The Rejected Hybrid

Chapter 27

Elena's POV

My eyes fluttered open and finally, I woke up, a loud hiss escaped my lips as I found out I was alive and had also woken up meaning it was another day, another new day to face pains which had been my companion since I was born...

Last night was terrible and heartbreaking, the guards got the chains over my wrists and locked it to a hook on the wall from both sides leaving me in a restrained position, I could only go up to my bed and down to the floor,

There was no way I can go outside the room or even move around, I had thought dad was joking and would take back his words but I was overthinking, he still hates me as deep and raw as it had always been, it was a magic he saved me the other day, I had been stupid to think Dad will ever like or have pity for me even a bit,

I was awake yet I found no strength to move from my contorted sleeping position, the pain from last night hadn't left my body, the wolfsbane had been my shadow, they kept using it on me that at some time I would think Lena is dead...

It was applied to the chain around my wrists sending me into the realm of pain, I tried hard not to cry but couldn't hold it for long, they made sure I was broken down before they left,

Now it is morning already, the next day, I still feel my limbs ache badly, my head pound like someone was hitting a heavy metal on it,

I forced myself to sit up immediate I heard footsteps coming over to the room, the door opened and moved my gaze to the door, a heavy sigh escaped my lips the moment I saw the person walk-in, "Hey, witch, what's up?" The voice of Scarlett could only make me angry, I had just hated her more since she had an interest in my mate,

I saw her already dressed for school and that made me hiss,

"I wonder how you will meet Jason ever again??" She smirked folding her hand over her chest,

"You once..said he is your boyfriend?" I asked with a lopsided smile which made her frown,

"And you doubted me, I don't care if you believe it or not, I'm just concerned about your miserable life, don't you think you should kill yourself and end all this??...the torture is too much and Jason can't help, your dark magic won't go well again since he won't be seeing you" she teased smugly,

"What magic??..." I asked and she walked closer to me,

"I know your tricks, miss demon girl...Jason can never have anything to do with you wretched fellow, you will have to stay here all the days of your life and see how I have him to myself, I feel so insulted to compete with you!" She scoffed and moved away,

"I have nothing to do with him!" I stated bluntly and she laughed scornfully,

"Cut that crap, bitch!!! went against my father's order just to see him, I can't believe how obsessed a piece of trash like you could be!" She sneered,

"You are the obsessed one here, you must be thinking about him all night, you got sleeplessness night and short dreams full of impossible scenarios with him, you are here killing yourself for him, thinking about him every second of the day while he is over there thinking about someone else, he isn't aware of your existence!" I chuckled with a sarcastic tone that made her cheek flushed red in shame, "You are a fool!!!!" She screamed and slapped me,

I giggled and stared straight at her face,

"We both know you got no hope, yes I met Jason, I met him when I snuck into that school, guess what??..he came to me himself unlike you who throw yourself to him like a worthless slut, he came to me in that garden and....." I paused and watched her growled in rage and exasperation,

My words were hitting her hard,

"He fell in love with....."

"Shut up!!!" She screamed at the top of her voice calling the attention of the guards outside,

They rushed in to check on her,

"What happen princess?" They asked with respect and attention,

Scarlett was crying and I couldn't help laughing,

"Oh, oh do my words hurt??...then I'm right!" I squeaked, she rushed at me and held my cloth roughly,

"You will be here forever!!!...your

magic won't work anymore and bet

you, he will fall for me!!!" She yelled and I could sense a trace of frustration in her tone, it made me giggle...

"Wow, he will....while he had already fallen for me at first sight, I swear he told me how much you disgust him!" I added and that got her insane,

She slammed my face with all her might and I didn't felt so much pain, her fist is too soft to inflict pain in me, her palms are like the leaves...

"That's all you can do, but getting Jason to love you would be your greatest wish, it is impossible!!" I scorned,

"You are a bloody liar and I don't know why I took my time to talk to a demon-like you, you don't worth my time bitch!!!" She cursed with those frustration exuding her tone,

She stomped out of the room and I

laughed at her hardly enjoying her frustrated state, my daughter came to an end as the guards walked over to me with their faces grim and scary...

"You keep getting back your strength easily right??..." One of them gruffed and immediately, they picked the torturing tool...

Shit!!... I'm not ready for this!


Scarlett POV...

I scurried away with my heart heavy and tears rolling from my eyes, her words kept resounding in my head continuously and was taunting me so badly,

As much as her words sounded true, I won't want to believe that, never!!.. I have to force myself to believe she used dark magic of some kind to enchant him and get his heart,

If she hadn't used it, how would he fall for her??...but I don't know why my heart doubts that point,

She had barely met Jason and had not stepped out of the house before yesterday, Jason had just seen her on her birthday and the next day, he came tooking for her with those sketch drawings which he held with care and attention,

He had to drive back when he forgot it, what does it all mean???

Could it be that Jason fell in love with her as she said??

"Or are they mates??" My subconscious chipped in and I felt cold shrills run through,

The thought of that made fear grip me,

"It can't be!!" I growled shaking my head to shove it off my thoughts, Elena is too wretched and evil to have him as her mate!!

I was overwhelmed with thoughts that I didn't know when I bumped into someone,

I looked up and was shocked at who is saw...

"Who are you??!" I asked in fear,☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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