The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 2)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna: Chapter 72

Alpha Erickson’s POV

Father seemed happy and he announced that he had news, however, he didn’t share it with us as he was mind-linking someone.

‘Oh, My love, you look beautiful, how was your day?’ He asked, kissing Mother’s cheek.

he only acknowledged us with a nod and sat.

‘What news do you want to share?’

‘They plan to give me a seat at the council,’

‘Finally! It’s long overdue,’ Beamed mother.

The rest of dinner we ate in silence, I was dreading going to bed.

During the nights, I hated morning because I had to go training but after that, I didn’t see my father for the rest of the day until dinner.

On the day of my eighteenth’s birthday, my mother threw me a grand party and it is where I confirmed my suspicions about Savannah being my mate.

‘Hello, Mate,’ I waved. A few of her friends were standing behind her, squealing and leaping in joy. However, she didn’t know we were mates because she was still seventeen years old. I wanted to claim her, mark her for all to see that she was mine. Before I could even approach her, a voice cheered behind me

‘Happy Birthday, My SON!’ I turned around and came face to face with my father. He was in a better mood lately, he stopped speaking about overthrowing the Lavista and was focused on mom, that was weird but I didn’t question it. I was scared I might jinx it so we all went with the floor.

‘Thanks, Dad,’ He threw me a key to a vintage car that I loved. My father was finally given a seat on the council which he wanted so much which I now hold as his successor.

A few months followed and my mate’s birthday was coming, I was excited because now our Lycans would connect but nothing happened, I didn’t think much of it and we continued dating, living in pure bliss with Sav.

‘I love you so much,’ She’d tell me, always, and I knew that. On her twenty-first birthday, I prepared a picnic date for her and we celebrated it together but at midnight, she started acting strange and her body started shaking, the earthquakes around us and her eyes were a beautiful hazel with golden circles, the circles of a witch.

Sav fainted as soon as the earthquake stopped, and I carried her to her room.

I didn’t know how to react so I called her parents who explained to me that Savanna is not their real daughter.

‘Her real father was my wife’s cousin, one night he came to us with an infant in a basket, begging us to take her in as our own, and we did after he told us that her mother is a dark witch who wanted to raise Savy in her dark magic,’

‘So, you raised her as a Lycan?’

‘Yes, before leaving, her father cast a spell to entrap her magic and give her a stronger shifter scent to fit in,’ Her mother explained.

‘Does Savannah know all this?’ I ask.

‘Yes, young Alpha, we didn’t hide anything from her,’ I was hurt that my mate didn’t trust me enough to keep her secret but I understood where she was coming from, witches and Lycans are not friendly towards each other, she was scared I’d reject her.

I made my way upstairs to her room and found that she was awake. Hyperventilating.

‘I’m sorry for not telling you, Eric,’ She was a crying mess and her perfect hair was disheveled. The once neat and beautifully decorated room was appalling because the furniture was broken and things were levitating, her body was shaking violently.

‘Forgive me for not telling you sooner, I was scared you’d leave me,’ She sniffled.

‘Calm down,’ I reached out to touch her and everything was calm, so just like her touch, mine soothed her as well

‘Don’t cry, please,’ I whispered and she nodded, sitting back on her bed but she had a grimace the whole time, one thing about Savy is that she is neat and can’t stay in a dirty environment. I extended my hand and she took it, I took her to the balcony while I mind-linked some Omegas to clean her princess bedroom.

We sat in silence until she spoke ‘ You’ll reject me, won’t you?’ Tears welled in her eyes, and I wiped them.

‘No, honey, I love you witch or not,’ I assured her.

‘What about the pack, they can’t accept a witch Luna,’ She sighed, I engulfed her in a hug and hold her close

‘The moon goddess has her reasons for pairing us hence they shall accept it,’

‘Your father,’ I kissed her exposed neck and a shiver went down her back.

My father had changed all of a sudden and I found out why, he got himself a gem, a seer. Whatever she assured him of the future he listened, so he stopped being a menace.

‘I don’t think he’ll care too much, but we’ll tell him about it,’

I smiled and I was right, my father didn’t react badly to the news, he was intrigued that we were paired.

Months passed by, and Sav and I lived the best life, we traveled and worked well together. She worked at the North general hospital and I helped my father growl that company, in a few years, we shall be Alpha and Luna of the North pack.

One day, she and a few members of our pack hospital staff were helping our allies, The Raven Moon pack after a massive attack they suffered.

I remember receiving a call that she was dead, a few wizards suddenly attacked them, and to save everyone, she gave herself up to them. Those dark witches killed and threw her body in the waterfalls for magical practice.

I hunted the witches down with the help of my brother and we killed them mercilessly. I became a madman with grief and anger. The following years were a blur, I worked tirelessly, and didn’t even see the world around me, I was my father’s perfect strong Alpha male he always wanted.

One day, my father came to my office, telling me that he wanted to be the Lycan king, that his time had come but I was against it. I managed to drive the idea out of his head for a short while.

Everyone moved on except me. Jacob gained popularity and great status among the pack and Sansa had already grown into a fine young lady and started dating Leondre Lavista even though our parents disapproved of the relationship until he left her in search of his true mate, my sister had an unhealthy obsession with him, she became depressed and later died.

Father in anger thought it was the sign he was waiting for to challenge king Mike Lavista to death and it didn’t end well for him.

The pack mourned for months, three members of the Alpha’s family had lost their lives in a space of five months. I missed Sav so much during those times and I thought it wouldn’t get better but there came Anaiah Altamirano, I wanted her, and in my mind, it was Savannah who sent her to me but she was Leondre’s and I was determined to have her until the seer, saw a glimpse of the future, now I have to train myself to stop loving her like I did Savannah Agatha.

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