The Misfits

Chapter 35 - Cassidy


The last week went by quickly and Cassidy felt the anxiety building. Myra seemed to be around a bit more, as if sensing her anxiety.

Cass tried to keep busy around the house, and when that got pointless, took walks to where the old house next door was being demolished.

One day she was on her way back when she walked into the clearing in between the properties. Wanda was sitting in the center, surrounded by wildflowers of every kind. She was wearing a lightweight summer dress that was sky blue, sitting Indian style, looking into the river.

Cassidy walked over and sat down next to her. Wanda’s hands were on her knees, and Cass put her hand on top of Wanda’s. She could tell something was bothering the girl.

“Hello,” Cass said.


“Wanna talk?”

“’Bout what?”

“About whatever’s troubling you,” Cass told her.

“It’s just everything is so uncertain. This weekend, the situation with my parents, Jaden’s tolerance of us, what will happen to Alex if we have to leave. I mean, where is my life going? I’ve gone through half of my life looking out for my blind brother. He comes here and finds love, and suddenly doesn’t need me.

“So, here I sit, useless, watching everyone around me with someone else. It’s lonely. And sad. And a little pathetic,” Wanda said with humorless laugh.

Cass put her arm around Wanda, pulling her closer. “Life is full of uncertainties. If you’re worried about this weekend, don’t go. I know what we’re up against, so I won’t hold it against you. Heck, I don’t really want to go myself, but I know what those kids are going through, and I can’t leave them there. There’s nothing I can really do about your parents, but I think Jaden is doing her best to make your lives better. I don’t think you have any worries about Jaden’s tolerance.

“She might be leaving the decision up to you two, but I imagine this house she’s building is not only for her, but for you two. But if the two of you have to leave, a lot of people will be heart broken, but just Alex or Myra.

“Leaving doesn’t mean forever, however. Those two will adapt; they are survivors. So are you. And don’t rush love. I’ve never even had a boyfriend until Robbie, and I’m a year older than you. You’ll find someone, and when you do, you’ll know it. Or you won’t until it kind of smacks you in the head. I liked a gay guy. Robbie kind of smacked me in the head and got me to realize something I kind of knew deep down. It’ll happen, I promise you. And you’re far from sad or pathetic. You’re a beautiful young girl, who can do wonderous things. Just look at the clearing. It’s pretty because of you,” Cass said.

She picked a wildflower and put it in Wanda’s hair, behind her ear. “If you were my type, I’d go after you.”

Wanda laughed for real this time. She put an arm around Cassidy who put her arm back around the girl. “And if I swapped teams, I’d say yes to your advances,” Wanda told her.

“Hang on,” Cass said, and they both slowly rose into the air until they were at the treetops.

They watched the sun set together like that.

Days passed and the night before their trip, everyone got together to go over any last-minute concerns or questions. No one really had any, but Cass and Gemma went through what to expect if it really was another Facility.

Cass was much stronger than she had been four years earlier, as well as having more control, so the doors and gas could possibly be managed along with Gemma and Wanda’s help.

As funny as to everyone as it was, Myra their muscle if it came to having to fight at any close range.

Hopefully Cass and Wanda could keep away anything that needed to be kept away, but if not, Myra was backup.

Robbie and Jaden would stay back so they didn’t get hurt and be ready for a quick escape. Since the next day would start early, everyone went their own ways to head off to bed.

Cass went to her room and changed into a thin strapped half shirt and some shorts, and just finished when there as a quiet knock on the door.

She figured it was Myra and she opened the door, only to find Robbie standing there. He moved past her, and she closed the door.

“Robbie?” she said, turning around.

He didn’t say anything but took a step forward and kissed her. He fumbled for the light switch behind her, turning off the light, then pulled her to the bed, then on to it.

Cassidy let whatever was going to happen, happen, hoping that Myra wouldn’t come in in the middle of the night since her door wasn’t locked and interrupt things.

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