The king's eyes

Chapter A big secret

It is obvious that Samael must know his origins.

I think back to Jenny who knew full well that she was different, and how much she suffered not knowing her true nature.

He has been in this condition forever... Add to that the terrible events that occurred during this battle, it gives us a lost, alone, and bitter being... Who no longer has hope or trust in anyone. that is.

In any case, even if he must know that he is part demon, he is not quite ready to hear it. I still need to talk to him.

It’s my second day here. I was supposed to arrive tomorrow.

I’m starting to get annoyed to be locked in this room even though it’s very pretty.

I go to the gardens. Then I’ll go see Cyrano. I would like to take horseback riding in the forest and recharge my batteries a little.

I’m in the rose garden, I want to breathe in the unique scent of the rose, and take a few petals for me. I put them in my little bag.


I jump... Samael. He appeared right behind me, and I didn’t feel him. He's using some demonic skills, without knowing it!

“Hello My Lord... Forgive me, you scared me." I said to him.

"Didn’t you know I was near? To say that I am blind." He asked, ironically.

"Nope. You have... Hidden talents maybe." I try to keep my good vibe.

"Who are you?... I mean... What are you?" He asked me.

"Your Majesty. The time will come when I will tell you everything you need to know. It is a promise. But you must be ready. Some things require time and attention. That’s why I wanted to come earlier than the scheduled date. That’s what I tried to explain to you. But I understand your embarrassment and I apologize." I said. I feel that it's not a win for now.

"How do you plan to go about it? And how long do you plan to enjoy the castle?” He tried to upset me but I don’t pick up.

“The castle is magnificent and my room is very pleasant, thank you. But I don’t thrive in this kind of place. I need to be in the middle of nature, especially the forest.

Besides, I was about to go through the surrounding woods with my horse, would you like to join me? I will then explain to you how I would like to proceed in an attempt to cure you.” I proposed.

He frowns... But don’t tell me no. His head is always slightly tilted to the ground when he speaks. It’s defensive. As if it shows its horns when it has an interlocutor. His ancestor must have had some.

“Let’s meet at the edge of the forest, west side. In twenty minutes." He answered.

"Good, My Lord.”

Then he leaves.

Well... So we have an interview with the king finally, and before time!

A little later I wait for Samael at the place he told me. I didn’t seal Cyrano, for a short ride I don’t want to subject him to harnesses.

I’m barefoot, like when I go to walk through my forest. I need all the energy I can get, and Samael won’t see my outfit.

I see him coming. He seems to be perfectly aware of his surroundings, even if his horse certainly knows the way by heart. Samael does not need guidance to orient himself in space. As for the rest... There will be work.

He begins: “What if your intentions were to take me with you deep in the woods to kill me?"

Serously? Come on... "My Lord, you know my intentions perfectly, you know that they are noble. You guess my authentic, peaceful and altruistic nature."

I see his focused face "You’re not just a witch. You are... Different." He told me.

"It’s not about me, it’s about you. You often frequented these woods I suppose? With family? Or when you were a kid?" I asked, confident.

"Child yes... On horseback or on foot. But I preferred to be alone." He answered.

I try to keep it up. "Oh yes? Do you like loneliness?"

"I don’t really know... Maybe. I took the opportunity to steal a few oranges, there are orange trees a little further." he told me, showing a direction.

I suggest "Oh, it would be nice to be able to eat some right now."

"It’s not the season." He said.

Yes, that’s what we’ll see. We continue the walk and I try to know him a little better, I want him to tell me lots of memories. Let him confide in me, of course, I use all my influence possible to invite him to do so.

We arrive at the place where there are orange trees. I get off my horse and place my hands on the trunk of the tree. I concentrate to tap into the energy of the ground, light, and air.

After a few minutes, I can pick a few oranges.

“What are you doing?" He asked.

"Your reflexes, my king!”

I throw an orange at him, he catches it mid-flight. He may not see anything, but he senses his surroundings, and his other senses are heightened.

"Bravo!" I applauded, and say "Taste it...please.”

He looks doubtful.

I insist. “Oh come on, I can’t poison it, and you know it's immaculate. Please, I just want to stimulate your memory of taste. It’s very important."

"So that’s how you plan to do it? An orange?" He said, sarcastically.

"You can always try to embarrass me or upset me but it won’t work. I am your ally, and you know it.

Yeah, that’s exactly how I’m going to go about it.

I must appeal to your senses, Monsignor. To what makes you alive, to what gives you a feeling.

Trust me, please. And I took one for myself too, so we could share this little snack time.

You are surrounded by too many formal and solemn people.

A little friendliness will change you a little. Let the memory of taste operate, let distant memories resurface.”

He reluctantly accepts. I think those around him are so afraid of him that no one dares to irritate him by offering him anything.

I see him as a stubborn animal. He makes his authority heard but he is not dangerous.

We resume our walk, eating our oranges.

I feel that he relaxes a little.

“It is excellent, indeed." He confessed.

"Yes, I put all my heart into it. You can make a simple little thing valuable if you put your mind to it. How were you, when you were a child?" I asked.

"I don’t understand the point of this question. I was a normal, kind, generous child. I was close to my mother." He answered.

I feel I'm bothering him... but I am close to something. So I continue. "Oh yes?"

"Yes, she was very protective. Benevolent, I have only good memories of her. She was simple and pleasant. She loved music. She was playing the piano. I could listen to it for hours. It brought me a sense of peace." He said.

"Why was she very protective, your grace?" I can't help but dig more and more.

He frowns and lowers his head. It’s a sensitive subject. I’m going too fast.

“My father was a little angry. He had trouble relaxing. He saw evil everywhere, we could think he was poisoned or cursed... Listen, I don’t want to dwell on this subject which is not our problem." Okay, I have to stop pushing him.

I apologize and explain. "Excuse me. I went too far, I admit it. I just want to get to know you a little better, and get a clearer picture of your mind. Of your fears, of your sorrows, but also of what brings you pleasure, what animates you.

Tomorrow is the official day of my arrival. I would like you to give me some time in the evening. It should be dark."

"Night? Why?" He asked me, suspicious.

I answer: "It is important. You will understand this in due time."

"But how many days do you plan to stay? Sorcerers come to the castle every four days, you will only have four days, Lady Iris." He reminded me.

"My Lord, call me Iris, please. As you know, I have no title of nobility and do not desire one. What I want is to be able to spend time with you to help you as best as possible.

But four days will not be enough. And you will have a hard time opening up to me in such a short time.

We cannot force things.

You may welcome one wizard after another, but they will always be missing something...

Your participation, your will, your trust..."

He's really annoyed, I can feel it... I'm loosing him. "What I miss is your identity, Lady Iris! I don’t know who you are, I know you’re not just a witch, there’s something else in you.

You are hiding information about yourself and what you perceive in me! So how do you expect me to trust you if you don’t tell me everything? You are the one who hides, and steals what could really help me!

I don’t like it, and I won’t be patient for very long. You will have a week. No more. And you will leave.”

Samael ended our conversation and our time together.

For usability, it’s not that yet. I’m going to have to put him on the right path pretty quickly so that he has faith in me. For him to want to continue...

I’m going to have to confront him brutally with reality.

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