The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 2)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna: Chapter 85

Leondre’s POV

I nestled her in my eyes and begged her to wake up but her eyes were still closed.

She was still breathing so that comforted me, I kissed her face over and over. Her once beautiful dress was torn and drenched in her blood, and her forehead was streaming blood.

As paramedics and firefighters reached the scene, it was worse. I looked around the people, my people, they were bleeding and others died. I was angry and growling.

Someone was tapping my shoulder with urgency and I turned, it was my sister.

‘Leondre, they have to treat her, now,’ I noticed I was scaring everyone with my aura so they stood in a distance. I released my mate to them and they immediately started treating her.

Several hours later we were at the general hospital, the doctors were with Ana in the theater room and my heart grew colder each second that passed. I felt someone sit stand me and I glanced at her. It’s the young woman my mate is fond of; Samantha. Her eyes are fixed on the door, waiting. The wait was dreading and soon, Dan and my parents came rushing.

‘Leondre, how’s Ana!’ My mom asked in a worried tone, I only hugged her, needing her support. I pulled away and she cupped my face.

‘She’ll be alright,’ She said, looking into my eyes, I wish with all my being that I can believe her but with the way my heart tugged, I doubted that.

I stiffen when the doctor opened the door. ‘The Luna is awake,’ She said with a pitiful smile, this is bad, I can feel it. I almost choke on something I’m unfamiliar with. Tears?

The doctor kept opening and closing her mouth, unable to construct the right sentences, it didn’t offer me any comfort.

‘We- we stitched her up, but-‘ She trailed again. My parents were dumbfounded, we didn’t tell them about the pregnancy. My body quivered and I knew the baby didn’t make it.

‘But that’s good news,’ Cheered my father

‘The baby didn’t make it,’ The doctor announced and faced the floor, confirming my suspicions, for a moment the ground beneath was spinning.

‘There was a baby?’ Cried my mother, I fell back in the chair and took my hands to my face. Dan held my shoulder in a way to console me but I didn’t want their comfort.

I flew up and entered the room, she was hysterical. Anaiah was crying loudly, gripping her stomach, her eyes snapped to me and she wailed. I rush to her and hold her tightly. Her petite frame is shaking in my grip.

‘I lost the baby,’ She sniffed. My mate was distraught and I sat next to her, just hugging her.

‘It’s dead, it’s dead,’ Her tears poured and my Lycan howled, a howl of loss. At this point, Ana was ranting, the more I try to soothe her, the more frantic she becomes. I felt both anger and sadness surge up that I didn’t protect her.

‘Babe, babe, please stop,’ I tried but she shook her head, the atmosphere around us changed and one by one, the furniture in the room was shaking violently, I learned that her powers were getting out of her control when she is emotional. I held her tighter and comforted her. I felt her lose energy so I called in the doctor, they injected something that quieted her and she slept, but even in her sleep, tears rolled down her face. I wiped them away and stroked her hair, kissing her temple.

‘Poor Ana,’ Mom walked in and kissed her forehead.

‘Take her to another, I’ll be back,’ I instructed before leaving the hospital.

The air in my lungs left me and the pain in my chest grew. I shouldn’t have left her there alone, I should have taken her with me or just fucking SOMETHING. This is my fault. I failed, I failed them. I didn’t protect them and I deserve this pain, I want it.

I found myself doing something I haven’t done in years, I sat on the floor next to a gazebo and cried. I cried for my child, the child I’ll never get to hold or love, and then, I cried for my mate, she doesn’t deserve the pain she’s going through and I only pray that she heals fully.

I shifted into Saga and run into the forest, he was feeling the loss of his pup as well and we ran faster and faster, growling.

‘I’m so sorry, brother,’ Came my sister’s voice through the mind link. I didn’t respond, how do I?

Gathering my thoughts, I changed and went back to the hospital. They transferred her to another room and on my way there, I met Samantha, her eyes were red like she’s been crying… For a moment, we just stared at each other and she bowed, I walked past her when she spoke.

‘She asked everyone to leave, my cousin is suffering,’

I nodded and proceeded to my mate, with each step my heart tightened. I stood for a minute at the door before pushing it open. She was lying on the bed, cradling herself. Her eyes were closed yet, I could tell she was awake. The bed was big enough to accommodate both of us so, I got in with her. She flinched when I wrapped my arms around her but soon relaxed.

I can read her thoughts now that she’s this vulnerable, she blames herself for the loss of the child, and many scenarios are going through, the what-if questions.

‘Hey, please don’t do that,’

‘Will I heal from this pain, Leon? The grief is immeasurable,’ Her voice is hoarse.

‘You will with time,’ I told her and she nods.

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