The Minx

Chapter 2

I woke with a pounding headache. I felt weak. The events from before came flooding back and it felt like I was being ripped apart all over again. I sat up and felt a blanket fall off of me. I looked around confused. I fell asleep near a lake, not in a bed. I sat up further and crawled out of the bed.

"You're awake," a deep voice said.

"I'd rather be dead," I muttered as I looked towards the voice. I froze. The man was older, probably in his 20s. He was tall and muscular with brown hair and golden hazel eyes. He had this air of authority around him that made me thing he was either an Alpha or Beta.

"Why's that?" he asked, coming closer to me. He stuck his hands in his front pockets, making his muscles flinch and flex in a mesmerizing way. He was dressed in a tight black shirt and dark wash jeans. I averted my gaze to the sheets as the pain of Jack's words sunk deeper.

"I'm pathetic. I can't shift, I'm an Omega, both of my parents are dead, and my mate just rejected me," I explained bitterly. After all, I had nothing to lose anymore. Being candid couldn't hurt me at this point. I spent most of my life being mindful of others, and in the end, I was always the one who got hurt. He hummed thoughtfully and sat on the end of my bed.

"Well my Beta found you in our territory. You're lucky I didn't want to kill you, and I saw you before my Beta gave the order," he said.

"Thank you," I said softly out of respect even though I didn't mean it. Who cared if I lived or died anymore? "Why are you being so nice to me? Who are you?" I asked. He only chuckled.

"I'm normally not this nice... but I took pity on you. You're too pretty to be heartbroken," he said only answering one of my questions. I looked at him shocked.

"I don't understand," I said confused. He sighed and his smile fell.

"My pack doesn't know that I found my mate a long time ago. She died shortly after. My pack never knew. They just assumed I haven't found her yet, but it's getting harder to keep pretending that everything is fine. So I have a proposal for you," he explained. "Be my mate," he offered. I looked at him shocked.

"Why would you want me as your mate? I can't even shift," I said. He touched my hand lightly.

"I see potential in you," he said.

"You don't even know my name, and I still don't know who you are," I pointed out.

"I'm Aspen Frazer. Alpha of the Silver Bullet Pack," he introduced himself. I resisted the urge to gasp as my eyes widened. The Silver Bullet got their name from their fighting skills. They were quick like a bullet and deadly like silver. They were rumored to be vicious and cruel. A lot of their pack went to school with us. We didn't actually talk to them though. We made an effort to avoid them at all costs.

"I-I-I'm... um," I stuttered. I was scared and nervous.

"You have nothing to fear here," he assured me.

"I-I'm C-Camilla, o-or Cami, or Cam. Whatever you want to call me," I stuttered nervously. He chuckled.

"Nice to meet you Camilla," he smiled. He seemed like a really nice guy, and that was the most confusing thing. He was very different than the rumors. A lot younger than the rumors too.

"If you'll be my chosen mate, I promise to protect you, help you, and offer you a home and new pack as if you were my fated mate. If not, you can live the life of a rogue," he offered. I found myself smiling like an idiot. Sure, it was a threat, and he gave me an ultimatum but...

Someone wanted me.

"Fine," I agreed. He smiled.

"I'll introduce you to the pack soon," he said. He leaned forward and kissed my head. I was shocked to say the least. "For now, my sister, Avery, will help you to freshen up and then I'll give you the grand tour," he said.

"I expected you to be cruel and heartless," I admitted. He chuckled.

"Who says I'm not?" he winked at me before he left. I only stared after him.

The door opened again to reveal a bubbly girl with the same golden eyes and brown hair as Aspen. Her hair was straight with bangs. She looked really nice. She hugged me tightly and pulled me off of the bed.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet Aspen's mate. We thought he would never find you. I'm his twin sister, Avery," she introduced herself when she let me go.

"I'm Cami," I introduced myself. She squealed and held my hands in hers. She looked to be in her early 20s as well, but then again, she did say that she was Aspen's twin.

"Come on," she said, dragging me into the bathroom. She shoved me into the shower with a razor, washcloth, and soap. There was already shampoo and conditioner inside. I took my time making myself squeaky-clean. I washed through my hair three times and shaved everything. I was assuming that's why Avery gave me the razor. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. Avery ripped it off of me. I gasped and tried to cover myself with my hands.

"Avery!" I squealed. She giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Oh hush, I'm just looking. You have a nice body. A lot of scars, but you might just be clumsy. You're a little short but I guess that's what it's like being human," she said. I looked at her confused. I was about to correct her when it clicked in my head. Aspen told her that so no one ask about me not being able to shift. I guess even unconscious, it was blatantly obvious that I hadn't shifted yet. I really was pathetic. I cleared my throat and blushed.

"Can I put some clothes on please," I asked. She giggled and pointed to a stack of clothes on the sink counter.

"There's a toothbrush there as well," she said. She sat on the stool in the bathroom as I changed into the clothes she brought me. It was a pair of low hanging jeans and a fitted black V-neck. I brushed my teeth before Avery sat me on the stool and brushed through my hair.

"You're hair is so pretty and long and soft," she said as she started braiding it in a side fishtail. When she was done with my hair, she added a bit of mascara and lip-gloss to my face. It was like I was her own personal dress-up doll. And I surprisingly didn't mind. She stood back and admired her work when she finished.

"So... Aspen has already been talking about me?" I tried to casually ask. She smirked at me as she nodded.

"He said you were beautiful and out cold when he found you," she said.

"What else did he say?" I asked.

"He said that you were a human adopted and raised by werewolves, so you know about us, but you aren't... you aren't a werewolf," she explained. I nodded thoughtfully. That was actually a really great excuse until we could figure out why I couldn't shift.


"Come on, we have to meet Aspen downstairs," she said, grabbing my hand. She dragged me downstairs and I saw Aspen waited for us. His arms were crossed as he paced slowly. He looked up as we approached. He immediately growled and snapped his eyes to Avery.

"Really, Avery? That's what you gave her to wear?" he growled. He moved to a rack and handed me a jacket. I saw lust swimming in his eyes with the anger. He was taking this mate thing seriously. Although, I guess he was supposed to make it convincing. I put the jacket on with a blush on my cheeks.

"Sorry, but she looks hot in it," Avery smirked. Aspen rolled his eyes and zipped up the jacket I was wearing. It smelled so much like him.

"Avery, would you please stop hitting on my mate," Aspen said like he was expecting it. Aspen pulled me into him and sniffed me deeply. I was a little shocked but I allowed it because I felt safe and I didn't want to make him upset. I closed my eyes briefly and wrapped my arms around him in return.

"We should talk," I muttered. He nodded and pulled away only to hold my hand.

"Avery, thanks for helping," he said in passing as he led me back up to the room we just left.

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