The Paragon Antaris - a secret World of magic #2

Chapter 15


Since our childhood, I have felt responsible for Elyon, even though he is older than me. We spent our childhood surrounded by love with our parents in our homeland. I loved Elyon very much as my twin; he had a special connection to me.

Noran was just as important to me; he wasn't my brother by blood, but he was my brother by heart. The children at school often teased Elyon about his hair, which over the years lost its color and eventually turned ash blonde. They would mock him for having no skills, despite being a king's son. Early on, Vaell stood up for him and beat up the children who wouldn't leave Elyon alone. I felt so sorry for him, and my heart ached for my brother.

We were close friends with our parents' friends' children, and that friendship only grew stronger over the years. When the first signs of Elyon's powers appeared, I was already in complete control of mine and had mastered Elvish abilities. Even Noran and all of our friends had already mastered their skills, but we all celebrated Elyon's small successes as if they were our own. As a child, I often heard Elyon crying and didn't know how to help him. When we got our Amicus and he was the only one who didn't have one, he was broken and sad. After our friends found their soulmates and talked about their dreams one by one, I knew that I would soon see my soulmate in my dreams and hoped the same for Elyon. I often dreamed of my companion, and in every dream, he stood in front of me with his back to me and spoke to my father Devas and Elyon. I only saw his back, which meant he wasn't near me, but I heard his voice and was surrounded by the scent of fresh melons and lovely flowers.

One day, I will find him. I knew that the Father of all beings had destined it for me.

My brother's pain was deep inside me too, and I knew he felt different. That's why we all tried to make him happy, but his happiness would be finding his mate, which he didn't have. Elyon spent a lot of time with Aunt Ava and trained twice as much with Uncle Aidan. I watched the crying boy grow into a strong man.

When we found out that Elyon had found his mate and was going to look for her with our father and mother, we were all excited and proud. When they returned to Antaris, Uncle Aidan told us about Elyon's outburst of strength, and he was overwhelmed and happy for him. However, it seemed that happiness had not accompanied his mate. I learned from Mother later about her difficult life, and I was pained by her situation. The little girl who accompanied her was her sister. While Elyon was with our parents and Innia at her arrival, it was our duty to look after little Nyllis and make her feel welcome. Her little face lit up as she listened and watched us demonstrate our powers, but her eyes were empty and sad. And the eyes never lie. The happiness of my family and friends was always my top priority, and when Nyllis came along, I also felt that it was important for her to feel comfortable since she was now family too.

When Elyon came to us with his mate after talking to our parents, she looked very shy and scared, but she was beautiful, and Elyon was happy. Vaell suggested giving Nyllis something to eat, and I knew he did so to leave Elyon and his mate alone. I watched little Nyllis try the different desserts that were available in the kitchen, and with each one, she looked surprised. Her little hands grabbed the candy, and she ate on the floor, which made me sad. What must they have experienced?

I asked the servants to give them the most beautiful room and chose the most beautiful clothes and robes I could find for them. Whatever they saw and experienced is now over, and they should know that they are welcome and loved here.

Our parents talked to me before dinner and explained that we had to take more care of Nyllis because Innia had been there for her for years and would now be overwhelmed herself. So, I decided to ask my father to send everyone else to training as usual and leave me with her. My parents looked at each other, and Mother smiled proudly at me. Father nodded and hugged me. I didn't have to do that, but I felt I just wanted to, and there would be a reason for it.

Elyon seemed happy and excited, and as they set off to go into a dream, I didn't know much except that it was important. My job was to look after little Nyllis, and without her seeing me, I went to school regularly and checked on her. The fear of what Elyon was experiencing was great, and I didn't want her to experience the same thing - she didn't even have any friends.

Word quickly spread that Elyon's mate had arrived with her sister, that they had a hard time, and that the little one was Abbadon's child. I knew that the adults would never question my father's decision and that the child was welcome, but with children, you never know.

Even though we are good beings, our knowledge is not mature in childhood, and we still have a lot to learn, so I was worried about Nyllis. When I saw the little elf girl Nori protectively looking after her, I knew that Nyllis had found her Vaell, who once defended my brother so much. Bael came to the school to develop the children's abilities, and when little Nyllis showed her powers, the children were afraid of the dark mist that enveloped her.Shortly after the first few lessons, she was very adept with her powers, but I could see on her face that the whispering of the other children was bothering her.

As Elyon came back with Innia Devas and Vaell, I was there when his mate felt unwell and collapsed. Elyon didn't leave her side for days, and I looked after little Nyllis. She slept in bed with me, and we visited my amicus Sola. Seeing a unicorn was incredible for her, and riding one made her little heart beat faster.

I told Vaell and Miriel about the children's trip and was excited for Nyllis when she found out about it. This also seemed to be a reason for Elyon to take his Innia away and spend time together in the hope that they would bond. He had stayed up for days and seemed worried. Her awakening was good news. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to talk to her, but my brother's happiness was also mine, and I turned all my attention to Nyllis. Mother was proud of me when I visited Nyllis in the Myrren Forest when she was on the trip, but it seemed necessary for me to think of her well.

When Elyon and Innia returned, they were both beaming with the happiness of their soulmate bond. Innia looked at him like all mates do, and the love and connection were obvious, and I was happy for both of them. That evening, Nyllis came into my room and told me about Innia and Elyon as they explained to her about the bond, and I had to laugh because I had already prepared her for this so that she would know and not feel rejected. Her little face beamed as she told me how happy she is to finally have a home.

"We can be friends forever now," she said to me excitedly. "I'm happy about that. I still have so much to show and teach you." I replied as I combed her hair, and we sat on my bed.

"From now on, I'll sleep in the room next to you. I'm already grown up, and I don't want the other children laughing at me and calling me weird," Nyllis said quietly.

"They're laughing at you?" I asked her worriedly.

"Ms. Ava told me that the children aren't angry, they just don't know any better," Nyllis explained.

She spoke so maturely, I was sure that Innia talked to her a lot, and that's why she was like that, but I also knew that she was definitely scared and definitely missed her sister.

I turned Nyllis towards me and looked into her eyes. Those little sad empty eyes were no longer so empty but still sad. I hugged her, and she held me with her little arms and enjoyed the hug.

"You're not weird, Nyllis. You're just different. And different is good. You're good. And I love you," I said to her quietly while holding back my tears.

"I would be happy if you would sleep here tonight, and tomorrow we can decorate your room together," I suggested, and she looked at me and smiled.

"Ok if you want me to, then I'll stay," she replied smiling.

I watched her fall asleep next to me, and my heart was heavy with burden for the little girl.

The next day, Elyon and Innia had an important task. I heard Innia found her brother, and they are going to look for him with Devas, Evelyn, and Vaell. So I had breakfast with Nyllis on her day off from school, together with my mother and father who were a bit tense, but they still always smiled at the child. Father laughed as she clumsily speared the pancakes with a fork, and he cut them to size to make it easier for her. She looked at him with wide eyes. My father was a big and powerful man, and this gesture made her feel important and comfortable.

As we were decorating Nyllis's new room after breakfast, I stopped in mid-motion when I smelled it.

The smell of melons and flowers surrounded me, and a voice called me in the direction of father's study. I ran the short distance guided by my soul and knew that he was here. My thoughts were playing wildly, and all senses were heightened. Everything had a meaning, the love in me blossomed and was clearly palpable, and I was so happy.

When the door ripped open, and Father, Devas, and Elyon were standing in the room, my eyes were only focused on him. The man whose soul called mine looked at me with shining eyes. He stared at me, and I felt his gaze slide over my body. He was so beautiful. Just as I wanted to run into his arms to satisfy the longing, he turned to my brother. He said something to him briefly, and they left the room in the other direction from me. Elyon turned to me and looked at me worried. But my mate didn't.

He didn't want me. Did he just reject me?

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