The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Six.

The hybrids within Bear mountain knew that they were safe while within, as the old nuclear complex was built within a mountain, and the huge steel reinforced blast doors were over a metre thick, and there been two sets of twinned airlocks before entry into the heart of the complex could be reached. Yet they were created to seek out such infected and destroy, so remaining safely within was not an option.

Since their creation, new teams were being created every month, and after a further two months of educational and physical training, the now newly cloned hybrids were ready for service and battle.

Elisa knew these were their army, an army of highly advanced genetically trans-human intelligent cyborgs, and yet still more machine than human, and been capable of manipulating their genetic structure at will, and to mimic other life forms, and to seek out designated targets and terminate infected OAM life.

Elisha Wilson terminated the meeting due to the activity outside, and designated Ashmead and his family living quarters, knowing they were now a welcome part of their new family, and that their knowledge and minds were greatly needed if the human race was to ever recover, and reclaim earth as the safe haven it once was.

Admiral Marshal and Davinder had taken a great risk in authorising the escape of Ashmead, Sati and their family, yet they were also aware that selected factions within core command were becoming concerned, as signs were indicating certain members of the highest level within core command might be contaminated, and if this proved to be the case, then measures were required for their discreet removal.

As Elisa entered her room the screen lit. “Elisa you will be pleased to know you are authorised to take a shower, you have seventeen minutes as of now, after that, I cannot promise any further such privileges until your rota designates your next use of water.”

Philip smiled as he saw the expression on Elisa’s face, “Enjoy it” he said, and then switched off the screen to give Elisa some privacy and downtime.

Showering with water was a privilege, as the water was a valued commodity and needed to be not only rationed but constantly recycled, filtered and then reused. Special neutron particle showers were created to remove contaminants from the body after missions, and yes they cleaned the body but left the users feeling uncomfortable and in need of moisturising. Whereas water hydrates the body and feels great upon the flesh, and is a far more natural way of keeping clean.

As Elisa showered, she became aware of a presence from within her room. “Do not be alarmed Elisa, I am the voice you are hearing from within your mind, you can refer to me as Ruth, as I am your friend, and a female in gender, I was sent here by my peers to guide you and others like you to a place of safety, and to assist in your evolving into a new life form.”

Elisa looked at her shower at a three-metre-tall thin lizard-like bipedal life form standing before her. “Do not fear should Philip or another be monitoring this room, they and their equipment will be unable to detect my presence and to their eyes and equipment they will only see you, and not my presence within this room.”

As Elisa remained to shower until the very last drop of water flowed, she then lifted a towel and dried herself, dressed and sat upon her bed while Ruth explained her mission and reasons for been there.

“In your planets distant history humans evolved vast intelligence and created immense stone structures, and your planet was visited from sister alien races, and who for a time further educated and evolved your ancestors to a stage, where they developed space flight of their own, and soon they were starting to colonise off worlds, only they started showing a level of violence which was unacceptable to us or our kind, and we were forced to eventually terminate their lives.”

Ruth paused as Elisa took in her words, “We called this race descendants of Cain from your early earth history of Adam and Eve, as they inherited a violent genetic trait which was never intended for your race. You were originally created in the true image of your Gods, who are highly evolved life forms at the very top of all universal life, nothing is higher, and even we were originally created in their image, only upon our planet the environment and suns light is so different to that of earth, and we evolved into what you describe as lizard-like in appearance.”

Elisa found herself liking Ruth, and her appearance although strange at first, was becoming acceptable, especially as she understood now how this came about. “Are you claiming that even you were created in the image of what some upon earth claim to be God?”

Ruth smiled. “Yes child, all life within the galaxies were created by this race which you refer to as God, and yes even we bow to them, their race is beyond time and truly led by a life form unequalled by any, and who is ageless, a thousand years to us is but a second to them, such is their skill, intellect and abilities, and yes they have an army of what you upon earth refer to as Angels, and who carry out their leader’s will. Only even they faced a war within the heavens and certain members of that army rebelled and were defeated, thrown out of the higher heaven and excluded forever from the presence of the true one God.”

This revelation made Elisa sit upright and take even more attention. “But I do not understand, if what you tell me is true, then why are so many humans dying and failing to evolve.”

Ruth smiled, “child they have a choice, you all had a choice upon the earth before this virus started altering life upon your planet. Your Holy Book you call the Bible, it warned you a time would arrive, and where a great battle will take place, Armageddon you call it, well that time is almost here, and although you have not yet realised it, those evolving like yourself accepted the one called Jesus into their lives, and took Him as their saviour and been the Son of the true one living God.”

Elisa’s eyes widened in shock. “But I was created in a test tube and was not truly conceived as humans were conceived.” Ruth laughed, “Child Christ Jesus was conceived in a similar but more advanced way, no human impregnated Mary. But the very Spirit of God came upon her and she was seeded by methods beyond your understanding, yet Jesus is still the very biological Son of God, and of man. You are still a creation of God, and even though you accepted Christ into your life after finding that old Bible within one of the lockers, you read the book and made a conscious choice within your heart and mind, to follow this Jesus, and said a prayer inviting him into your life.”

Elisa blinked, “Yes and I truly meant it and still do, but…, but I do not understand, I never went to a church…, or... “Child you were born just before the end times, circumstances never gave you the opportunity others have had, and yet still so many refused to believe and now suffer the consequences of their actions and failings. Also, take a look at the thief who was crucified upon the cross, he never attended a church, yet took Jesus as his saviour.” “So, you are truly saying that only those who give their lives to Christ Jesus will be saved and evolve and that all others are damned to suffer eternal hell.”

Their conversation was interrupted, as Philip appeared upon the screen within Elisa’s room. “Elisa our sensors are detecting space craft’s entering earth’s atmosphere, we believe it is central sending in cyborgs to reclaim planet earth.” Elisa moved from her bed and stood to attention as the screen changed to show a live feed of Admiral Marshal.

“Ruth, we have taken control of core command, and have rooted out all those contaminated by the OAM virus mutation, and we are now in command, and the ships you detect are ours, the troops within our all ours and have been ordered to ensure you and those within the mountain are safe, and to prepare for a final battle to once and for all rid the earth of this evil.”

Ruth smiled. “Thank you, Admiral, Elisa has just been informed of our intentions and is coming to terms with such news.” “Good welcome into the family Elisa, it is only a shame that some others within your team failed to meet the criteria,” “Admiral is it still too late, I could talk to them and tell them giving them a choice.” “Child, I suspect that time is past, they like you were given the opportunity, only some after reading the Bible ridiculed it, laughing and refusing to believe, and you like they, had over two years to decide. However, that said who am I to try and stop you, only I order you not to talk about matters of security, so keep your conversation to that of your testimony and of Jesus.” “Yes Mam and thank you.”

Elisa could feel pain within her heart for her friends who had previously rejected Jesus, “I know child it hurts, yet unknown to you within your makeup you were all programmed to find those bibles and given a choice, one of free will, you chose and genuinely gave your heart to God by accepting His Son as your saviour, so far they have refused, the clock was ticking and the deadline is possibly passed, and if so now they must like the others face the action for the choices they made, but please I agree you need to try and to give them the opportunity.”

The screen switched to show huge insects of all kinds fighting with thousands upon thousands of highly evolved mutated humans, also some giants and who were full of anger and rage.

“This is what your world now faces, for a time you will face trials and those who are caught outside of your refuge will be offered a choice to receive a mark stating they denounce their faith and God, and worship those who were fallen from heaven, and it will be a time of testing’s and turmoil, yet a time will arrive when the true saviour Jesus, of whom we serve will arrive with His army, and a battle will ensue to destroy such evil, and entrap the fallen for an eternity.”

No sooner had her words been spoken when the screen showed nine spaceships descending and firing upon all hostile life forms destroying them, so they could land in safety and allow the troops to disembark.

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