The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 51

Griffin 51′
By the time Ayla gets here, I have just finished my work. I was happy with the extra preparations I made. But it was a lot of extra
work, and with me being deadset on not having to work on the weekend. I have been hauled up in the office all day. To the point
where I was too late. to walk outside and welcome her back. Now she is standing at the door opening carrying a bag that is way
too big to be just an overnight bag. Was she thinking the same thing as I was?
“Are you okay Griff, you seemed a little off yesterday and now you didn’t come to greet me? Not that you have to of course but
well you...” She stammers, probably not wanting to make me feel bad about it.
But I like she expected me to wait for her outside to be the first one to welcome her in. I’m pissed at myself I lost track of time.
“I am more than okay now you are here again, Darling,” I tell her as I walk up to her.
To my relief she lets me k*ss her, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. Deepening the k*ss until it leaves
me breathless.
“I haven’t been fully honest with you, and because of that, I was swamped with work today” I almost miss the way she goes pale
and shivers like it is cold in my office.
“Nothing to worry about, I just set up a double date with, Dillio, Collin Gerald, and Jessa I figured you missed her. And I had
Krystel buy you some toiletries even if I think she went a little overboard” As soon as the last word leaves my l*ps she drops her
bag and jumps into my arms.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you Griff” she practically squeals.
As always I get happy she calls me Griff and when she has both her fect on solid ground again she rushes to get something out
of her bag.
“Here we had meatloaf the other day and I told Grandma you would love it so she packed you the leftovers. And oh euhmm I

packed some more clothes hoping I could leave them here. You know so I don’t have to pack every time. They can just stay in
the bag if you don’t have closet space” Her cheeks redden again.
As if she needed help looking cuter than she already does.
“You and your grandmother are the best. And the extra clothes are perfect I was thinking about how much easier that would be
just yesterday” I took the bag from her hand, because I like doing things. like that for her.
Dad always acts like a true gentleman to Mom, I always grew up wanting to be like him. Things like holding doors open, pulling
her chair back, and carrying her bags. Not because she needs me to, but to show her how appreciated she is. In the short
distance between my office and my chambers, I spent listening to Ayla excitedly chatting about having missed Jessa and the
dresses he packed for special events and dates. She wants to match like she wanted to do at the ball for Krystel. Clearly, that is
something she enjoys. It showed me she was a romantic at heart. I hated that, that side of her was destroyed but I would do
anything in my power to build it up again. I didn’t mind matching at all, I kinda like people could see we belonged together. She
chose a deep red almost burgundy dress with three-quarter-length sleeves. The skirt ends a little above her knees and she pairs
the formfitting dress with white sneakers. I can’t take my eyes off her, I wish the twist on her left hip would come undone so the
dress would fall open. That will have to wait until later tonight though. I made preparations for after dinner but to make those
plans we needed to go to dinner first. Fulfilling my promise to her I change into a button- down shirt in the exact same color as
her dress. I paired it with some

dark blue jeans and of course my white sneakers.
Gerarld whistles as he sees us coming down the stairs to meet up at the front entrance like we agreed to. Commenting on what
a good-looking couple we are.
“Actually Your Highnesses I agree, we discussed announcing that

Lady Hemmings accepted you as her mate. To stop the rumors a picture in these outfits would be perfect. Especially since our
Princess has on this elegant make-up” The royal secretary that happened to walk past us comments.
I freeze for a bit, this is part of being the royal family, in the current day and age, we have a secure website to keep people up-to-
date about news from the royal family. Mom and Dad suggested announcing this, and I was going to tell Ayla in person but I
wanted to enjoy the date first. Fearing that she might need a bit of persuasion. Dillion, Collin, and Gerald tense up. And when he
notices the awkwardness so does the secretary, but my perfect mate surprises me again..
“Are you the one taking the pictures or not, if so can you mindlink the person who will over? I think it’s a great reservation but
honestly. I am starving” Ayla says, a smile playing around her l*ps.
Dillion and Jessa giggle, and the others sigh in relief as her raw honesty takes all the tension out of the air. The secretary
immediately mindlinks someone before turning to us again.
“The photographer can be here in 20 minutes but my wife made donuts for dessert and our garden is beautiful maybe we can
come up with some sort of deal” He winks at Ayla completely ignoring me.
“Well that sounds perfect” Ayla smiles.
And after the royal secretary mindlinks again he leads the six of us to their home. His wife is excited to meet Ayla. Hugging her
as soon as
she steps inside. Ayla just smiles at her and soon we are sitting in the garden cating warm donuts and chatting. I love how she
can be polite and proper as a Princess, strict as a Queen, and kindhearted and warm as the perfect Luna. Still, after we have
taken some photos in front of the rose bushes I am glad we can head to the restaurant only a few minutes late. The restaurant is
outside of the pack ground because we do not have a Tex-Mex restaurant in the pack. This place had handmade tortillas and a
taco share platter with tons of sides. I loved sharing my food mostly because I was horrible at choosing. I always wanted
everything on the menu.
When we got to my SUV Jessa sl*pped in next to Ayla telling Gerald she missed her bestie. I chuckled thinking I was better off
since Ayla would still be sitting next to me. She put her hand of my hand on her knee but she just rambled on to Jessa. It was
like she forgot I was there she even whispered about things I had done for her: I could only hear fragments but they seemed to
be positive and they would constantly burst into fits of giggles. Jessa and Gerald’s mate-moon was the next topic so I shot him a
sympathetic look. He winks at me through the backview mirror in response. Because we know neither of us minds we are just
happy our mates are having so much fun.
I grew up with these two, and I trust them with my life that is why I asked them to become my Beta and Gemma. We always had
dreams of our future where our mates would become best friends too. Jessa liked Collin so far and Ayla seemed to like him too.

The future we dreamed of as pups seemed to get closer and closer. During dinner, we see just how much as after the first twenty
minutes of catching up at super speed the two ladies join the rest of the conversation and dinner is a blast. We laugh and joke
like all friends and Ayla is constantly touching me. Whether it is just our knees touching or her hand on my leg. Even wiping a bit
of sauce from the corner of my mouth. It makes me feel giddy and excited for tonight.
I hope Ayla likes the surprise, after last weekend I figured it would be
perfect but now we were together I was getting nervous. The last thing. I wanted was for Ayla to feel pressured, I know after what
happened last weekend I felt like I couldn’t wait any longer. Now I realized that if she wanted to I would have. But there really
only was one explanation for what was waiting for us in our bedroom.

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