The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 70

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I’m starting to get a headache, Ayla has hardly texted me today. And I know she told me before and I know she cannot help it but
I miss her. Dillion has been acting weird today, and so has Dillion since getting back from picking up Jessa on top of all of that I
had the extra work Dad asked me to do.
Dillion and Gerald had both left to go to their respective offices to get to work. Finally not bothering me anymore but now
someone was knocking at my door. The second I raised my head I was greeted with the overwhelming scent of lilac. Could it be?
Could it be that Ayla said she wouldn’t be able to text me because she was coming here early? There was only one way to find
out but I found myself eager. Rushing to open the door there she was, like a dream come true. My
breathtakingly beautiful mate was standing in the doorframe yelling “Surprise”
I grabbed her hips to lift her and spin her around, and when L was about to put her down on the floor she wrapped her arms
around my neck-pulling me close to be able to k*ss me. I didn’ t care why she was here so much earlier than we agreed on, or
how we were k*ssing in the hallway for all to see. I didn’t even care for the fact that I had to work now when she was here. All I
cared for was the fact that she was here with me now.
“What are you doing here, Darling not that I am complaining?”
I asked her when we finally let go of each other.
“There is some training I have to go over with your mother, and like you said we are going to need to make an effort to interact
with the pack. With all that I had to do, I got the day
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off because I was exhausted so what better way than to sleep in and then spend the day with you?” She beamed up at me.
Knowing her idea of relaxing was spending the day with me made me feel elated. Suddenly I remember the shitton of work Dad
left me with. I can’t even take her out, I hardly have the time to show her the surprise in the living room. Ayla must. see my face
fall, before I know it she is cupping my cheek with her hand asking me what’s wrong.

“I have so much to do, that I can’t take you out, and I am a bit bummed out about it,” I answer and to my surprise, she just smiles
at me.
“Is there anything I can help you with? So we can go on a casual date tonight? Something on the pack ground maybe?” She
asks me to think about ways to help me, to make the best of this situation.
“If you really don’t mind, I do need to go over the rapports every pack sent me about their members. To see if they changed
packs, or if they went rogue?” It is a tedious job, so when I told Ayla what I was doing I figured she would decline.
But she didn’t she settled down on the couch in my room and opened up her laptop. Fully trusting her I gave her the login info to
the email. She would start reading from the bottom up and I would do the exact opposite.
Reading all the emails and then making the changes to the archives still was tedious. But with Ayla next to me, time had flown
by. Not only because we joked and teased between emails. She has also done about have of my job so that I finish work a lot
sooner. We decided to go to the diner-style
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restaurant on pack ground. Excusing myself that I had to shower first I led Ayla to our private chambers. She seemed to pick up
how overly excited I was to show her the bookshelves. But other than raising a brow at me she didn’t say anything, which was
good because I was bursting out the seams to tell her.
“Grif, tell me you didn’t?” Ayla’s voice ski ps a beat when she asks me about the wall covered with wrapping paper.
“Darling, in a few weeks this will be our apartment, our bedroom I want you to feel at home here. It’s not totally selfless though I
want our livingroom to be cozier so that we can spend time in there.
Ayla praises me for the idea about the living room but her eyes are immediately drawn to the wrapping paper.
“Go one Darling rip it open” That is all the encouragement she needs.
She begins tearing the paper down, and when I start to help her she grabs me by the collar and k*sses me hard, passionate.
Before returning to the task at hand, In the time she is pulling down the wrapping paper. She does this cute little dance every
time she discovers a new book. Most of the shelves are left empty though.

Not only does she have a ton of books at her Grandparent’s place already. We need space to fill up. I want her bookshelves to
be full of books I got her. Our fridge is full of magnets from places we went to together. There is even a bookstore on pack
ground. Looking at my watch I notice that we can still make the bookstore if I hurry.
“You look beautiful Darlin, but I have to take a quick shower
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so feel free to use the shower after me if you need to,” I tell her before walking to the bathroom.
The shower was wonderful, and it woke me up. Ayla had changed into a simple tight tight-fitting dress. She was read too, and so
I offered her my arm. Arms linked we made our way into town. Where she had no idea where I was taking her to, she still
seemed to think we were just walking towards the restaurant. She would never be able to find or do any thing on pack ground on
her own. I silently tell myself to print the maps of the pack for her this weekend so she can’t study them. If she finds the time to
do so in her busy schedule that is.
Now I can benefit from her not knowing her way around the pack. I ask her to close her eyes for the last few feet. She is
confused seeing as she thinks she already knows where we are going. But she does as I ask her without any questions. When
we are in front of the bookstore I let her open her eyes. She squeals and jumps into my arms, I waste no time in wrapping my
arms around her lifting her off the ground again. I will never stop loving the feeling of her petite frame melting into me as I lift her
off the ground. It makes me feel like I can protect her from everything in this world. Suddenly I am overwhelmed with the need to
tell her that. Even Conan is ringing through my mind, whining our mate needs to know we will keep her safe.
“I will always keep you safe Darling, I will always keep you in my arms because it is where you belong,” I tell her giving in to the
need to tell her.
“I know you will, Griff I trust you with my life” Her answer is
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like balm to my soul.
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Her feet are firmly back on the sidewalk again and she takes a step closer to me. So I bent forward to give her a k*ss. Instead,
she just grabs my wrist and pulls me into the bookstore. And I cannot but help laugh at her enthusiasm. She is picking up books,
smelling them, and reading the back. She even grabs. the books by their spine waving them around. According to her, it is to
testy how floppy they are: Honestly, I don’t get it, I don’t get what the fun in reading is. But if you enjoy it why not. just download
an e-book?”.
“That is why I can’t wait to have mom over for a visit when I moved in here. She will love going to this bookstore with me.” Ayla

tells me, it makes sense her mother loves books just as much as she does.
“Oh, so you do plan on living here? You actually want to be the Queen” Rhonda snaps at Ayla.
Arms crossed ready to tear into Ayla, I want to intervene and tell Rhonda to mind her own business and to leave her alone. But
when I look at Ayla I know I am too late and I no longer
have the chance to.

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