The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Nine.

The fallen giant of whom Phillip had fired upon, sat before the captured members of Team B, “You will refer to me as your commanding officer and be subject to my orders, they are simple, kill and or subject as much pain upon others and eliminate all resistance, prove you are worthy and you will progress, take what is not yours, kill if they resist, as that is our way as only the strong survive.”

Already the OAM virus was mutating the team members and their inner aggression was evolving and growing and taking control. “In the compound, we have thousands upon thousands of so-called Christian prisoners who have refused to denounce their faith or their God. Take who so ever you want it is your privilege, heck, eat them if that is what pleases you, it’s your choice they are ours now to do as we please.”

There was a roar of agreement from those before the giant, and he laughed knowing that by giving such a reward, that it only bonded them closer to him. As the team members approached the prisoner’s compound, there before them were thousands of men, women and children looking scared and having faced such humiliation many times before, and they all knew what was about to happen.

The children were quickly taken by those within the compound to the centre of their group and while the adults surrounded them, and then the prisoners started singing praises to their God, defying those who they knew were about to kill them.

As the team members entered the compound, the giant watched them see their reactions. Soon various team members started to squabble as they wanted certain prisoners and fights broke out resulting in the death of the weakest, and the victor dragging the prize prisoner away.

It was carnage and by the time the victors had left, seven dead ex-team members lay dismembered upon the ground and thirteen fatally wounded. No sooner had the gates to the compound been closed, when the Christians went over and tried to help those who were injured and offered comfort and compassion to those of their enemy and who was going to have killed them.

They knew the risk, yet they took it anyway. “No” cried out the giant and he fired upon those offering aid to the injured and killing many in the process. “How many times must I tell you, they are not to be helped, they were weak, unworthy of such honour and must suffer for their crime.”

As he was speaking other fallen entered the compound and collected the dead Christians and carrying them off for spit roasting to feed the troops.

That night the Christians faced many visits from the new recruits and even more, death occurred, yet this was something the prisoners had become accustomed to, and their numbers were added to daily as more prisoners were caught and brought before the fallen.

As dawn broke the huge encampment was looked upon in amusement, and as if it was in turmoil, and fighting still broke out as the newly recruited fought other more established captured, for rank and position, only the ex-team members held one huge advantage over the infected humans, they had been created as specific fighting machines, bred and nurtured to seek out and kill infected OAM humans, and they were also technology advanced shapeshifters, along with cyborg implants which vastly increased their strength, speed and thinking.

Although many of the remaining millions of infected humans had themselves evolved from mutations, none other than the fallen were equal to their abilities, and quickly team B became the ruling faction, and answerable only to the fallen.

As the day progressed the giants called the newly established members before them. “You have proven yourselves worthy, we congratulate you, now you must inform us of all you know about the Bear Mountain complex and show us any weak points where we can exploit and possibly gain entry.”

There was a roar of approval as the members of team B prepared to reveal all they knew about the complex, and which had once been their home and place of refuge.

“To our knowledge, it is impregnable and cannot be entered.” No sooner had the team member finished talking when his head exploded, as an energy blast from one of the fallen weapons was fired upon him.

There was a moment’s stunned shock, and then laughter. “That is negative thinking, I will not accept such disrespect, there must be weaknesses, you know those inside and you know the system used, search your minds and return to me by the next sunrise with solutions which we can try, if they fail, at least we tried and are seen to be applying pressure, as even we are answerable to a higher power than ourselves, and believe me now when I tell you, that you do not want to anger or disappoint our Lord.”

As the group dispersed the dead remains of their colleague has carried away for roasting, and to be included in that day’s food rations. By the next day, they grouped once more before their fallen leader.

“Sir we have discussed your orders and we all agree the weakest link is to exploit the loyalty of those who were once our friends, we know if we can use suitable bait, then it just might be possible for one or more to be reached and to get them to help us.”

The fallen leader laughed, “wonderfull, you see with the correct motivation solutions can be found, have you a particular plan in mind?”

“Yes sir,” stated Steve, he had become the group’s spokesperson and leader, and answerable now only to the fallen.

“We propose to take a few Christian women and children and use them as bait, one of us will let them believe that we are helping them to escape, your guards must discover this action and fire upon some, we, in turn, propose to have who so ever is chosen to defend and kill at least one of your guards, that way it will create the illusion that this is a real escape or rescue attempt. Then we will make our way to one of the cameras and allow them to see us, you must then create a distraction of saying some humans trying to stop us, and a fight must break out, I or whoever is leading the prisoners to escape will resist and kill as many as I can, but it must look as if I am going to fail, that way hopefully those within will come and try and help me.”

The giant smiled and then laughed. “Excellent I like your way of thinking, so be it once they open the blast doors, we can secretly infiltrate our way in and exploit a further weakness,” replied the giant.

The plan was quickly put into place and during the early hours of the following morning, Steve had ordered Jillian and Christopher to act as those trying to help the Christians escape.

They entered the compound under an invisibility cloak and made their way to the observed group leaders from within the compound. Quietly Jillian awoke one of the male leaders and explained their intentions. After the initial shock and surprise, it was agreed that the women and children needed to be freed, and selected individuals were chosen and separated quietly so they could be led to safety.

No more than minutes after leaving the compound and exiting the boundary of the encampment, one of the fallen appeared and pretended he was going to stop them. Christopher materialised and put up a brave fight giving Jillian and the escapees time to move away. The giant fought Christopher and appeared to die but wounding his opponent in the process.

Jillian led the scared women and children to an area where she knew there were active security cameras observing the area, and there Christopher lagged behind been pursued by a group of raging infected humans. He used all of his skill and ability to fight off the attackers and killing as many as he could. But it was evident he was badly wounded and the sheer volume of infected was beyond his ability to stop.

Security alarms sounded from within the base and cyborg soldiers awaited their orders. Ruth looked at Elisha, “It appears to be a rescue attempt... however, we are unable to be sure, as it could be an organised trap.” Elisha looked at the various monitors as they displayed information about the various infected and people outside.

“It shows no sign of the fallen but then when the ships arrived, we were caught off guard, as thousands of the fallen materialised apparently out of thin air to attack the ships,” said Elisa.

They could see the children crying and looking scared, while some of the women scream and others cried out “Help us please they risk their lives to free us.” Unseen to the escapees and those within Bear Mountain, a group of the fallen were in place by the various exits awaiting someone to leave and come to the rescue of the escaped prisoners.

Ruth contacted her orbiting ship and requested them to help, and they descended and fired precision targeted munition upon the infected, and then beamed the women, children and two hybrid warriors aboard. As they materialised from within the alien ship it was already back in high orbit and fully cloaked, and unseen by the Amador of the fallen’s space ships.

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