The Nymph of Black Forest

Chapter 16 ~Let’s get to it

Morning has arrived…and Adele looks much better! I introduced her to everyone, and she told Nancy “You’re sister isn’t rotten to the core..she’s just gullible..and, well… the word that comes to mind.. I searched for a kinder one..but nope. I got nothing” And I couldn’t stop my laugh. The thing I love the most about Adele is her filter is broken! If it pops into her head.. it flows out her mouth like it’s on a direct pipeline!

I’m looking for Micah and Katrina.. then I ask “Where the fuck is Dexter??” And Adele says “he went outside..but I’m sure he wouldn’t start messing with you first thing this morning, dear” I snort “That dick dreams all night long of the ways he is going to mess with me!” I get up, and head outside to find him.. Derek follows me, asking “I thought Adele said the cat loves you” to which I respond “To torment me. He loves to torment me!” And sure enough! He has Micah cornered against the back wall..batting him back and forth, every time he moves. Katrina is pulling on his collar to no avail.

I watch a few seconds.. then leaning over, I whisper “Your ass is mine, furball!” And he hauls ass up a tree. Like that’s going to save him! Micah and Katrina scramble up Derek’s leg and tuck inside his shirt pocket. We walk back inside..and Adele says “He will settle in..give him a day or two.” I set a spray bottle down on the table and said “Did you give him catnip this morning?” She shrugs “it calms him, dear” and I can’t. I can’t even! “Catnip calms no cat down! Especially a familiar! No more catnip! Unless you plan on leaving him in your room!” She giggles “well! That’s hardly effective when he walks through walls, child” Facepalm! Straight to the forehead! And Monty cracks up laughing! “This is epic! How did we ever have fun before you came? My Goddess! Mice in clothes.. Osprey spies.. and a familiar..walks through walls Cat! I’mma write a fucking book!”

I mumble “he only walks through walls on a full moon! No fucking catnip on a Full Moon!” This time the whole dining hall cracks up. We get through breakfast..and Dexter has wandered back in..glaring daggers at me, and I arm myself with the spray bottle “wanna dance, fancy pants? Bring it!” And Derek leans over, whispering “Baby.. we have a lot to get through you think you and the cat can get along for a few hours?” I smile sweetly “I am not the one you should be asking!” And again, Monty loses it..this time, Shawn and Sadie join him!

We get to the conference room..and the catnip has pretty much worn off, so Dexter does what cats do. He curled up on the window sill, basking in the sunlight..lazily swatting at dust motes in the sunbeams. I breathe a sigh of relief..keeping the spray bottle close by…just in case.

Adele asks to get the King to join us, so she doesn’t have to tell her visions twice. Monty connects FaceTime to the television and Derek dials Edward. When his face pops up on the 72 inch screen..Adele says “Well, that’s disturbing! I’ve heard you are larger than life, but that’s ridiculous!” And everyone chuckles.. Edward speaks “I have heard of you. I regret we have never met! It is wonderful to finally meet you! Although, our royal seer has been able to help us out.. I fail to see how you will be able to shed more light on what we know.”

Adele nods “Ahh.. ye of little faith! Your seer may have inner sight..and develop the skill of visions.. her visions will still be disjointed and sporadic. She most certainly will have told you

her premonitions and please remember..she guides you in an active state. I, on the other hand, am an Oracle. My gift is having the ear of the Gods. And they have spoken. Now! Edward! Your family is descended from Helios. Are you aware? Have any of your ancestors been able to wield fire?” He looks astonished..and nods.. “My grandfather.” She nods “Your firstborn well! Your entire family is known as minor deities.. As is our girl here. Rhiannon is the seventh great-granddaughter of the Goddess Circe.. who happens to be the daughter of Helios.. again.. she is a minor deity. She has the ability to commune with all living things.. right down to the smallest flower..or even a flea. She cannot, however, wield fire” Shawn chirps up with “Thank Goddess! That would be a walking disaster!” I yell “HEY!” While everyone else chuckles.

She continues “And..before you ask.. yes Derek.. you share Helios in common with your mate. However, after thirty thousand years..the DNA is in no way replicated..even by a point of percentage. Now! The prophecy! There is a wolf..his name is Leonard Connors. He, also, is a minor deity..much more minor than the two of you. He is a self-proclaimed King of Rogues. He wants to be King of all species..but we are going to stop him! And here is why. He believes..according to a prophetic tome, in his possession, that if he mates and marks the last Forest Nymph..his powers will increase ten-fold. His book is incomplete.. and the prophecy goes on to state the powers of the nymph can only be shared with her true mate..a son of Helios! Leonard Connors is a descendant of Belial, God of Demons. Don’t get me wrong. He is a powerful rogue. Capable of enthralling weak minds and bending them to his will…hence his following.. rogues are very weak minded and easily manipulated!”

Edward asks “How are we to stop him, then?” Adele grins widely “Ahh.. the 64 thousand dollar question! We outwit him. Once Edina and Ambrose have completed their mating..and that will happen when Edina’s heat cycle arrives.. Derek will acquire a portion of Rhiannon’s gifts. He will gain the control of an element..possibly two.. he will, also, be able to communicate with all creatures. You..Edward.. should be able to control fire…but you are incapable of wielding it. In short.. you can’t throw fireballs from your hands your grandfather..or your son. You can, however, start fires..and control what it burns” Edward looks blown away.. “Yeah..umm.. No. I can’t! I think I would know if I possessed that handy dandy little trick!” Adele shakes her head.. “Not necessarily! In order to be able to use it….you have to know you have it! That’s half the battle! You have never trained.. and I can train you!”

“You will have to travel here. My suggestion would be to travel late at night.. make sure only those closest to you know of this. Make sure you are well protected, at all times. Bring your son. His training needs to begin, as well!”

Derek asks “What has the royal seer said to you Edward?” He sits calmly a minute.. then says “Well…nothing as explosive as this shit! I am flabbergasted.. and amazed..and, if I’m honest…scared shitless! But I’m also excited and intrigued! The seer told us she sees a great battle.. and some things that didn’t make much sense..until now. She talked of a battle where all living things will fight the wolves..and now I see that her vision didn’t mean ALL wolves.. it meant the rogues. She indicated fire all around..and the sky raining down lightning. Again…not making sense, until now. So…bring it on! Let’s get to it, so we can get it over with!” And we all laughed!

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