The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 10

We walked into the full park where a familiar, tall figure stood leaned against a willow tree separated from everyone with a device in hand. My heart started thumping faster and threatened to jump out of my chest and to Nicholas’ relaxed masculine figure.

He looked handsome in his white shirt, black skinny jeans and black dress shoes. His brunette hair was sleeked back with gel with not a single, loose tendril in sight.

“You’re staring.” Chuckled Rose knowingly from next to me.

“Am not.” I declined.

“Are too.” She said before jumping the next few steps to her brother’s side who immediately lifted his head to look at me with the same void eyes as the first day we met. They chilled my spine and made me want to cringe away in fear.

“Did I ever mention I totally despise tardiness,” He said in that controlled tone of his before his eyes raked my body, making me nervously fidget against his concentrated stare,” But I’ll make an exception for today, Darling. You look exquisite.” He complimented with a small smile, the darkness of his void eyes, disappearing and letting his feelings show.

“Umm, thank you.” I shyly said, the only male people that have ever complimented me in my entire life are my family members and some boys I used to go to school with in Grade 10.

“You are very welcome. Now, can we please take our leave, I am tired of the females of this world flirting with me.” He said in disgust, his eyes meeting with a group of women having a picnic as they stared at him, biting their lips in what I assume had to seem seductive.

A groan of irritation left him before he had his arm wrapped around my waist as he gently pulled me as close to his chest as possible. I quirked my eyebrow questioningly at him, just for his lips to connect with mine for a brief second, leaving me standing frozen in astonishment. What do I do? Do I kiss him back? what?

He slowly broke us apart and straightened up to his full stature that towered above my short one effortlessly. I only reached his above his elbow at my short stature so I had to crane my neck to look him in the eye.

“Nicholas!” Whined Rosella, reminding me of her presence,” Never repeat such an act in front of me again. She is my best friend if you do not recall.”

“And she is my fated love.” He replied raising a perfectly arched eyebrow as if challenging Rose to say something.

She just huffed and walked down the pathway we came up with.

“Shall we?” He asked, getting my attention once more and making me realise that his arm was still securely locked around my arm.

“Umm Nicholas?” I softly asked.

“Hmm.” He hummed in response looking down at me.

“Your arm is still, I paused,” Wrapped around my waist.”

He tilted his head in confusion and tightened his hold if that’s even possible and asked,” Is that a problem?”

“Umm, nooo.” I nervously laughed.

He pulled me more into his side if that’s even possible before guiding me down the path Rosella had just gone down a few minutes ago.

“Does anyone here have any form of dignity?” He asked as we stopped in front of a white SUV.

“What do you mean?” I asked in confusion as he opened the backseat door before motioning for me to enter with his outstretched, unoccupied arm. I left his side as his arm slackened around my waist and slid into the creamy white, leather seat. Next to me sat an already buckled up Rosella with her cellphone in hand and earbuds firmly placed in her ears as she furiously typed and swiped at her phone’s screen.

I found myself asking myself how she can sit so comfortably in this completely, cold and intimidating creamy whiteness. I would be lying if I said I felt comfortable because I felt far from it, I would rather walk than be in such an interior. My butt is practically floating in mid-air because I’m scared of making this seat dirty somehow, don’t even ask me how I could make it dirty.

The door closing had me snapping my head towards Nicholas who wore a raised eyebrow before I felt a warm, large hand caress my bare thigh, causing a yelp of surprise to leave my lips as I lost my balance and plopped onto the seat. Nicholas’ hand laid completely on my knee making me a squirmy mess as I tried to unnoticeably shrug it off, but it was there to stay as it made shivers continuously run down my spine as sparks kept on erupting my thigh.

“Why were you hovering above the seat?” He asked as he suddenly starting leaning in until our breaths were mingling as they teasingly caressed each other’s lips. A quiet click had me leaving my Nicholas bubble to find my belt now buckled. ” Hmm, Darling?” His fresh minty breath brushed and tickled my lips as I inhaled his sweet minty breath.

I didn’t get to eat breakfast, my breath must stink! Oh boy, this can’t be good.

The car slowly moved as the driver took off the curb.

Nicholas clicked his fingers and in a second, sparkles enveloped the car, leaving black leather in their wake.

“Well, I hope you will feel more comfortable, now.” He asked with his lips in a perfect straight line, but his sapphire coloured orbs showed a knowing look and shined the softness his face wouldn’t show.

“But how did you know?” I asked with a smile.

“You will grow to learn that I can read you as if you were an open book, Darling.” He let a barely noticeable, small smile show through his cold, stone like features, but the small smile brought them warmth and cracked his strong, stone like façade.

He pulled out a packet of mints and popped one into his mouth and that confused me because his mouth smelled strongly of mint already, as if he had already taken one a few minutes prior. But it isn’t a crime, so oh well.

We drove in silence the rest of the way in silence, with me dozing off a few times from my deprived sleep today.

The next thing I knew, we were parking outside of the familiar large palace. The doors on both sides of the car opened and Rosella and Nicholas slipped out. I sat there for a few seconds letting myself completely wake up before I contemplated on which door get out from.

An outstretched hand from the direction Nicholas had come out from took that decision from me. I gently laid my hand in the offered hand before he helped me out of the confined space of the car.

I was immediately greeted by the warm sun shining onto my bare legs. It felt so warm, yet so welcoming and nice as its heat soaked into my skin. Suddenly, an umbrella was above Nicholas and I’s heads.

I thought that this only happened in movies. And I was really enjoying the sunlight, I don’t like this.

The feeling of my fingers interlocking with other pairs had me looking down to see Nicholas and I’s fingers now firmly interlocked.

“Welcome my Lady.” A man I had not noticed, wearing a typical butler’s attire bowed in front of me.

“Umm, thank you.” I said in confusion.

“Theo, I trust that the luncheon has been prepared.” Nicholas’ authoritative voice boomed with confidence and control from next to me as he separated our hands and instead wrapped his arm lazily around my waist.

“It is indeed, Sire.” The man replied as he straightened up and with a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

“Good. Thank you, Theo. You never disappoint.” He dismissed him with a nod,” Shall we, Darling?”

“Sure.” I replied.

We headed towards large unfamiliar, large, wooden, open French doors where two maids and another butler stood at each door. The moment we reached the doors, all three bowed down and simultaneously greeted, “Good afternoon, your Majesties.”

“As to you.” Nicholas replied before he guided me into the palace that looked as breathtaking as last time. The pristine, marble flooring shone even brighter than last time, if that’s even possible. The curtains of all the windows were left open letting the bright, sunlight brighten the long hallways and the large rooms. The palace managed to leave me in awe just as last time. They made me feel completely out of place and like I didn’t fit in here. They made every step I take feel unworthy of been taken here. I just wanted to sprit out of here as much as I wanted to stare at the glamorous building around me.

We walked towards another pair of French doors but these were glass. The were two maids at both sides of the doors with their hands in front of of them with warm smiles lining their lips.

“Good afternoon, your Highnesses.” They simultaneously greeted, bowing down just as simultaneously.

My breath got stuck in my throat at the gorgeous scene in front of me. There was minty, neatly trimmed grass around the large backyard. There were vines lining the grey walls of the palace in the distance with flowers below it. In the middle of the backyard was a fountain with pink and red roses surrounding it. There was a clear glass, round table with silver dome food covers and one glass doom food cover.

There was a vase with pink and red roses in the middle of the table to complete the ensemble. In overall, it looked peaceful and gorgeous and I couldn’t wait to see what was underneath the food dome covers.

My taste buds sparkled in ecstasy in anticipation of the sweet and delicious food. I swear my mouth even threatened to water.

That’s when my stomach decided to complain in hunger as a loud and beast like growl sounded throughout the quiet space instantly making my heart drop into my hungry stomach in embarrassment as my face lost all its colour.

“Well, shall we, Darling?” Asked Nicholas with a faint amount of amusement in his voice.

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