The Lies that Made Us

Chapter Fading


The screeching amplified, and Amelia felt herself shake. She had fought shadow warriors before as they were included in the army from Achilia she faced when just fifteen, but she had been with a hundred other Light Bearers. She may have taken out a fourth of the army herself, but she fed off the power of her fellow followers of Alinia. Now she was all alone and not as sure of herself as she once was.

She felt Brynn squeeze her hand. “We can do this. You cannot lose hope. Your magic feeds off the light inside of you.”

“I am not who I once was,” she whispered. “The light has faded to practically nothing.” Thunder rumbled around them as lightning flashed in the distance.

“That is not true. I can feel it in you as strong as before. It is just hidden behind shame, fear, and mistrust. Let it all fall away, at least for a few minutes,” said Brynn.

Amelia closed her eyes, trying to remember what it was like to live before her time in the tower. She remembered her long talks with the king, the proud look her father always gave her, and laughing with Brynn. She opened her eyes to look at Brynn. He was staring at her, and she remembered what it was like to be loved by him. She nodded before letting go of his hand and raising her arms. A circle of light appeared surrounding her whole group. It lit up the dark area around them that felt almost like the night with the heavy clouds overhead.

She sensed them before she could see them. The space around them was muggy and warm for fall. As the shadow warriors approached, Amelia involuntarily took a step back. They were tall and pale. Their heads were covered in the hoods of their black or red cloaks, their eyes almost a lifeless gray. Some rode horses that came to a stop just on the edge of the light as those on their feet walked forward towards the circle.

“What are those things?” asked a young guard.

“They are men still but too full of dark magic to know what life is anymore. All they know is what they are told by their masters and the need to gain more for their army,” said Brynn.

Amelia concentrated on keeping the circle around them in tact. The shadow warriors circled them, seeming frustrated they could not get through. She could not keep it up forever, but she could use it to even the numbers a bit.

“Your highness, tell your guards to draw their swords. These warriors can die like normal men, but we all must be sure not to be touched by them or their weapons,” said Amelia.

“Do as she says,” said Brynn as he raised his hand.

“Be ready,” yelled Amelia as she lifted her hands higher. She felt her magic build within her until she could not hold it. She dropped her hands, letting her magic loose as the circle light around them became so bright they all had to turn away. It moved towards the shadow warriors, making them shriek in pain and fear. When the light faded, Amelia could see several had fallen, but a good number still stood.

“Form a circle,” said Brynn as he threw out his hand. White light erupted from his palm, hitting two warriors, causing them to fall.

The guards converged on those warriors coming at them as lightning stuck close by. Amelia felt the energy of it flow through her, and she used it to strike two warriors on horseback, cursing them into almost nothing. She turned and threw out her hand, and a bright light shined on three guards, making them drop their dark swords as they tried to hide their faces. They fell to their knees before crumbling where they were.

“How can there be so many?” asked Amelia as Brynn moved in front of her to push some strange wave of magic past the guards near them. It knocked a warrior over before moving to the right to hit three more.

“I don’t know. It makes no sense for them to be this far into our kingdom,” answered Brynn.

Amelia threw a hand to the side to take out a warrior who swung his sword at Owain. Owain glanced at her before going to the next shadow warrior close to him. Brynn moved one way, and a pale light came from his hand towards the warriors. Amelia moved past him to use her own magic to help two royal guards who looked overcome by a group of warriors. She started to run towards them when Brynn grabbed her arm.

“We cannot separate. Only by feeding off each other’s power do we have a chance.”

“But everyone will die around us if we don’t do something. Two of your guards have already fallen,” said Amelia. “We have to end this.”

“What do you suggest?”

The lightning and thunder were so frequent that she was surprised it had not rained yet. The wind was strong, sending leaves and small sticks all around them. She examined her surroundings as she was trained, trying to think how to use them to take out the rest of the warriors.

“Can you raise me into the air?” she asked Brynn. “Get me high enough where I can see all we are facing?”

“I think so,” Brynn answered. “What do you plan to do?”

“You will see. All I need is for you to send me as high as you can into the air. If you can catch me as well, that would be helpful. I’m not sure how much strength I will have left when I am done.”

“I won’t let you fall.”

She nodded. “Do it now.”

She moved close to him as he closed his eyes. His hands hovered near her as she felt his magic cover her. She let it have its way as she started to lift off the ground. Brynn opened his eyes, and she flew into the air to the point she could see the circle of shadow guards that surrounded them. There were too many for the royal guards and Owain to fight, and she and Brynn would exhaust themselves trying to take out two or three here and there. She had one chance, and she would make the most of it.

She lifted her arms, putting her hands out at her sides as the wind strengthened. She heard a rumble of thunder before a bolt of lightning hit somewhere close by. After taking a deep breath, she threw her hands out and sent a gust of wind towards the shadow warriors. It blew them all back. She raised her hand, and the lightning spread throughout the area, making everything glow in an eerie white light. It ran in a circle, hitting the shadow guards, making them drop where they were.

Amelia put her hands down and took a deep breath, feeling almost empty from her use of power. She started to fall, but her descent softened as she got close to the ground. Landing on her feet, she kneeled for a moment to catch her breath.

“Is that all of them?” asked Dugan as he looked around.

Brynn walked in a large circle, looking. “I think so. Amelia, do you sense anymore?”

She raised her head and searched the area before the cold feeling again came over her. She sensed something behind her, but before she could turn to face it, she saw a shadow warrior behind Brynn with his sword raised. Without a thought, she lifted her hand, throwing a bright light just past Brynn to knock the shadow warrior back.

Brynn turned to look at it as Amelia felt a pain go through her. She gasped as she turned slightly to see a shadow warrior behind her, his sword buried into her back. It seemed almost like slow motion as he pulled it out of her. Owain ran towards her as Brynn yelled her name. She stumbled forward as she saw Owain swing his sword at the warrior. It shrieked as the sword found its mark.

She could not catch her breath or stay on her feet. She started to fall, but before she could hit the ground, Brynn caught her. He knelt with her in his arms.

“Amelia, look at me,” he said frantically. “Do not close your eyes or look away. You must stay with me.”

She reached up towards him as she tasted something strange in her mouth. It was metallic and bitter. The coldness she felt before was nothing compared to how she felt now. She shook in Brynn’s arms as he stared down at her. The darkness was coming for her, and she could feel it surround her. She briefly wondered how she would be judged.

Touching Brynn’s cheek, she struggled to keep her eyes open. “I didn’t do it, Brynn. I would never hurt him. I loved him.”

“I know, but do not worry about it now. I just need you to focus on me. We will have time to say everything we need to each other later, but first, you must not give into the darkness, Amelia. You cannot.”

He put his hand against her chest and continued to stare at her. She cried out as she felt his magic move through her, surrounding her wound. “It’s too much,” she whispered. “I can’t do it.”

“Yes, you can,” said Brynn. “You are strong; you always have been. Please, Amelia, I will make it better, I promise. I will make it all better.”

“I loved you,” she said as she closed her eyes. “I think I still do.”

“Amelia, open your eyes now,” he demanded. “I will not lose you. I cannot take it again.”

“Again?” She opened her eyes slightly to see him still staring at her. He pressed his hand harder against her chest, and another wave of pain went through her. She arched up as her back felt like it was on fire.

“A little more, and you can rest,” said Brynn. “Do not give into the darkness.”

The pain in her back increased as Brynn held her tightly. She thought she might break in half from it, but eventually, it lessened until she relaxed in his arms and gave a sigh of relief. Though the pain was not so great as before, a feeling of cold and what she could only describe as darkness started to fill her.

“Will she live?” asked Owain

“She has a chance if I can get her somewhere to heal her further,” said Brynn.

Amelia opened her eyes wider as she felt a few drops of rain hit her face. She shivered as Brynn wiped something off her chin.

“She will die if we cannot get her warm,” said Brynn. “We need to make it to the village.”

“But my fallen men need to be taken care of,” said Dugan.

“The dead can stay where they are,” said Brynn as he threw out his hands; a dim light surrounded the area. “That is all I can do for them, keep them from rising.”

“She will soon be one of them or worse,” said Dugan. “She is already growing paler. Perhaps it would be best to leave her. It as much as she deserves.”

She heard the sound of Owain taking out his sword. “Suggest something like that again, and I will see you are one of the dead left for the animals to pick apart.”

“We must go,” said Brynn. He stood up, lifting Amelia in his arms. He shifted her slightly, and she cried out in pain. “It will be fine, Amelia. I promise.”

She tried to focus on him as he walked with her. “Owain, take her for a moment while I call for the horses.”

She was shuffled from Brynn’s arms to Owain’s. Owain looked down at her. “Do not give up, my lady. Think of your freedom, of all those who don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m not sure that many care,” she said hoarsely.

“More than you know.” He gave her a small smile. “I would not like you to leave me.”

She closed her eyes, feeling the rain pick up around them as Owain held her closer. The thunder continued to rumble, and she saw flashes of lightning periodically.

“Bring her to me,” said Brynn somewhere close by.

She was lifted and put on Brynn’s horse. She felt his arm go around her as he pulled her against him. “Mount now and ride straight for the village. There is an inn towards the center of town. I will meet you there.”

Brynn made a noise to his horse, and she felt him move the reins next to her. The horse sprang forward, and Brynn kept a strong hold off her as they flew through the forest.

“Please, hang on, Amelia,” he said as he bent down close to her. As her eyes closed, she felt his lips on her forehead.

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