The Prodigy Antaris - a secret World of magic #1

Chapter 9

His lips were so soft...our kiss started out soft, just a light touch, but soon grew passionate. His tongue begged to taste and explore my mouth as he ran it over my lips. And I gladly let him in. throwing my arms around his neck, while our tongues fought for dominance.

He picked me up in his arms and I mechanically wrapped my legs around his waist. Without breaking the kiss, he opened the door of my room and entered, closing it behind us. He pressed me against the wall by the door, continuing to kiss me passionately. I wanted to taste those lips since our first meeting. I was afraid that I would do something wrong, after all, this is my first kiss.

But Avery soon convinced me that I was doing the right thing, when he briefly broke our kiss and stuttered "Perfect".

He looked into my eyes while he was so close to me, and all I saw in those eyes was Love and tenderness. He continued to kiss my face with light kisses, my cheeks, the tip of my nose while he wrapped his arms around me.

"I've been waiting for you for so long, my love," he whispered and then crushed his lips back on mine.

The feeling it awakened in me was unknown to me. Passion and desire mixed with the purest love I've ever felt. It was priceless and perfect...yes perfect. His strong body was as if it was made for mine, and while we were kissing in each other's arms, I felt like I was floating. Our kiss became so intense that it seemed to me that we were completing each other.The room seemed to burn with our lust in a red glow..a red glow?

Avery and I played with his unicorn in the backyard of the big Mansion.We were Kids and we ran around laughing....The first day Ava was born we stood outside the door of her room and excitedly waited to see her for the first time...a conversation with our fathers,after we did something stupid.Avery held out his hand and said "Don´t worry,weˋre in this together"

I broke the kiss when I realized that the flashback I was having brought back all my memory of Avery and I opened my eyes in shock.

The room was not red from our passion, but from the red glow that was around me. I put my feet on the floor and in an attempt to create a distance between me and Avery raised my hands... The energy I felt radiated around me and in a second Avery flew to the other end of the room, breaking the window. All the furniture in the room moved to the side and even I ended up pinned to the wall behind me.

What was this?

"Avery!" I shouted in fear when I saw him unconscious on the floor.

That fear resulted in the red shield around me dissolving and disappearing. I got up and ran to Avery trying to wake him up.

"Avery!..Avery!" I shouted in panic as I gently caressed his face. A thin thread of blood was dripping down his forehead caused by the blow.

"Iriis!" I heard Ava screaming as she pounded on the door.

When she entered, she saw her brother on the floor and ran to help us. Shortly after her, my brother and Inna rushed into the room, looking around in a fighting stance. When they saw Avery on the floor, they came over to help us.

" What happened?" Aidan asked.

But I just looked at him with tears in my eyes and despair for Avery. What did I do?

"Quickly Inna bring Keijou, we need a healer." Aidan said as he took over Avery's care.

I sat next to Avery on the floor and continued caressing his face.

"Avery...please wake up," I stammered through my tears.

Soon, Inna returned accompanied by a man. He looked like a Maori, decorated with various chains around his neck and tattoos on his arms and chest. He knelt down next to Avery and asked me to step aside in a kind voice. His body began to shine in a white glow and he placed his hands on Avery's body. I watched in amazement as the blood on his forehead faded and the cuts that had formed magically disappeared.

"What ..What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Don't worry iris. He's a healer, he'll help Avery." Ava said as she hugged me.

We watched as Keijou treated Avery's wounds, concentrating with his eyes closed. And when he finished his white glow disappeared.

"We have to take him to his Amicus. Only he can further speed up his treatment." Keijou said.

Aidan and Keijou picked up Avery's body and carried him unconscious from the Villa.

Eyon, his Amicus was already standing in front of the door and excitedly stood up on his last two legs and neighed loudly.

They lowered him to the ground in front of Eyon who immediately approached him. The unicorn touched Avery with his horn and they both glowed a bright purple color. Eyon took a few steps back, watching his friend come to his senses. Avery opened his eyes and got up from the floor with a groan.

"Avery you are fine!" I shouted as I ran to hug him.

He took me in his arms to comfort me, as if I was the one who was hurt.

"Forgive me Avery...I didn't know what...I...I didn't mean to..." I started to apologize as tears wet my cheeks.

"My Love..don't's okay it's not your fault. You just don't know how to control your powers. " Avery said softly as he pulled me into his arms.

"What happened? Will someone explain to me?" asked Aidan, confused.

"I remembered...I remembered Avery. Everything we've done since childhood. Every memory came back. I think it was our kiss..and then I started glowing and ..he flew away...and I.. " I started to explain.

"Kiss? You kissed?...Oh, you did!!" Ava said in a singsong voice as she wiggled her eyebrows.

But this time I did not feel shame, nor any sense of embarrassment.

I looked at Avery and smiled at him with relief.

"Yes...we kissed." I answered with a smile.

Avery looked proudly at me, understanding and feeling that I am aware of everything about us and finally feel the connection of kindred souls.Soulmates..Lovers.

He kissed me gently on the forehead and gasped "Finally..we are finally one. We have finally found each other, my Love."

"This is so beautiful and emotional," Inna said softly as she hugged Aidan.

While we were standing in each other's arms, everything seemed perfect again. I finally understand what they were explaining to me about the relationship between soul mates. His presence made me feel calm, happy and loved. And I knew that the feeling was mutual... I felt it inside me. Avery is my soul only Love.

We were interrupted by a girl who ran up to us and excitedly said "King Elior is here...he just flew in with the guards"

"Mana, thank you for letting us know. Please tell the soldiers to be on standby immediately." Aidan said.

The girl, whose name was obviously Mana took Keijou's hand and together they headed towards the soldiers' quarters.

The king flew in on a big white winged horse and his guards on big blue birds. Among the guards I recognized Noah, Alvar and Elian.

King Elior looked scared when we approached him, but as soon as he saw us he was relieved.He wasn't scared...he was worried!

"Are you all okay? What happened?" he asked, looking at us.

"Iris remembered Avery, and then Boom he flew off the wall because of her shield." Ava explained as she hugged her father.

"Everything is fine, father. Don't worry, we are all fine." Avery said as he held my hand.

The relief on the King's face was immediately visible.

"Your energy field was felt all over Antaris. We thought you were under attack. That's why we came ready to fight," the king explained his arrival.

"I'm sorry that I was the reason you came so late to take care of us" I said embarrassed.

Aidan sent his soldiers back to rest in their quarters after they lined up with a false alarm. Aidan's assumption was that we were in danger and that the king had come because of that, but actually I was the reason for his arrival. When the soldiers retreated, we followed the king to the main villa.

When we were all gathered, the king sat down and looked worriedly at each of us.His gaze lingered on me and the concern was evident in his eyes.

"We need to talk." he said....

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