The Last Dragon Shifter (Shifter World - Book Eleven) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Three: Strip Me of Myself

“Was that so hard?” She asked as she watched him from the floor.

He snarled at her. “You have no fucking idea.”

She huffed. “Well, you need to fucking get over yourself. You’re not the only one who has lost people…” She stopped talking and bit her lip.

He eyed her for a minute but didn’t ask any questions. She was thankful for that because she didn’t want to answer any questions.

“You have no idea what happened to the Dragons, do you?” He asked as he watched her.

She huffed as she pulled herself to her feet. “Not a clue.”

He growled softly.

‘See. She isn’t one of them.’

One of who?

‘The bad Vampires.’

Zephyrus rolled his eyes. His Dragon has lost it. Or he’s just horny.

Bridget studied the Dragon Shifter. He was talking to his Dragon again. She wondered what they were talking about. Probably her.

“What’s your name?” She found herself asking before she could stop herself.

His head whipped up to her and he glared at her. “None of your business.”

She growled as she leaped at him. He grunted as they fell to the floor of the cave, her on top, once again.

“What the fuck?!” He hollered as he glared up at her.

“You are a pain in the ass, Lizard Boy.” She said, then leaned down and kissed him.

He involuntarily groaned as his hand snaked up her back, then took hold of her hair and pulled her away from him. He glared up at her.

“Stop trying to distract me.”

She smirked. “Is it working? Is a despicable Vampire distracting the big bad Dragon?”

He growled and yanked her head back. She squealed as he forced her off him, without letting go of her hair, he threw her to the floor and pounced on top of her.

She stared up at him. “What the fuck?”

He grinned. “My turn.” He said, then pulled her head up to him and kissed her.

Her body melted into him as his lips devoured hers. What did Vampires do to him, to make him so hateful towards them? She knows they’re horrible creatures, but most of them got along with Shifters. Tate is proof of that. Even she has had a few Shifter friends throughout the years. (Not counting the Fated Mates.)

He abruptly let her go and jumped off her, before she could respond. She stared up at him.

“You need to go.” Zephyrus said with a growl.

‘Kiss her again. I liked that.’

Shut up.

‘You shut up!’

What are we? Five?

‘You act like it.’ His Dragon huffed.

Zephyrus groaned. His Dragon was driving him crazy with this shit. She’s a fucking Vampire.

Bridget got to her feet. She could hear tidbits of the conversation going on between the man and his Dragon, and grinned. Something was different with them. And she wanted to explore it. She jumped at him and landed on his shoulders. She stood there grinning down at him as he looked up at her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked with a sneer.

She laughed. “Not sure yet. I’m just going with it.”

He looked at her confused and she grinned.

“Catch me.” She said, then let herself fall.

Without thinking, Zephyrus caught her, his heart racing in his chest. If she wasn’t a Vampire, that fall could have hurt her.

‘Like you hurt her when you threw her against the wall?’

Fuck! He dropped her to the floor, and she threw her head back and laughed.

“Leave.” He said with a growl.

She grinned up at him. “Not a chance.”

“Then you leave me no choice.” He said as he took a step back.

She watched in awe, as his skin turned a bright red, and scales started popping up everywhere. He tilted his head back and let out a roar as fire surrounded his body. Then it stopped, and he looked at her, blinking.

She smirked as she watched him. His Dragon was arguing with him again.

What the fuck?! Zephyrus demanded of his Dragon.

‘You were going to hurt her.’

Zephyrus grunted. What part of, she’s a fucking Vampire, do you not understand?


No. Zephyrus let out a growl and looked at the Vampire. “Get the fuck out of my cave. He won’t stop me next time.”

Bridget blinked as she watched him. She had a feeling he’s lying.

“Your Dragon seems to like me.” She said with a smirk.

He snorted. “Don’t flatter yourself. He just wants to fuck you.”

She watched him and a smile spread across her face. She got to her feet and kicked him in the gut. He doubled over and with a feral growl, lunged for her. She moved out of his way, then kicked him in his ass as he passed her. He turned to her and glared.

“What the fuck kind of game are you playing at, Vampire?”

“One that I’m going to win.” She said, then spun and kicked him upside his head, making him stumble.

He caught himself before he hit the floor, and when he looked up at her, she could see the fire in his eyes.

“Yes.” She said with a grin. “I knew it.”

With a feral growl, he attacked her. She blocked the first punch but missed blocking the one he snuck past her. She felt the air leave her when his fist connected with her stomach. Okay, so maybe starting an actual fight with a Dragon Shifter, hadn’t been the brightest idea she has ever had, but she was getting the response from him, she wanted.

She ducked another punch and spun as she threw her leg out. Her foot hit his legs and knocked him onto his ass. She smirked at him as he sat on the floor staring up at her.

“All right.” He said as he got to his feet. “You want to play it that way.”

‘Yes, play. I like playing games. But stop hurting her.’

Zephyrus snorted. She’s a vampire. I’m not hurting her.

His Dragon roared in his head and he had to place his hands to his temples. Damn, he’s never roared like that before.

As if in response, the Vampire let out a roar of her own, and jumped on him, knocking them both to the floor. She tore at his shirt, and he stared up at her in shock. When the front of his shirt was ripped open enough, she could touch his skin, she placed her hands against his chest and closed her eyes with a moan, and his Dragon purred.

What the fuck?


Zephyrus lost control of his Dragon, and the beast flipped the Vampire onto her back and tore at her clothes.

What are you doing?!


No, don’t do this. She’s a Vampire!

‘Mine!’ Was the only response his stupid ass Dragon would give him.

The Vampire laughed under them. “I knew that was the way to reach you.” She said as she looked up into his eyes. “Hello, Lizard Boy.”

His fucking Dragon actually purred at her stupid ass insult. Though, from the sound of her voice, she wasn’t saying it to offend them. And she was talking to his fucking Dragon, not him.

When her clothes were torn enough, his Dragon could rip them from her body, they both paused and studied her. Her skin was flawless, and his cock jumped in his pants.

She chuckled when she felt his cock jump against her.

“Well?” She said as she stared up at him. “Are you going to finish?”

His Dragon roared at her words and began pulling their pants off.

Fucking hell! Stop this!

His hands stopped moving, and his Dragon blinked at him.

‘You don’t want our mate?’

Zephyrus growled. She is not our mate. I don’t know what kind of spell she has on us, but she’s a Vampire…

‘Mate.’ His Dragon said, then started pulling his pants down.

The Vampire stared at their massive cock when it was revealed, and he smirked at her. Maybe the sight of his dick will scare her away.

Nope. She licked her fucking lips, which made his Dragon want to pounce her.


His Dragon stopped, and they stood there, staring down at the naked Vampire.

“Having trouble controlling your human?” She asked.

Zephyrus growled at her for talking to his Dragon. And about him!

She smirked. “Come on, Lizard Boy.” She said as she moved to get to her feet.

“Stop talking to him!” Zephyrus hollered at her.

She grinned. “Make me.”

He leaped at her, and she dodged his attack. She’s never fought naked before. This was going to be interesting.

‘Take off clothes.’

Fuck that, I’m not fighting her naked.

‘But mate is naked.’

She’s not our fucking mate! When are you going to get that through your thick ass skull?

His Dragon pouted. He actually fucking pouted.

Before he could leave his thoughts, he felt hands on him and looked down at the Vampire, who was on her knees before him, his cock in her hands.

“What the fuck?!”

“Shh.” She said, then wrapped her lips around his cock.

He groaned as his head tilted back and his hips thrust forward. When his cock hit the back of her throat, he grunted and pulled her hair, so her mouth left his cock, with a pop. Which only made his Dragon even more excited.

She grinned up at him. “Did you not like that?”

He tossed her aside and she laughed as she got to her feet.

“Your Dragon is right; you should be naked.” She said, then took hold of his pants and yanked them down to his ankles.

He blinked at her, dumbfounded. How the fuck did she know what his Dragon had said to him?

“You have a shocked look on your face.” She said with a smile. “Are you shocked that I sucked on your cock, or that I know what is going on in your mind?”

He opened his mouth, then shut it again and glared at her. What kind of trick was this?

“No trick.” She said. Then turned and walked away, without another word.

‘Catch her!’

Finally, he is in agreement with his Dragon. They needed to catch her and find out how she knows what he and his Dragon were saying to each other.

He took a step to chase after her and fell flat on his face. He groaned when his cock started to throb. Okay, she’d done that on purpose. He knew she had; he could hear her laughing.

“No. I didn’t do it on purpose. But it was funny to watch.” She said from somewhere to his left.

He turned his head and glared at her.

She smirked. “Take them the rest of the way off.” She said, then turned and walked away again.

With a growl, he sat up and yanked his shoes and pants off. Then went after the Vampire, butt ass, fucking, naked.

‘Where did mate go?’

She’s not our fucking mate. And the sooner you get that through your head, the sooner we can get rid of her.

His Dragon snarled at him, and he sighed.

“Gotcha.” The Vampire said as she jumped on his back.

He growled as he tried to spin her off of him. But his Dragon wouldn’t let him. He was enjoying the feel of her naked body against his naked back.


With a grunt, he took hold of her head and flipped her over his shoulder. His Dragon growled at him, but he didn’t care. She wasn’t getting her fangs in him…

‘The cure is in me, not you, fuckass.’

Fuckass? What the fuck?

His Dragon growled and ignored him.

The Vampire laughed at their feet as she watched him argue with his Dragon.

“Nice one, Lizard Boy.”

Zephyrus blinked at her. “How the fuck, do you know what my Dragon is saying?”

She just smirked, then got to her feet and took off through the caves.

They watched her run, and his Dragon roared.

‘The treasure! She’s going after the treasure!’

Zephyrus blinked. Yep, that was the direction she was headed in. Her naked ass turned the corner that led to his treasure and he grunted.

Now you’re concerned about the fucking Vampire in our home?

‘The treasure, we must protect the treasure!’

Zephyrus snarled. Fucking Dragons and their fucking treasures!

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