The Nymph of Black Forest

Chapter 12 ~Something’s not adding up

We all get situated in the office, and I start “Here’s where I am puzzled most… Kenneth said this Rogue King knew you are supposed to be my mate..but they don’t know I am who they’re looking for. Or do they? The same rogues that tried to kill you…had tried to kill me a month before. They almost succeeded..except my NaNa fought them off me with her knives..but they managed to rip her chest open.. she used the last of her strength to get me back inside the Black Forest. But…they didn’t leave.. they stayed camped on the Northside.. I fucked with them.. and when I was feeling particularly angry.. I would kill one or two.. I broke into their camp, twice..and destroyed their shit. But…still.. they stayed. One day.. Micah and I were headed home after helping Robbie Rabbit hollow out a bigger hutch.. and we came across three rogue’s coming up from the south… I flitted to the top of a pine and listened.. they talked about a three to four day wait for someone called Kingston and that if they wanted paid..they couldn’t fail… This time! Since I didn’t know what or who they were referring to..I sent Edith to listen for me.. three days later, Edith told me they had moved camp more easterly.. and left fires unattended..I went to their old camp and summoned the rain, to put out the embers.. then sent the clouds to flood their camp..the new one, I mean.. and then..on the fourth day.. You came. And they tried to kill you!”

Derek said “They tried to kill me on the way TO the summit! On the north side of the forest. Which is why I came from the east on the way back! So.. they knew my schedule. Right down to my leaving the summit a day early! How? The only people who knew exactly..are in this room! And I trust them with my life!”

I sit there a minute.. I grab a piece of paper.. I write ‘Keep talking normally’ and everyone started discussing how many rogues.. what night he had left for the summit.. and I whispered “Micah! Do your thing!” And, then I asked “Wait! The night you headed to the summit… that was the same night they killed my NaNa!” And Micah ran up on the desk..and laid a listening device in my hand.. and ran off again. Everyone stared at it in shock! I rolled my wrist in a keep talking motion, while Micah ran back with another one.

After about an hour..and five bugs later.. Micah told me he wasn’t feeling anymore electric pulses from the bugs. I dropped them all into a glass of water and said “Every room in the pack house needs to be swept for these little bitches. Now…who all has access to the offices…the private rooms of the ranks? I am going with it being only one…possibly two, at most.. people. For this many to have been planted, it has to be someone who is frequently in here. These weren’t randomly placed. There was two under your desk.. one under the phone! So, it goes without saying.. you couldn’t have been in here for the plant! And, I am guessing..when you aren’t in here, the door is locked? Process of elimination.. who has permission to be in here…without you..or who else knows where they might find a key?”

Derek rubs his hand down his face “Fuck me! A new housekeeper was appointed to this floor…three months ago. There are master keys to all our offices, but only three people know where they are..and your looking at them.” I said “Unless someone found them.. and all it would take… find them…make impressions of them.. have keys made. Making sure the originals are back where they belong. My suggestion would be..make all our private rooms keyless entry! Palm prints..thumb prints…whatever…electronic entry.. only!”

Derek looks at Monty… “we need that done tomorrow! And.. no one in any of our offices without one of us in here! No more leaks!” I look at Derek and suggest he calls Edward and let him know what we found! Just in case it’s happening at the castle, too!

Shawn says “I want to talk to the housekeeper! No sense in waiting…the busted bugs are going to be discovered soon enough!” And Derek agreed..linking our head housekeeper to bring the new one and come to his office!

We sat waiting..and a knock sounded.. Monty answered to the head housekeeper.. I waved at her.. I like Anita! A woman comes in, behind her.. and Derek asks them to sit. He asks “Anita, how is your mom since her retirement? I really miss the little notes she used to leave after cleaning my office.” Anita laughs.. “Ahh yes.. her motivational suggestions. She’s still giving them to me.. I’m more than happy to share!” And he laughs with her. I realize he’s good at this.. putting the girl at ease before he drops the bomb. Looking at the other girl “Donna, is it? Are you enjoying your new placement? I know the other girls were giving you a bit of a hard time..which is why Anita asked that you replace her mother on her retirement…correct?” She nods “Oh yes, Alpha. I prefer it. It is private..and quiet.” He nods.. then looks at me and I pick it up “We will find something else just as private, and quiet for you…however, I will be taking over the cleaning on this well as Alpha’s quarters. I’m private, as well..and not entirely comfortable having strangers touch our things.” She gasps.. and stutters out “No! I mean.. I uh… did I do something wrong?”

Derek shakes his head and asks “What pack did you transfer from again?” She starts to fidget “I came with my sister.. when she met her mate… the head warrior.. Tom?” Again… Derek nods “That wasn’t an answer.. What pack were you from?” She mumbles “Green River”. I’m at a loss.. I don’t know any of the packs.. and realize I should probably learn this shit.. Derek asks “Ahhh! How is Alpha Bart?” And that little light bulb pops on in my head *mental facepalm* She stutters through a feeble “I haven’t spoken to him since I moved here”

Shawn watches her carefully.. and Sadie links me and Derek 🐺 maybe get her phone and we can check texts and call logs Derek sets the glass of water with the bugs in it “Can you tell me what these are, Donna? And why they were in my office? I am pretty sure Gertie didn’t put them in here… she was my nanny.. my whole childhood.. she wouldn’t agree to spy on me.. or any of our pack..for that matter.. and I suggest you be truthful… My patience is running thin with people trying to kill me!”

Her eyes got huge.. “I just put them where he said do! I don’t know what he heard..or why he wanted it done. I was under alpha command and I had to!” Monty sat there a minute… “I call bullshit! You were under no such command! Alpha Derek has been your the only Alpha you’ve had for five…nearly six months! Everything you just said.. is a lie! I’m not a mathematician…but something’s not adding up!”

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