The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Thirty-Three

Cerberus stayed curled up under the tree. Grant and Jayden watched as his muscles twitched. “What do you think is wrong?” Grant asked.

Jayden stared at him, dumbfounded, “You really have to ask that? The second he saw those large claw marks in the ground, he shut down. It’s those prints that are doing it. Maybe we should just head back to your dad. I can’t smell Shaun or Ericka anymore.”

“No!” Cerberus howled.

The boys looked his way and Jayden felt the pain in his eyes. ‘Let me take a look into his memories.’ Light spoke calmly. Jayden made a face, but before he could protest, Light took control. He walked next to the frightened wolf and dug his claws into the nape of his neck. Memories flooded his mind and Jayden’s mind. They were terrifying. It looked like another war, but with giant bird-like beasts and someone that resembled a Plague Doctor.

Light removed his claws and the memories left. Cerberus looked at him with thankful eyes. ‘Thank you. Those memories aren’t pleasant. I am sorry you had to see them.’

‘I wanted to. I needed to see where your pain was coming from. What were those things?’

‘They are werewolf hunters led by a man named Crow. There are two different types, one is a Hawker and one is a Falconer.’ He explained.

Grant coughed on his own spit. “Um, what? You mean those things are real?”

‘Indeed. You know of them?’ Cerberus tilted his head.

“Yeah. My dad heard stories from Ericka’s parents and pack.” Grant turned his attention to Light. “I didn’t know you could see others memories by doing that.”

‘Neither did I!’ Jayden called.

‘I can. Jayden, when you were young your father taught it to you. You don’t remember it, because I took that from your memory. I didn’t want you using it when it didn’t need to be used. This power is dangerous to use if not done properly.’

‘Thanks for not trusting me.’

‘I do trust you. Always have. But when you were six, I wasn’t about to let you use a power that can cause damage to memories.’

Jayden went silent. Something clicked in his mind and Light let him take back control. “...I think I know how Skull lost her memory...” he breathed.

Before Jayden could explain his epiphany, they heard a howl coming towards them. Cerberus answered it on instinct, taking a deep breath in. ‘It’s Dusk, but she smells...different.’ He mentioned, as his muzzle twisted in disgust. The air hit his tongue and he gagged, ‘That smell isn’t a pleasant one. It tastes bitter.’

“How does a scent taste bi--” Grant stopped and made the same expression the old wolf did. “Now, I see. I don’t remember scents tasting this terrible.”

“They usually don’t,” Jayden plugged his nose. “I’m not sure what is causing this, but we should keep moving forward. Meet with Dusk and make sure her and Ericka are alright.”

Cerberus could feel Gaelan wanting to take over. He let him and as soon as Gaelan took his place, the others fell to the ground. “Shit. This isn’t good.”

‘What’s wrong, Gaelan?’ Cerberus asked.

“I’d recognize this scent anywhere. The flower is hard to find and is poisonous to our species. Belladonna. It has a bitter taste to it and teases with our sense of smell, causing us to grow ill. I need help getting these two where they were staying.”

‘Raven Ruby.’

“No. She won’t get here in time. I have to howl for help. Maybe Dusk will help.” He took in a lung full of air, his head facing the tree top covered sky. He let out a long, pained howl, in hopes someone would hear him.

‘Gaelan, why haven’t we fainted yet? Or grown ill?’

Gaelan didn’t answer. He had his secrets, and he wasn’t about to reveal them yet. He needed more time to examine the ill and make an antidote before explaining everything to Cerberus. He hated keeping a huge secret from the one he trusted the most, but it was for their own safety. He was sure Cerberus would understand that when the time came.

It was silent after the howl. Seconds painfully passed with no response. The Iota’s nerves crept up farther into his throat. Finally, a response howl. Gaelan’s hopes resurfaced, but he didn’t recognize the howl. His mind raced with unpleasant thoughts. Was it an enemy wolf? An allied wolf? A stranger? He wouldn’t know until it was too late. Cerberus could feel the tension in his humans mind. ‘Gaelan, relax. It sounded friendly.’

“You don’t know that, Cerberus!” Gaelan bit his tongue. This was the first time, in a long time, he doubted his wolf. He instantly regretted every word of that sentence. “Cerberus, I’m sorry...” he began, “I’m just on edge with the Belladonna and not creating an antidote in time. What I don’t understand is why Grant is taking it so hard. From what I gathered, he was only half werewolf. I could smell the vampire in him a mile away.”

Cerberus was about to respond when he felt Gaelan tense up. He forced himself to be able to see what was in front of his human. On the outside, Gaelan had a third eye on his forehead and a wolf spirit surrounding his body. The two saw a large, dark, multicolored wolf standing in front of them. They both felt the urge to lower their gaze in respect, but had no idea why. Neither one of them recognized the wolf.

The wolf sat down, observing its surroundings. It was quiet. He took a deep breath in, not being bothered by the stale, bitter air surrounding them. His eyes darted from the two boys that were motionless on the ground to Gaelan and Cerberus and then back again. ‘Belladonna?’ It sounded like a statement rather than a question. All Gaelan did was give a sharp nod. ‘I will take care of them. Go to the mansion. I will be behind you soon.’

“How do we know we can trust you?” Gaelan questioned.

‘The way you are standing tells me you respect me. Neither of you know me. So why would you respect me?’

Gaelan looked down and noticed his stance turned to reserved instead of defensive. “You can see Cerberus?”

‘Really, that’s what stuck out to you?’ Gaelan could hear the eye roll from his wolf in the back of his mind.

“Hey, don’t be mad at me for that. I’m stuck for questions.”

The wolf chuckled, ‘I can see all souls. Most Thetas or Iotas don’t have magic like you and I. I can see the vampire and werewolf soul in the pale kid. I can see the werewolf soul in the blonde kid. I can see the wolf soul in you. Those ravens above us, I can see their souls. I am a Soul Medic.’

Gaelan collapsed. “I--I’ve only heard of those medics in books. It’s a huge honor to meet you, sir.” He paused, “I am known as a Third Eye Medic. My pack knows nothing of it though. When I do major healing, I have everyone but the patient leave my room.”

‘As you should. You are a powerful healer that has been through a lot. I can see it in the way you hold yourself.’ The wolf paused, ‘We need to bring these two back to the mansion. I can only carry one on my back. Will you be able to carry the other?’

Gaelan nodded, questioning his strength, “I think so.” By now his third eye was gone and Cerberus wasn’t seeing anything anymore. The wolf nodded and took Grant. He was significantly heavier than Jayden. Gaelan squatted, struggling to pick up Jayden in a wedding cradle. “Holy shit, I’m weaker than I thought.”

‘Let me help,’ Cerberus offered. He gave his human some of his strength.

Gaelan felt power coursing through his veins. He felt stronger, like he used to feel when he was younger. He held Jayden with ease and the two werewolves left for the mansion.

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