The Reborn

Chapter Dodge

“You go and take a shower because you stink and I’ll search some cute clothes for your first training.” Leaf said as he walked into my room like he owned it.

Aiden said that today I have to practice with them and tomorrow I’ll take their challenge to see if I can be part of their team. Today I’ll find out what I have to do in this challenge, but I’m pretty sure that it’s not something to hard or weird.

Or at last I hope.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not stinking. Your nose must be broken, but I’ll shower anyway.”

I took my underwear and a black sport bra before I walked in the bathroom.

“Whatever makes you feel better, Moonlight. Just move your sexy little ass faster.” he yelled after me since I alredy slammed the bathroom door closed.

After I spent almost half an hour in the shower singing and washing my hair, I was fresh as a daisy that smells like coconut. I dressed in the clothes I brought with me and stepped out of the bathroom.

“What you have for me to we-” I was cut off when a shirt and some pants hit my face.

Leaf chuckled. “See yourself.”

I cursed him and walked back into the bathroom. Here we have a pair of black Nike running shorts and a yellow shirt with ‘Number 1 always and forever’ on it.

I like that motto. I’ll make that my motto.

You are so narcisist and obsessed with yourself.

I can’t hear you. Too much hate and jealousy here.

I’m you! You are me! I don’t have of what to be jealous!

Of course you have. I’m better and more good looking than you.


I tied my hair in a high ponytail since it was still wet and stepped out if the bathroom.

“I’m done.”

“Okay, but can I ask you something?”

He was looking at some papers while sitting on me bed. “Of course you can.”

“They were your mates?” he showed me the papers that were actually the pictures I took with me from academy.

My mood instantly dropped as I looked at the first picture. We all were in the academy’s backyard. This was after our first mission and it was a sunny Saturday morning. Flame and River were standing behind us making peace signs, Hazel was hugging and pinching Sky’s cheek making him turn red, Lincoln was next to Sky looking bored, me and Sparky were sticking our tongues out at the camera while Ash and Black were sitting on the ground with their legs under them and looking amused because me and Sparky threaten a random guy to take that picture or we will play soccer with his balls.

A sad smile appered on my face. We looked so happy.

“Yeah...They are....” I trailed off as my chest tightens a little.

“And this must be my brother, right?” he asked and pointed at Hazel.

I nodded my head. “That’s him in his all idiotic self. I’ll never understand how he likes Spiderman so much.”

Leaf wrinkled his nose. “God, no. Deadpool is the best and the most realistic one.”

Okay, here I have to agree with him, but I still love Batman. “True true, my little friend.”

He scoffed. “I’m not little. I’m 17 and I’m taller than you. Ooo. Who’s this hot thing?”

Now he was looking at a picture with me and Black. This one was took after I lost my memory and I was forced to stay and stared as they were training. I was laying on the grass with my arms crossed and my hair was spread on the ground while Black was next to me in his gear clothes and grinning like an idiot at the camera. He decided to annoy me since I looked like ‘I was about to die of boredom’, which was right but he didn’t had to annoy me.

The little smile I had vanished and my heart squeezed. “That’s Black.”

“He looks good girl. Did you took a ride?” he asked looking at me with a serious face.

“NOO.” I squeaked and I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

He smirked. “Your face says something else, girl.”

“No! No, it’s not! Nothing happened between me and that jackass! And now I hate him since he’s the reason why I’m here! He told Raven about me talking with well, me.” Everything rushed out of my mouth trying to defend myself.

“I don’t believe that part with nothing happened, but I must agree with the part with ‘he’s a jackass’. That wasn’t very nice for him. But at last you liked him and maybe you still do like him.” he tried to reason with me, but it’s not working.

“No. I don’t like him and that’s final. He’s a jerk, a fucker and a good for nothing stupid and idiotic fuck!!” I stubbornly crossed my arms to make my argument more believable.

He smirked once again. “But you didn’t denied the fact that you once liked him.” he said in a sing-song voice and I wanted to slap him so bad.

“Shut up, Earthquake. And let’s fucking go because we are going to be late.”

I started to walk to the exit and he whined a ‘Wait for me’ and ran after me.

“Come on, Moonlight. I just wanted to know more about my best friend. Oh, and we really need to go fishing.”

My eyebrows furrowed on confusion. “Fishing?”

He gasped dramatically. “You don’t know what fishing is??”

I rolled my eyes annoyed. “Obvious, I don’t.”

“Fishing is going anywhere in public where is full of hot guys and try to get as many phone numbers as you can. Or you can settle for just one and good.”

He took the lead since I don’t know where the training fields are.

I wrinkled my nose. “Not my type of activity or sport. I prefer eating, thank you very much.”

“Oh, I understand. You already set your eyes on someone. But my questions is..” he turned around and grabbed my shoulders with a dramatic face “who is the lucky one??”

“No one, Leaf. I didn’t set my eyes on anyone. You’re talking shit.” I said and pushed past him.

“I don’t believe ya!! And it’s not nice to lie to your homie!!” he yelled and was once again in front of me.

I let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m not fucking lying to you, Earthquake! I don’t like anyone! Now, now, who you like, mister?”

“Look!! We’re here! Let’s go the guys are waiting for us!”

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me through a set of 2 doors and we were outside.

He’s good at changing subjects.

Yeah, but I’m an insisting bitch and I’ll find out. One way or another.

“GUYS!!! YOUR FAVORITE PERSONS ARE HERE!!” he yelled as we approached the rest of the group.

They were stretching and warming up.

“Took you long enough.” Aiden commented and glared at us.

I pointed my finger at Leaf and he pointed his finger at me.

“IT’S HIS/HER FAULT!!” We yelled at the same time and I punched him in the shoulder while he laughed.

My eyes landed on a guy with white hair, pale skin and eyes the lightest shade of blues I’ve ever seen.

“You must be Python.” I said and looked in his gorgeous eyes.

“Don’t look him in the eyes! He can kill you with one look!” Leaf said not even trying to whisper.

“Fuck you. Yes, I’m Python and you must be Shadow. I hope that you will fail the challenge because I don’t want another Leaf to piss me off more.”


Leaf looked hurt and his usual smile was gone.

I glared at that reptile. “If I have to beat someone from this team” I started getting closer to him and stopped in front of him “I choose you, stupid rat.”

He glared back at me and we were ready to start a serious fight, but Iron broke us apart.

“Shadow, go and warm up. Python, stop being rude and stop provoking her. Behave.” Iron glared at that reptile and went with Leaf to warm up.

I hate that reptile and a new pair of shoes sounds very well.

We both stayed silent for a good time, each of us stuck in his own head. What the fuck is his problem?

“Yo, Moonlight.”

I turned my head to look at Leaf. “Yes?”

“Don’t get in trouble for me. Leave him alone. He usually isn’t like this, but I think that today he woke up with a carrot stuck in his fine ass.”

I giggled and smiled. “I don’t care what crawled up in his ass. No one messes with my homie.”

He wiped an invisible tear and hugged me. “You are the best homie, Moonlight.”

“I’ve been told before.” I laughed when he looked at me with an are-you-serious face.

“Come here, lazy asses! Stop laughing and start working.” Aiden yelled from the other side of the field.

“The last one there is an expired jar of Nutella!!” Leaf yelled and started to run.

“CHEATER!” I yelled and ran with my Elementar speed.

Of course I won.

I patted his head. “Maybe next time, big guy.” I turned to look at Aiden. “So, what I have to do?”

“Do you know home to play Dodge?”

“Dodge as in dodgeball? Then, yes I know.”

Aiden shook his head. “That’s a humans game. Dodge is an Elementars game, but they have some common rules.”

“Then, I don’t know how to play Dodge, but what this game has to do with my challenge?” I asked confused.

“Everything. That’s your challenge. A match of Dodge.” Aiden said and snapped his finger.

The ground shook a little under our feet and I turned around. On the once empty field, now were different obstacles. There is a leg hop, jumping through tires, a hole with a rope dandling on top of it and 2 sprinting sections.

“But this looks like what I did at the exam.”

“Dodge is a game where you have to finish the obstacle race as fast as you can, avoiding to be hit.” Aiden explained and smirked.

“Avoid to be hit by what?” I asked slowly not really liking how it sounds.

“In this game we normally have 4 stages. First is the obstacle route. Second one is on earth sprinting on an empty field or through the forest. Third is flying through the air and through some big on fire circles. And the last one is sprit until you pass the finish line. Each stage is played by another athlete. The ones from the first stage are called the sneakers, in the second we have the runners, in the third the flyers and in the last one the catchers.”

I thought a second about what he told me and I nodded my head. “Okay, but why the name sneakers and catchers? And it still is pretty easy.”

He smirked again. “Sneakers because they have to sneak past the obstacles as fast as they can, and by sneaking I mean walking through them and catchers because usually at the last round the scores are pretty close and the catchers have to catch up with the score. That name is mostly for the one that has the smallest score. Oh, and it’s not easy. The fun part is now. All this four athletes are the one of the big two parts of the team: the throwers and the dodgers. You already know what the dodgers have to do. The throwers have to use their element and try to hit the dodger from the rival team. For each stage there is a different dodger and thrower.”


What the fuck?? I have to run and try not go get my ass burned, hit or froze? Okay, not okay.

He shrugged. “This is Dodge. A game only for Elementars. You have to win the first stage if you want to be part of our team. Now let’s see what you can do. You will be a dodger and I will give you our best thrower: Leaf.”

I sighed in relief. For a moment I though that he was talking about Python.

“Don’t be so relieve because he won’t go easy on you. If he does that his place in his team will dissappear.” Aiden said and Leaf sent me a sad smile.

I sighed. “Let’s get over with it.”

Oh, oh! Can I take this challenge? Please, please, please!! I’ll try to not burn you anything. I promise!

Fine, but if you do something stupid-

Yeah, yeah. There will be consequences. Heard it already.

Okay. Do it then.

I took my place at the start line while Leaf took his which was in the middle of the circle created by the whole track. That sure is the best place from where you can throw literally anything.


Come on, we can do this.


I looked ahead of me and my eyes changed colors as Bolt took over, but this time was different. This time I didn’t blacked out. I was still here and I can feel, see and touch everything.

Time to do my thing.


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