The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 2)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna: Chapter 62

Anaiah’s POV

The facility looks like a normal huge abandoned clinic in the clearing and the strong mixture around it is making my wolf cranky. It smells really bad, no werewolf can stay here for a long time, then I realize, he uses human doctors. Amos opens the huge black door and we enter.

A thin tall man in a white coat comes to us with a smile, but it sputters when his eyes meet Amos’.


‘Hello, I’m Dr. Fen. How may we help you?’ He asks,

‘What exactly do you do here?’ Arya Questions.

Doctor Fen is agitated now, peeking at Amos for anything but his face is natural.

‘Um, we are scientists that … Um, experiment?’

He is not sure of himself and he’s slightly quivering.

‘Experimenting on what?’ Laughs the Princess.

‘We experiment on different creatures, lady,’

A few scientists come out into the lobby and others not smart enough try to run but we stop them. Getting them all on their knees.

‘How dare you treat my team with such incivility? Do you know who I am?’ Doctor Fen is enraged, I roll my eyes and continue to look around but scowl as a ton of drugs and blood hit my nostrils.

I reach an entrance that has a sign,

No Entry

Luckily it didn’t require a password or a scanner, I push the door open and step into the room, there were many stores of glass containers, and each held people hooked to IV tubes. We looked further and I closed my eyes momentarily, this was horrible, the hunters in these containers were large, pale and others disfigured.

‘Bring the scientist,’ I tell Jake.

The doctor was trembling.

‘What are these?’ I ask, sternly.

‘Well, these are humans with special blood in their veins,’

‘We know,’ I murmur. Slayers were humans who were made by witches in the 18th century to destroy their mutual enemies, shifters. They were strong and moved at incredible speed. For some time, they almost conquered but the moon goddess stepped in to save her people. I turn around to face Amos,


‘The chemicals and Alpha blood make them stronger than they already are, hence, it’s easy for us to take over packs,’ He answers, swallowing. I always knew that Amos had great ambition but I didn’t know it will get to this.

‘How many werewolf packs have you gotten with their help?’

‘Three, your majesty,’ Answers Eunice, taking me by surprise. However, they are not so smart to come up with this plan and they are not affluent adequately to put it into motion.

‘Who is your sponsor?’

They weren’t expecting me to ask that and I see the dread that takes over their features. My mate and I share a glance.

‘You heard her, now answer,’ His tone is surprisingly calm and it scares them.

‘We don’t know,’ Eunice cries. I could have felt sorry for them but my stare went to the slayers that were taken from their families and lives to be used as fighting machines

‘What do you mean you don’t know, are you that idiotic?!’ I spat. My tone doesn’t conceal my fury.

‘We only ever spoke on phone and he made huge transactions of money through a swiss account,’

‘Idiots,’ Murmurs my mate. They were indeed, obviously, this strange supporter would want something in return sooner or later.

‘How many slayers do you have?’ Asks Danford.

‘They were a hundred, fifteen didn’t survive the shift and five were killed by the king,’ My heart clutches and I couldn’t contain my wrath, I slap Amos hard across the face that he staggers,

‘You sent them to kill us? Kill your king and Queen?’

‘Everything I did was for us, I took his bargain to get you back?!’ He says desperately.

‘You’re sick, people don’t make such deals for free and how far would you have gone with this?’ I exhale, running a hand through my hair. He’s sick, first, he rejected me, and now, he claims to do this for me.

‘I would have stopped when I have you,’ A possessive growl erupts from my mate and he holds my waist securely. He breathes in my fragrance to soothe him and his Lycan.

‘I thought you loved me!’ Screams Eunice, her wolf surfacing and almost attacking Amos.

‘I don’t feel anything for you, and you knew it, you overlooked all that because you wanted a life with me. The only woman I’ll ever love is Anaiah,’

Leondre was almost attacking Amos at this point but I held him down, staying close in hopes of easing him again.

‘Shut up, or we’ll release those slayers and lock you in there with them, or they’ll enjoy tearing you apart,’

Arya threatens, her eyes flashing gold.

Eunice has started to cry again, probably because her chosen mate confesses to still wanting me or the punishment they’ll face for their crime.

‘Did you not for once think that he’ll need payback for all he’s doing for you?’

‘He said he will collect his debt in due time,’ Amos answers.

We ignore the two and focus on the slayers, we have to decide their future now.

‘We can’t let them walk around, they might start to kill shifters,’

‘Are you suggesting we kill them, Gamma Jack?’ I glare at him and he avoids my gaze. I raise an eyebrow when I realize even Leondre was thinking of killing them.

‘Babe, I think it’s for the best as in, look at them,’

‘No, Leon, we can detox them of all chemicals in their system and those scientists can try to rectify this,’

How can they all agree to kill so many people? My heart wouldn’t know rest if I did. After agreeing to disagree, my mate looks at Dr. Fen,

‘Can you fix this?’

‘Well, sir, it is going to be difficult but possible, we shall need funding, lots and lots,’

‘That’s not a problem,’ I inform the scientist. Happy that my mate is considering keeping them alive. ‘ You do realize that they’ll still be slayers even if they can’t shift right? They will still hunt down supernatural creatures,’ Says Angie who hasn’t said a word since we got here.

‘I think we have pressing matters to discuss, for starters, catching the man who’s sponsoring this operation, I have a feeling it has to do with the recent attack we got,’ I say looking back at Amos.

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