The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 6

A few hours later I am sitting in the living room on the sofa, freshly showered and shaved after giving my hair a conditioning mask, and even painting my nails. I laid out a few outfit choices on my bed for Hallie to help me pick from when she gets home, and I plan on blowing out my hair into loose waves and leaving it down. I’ve already popped open a bottle of champagne to give my sorrows a buzz, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I have looked at the shirtless picture on my phone no less than fifteen times since I received it earlier. Which is how my best friend finds me, lurking over it once again like I am the one who is a stalker.

She leans her arms on the sofa behind me, surprising me as she looks over my shoulder at my phone. “Damn, Wendy! Who is that fine specimen of a man?”

I smile, not just at her voice, but also at the nickname she gave me when we were kids. After playing pranks on her endlessly and her always calling him childish, she nicknamed Josh, Peter Pan, hence I became Wendy. It’s silly and ridiculous, but that’s what happens when you have been friends since you were nine. Hallie is beautiful, smart, and funny, and her take on the world gives me something to smile about every day. We fit together like two puzzle pieces always meant to find one another. She’s my soul sister and I would die for her, just like I know she would for me.

Living together is a dream, and it’s the only good thing to ever come from my dad’s affair. Our house was a guilt present from him, and as reluctant as I was to accept it and forgive him, which I still haven’t, being able to live off-campus with my best friend was definitely worth him thinking I did. Plus, Hallie’s parents moved out of town after we graduated high school, so it was the only way we could truly stay together.

Hallie has autism, and moving to a new town and going from high school to college would have been a huge adjustment for her, one she told me she wasn’t ready to make. So being able to not only go to the same college together, but also share a house, is the best present either one of us could have ever wished for. It not only meant an easier transition for her, because she had me to lean on, but also allowed us to avoid freshman dorms and having to deal with so many other people. That would have been hard for her and her sensory needs, but also would have sent my anxiety into a spiral, so it was a win-win for the both of us. This house is our safe haven and a place we can truly call home.

It’s not often I ever get to surprise her, my life is so usually predictable that I take great pleasure in leaning back on the sofa to look up at her and say, “I have a charming new stalker.”

Her eyebrows raise, and she circles around to come and sit next to me. Thankfully, she is used to my personal brand of sarcasm after years of friendship, so she doesn’t take me too seriously. Grabbing the phone from my hand, she inspects the shirtless selfie almost clinically before scrolling up to read through the rest of the messages. “Oh a stalker, I see,” she smirks while still reading, her eyes widening with each one. “Wrong number, is that like a ploy of yours?” she asks in all seriousness, and I smile at her.

“No, dork,” I say, snatching the phone from her. “It really was a wrong number, I was trying to text you.”

She looks at me as if to say yeah sure, so I quickly give her the rundown of everything that has happened since last night much to her dismay. She jumps in to ask questions when she needs to, always a stickler for making sure she has all of the information, but I appreciate that it’s just what she needs to process it all, and lord knows I could do with all the help I can get right now.

By the time I’m done she just stares at me dumbfounded and speechless until she finally blurts, “Your dad thinks you’re gonna marry Brad? Sad Brad with the tiny brain?”

I choke for the second time today, only this time it’s at her bold summary of the situation. I mean she isn’t wrong, and I love her for it. When I don’t say anything in response she bursts out laughing, like holding her stomach with tears coming out of her eyes laughing. I have to hit her with a pillow to get her to stop and take a breath.

“This is serious, Hals. What the hell am I going to do?” I flop my head onto the back of the sofa and Hallie places hers on mine, and I take comfort in her presence. She doesn’t really do physical touch, but I’m one of the very few exceptions, to which she will never understand how grateful I am for it.

“Well, not marry Brad, that’s for sure,” she scoffs in disgust, and I already feel better for just telling her and having her in this with me. Best friends really are the best medicine.

We both sit in silence for a few minutes, pondering my life drama until I can barely stand it. I jump to my feet, wiggling my now dry nails and turn around to face her. “You and I are going to a party tonight.”

Her eyes look up at me with shock in them, just like I knew they would. ”A party?” she asks in confusion. “What party?” One of the many things that makes us such good friends is that we both usually avoid the party scene. Too many people, too much noise, too much drama, it’s not for us. We are more the karaoke bar, taco tuesdays, movie margarita night kind of best friends.

Most of the time if we go out anywhere, it’s because Hallie secured us an invitation to something she feels comfortable with. I usually only get to invite her to boring family stuff that she is used to attending from back when we were growing up, so I know she is intrigued.

“Josh invited me to a party at his house, he said I need to get out more.” I shrug like it’s no big deal, and thankfully she doesn’t question my brother’s interest in my social life, but I don’t miss the way her eyes lighten at the mention of my brother’s name.

“Wait, we’re going to a hockey party?” There is some reservation in her voice, but if I’m not mistaken, there is also an edge of excitement, and to my surprise, when I nod she squeals.

Jumping off the sofa she crushes me in a tight hug that takes me by surprise. “Oh my god I’m so excited!” When she pulls back I smile at her, but she just rushes past me. “Well, come on, what are we waiting for, we need to get ready and make plans. Like what are we gonna wear? Are we walking there? What time are we coming home? Are we drinking? How many people do you think will be there?”

All of her questions have me smiling as I trail after her, and when I don’t respond she pauses, eyeing me with a knowing look. “Okay, we can talk more about Sad Brad and your stalker tomorrow, but tonight let’s just have some fun, deal?”

I guess I can’t argue with that. I nod, following her upstairs, leading her to my bedroom to let her appraise the outfits already waiting on my bed. She waits while I try on a few different options, before we settle on a satin blue dress that compliments my hair and eyes. Then we head to her room and do the same thing there, until she picks out one of her favorite black dresses. By the time we are done, both our rooms look like a clothes explosion took place, but that’s tomorrow’s problem to worry about. I head back to the kitchen and grab us both a drink, before moving back to my room to finish getting ready.

By the time I have my hair done and my makeup almost complete, I have a small buzz going on, and I am actually starting to look forward the party. I’m sitting in my satin robe, adding some finishing touches to my eyes, when I hear my phone chime from where it sits on my dresser, indicating that I have a new message. I’d like to pretend that I don’t almost break a leg rushing over to see who it’s from, but that would be a big, dirty lie.

The Lonely Charm: Did my body offend you Grim?

Yes, I think instantly, but there is no way I am telling him that. To be honest I am surprised he sent another message considering I have basically ghosted him all day, but I can’t be mad about his double texting. In fact, I hate how charming I find him, and his stupid abs, but the smile on my face can’t be denied. Although I’m not quite sure how to tell him that his thirst trap made me choke on my taco. Screw it, this started because of a truth so why stop now.

Maddie: I may or may not have choked on a taco 🌮

I smile as I hit send, finding myself hilarious as I take my phone back to my vanity, so I can sit down and take another sip of my drink. I watch the bubbles appear to show he is typing, and when the ding of a new message sounds out, I’m not ashamed to admit it is quickly becoming an addictive sound since last night.

The Lonely Charm: Is that a euphemism?

Maddie: Unfortunately not

The Lonely Charm: Then I think I like you Grim

My smile fades, because I know if he met me in real life he wouldn’t say that. I’m not the type of girl someone like him would want. Yes, I guess I consider myself to be beautiful, and that’s not being big-headed, it’s just a fact, but that’s all people ever see. It’s the blond hair, the blue eyes, the boobs that most men spend all their time talking to, it’s all they see. Beauty and my last name. A last name that could change to something even more obnoxious if my father gets his own way.

Before I can decide whether I am going to reply and keep this ridiculous text chain going, another message comes through from him.

The Lonely Charm: And don’t worry, that picture was a freebie. You can use it to choke on your taco anytime 😉

A freebie, I scoff at his blatant audacity, whether he has the abs to back it up or not, his attitude definitely needs taking down a peg or two. My eyes flick up to my reflection in the mirror, my hair is perfectly waved and although I’m not dressed yet, I am sitting in a matching set of white lace underwear that is only covered by my silk robe.

An idea starts to form in my head, and I quickly glance towards the door to make sure Hallie is still in her room, before I look back at my phone. Taking a deep breath, I slip open my robe to show off my upper torso, and then I open the camera app on my phone and angle it above me, so it’s just focused below my neck. I arch my back and pose to show off my toned stomach and breasts, letting the image cut off before it dips down to my panties, and the flash creates the perfect filter to hide any obvious things that would indicate it was me.

Not that anyone would be able to recognize me. I have never sent a picture like this before, and I don’t know why I’m doing it now. There is just something freeing and fun about this whole situation, and when I feel like the walls of my life are going to be closing in on me, I can’t think of a better distraction.

I fire off the message before I can change my mind and then turn off my phone like the chicken I am, downing the rest of my drink just as Hallie appears. She is already dressed, so I make quick work of doing the same. Finishing my makeup and slipping into my dress, grabbing some heels and jewelry on the way out of my room. Hallie passes me a shot of tequila which I down without pause, and when I just shrug as she stares at me, it makes her smile.

“Tonight is going to be fun!” she squeals!

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