The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin

Chapter 22. A King's Command


It's almost an hour before she finally shows up, always late. She knocks on the window of my car in which I have been waiting for her. I unlock the doors and she quickly gets in. She's still the same as ever, her caramel brown hair falls to her waist, her blue eyes look me over and she gives me a small smile.

“Hey,” She says, about to reach over for a hug, but I turn away, looking ahead, resting my arm on the steering wheel - not giving her the option to get close.

Her heart skips a beat, and she sits back after she shuts the door behind her.

“Hi, how have you been?” I ask emotionlessly.

Seeing her just shows how intense the feelings I have for Skyla are.

She nods, her hair falling in front of her face. “Yeah, I've been ok. What about you?”

The tone says otherwise, but there's nothing I can say that will help her.

“Good,” I reply, deciding to get to the point. “Alright, so like I told you, I needed to talk to your father. Did you manage to get him to agree?”

She bites her lip and nods. “Yeah, and I didn't tell him who it is as you ordered. I just said it is someone who desperately needs to see the court.”

“Great. So where are we headed?”

She doesn't reply and I turn to look at her, her eyes are filled with sadness and pain as she stares back at me.

"Cold much?” She whispers, hurt clear in her voice.

I cock a brow. I don't want to be harsh but I'm not here to mislead anyone or hurt anyone. “I'm not here to make amends Jade, I only contacted you because I genuinely needed to get in touch with someone from the Court of Solaria,” I explain. “We broke up months ago. Leave it in the past.”

“I get that, but you never answered me. What happened to us?”

He looks tense. “Jade said this is extremely important... but you know we shouldn't be meeting like this. I also can't give you the information you may want. I have a duty to fulfil and an oath to uphold. I will not break my laws.”

“I am not asking you to. I just need you to give the Court of Solaria a message.”

He frowns, hesitating. “Your father is head of the court. Why not go to him?”

“Because he is one of the few, I'd rather not have know about this,” I reply.

"And what is it?” He asks, frowning slightly.

“I need you to tell the council that the King of Prophesy is here... that he wishes to come before the council, and they are welcome to confirm his abilities.”

His eyes widen before he shakes his head. “The Solaris King... That's... How can we hide that from the High Alpha who leads the court?”

"Yes, but he isn't the Solaris King whose word alone is law, correct?” I ask sharply.

“No, but that's... how is it possible? Where is the Ki-"

“Let me rephrase. This order is directly from your king,” I say, my eyes blazing blue. “I want a meeting with my council without my father's knowledge.”

I let my aura surge around me. My eyes flash as lightning crackles around my hands. I look out of the window as a sudden downpour of rain begins gushing down and thunder roars in the sky.

He's staring out of the window, his heart thundering as his face pales, realisation flooding him as he stares at me and then back at the storm I had created.

“Do you need more proof?” I ask quietly.

He steps back, shaking his head vigorously, and instantly goes down on one knee. “Y-your wish is my command... I apologise for everything I have said to upset you. Please forgive me... When do you wish to meet your council, my king?”

“How soon can you make it without alerting my father?” I ask after a moment.

He pauses, his heart thudding as he ponders over the question. I knew he would be safe to talk to. The protectors of the court live to serve the court and its values, and although he is probably loyal to my father, the power of the king trumps that.

“Can I tell them the king is here?”

“No. I wish to remain a secret until I can talk to them together, minus my father.”

“Then give me a little time to summon them without telling them your news... It will be a little harder, but I will manage it. Give me one week My King.”

It's longer than I want it to be... but I also know that is the soonest he can do it. He has already submitted and accepted me as king.

“Very well, thank you, Owen.”

He shakes his head, “Not at all, after centuries... we- the Solaris people have been blessed with a king..." He lowers his head again and I really don't like it. Swiftly bending down, I pull him to his feet and shake my head.

"Don’t bow, we're in modern times. There's no need for that,” I say quietly.

This is why I never wanted anyone to know my truth, because, with it, the way people see me will change...

“There is every need, and rest assured, the council will be ecstatic.” He says, looking out towards the storm I have created.

“Excellent, then I will wait for you.”

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