent as it hangs off the mattress, using his other to support his weight. Hands hook under my thighs, keeping me steady while also spreading me wider.

“You have no idea, Indy.” Another worshiping kiss on my covered stomach. “The power you have over me.”

My back arches, squirming beneath his body as he lifts my dress up and over my ass.

“All I can think about is seeing you smile and trying to be the reason you are.” This time his warm mouth meets the soft flesh above my panties. “Trying to water those goddamn flowers just enough so I can watch your face light up when you get home.” He bites the edge of my thong, snapping it against my skin. “Making you come just to hear my name dripping from that smart mouth of yours.”

Ryan places a deep kiss on the center of my pussy. A groan rumbles in his throat as he inhales my scent, lingering his face in my slit.

Pushing my hips into him, I can’t help but seek more friction.

“You’re soaked, Ind. Does my smart girl like being told how all-consuming she is?”

My thighs tighten around him, unable to use words to articulate just how much I like his doting.

“Words, Indy.”

“Yes,” I breathe out. “I do.”

Not that I want to think about the man before him, but I was with that guy for six years and the only time he ate me out is when I begged him to. Apparently in his mind, a blow job doesn’t require reciprocation. I quickly gave up on asking. He was never very good at it anyway, and I sure as hell never came from his mouth.

Ryan, on the other hand, has his face enthusiastically pressed between my legs, as if he could spend the entire night down there and be happy.

I hope he does.

“Ry, do you like doing that?”

“Do I like eating pussy?” His tongue slides against the length of me, the fabric of my underwear creating a delicious friction against my clit. “What if I told you that every morning we had breakfast together, I thought about throwing you on the kitchen island and making a meal out of you instead? Or that every time you wore one of your pretty dresses, I was dreaming about lifting the hem over my head, falling to my knees, and tasting my roommate’s perfect little cunt.” Sitting up, he peels the corners of my panties down my legs, exhaling an appreciative breath when his attention zeros in on my naked center. “So, sure, you could say I like eating pussy, but that’s not what you’re really asking, is it? Ask me the real question, Blue. You want to know if I like eating yours.”

God, his mouth. Dirty talk does it for me regardless, but coming from Ryan, the man who only speaks when the words are needing to be heard, it hits differently.

“Ask me, Ind.” His mouth hovers over me. “Or would my valedictorian like a hands-on lesson instead?” He places a soft, appreciative kiss on my bare clit. “A mouth-on lesson.”

A whimper creeps up my throat, seeing his head buried between my legs, his full lips shining with my arousal.

He surrounds my bud, sucking it into his mouth, and instantly bucking me off the bed.

Oh, fuck.” I drop my head back into his pillows.

Looking down, I watch his lips slide into a smile as his tongue darts out, tasting my sensitive skin with appreciative licks.

He’s smiling. Smiling while going down on me.

I’ve never felt something so all-consuming as Ryan Shay’s tongue on my body.

Long but controlled strokes taste every inch of me. He groans, sucking, tasting, and teasing me. Hands over my thighs, he pulls me into his mouth, as if he can’t get close enough. His tongue, with controlled precision, focuses its attention on my clit, alternating between flicking it and pulling it into his mouth.

I moan. I cry. I’m entirely under this man’s control because I’m fairly certain I’m having an out-of-body experience.

Tilting me off the bed, his tongue forms a long, wet path from ass to clit.

I jolt in surprise, but find myself loving the sensation, never once being tasted with such detail. “Fuck, Ryan.”

“Say it again.”


“My name. Say it again. I want to hear it while my tongue is buried inside of you. I want you to remember you’re mine. So, say my name again.”

Peering down, Ryan looks up at me, watching and waiting for my words, those hands I love so much hooked around my thighs.

I sit up, bending my knees to pull my dress over my head, gaining his undivided attention.

“Ryan,” I draw out in as innocent a tone as I can manage. “I’m yours to do with as you please.” Unhooking my bra, I drop it to the ground too. Slowly. Deliberately. “Use me however you please.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” His head falls in defeat, but not before those blue-green eyes darken to pools of navy. “You’re going to make me come from humping the side of this bed and looking at you.”

I find his hips, grinding into the mattress and can’t help but smile from that.

Stroking his hair, I scrape my nails against his scalp. “Please make me come.”

“So polite tonight, baby.” He kisses my inner thigh, working his way back down to my pussy. A single hand reaches up and squeezes my tit, rolling my nipple before his index and middle fingers dust my lower lip, asking for entrance. “Open your mouth for me and suck.”

I take them in my mouth, sucking them as if they were a different part of his body.

Yes.” Ryan’s jaw slacks, watching me.

Rolling my tongue down the length of them, I twirl it around his fingertips, then suck them all the way until they touch the back of my throat.

“Goddamn,” he exhales in admiration. “You should see the picture you painted in my head. You’re going to look so pretty on your knees for me.” He pulls his fingers from my mouth. “But first, lie down and come on my tongue like the obedient girl I know you are.”

As he pushes me back down to the mattress, his mouth finds me once again in sync with his wet fingers. It’s the first time he’s really touched me without my own fingers in the way, and the sensation is almost too much. He strokes me in tandem with his mouth before he slides them inside, curling forward and finding my G-spot without much effort.

I gasp when he strokes it at the perfect pace.

For a man who hasn’t been with a woman in years, he sure as shit doesn’t seem out of practice.

“You’re so fucking tight, Ind.” He admires his own fingers pushing in and out of me. “So fucking perfect.”

A rush of heat floods to my lower belly, my pussy fluttering.

He feels incredible. Skilled. Beautiful between my legs and when his fingers slide inside and stroke my front wall once again, every muscle in my body contracts with my impending release.

I’m half a second from coming when Ryan pulls away, his fingers slowing in speed and easing my orgasm off.

“Ryan,” I whine. “No. No, don’t stop.”

“Tell me you’re not moving out.”


“You heard me. You want to come? Tell me you’re not moving out.”

I writhe in aching need, trying to push my hips into his single finger as I search for my release.

“Ryan, you need to ice your knee. Please make me come so I can take care of you.”

“Tell me you’re not moving out and I’ll do exactly that.”

Who am I kidding? I’m not going anywhere, especially now that I know how he looks between my thighs. How soft yet rough his tongue feels.

“Come on, Blue. Tell me what I need to hear.”

He blows a breath against my clit, bringing me closer once again.

“I’m…” I struggle to breathe, my orgasm lingering on the edge. “I’m not going anywhere.”

The bastard has the audacity to smirk.

“Please,” I beg.

“Is this how I keep you polite? Teasing you with an orgasm?”

“Shut up and make me come.”

His chest rumbles with a laugh before he adds a finger, sucks me into his mouth, and sends me free-falling into an orgasm-induced oblivion.

It’s the sound coming from him that does it for me. The laughter, the ease on his face. The handsome smile he wears that I didn’t see much of when I first moved in. Seeing Ryan relaxed with me is what drops me over the edge.

His mouth works me through it as my thighs tighten around his cheeks, my back arching off the bed. He doesn’t stop. He continues to lick me, taste me as if he’s fully prepared to stay there all night.

My body goes limp on the mattress, fully satisfied and sated. I can’t help but smile when I think about the fact that just weeks ago, I thought my body was broken. It’s sure as shit not broken, and it’s not a distraction I needed, but it was him.

Ryan licks my arousal, tasting it from his lips with a proud smile and a slap of my ass. “My favorite kind of mess.”

“Physical touch,” I exhale, somehow finding the strength to speak.

“What was that?”

“Physical touch. I think your love language might be physical touch.”

He blows out a sexy laugh. “Yeah, baby, I think you might be right.”

His hooded eyes roam my body, and with that appreciative stare, I feel no need to hide. Truthfully, I’ve never felt the need to hide with Ryan Shay. Since the first day I got here, I’ve been unapologetically myself.

He stands at the end of the bed, palms coasting over my thighs.

“How’s it feeling?” I nod towards his leg.

“Ind, you’re still dripping, and you’re worried about my knee?”

“Who said I was asking about your knee?”

An impressive little smirk tugs on his lip. “If you’re referring to my knee, it’s all right. If you’re talking about my dick, it’s painfully hard.”

Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I keep my legs open around him. A single hand takes my face, fingers pushing into my hair as he tilts my chin up and kisses me, letting me taste myself on his lips.

He moans into me. “I fucking love kissing you.”

I sweep my tongue into his mouth, swallowing his noises.

While we’re occupied, I fiddle with the belt on his pants. My fingers graze the dusting of hair above his waistband and Ryan’s stomach tightens from my touch.

Inhaling sharply, he pulls his lips away, resting his head on mine and looking down at my explorative fingers.

“Tell me what you want, Ind.”

I run a palm over him, through his pants.

“Use your words, Blue.”

“I want it.”


“In my mouth.”

“Mmm,” he hums a satisfied noise, pushing my hair out of the way. “Then take it out and show me what you can do.”

He unclasps his belt quickly, and as soon as his pants hit the floor, my fingers are in his waistband pulling down his boxer briefs and freeing his cock.

He winces when he has to stand using only his injured leg to get them past his ankles.

“Ryan, sit down for me.” I nod towards the chair in the corner of his room.

A small flash of relief washes over him. I know he’s trying to be in the moment. I know he wants to be in control, but he’s also in pain.

Ryan takes a seat, leaning back, one arm resting on the top of the chair. His legs are sprawled out as if he were a king waiting to get his cock sucked, and in my mind, he is.

God, he’s beautiful. All man. All mine. Thick legs, cut arms, shadows showcasing the concaves of his stomach muscles. He’s big and smooth and hard and I’ve never wanted anyone more.

When my gaze finally makes it to his, he takes his lower lip between his teeth, smirking. “What are you looking at?” He wraps a fist around his cock, stroking it a few times.

I refuse to play games or make him unsure of how much I want him. “You.”

His chest puffs. “You painted a pretty picture earlier, but now I want the real thing.”

I glow under his appreciative stare as I make my way between his legs, falling to my knees. Palms running the length of his thighs, I watch him, memorize him. His size is intimidating from this angle, with his hard length protruding upwards and begging for a release.

My thumb swipes over the head, gathering the bead of precum.

Fuck.” Ryan’s head falls back to the chair behind him.

His moans and whimpers remind me that he hasn’t been touched in too long, and I’m the woman with the privilege to change that.

I’ll savor every moment.

I allow my hands to roam his thighs and stomach, appreciating every dip and curve of his muscular body. Ryan watches me with hooded eyes as he runs his hands over my hair, stroking it softly, before gathering it all in a single fist.

Finally, I run my fingers over his length. It’s hot and smooth, hard. Ryan groans from that alone. There’s no way he’s going to last long, and I don’t want him to. He shudders when I wrap my hand around him, and when my red nails can’t connect around his width, they’re practically a flashing warning sign that he’s bigger than I’ve ever experienced.

“Look how good your hand looks around me, Ind.”

There’s no denying that. I love the way I look around him, and even more so, I love the way he’s watching, as if he needs to remember every moment.

Gently, I place a kiss on the head before licking him from base to tip.

Oh, fuck,” he curses, and I can’t help but smile around him, sensing this controlled man on the brink of becoming unhinged. “Your tongue looks even better.”

My lips form a ring, taking him as deep as I can, sucking him all the way back up. His tip is already leaking, but I clean it up with a sweep of my tongue. Head bobbing, I stroke my lips down his shaft, swirling my tongue as I go.

His words are labored and raspy. “Eyes on me, Indy.”

Looking up, I find him staring at me with dark eyes and a ticking jaw, attempting to maintain some semblance of control. His hips are twitching, holding back from letting loose and fucking my mouth without restraint. Hand splayed on his thigh, I hold on for balance, sensing it’s coming soon.

“Goddamn,” he exhales. “I knew you were going to look so pretty on your knees, Blue.”

His praise has me moaning around him before sucking, twisting my hand around the base that can’t fit.

Ryan’s hands cup my cheeks. “You can take more.” He flexes his hips slightly, pushing more of himself into my mouth. “I know what you’re capable of. I had my fingers down your throat. Come on, Ind. You can do it.”

He’s bigger than I’ve seen, let alone had in my mouth, but with the way my body responds to him, it seems to be made for him, so I relax my jaw and take him further.

“There you go,” he praises. “That’s my girl.”

I preen at the phrase. Melt under it.

I love this kind of control. He’s a strong man, but weak for me.

Repositioning on my knees, I find just the right angle to grind myself against my heel.

“Yes, Indy. Make yourself feel good until I can take care of you. Just like that. Your mouth feels fucking incredible, baby.”

I flick my tongue on the underside of his crown, wanting to see this man’s control shatter.

Then it does when he fucks my mouth. Hard. All I can do is keep my eyes on him and let him use me in any way he needs.

“Blue,” he warns, ushering me off him, but I claw to hold on to his hips and stay.

I watch as he begins to unravel. This man, who I’ve only known as controlled and domineering, begins to fall apart around me. The realization that he can’t hold it together because of me has me pushing him further into my mouth, taking him as deep as I can.

“Goddamn, Indy.” His fingers curl into my hair, keeping me where I am.

He pulses in me, hot streams hitting the back of my throat. Ryan watches until his eyes finally have to screw shut, his head falling back. I take every last drop he has to offer, loving the way he tastes on my tongue, needing him in any way he’ll give himself to me.

Once he goes soft, I slide off him, keeping my mouth closed with him still on my tongue.

Heaving chest and slack jaw, he looks down at me. “Swallow,” he commands.

He leans forward, his lips hovering over mine. “Swallow,” he murmurs again. Gently bracketing my throat with a single palm, he runs the length of my neck as he helps me work my way through a swallow.

“That’s my girl,” he praises, eyes sparkling in admiration. “You did so well.”

Quickly shifting from commanding to tender, he grabs my hand and ushers me to straddle his lap. His hands rub my hips and back, gliding along my warm skin.

“Thank you,” he whispers against my lips.

All that does is cause me to grind my naked, needy body against his.

I’m obsessed with this man, would quite literally do anything for him and he just thanked me for a blow job.

I’m trying to slow down and move at his pace, but when he reaches around my back, sliding his fingers underneath me and finding my swollen clit, it’s hard to think of anything other than wanting more.

“Ryan, if you want to stop, I think now is the time because you feel too good, and I want you too much and I’m trying to be respectful—”

“Blue, I have no intentions of stopping if you don’t want me to.”

“No?” Snaking my hands around his shoulders, I hold on to the back of his neck.

“No, Ind. You’ve turned it all back on and I can’t go back to pretending I don’t want you.” He kisses me slowly, savoring the moment before smiling into my lips. “Just be careful with me, yeah?”

He’s kidding, I know this, but there’s no denying I will be careful with Ryan Shay’s heart for as long as he lets me have it.

I nod against him.

“Now use your words and tell me exactly how you want me to fuck you for the first time.”

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