The Last Dragon Shifter (Shifter World - Book Eleven) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Six: Let’s Touch the Sky

Zephyrus sighed as he nuzzled Bridget’s neck. She sighed as she leaned into him.

“I love your smell.” She whispered.

He chuckled. “What do I smell like?”

“Fresh air and pine trees.”

He smiled. “You smell like delicious ripe raspberries. It makes me want to eat you up.”

She giggled when he started nibbling on her neck.

‘Let’s take her to the skies.’

Zephyrus leaned back and looked into his mate’s eyes. A Vampire. Crazy ass fucking Goddesses.

Bridget smiled up at him. “I’d love to go for a ride.”

He smiled. “Sadly, we’ll have to put some clothes on you.”

No, leave mate naked. She’s beautiful.’

Zephyrus chuckled. People will see her.

‘No, we’ll stay high in the sky so no one will see her, but us.’

Zephyrus shook his head. She will freeze up there.


“Having an argument with your Dragon again?” Bridget asked with a sweet grin.

He smirked. “You know we are.”

She shrugged. “Maybe.”

He growled playfully, then nipped at her lips. She giggled, then moaned when he captured them in a body jolting kiss.

“Let’s get going before I get the urge to fuck you again.”

She grinned. “Okay.”

He helped her to her feet, and they made their way to the bedroom cave, he tossed her a t-shirt and sweats, then pulled sweats on himself. He watched her dress, and wanted to strip her out of it and throw her onto the bed…

“Easy there.” She said with a laugh. “We’ll never make it out of here if you keep having those thoughts.”

He chuckled. “Okay, let’s go.”

He dragged her out of the cave, and down the path to a large field of wildflowers. She looked around the flowers and smiled.

“Is this where Ruby would be sitting?”

“Who’s Ruby?” He asked as he looked at her.

She smiled. “The White Witch’s daughter.”

He groaned. “I owe that girl an apology.”

She nodded. “A flight on the back of a Dragon; would surely go a long way.” She said with a grin.

He looked at her. “That’s what my Dragon had suggested.”

She laughed softly. “You should listen to him more often.”

He growled as he lifted her off her feet and held her against his chest, then kissed her. She sighed as she leaned into the kiss.

‘Let’s fly!’

Zephyrus grumbled as he lifted his head from the kiss. Bridget smiled up at him and he found himself smiling back before lightly kissing her lips, then backed up away from her.

“Dragon’s shift differently than other shifters.” He said as he watched her.

She nodded. “I figured that when you started shifting in the cave.”

He grinned wickedly, then smirked as his scales began popping up all over his body, and soon the fire was around his body, like before.

Bridget watched in awe as her mate was surrounded by the most beautiful flames she had ever seen. His roar echoed through the forest and she could hear animals scurrying away, and saw the birds take flight from the trees.

Her eyes widened when a magnificent green and gold Dragon, burst from the flames. Her mouth dropped open and her heart pounded so hard in her chest she couldn’t breathe.

The large Dragon was up on its hind legs as it stretched to the skies. He was magnificent. His arms were long and strong, she could actually see the muscles ripple as he reached for the skies. His neck was long and led to his beautiful face, that stretched out to the heavens. When he looked down at her, she could see how blue his eyes were, even from this distance. She could swear he smirked at her.

She looked at his hind legs, which were even closer to her, and they were huge. They looked like they could bench-press a skyscraper. Her eyes wandered up his large frame and took in the green scales. They had at least three different shades of green on each one. His stomach was gold and it flowed up his chest and under his chin. When the sun hit them, it was like looking at a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

She blinked when he came down onto all fours and moved his head, so it was directly in her line of sight. She smiled at him and laughed when he bumped his large head into her stomach.

“Let’s ride.”

She blinked. “You can talk while in Dragon form?”

He laughed. “Of course, I can. I’m not some dumb animal.”

She chuckled softly. “Don’t let the others hear you say that.”

His head turned, and one large eye looked at her.

She giggled as she reached out her hand and touched the scales under his eye. “You are so magnificent.”

‘She likes us!’

Zephyrus chuckled at his Dragon. Who wouldn’t?

‘The villagers hated us.’

That’s because you ate their fucking cows after I told you not to.

‘But they hunted in our forest, why couldn’t we hunt in their fields? And I like beef.’

Zephyrus grunted. It doesn’t work that way.

His Dragon snorted. ‘Well, it should.’

Zephyrus shook his head and looked at their mate. She was watching them, with a strange look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he moved his head closer to her and bumped her with his snout.

She giggled as she held onto his large nose. “Nothing.” She said as she rubbed the side of his face, making his Dragon purr. “I was just listening to your conversation with your Dragon. And I agree. If they can hunt on your land, why can’t you hunt on theirs?”

Zephyrus snorted, and smoke came out of his nose. “The forest isn’t my land.”

She grinned. “No, but it’s your home.”

“Come on.” He said with a huff as he held his clawed hand out to her.

She hesitated for only a split second before she grabbed hold of his finger and climbed up into his hand. He moved his hand to his back, and she pulled herself onto his magnificent back. Once she was secured on his back, and holding onto his neck, his large wings unfolded, and she stared at them in fascination.

They were huge. The border was green, and the flaps were gold. If she thought his golden chest was beautiful, it was nothing compared to his magnificent wings.

Her mate flew them high into the sky. It was a clear day, not many clouds. The few they flew through, tickled her skin and made her giggle.

Zephyrus smiled. He loved the sound of his mate’s giggle. And he could tell that his Dragon, was of the same mind; when it came to their mate’s laughter. He dived through the clouds, towards the water, making her laugh even louder. When he was about to hit the water, he pulled up and skimmed his claws through it.

“This is incredible!” She hollered as she lifted her arms above her head.

‘Mate is beautiful.’

Zephyrus grinned. That she is.

“This is so wonderfully incredible.” Bridget said with a sigh as she held onto her mate’s neck.

“You’re the incredible one.” Zephyrus said as he turned his neck to look at her.

She smiled at him. She was having the best time of her life. In over three hundred years, she never thought she’d have a mate. Let alone a Dragon!

Then, of course, something had to ruin her euphoria.

Her mate’s cry of pain had her screaming. When she saw the arrow in his neck, she reached forward and pulled it out.

“We need to get out of here!”

“Who the fuck uses bows and arrows anymore?!”

“Don’t touch it.” Zephyrus said as he turned in a circle and headed back towards the caves.

She sniffed the arrow and whimpered. Poison.

“What’s going on?” She cried.

“The wars.” He breathed as he shook his head. The poison was going through his system fast.

“But we still have at least eighteen years.” She cried as she held onto him.

“Has nothing happened to you and your friends?”

Bridget sucked in a breath when she remembered the story Shar had told her and the others of what had happened the day Dustin was taking her to the hospital; when she had gone into labor with Joy.

Not to mention the people in the cafés and restaurants.

“What kind of poison is this?” She asked as she stared at the tip of the arrow.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you lick it?”

She went to do just that, and he roared.

“Fuck woman! Can’t you take a joke?”

She grinned. “Better than you can, I guess.”

He snorted, and smoke came out of his nose.

Another arrow flew past her head, and she looked over her mate’s large frame to see a group of hunters.

“Fuck! Hunters!”

“That would explain it.” He said as he pulled them higher into the sky.

“How did they find us?”

Zephyrus blinked and tried to keep conscious. If he falls now, they will swarm them. And there will be no escaping.

“Zeph, Land!”

“No.” He growled.

“Zephyrus, land in that field, right now! You’re getting weaker.”

“Must get you to safety.”

“Neither of us is getting to safety if you pass out on me in Dragon form!”

He blinked.

“Please.” She cried as she rubbed his neck. “Please, just do as I say.”

He growled as he looked down at the clear field. He was so weak; he knew she was right. He headed for the field and landed awkwardly. He slammed to the ground the moment his feet hit the grass.

Bridget jumped off her mate’s back and moved to his head.

“Shift.” She begged as she held onto his head.

Zephyrus closed his eyes and concentrated on shifting. Within moments, Bridget fell to her knees, her mate’s human head in her arms. His body slumped on the ground.

“That’s better.” She whispered.

“There they are!” A hunter hollered.

Bridget looked behind her and saw at least ten hunters come out of the trees. Fuck.

“You need to get out of here.” Zephyrus said with a moan as he opened his eyes.

She shook her head. “Not without you.”

Bridget was about to panic. She can’t just take them anywhere; she needs to get them to the cave. Now she needs to remember where that fucking cave system is!

“Come away from him, human.” One of the hunters said as he motioned for her to come with them. “We can save you from the beast.”

Bridget growled as she turned her head and bared her teeth at the fuckers who had shot her mate, with a poisoned arrow.

The ten men took a step back when they saw her fangs.

“Vampire!” One of them hollered. “Shoot her! Kill them both!”

Bridget closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her mate.

Two hunters fired their bows. Two arrows hit the ground where the Vampire and Shifter had been, just a moment ago. The leader of the hunters hollered as he kicked a rock across the field.

“Fucking Vampires and their teleportation!”

Bridget and Zephyrus landed in the entrance to his cave system and she cried out as she held onto her mate. She knew he was already dead. She had felt it before they had teleported.

She sniffled as she laid his head on the floor of the cave. She scurried to her torn clothes and found her phone still in one of the pockets. She dialed Maddy’s number.

“Hey, Bridget. How is mating life treating you?” Maddy asked with a smile in her voice.

Bridget sniffled.


“Get everyone out of here.” Bridget whispered. “This place is crawling with hunters.”

“Bridget! What happened?!” Maddy squealed.

“My mate was shot with a poisoned arrow. You need to get everyone out of here, now!”

“Ohmigod. Do you need us…”

“He’s already dead, Maddy. Now get the fuck out of here!” Bridget yelled, then hung up the phone.

She made her way back to her mate and picked up his head and laid it in her lap. She has seen Fated Mates die many times. And knew they would be back. But the pain and anguish of losing your mate; was worse than anything she has ever felt before. Even if they are supposed to be back.

“Come back to me, Zephyrus.” She whispered as she laid her forehead against his. “Come back to me.”

Her phone rang and she looked at it to see who it was. Daryl. She can’t ignore her Alpha.

“Alpha.” She said as she answered the phone.

“What the fuck happened?!” He demanded.

And even though she did not want to relive it, she told him everything that had happened.

Daryl snarled into the phone. “We will be there…”

“No.” Bridget whispered. “I have him. Don’t forget that he’s a Fated Mate. He will come back to me. But you need to get our pack out of here. The hunters will hunt you down. Don’t forget that you have children waiting for you at home. I will teleport me and my mate home, as soon as he is well to travel. Now go!”

“Fine.” Daryl said with a growl. “But if you need us…”

“I know.” She said softly with a smile, then hung up the phone. She looked at her mate and smiled.

“What could be keeping you?” She wondered out loud.

“Come back to me, my love.”

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