The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Four.

Admiral Louise Marshall, formally the captain of the original Mars mission had become a central leader within core command, and in large thanks to the artefacts retrieved from that historical mission, Virgin Space Research now headed up the largest off-world space fleet and had made monumental gains in technological advancements.

They now colonised three worlds and five moons and had created an army of transhuman cyborgs capable of living and operating within hostile environments, and of which ordinary humans would without question perish very quickly. “Sir we have received a beacon signal from the shuttle ordered to survey earth, and the internal censor upon activation clearly shows all crew members are dead, and that the dispatched probes indicate extreme hostile life, which is still acting upon the planet.”

Admiral Louise Marshall looked across her desk to the other executive members of her team. Shirley Watson, Davinder Sing, Boris Johnson and Kendal Matsui. “It would seem we have a problem; I have assured the detonations would wipe out all hostile life, and in time enable us to reclaim planet earth for our future colonising.”

Davinder Sing opened a folder and presented her findings. “It would appear we underestimated the ability of the OAM virus to further mutate, immediate probes which were launched only hours after the initial explosions, clearly showed less than 8% of human life had survived, and we were at the time unable to obtain an accurate reading for insectoid life forms, but it was estimated to be no larger than14%, yet now according to this new data, we vastly underestimated this virus.”

Davinder paused and took a drink of water. “Underestimated it…, I say we did, if this data is correct the affected OAMs have grown in number as have the wildlife and insectoids, as for those within Bear Mountain, and whom need I remind you, we abandoned, and against my noted objections and complaints, we have yet to find any indication of a single survivor.”

There was considerable discomfort from those within the group who had voted to terminate these operatives’ lives. “Yes Kendal your objection was noted, yet you were voted down, and that is the past, even I agree now upon reflection it would have been wiser to have sought an alternative path, and yes one which kept that team alive, informed and within the loop as to our future intentions.”

Admiral Marshall interrupted, “What is done is done, we all agree now upon reflection that core command acted hastily, however you must not forget, that at the time we were aware of the virus infecting central command and we had no means then in knowing just who else was infected, and it was for that reason, and one of survival that core took the difficult decision of terminating all life upon earth, and sacrificing our friends, families and loved ones, so those unaffected could survive into the future, and rebuild the human race.”

There was a moment’s uncomfortable silence before Boris Johnson spoke. “Agreed, however, we cannot allow these deaths to go unchallenged, if we do we will never regain control back from the affected upon earth…, I say we send in fifteen full units of our top cyborg troops and eliminate once and for all the resistance, and the sooner we do the quicker we can start recolonising our old planet.”

The old warrior’s words were received with favour, and there was a unanimous vote to agree and start the invasion as soon as tactically able, yet they knew it was going to be far from easy and that many lives were going to be lost.

Admiral marshal looked at her team members and then spoke. “I will communicate directly with Central’s core, and if they agree with our proposal, then I can see no reason as to why core command cannot instigate operation clearance within the next seven days.”

At that, the meeting dispersed, only Admiral Marshal and Davinder Sing remained as their team members departed.

Once Admiral Marshall was sure the room was clear she instigated a jamming frequency and enveloped the room within a protection shielded bubble of energy. Davinder reached into her pocket and withdrew a data storage device the size of a sunflower seed.

“This is the recording you requested, it clearly shows the crashed shuttle was successful in its mission, I agree it would have been preferable if we had not lost so many operatives life’s, especially commander Gordon, as he will be truly missed. But he sacrificed his life for his family and the mission’s success, and if we are truthful to hopefully redeem our sins.”

Admiral Marshall accepted the device and connected it to her eyeglasses, and immediately a fully digital HD video recording started playing and showing images directly upon her retina.

For twenty-eight minutes’ admiral, Marshal watched and listened as she saw for herself the extent of the infestation of the OAM virus. Then the recording switched to Sati, and of her recordings which had been made of her family’s success in contacting those within bear Mountain and then beamed to the probes, and of success in reaching those chosen by the alien race to advance their mission.

As the recording ended Admiral Marshall withdrew the device and destroyed it. “I trust that was the only recording.” Davinder nodded yes, “OK, so we know at least some survived, and that we can mercifully atone for core commands sins, it was wrong to have tried to sacrifice them as if they were unimportant, and even though we both bitterly objected to core command, our orders stood and we had no choice, now mercifully Sati and her family are safe and have warned our friends of the cores intentions.”

Davinder smiled, “Do you truly think core will be fooled by our charade?” “Yes I can see no reason for them not believing in it, we obeyed orders and sacrificed our families, loved ones and friends, and we have known of Boris being a plant ever since core brought him onto our team. Only they do not know that we know and are aware of their intentions.”

At that, the meeting ended and the two dispersed to carry out their various duties knowing that for now their objectives had been reached and that contact had been made.

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