The King’s Bride : A Steamy Second Chance Fantasy Romance (Scions of the Underworld Book 3)

The King’s Bride : Chapter 22

XARA FOUND herself at the local prison the next morning. She still didn’t know how she was going to get Walric out. Though she’d brainstormed a couple of ideas last night, none of them seemed viable. She would be meeting Heires tonight. Perhaps that would help her come up with a solution.

The reason she’d pleaded to see Walric was because she wanted to make sure he was all right. The prison gates opened, and Felix stood there. Dressed in a fresh shirt and coat, his grey hair pulled back in a ponytail, he smiled. Xara had never seen a demon with white hair. He must be ancient.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness.” He bowed. “The king says that you asked to see Walric. Everything is ready for your visit.”

He accompanied her down the hallway to Walric’s cell. Unlike the others, it had a solid door with a tiny window for food. Felix used his keys to open the prison. She stepped ahead of him, entering the stifling, warm environs. Since there were no windows, two torches of fire blazed on either side, lighting up the cell. Walric sat in one corner, his hands chained.

Xara had expected to find him full of bruises and bloodied wounds but he looked surprisingly…fine. Walric had been dressed in a new pair of clothes, presumably on Delton’s command. Though he looked thinner than before, he wasn’t bruised or hurt. Her heart skipped a beat at the realization.

Felix came up behind her, catching her surprise.

“His Majesty said we cannot torture him. I believe you had something to do with it.” His neutral tone indicated neither aversion nor approval. Felix was a tricky man, Xara decided. He was terribly hard to read.

“Yes.” She didn’t give excuses or explanations. Instead, she focused on her cousin who was staring at them.

“Xara. Is that really you?” Walric’s eyes were immediately filled with dread. “Why are you here?”

“The queen wants to have a word with you,” Felix informed Walric. “I will leave you two alone. Let me know when you want to leave.” He pressed a bell into Xara’s hand. “Ring that.”

With that, he left, closing the cell door behind him. As soon as he was gone, Xara moved to Walric’s side. His weary eyes surveyed her, part worry, part fear.

“Why did you come here?” he asked. Then, lowering his voice to a whisper, “They’re looking for you.”

“I wanted to see how you’re doing,” she said. She touched his calloused hands. The steel handcuffs dug into his wrists, cutting where it met his skin. Dried up blood filled the cuts. “Are you all right? Is he starving you?”

“No. Delton has been surprisingly mild,” Walric’s pulled his hands away. “Especially after I told him about your past.” When she looked down, he said, “I shouldn’t have said anything, but he deserves to know what kind of monster he is.”

“I don’t blame you.” Xara tried to keep her tone neutral, but her heart thudded.

“Has he been cruel to you since?”

“No!” The words stumbled out of her mouth. “No, Walric. He’s never been cruel to me.” She left the rest unsaid. Walric drew his conclusions, though. He knew Delton had moved in with her.

“He’s not a man who likes to lose.” Walric looked at the cell door. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“He doesn’t know,” she said. “Delton gave me permission to talk to you alone.”

Walric raised an eyebrow, not believing what she said. A few weeks ago, she wouldn’t have believed it either. But everything was different now. It was like Delton was a different person from her.

“I sent Osric away.” Xara only moved her mouth, not adding any voice to those words. He nodded in understanding. “I will find a way to get you out.”

He didn’t expect her to elaborate so she didn’t. “I don’t mind staying here. You must do what needs to be done without me.”

“You cannot continue living in a cell,” she held up his hands, touching the scratches. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” he asked. “These scratches are nothing.”

“I shouldn’t have let you get caught. When I found out that you’d been captured, I couldn’t think.”

“You can’t control everything, Xara. I can take care of myself.” She nodded. “Return to the palace and don’t visit again. You are our only hope.”

Reluctantly, Xara rang the bell. Felix appeared five seconds later, standing at the cell door. He wordlessly escorted her out as she threw Walric a final glance. She was meeting Heires tonight. They’d find a way to get him out. Heires knew a lot about prisons, having a few friends who needed to be broken out. He could help her.

Churning the thoughts in her head, Xara found her outside the prison building. Felix watched her as she stepped onto the street. Right next to the prison was the Sapphire Serpents’ office.

“Is His Majesty in the office?” she asked.

“Yes,” Felix said. “Would you like me to escort you—”

“I can find my way,” she said, stepping onto the pavement and moving in the direction of the office before he could get in another word.

She needed to thank Delton and report to him on the visit before he heard it from someone else. But gratitude wasn’t the only reason she found herself in the office. She wanted to see him. Her pull toward him intensified with time. She craved his presence, his touch, his words all day long. She climbed the stairs to Delton’s office, wondering what was happening to her. The courtship was going well, almost too well. Where she had once been eager to leave his company, she now wanted to spend her entire day around him. Sometimes, the intensity of her feelings worried her. It was like his soul called to hers like they were a pair, meant to belong together.

Over the last week, they’d grown closer. She found it easy to talk to him. And she’d come to realize that everything she’d thought about him had been wrong. In her betrayed hurt, she’d judged him harshly. But the man who listened to her concerns, let him ride her, and kissed her like she was the most precious thing in the world, couldn’t be a monster. On the contrary, he was too soft. Perhaps that was why he had been hurt by Karina’s betrayal.

Standing outside the office door, she felt a flicker of trepidation. While Delton was trying to fix their marriage, giving in to her every demand, and buying her rings, she was working behind his back to bring him down. To take away his land. At first, it hadn’t bothered her, but as time went by, a niggling sense of guilt grew inside her heart. She didn’t want to be like Karina. Not after Delton had told her how deep her betrayal had cut. However, every time she considered telling him about Ifer, her mind closed up. Delton had been patient and understanding but she wasn’t sure his understanding would stretch so far.

She opened the door and stepped in, deciding to begin preparing him for the truth.

But at the sight of him, all her plans went up in smoke.

“Xara.” His deep voice called to her. Until all she saw… all she remembered was him.

Sitting behind a large rosewood desk, he looked so darkly tempting. His eyes were fixed on her, making her thoughts disintegrate. Walking over to the edge of the table, she inhaled his scent. Whenever she was with him, she felt a sense of relief, a sense of balance. She didn’t want to lose him; to lose whatever fragile bond they had.

“Good afternoon,” she opened, hovering close to his desk. Her fingers grazed the pages he was reading. “What are these? Reports on Ifer?”

“Yes,” he closed the report. “Did you see your cousin?”

“He’s better than I thought. I can’t believe you listened to me and stopped torturing him. Thank you.” A flicker of emotion passed between them, but Delton’s eyes grew instantly shuttered.

“Torture didn’t work.” He set the report down on the desk. “Nothing works.”

“Are you worried about Ifer?”

“Among other things.” Her fingers traced the lines on his forehead and his gaze snapped up. She was finding it harder to keep her hands off him when they were near.

“Those other things being?”

“You.” His gaze settled on her. “I’m worried about you. Michael isn’t with you today.”

He pressed his lips in a thin line. A frown creased his lips and temples. That frown needed to go.

“I didn’t bring him along since you’re here.” She moved closer to him, drawn in by his intoxicating scent. Her fingers brushed his as he sat down on his lap. He went still.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to get you to relax.”

“Xara, please—’

She spread her legs, straddling him on the chair. Her thighs slipped under the handrest as she rubbed against his cock. He could feel it hardening under her. Breath audibly whooshed out of his lungs. He shifted, and she moved her hips. They were fully clothed, but she felt the heat radiating from his skin.

“Anyone could walk in on us. The door is open.” He kept his voice low, but she knew he was mildly annoyed. Mildly annoyed and greatly aroused. His hand clutched around the handset forcefully.

In response, she ground her hips against the bulge in his trousers, running her index finger along his sculpted jaw.

“Are you afraid?” Her voice was teasing, challenging, and decisive. “I thought you weren’t afraid of anything.”

“You deserve to be punished for this.” The rasp in his voice indicated that his tether was fraying. But he didn’t touch her.

“Hmmm…” she purred next to his ear, running a finger over his lower lip. “I like the sound of that.”

He lost his calm then. Delton’s hand clamped around her wrist. He forcefully tugged her off his lap. Pulling her hand roughly, he brought her to standing.

“If we’re going to do this, we’ll do this my way,” he said. Red fire blazed in his irises. The demon was out. A surge of triumph filled her.

“Strip.” He commanded her like he commanded his subjects. Her skin prickled at the authority in his tone. A few weeks ago, Xara would rebuke his commands, but she trusted him now. The belated realization made her still. She did trust him. Even when she was trying to destroy him, she trusted him.

His eyes returned to their original hue, watching her impatiently, hungrily.

Xara reached for the button on her back and began undoing her gown. It was a dangerous idea to strip naked in Felix’s office. But she only had eyes for him. She wanted him. And she wanted this. Xara never thought she’d find Delton calming. His force, his fire, and his urgency incinerated her doubts, and she craved that sense of power more and more. She pushed off her sleeves when all the buttons were off, tugging her gown away. It landed in a heap at her feet, leaving her nude.

“No undergarments,” Delton noted, voice eerily calm. The warm air enveloped her naked body. His eyes had latched onto her, but they were devoid of their characteristic concern. Instead, she saw a hardness in them, a pain as deep as pleasure. “You knew this would happen.”

“Maybe.” Her voice was smoky. She stepped out of the circle of her gown, standing less than four inches from him. He towered over her but she wasn’t scared of him. She’d never been scared of him, not even the first time. “Are you angry?”


“What are you going to do about it?” Goosebumps broke out on her skin as he circled her, like a bird circling his prey. His fingers reached for her hairpins and pulled them out one by one with surgical precision. Then, he opened the drawer and dropped them in along with his numerous rings. Unbound brown hair poured over her shoulders. She was a pagan sacrifice, a feast laid out for his consumption.

Delton returned to his position behind her. He grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his fist. Then, he guided her face to the desk, pushing a hand under her stomach until her butt was up in the air. Xara’s cheek ground into the hardwood. Cool air brushed her exposed wet lips and she felt it all the way in her heated core.

Using a hand to hold her face down, Delton ran his palm over the curve of her ass. She squeezed her eyes shut, biting down on her lip. His finger trailed all the way down, parting her slit. Where she was wet. For him.

“You really want this, don’t you?” His voice sounded distant.

She opened her legs wider, allowing his easier access. “Yes…”

He let go of her hair, leaving her bent over the desk. His finger reached into her slick, wet folds, tracing up and down the slit with teasing movements. His free hand reached for the curve of her breast that was pressed on the edge. He slid a palm under it, kneading it and lightly pinching her nipple as he inserted a finger into her wet engorged lips where she ached for him. She whimpered at the touch. Her body was so exposed, sensitive to everything he did.

Nobody had taken her like his before. So forceful. In control.

Delton’s hand slid from under her breast as his other one began moving inside her. Her toes curled when he inserted another finger into her tight cunt. It slid in without resistance.

“You’re a siren,” he said. “Determined to destroy me.”

He moved the finger in and out of her. She felt every little thrust. A pleasured cry was torn from her lips.

Xara had wanted him since the minute she stepped into Sapphire Serpents.

Delton’s hand clamped over her mouth. “Shhh…we have to be quiet.” In her delirious pleasure, she’d forgotten where they were. “We can’t have you alerting the entire building with your screams.”

 Delton pressed a flat thumb, teasing her bundle of nerves, lighting every nerve ending in her body. Her hips bucked and she had to bite her lip to keep from making a sound. Her body was growing needier, tighter, hotter. Like he was a puppet master pulling her strings. And she was helpless but to submit to his ministrations.

When his fingers curved inside her and found her G-spot, it took everything in her to not come. Her ass ground against his stomach, her body fighting for release.

“You aren’t allowed to come,” Delton said, realizing how close to the edge she was. “Not until I’m inside you.”

“Get inside me.” She was breathless. “Please…I don’t think I can hold on much longer.”

He pulled his wet fingers out of her. She heard the sound of clothing rustling until his cock pressed into her seconds later. Xara moaned in relief. Delton’s index finger traced her spine casually as the leaking head of his cock teased her wet folds. The torturous sensation of his member running up and down her folds frayed her self-control. Sparks of sensation ignited. The throbbing between her legs grew more violent and needy. She pushed her hips back, trying to take him in but his hands stopped her.

“Not so fast.”

“I’m close.”

“I know.” He slid his leaking tip up and down her slit, tormenting her with every slide. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Like what?” She couldn’t focus, seeing stars behind her eyes. She was so close. Just a little more and she’d come.

“Any secrets?”

“Delton, really, this isn’t the time—’

He entered her from behind, in one smooth, fluid motion. His large, hard cock filled her, stretching her open, and hitting her sweet spot. It was all that she needed to come.

White hot fire seized her body. Her muscles spasmed releasing all the pressure that had built up in her core. Waves of ecstasy crashed on her as everything went blank.

“Oh my god…” Light spots exploded behind her eyes. She screamed but his hand came around her mouth, muffling the cries. She bit his palm as sensation upon violent sensation racketed her body. It was intense. Far more intense than before. He always seemed to take her to a place where she’d never been. Higher and higher each time. Until she craved him more and more. He was a part of her skin, her blood, her bones. The very breath she took.

Delton began to move inside her just as the wave of pleasure crested. He wanted his release as much as she wanted hers. He mercilessly pounded into her. Hard. Violent. Needy. In short, hungry strokes. His cock rubbed the sensitive spot inside her, as he left her no way out.

She cried out in his palm. He thrust harder, stretching her, branding her, bringing her to the edge once again. And pushing her off.

She orgasmed the second time, her body seized by shuddering convulsions. He came too, by the way, his body went still. Delton’s nails dug into the wood, as he struggled to exert his self-control and pull out. She placed a hand over his.

“Come inside me.”


“Please, I need you.”

There was no time to argue. Delton’s body gave in. He climaxed with a violent jerk. His fingers tightened under hers. Like he was fighting it. But he was powerless to fight whatever she did to him. Pressing his mouth to her spine, he let his cries sink into her skin. Every convulsion that seized his body passed through hers, intensifying her pleasure. It was an out-of-body experience—both of the coming together. Fusing into one. Sharing a deep, intense rapture that was only theirs. He shot into her, his hot release filling her pussy. It felt glorious. So warm, so intense, so full. So different from all the previous times.

It was a surreal feeling. She always wanted to stay like this, him inside her, holding her like she belonged to him.

Her muscles spasmed in succession, milking his climax. They took everything from each other and gave everything they had in return.

It was more intense than anything she’d experienced before.

It took a while for their bodies to come down.

They remained suspended in time, in the aftermath of what had happened. She forgot to breathe, surrendering to pure sensation.

He pulled out seconds later when she felt him go limp. Silently Delton cleaned himself off and buttoned his trousers.

She felt juices run down her inner thigh. Her face still remained pressed on the desk; her legs too weak to move. A reminder of what they’d done hit her. He’d come inside her, and she’d begged him to. Xara swallowed, remembering the reason she was there. She was going to ruin him. She had to. Taking a risk like this was a bad idea.

But she’d still done it. Why?

Her heart constricted, refusing to answer that question.

If only the world were a different place. If only she’d never been hurt before. If only she weren’t Ifer.

But the world wasn’t a different place. It was up to her to make it a different place. And for that, she’d have to crush him.

She turned, finding the strength to face him. His blue eyes were shaken, impenetrable, but focused on her.


He grabbed her and pulled her in, crushing his mouth to hers. She gripped the lapels of his coat, sliding into a passionate kiss. His kiss was fevered and demanding. She cupped his jaw, feeling the prickle of his stubble. Drinking him in, she teased his lower lip, tugging on it with her tongue. When she reached into his hair and pulled, he groaned. His tongue pushed into her mouth, claiming her taste. His arms slid around her waist, a palm cupping her ass to pull her closer. They kissed like that, naked in the middle of his office. It was so excitingly filthy, yet so intimate. Like they were two reactive substances that merged to cause an explosion and nothing could keep them from coming together.

He abruptly broke the kiss. Delton ran his large hand over his jaw, his unfocused blue eyes looking away.

“I can’t do this…” His voice was painful and broken.

“Delton?” His unexpected reaction surprised her. “What is the matter?”

“I shouldn’t have taken you so forcefully. I’m angry, Xara.”

“I liked it,” she said. “And I told you to do it. There’s no need for you to take the blame.”

His pained eyes swept over her.

“I lo-like you…far too much for my own good.” An animalistic cry emerged from his mouth. Though his eyes were clear, she could sense that he was stressed. His eyes took in her still naked form and she heard him exhale roughly. “Why did it have to be you, of all people?”

“You’re not making sense.”

Delton opened his mouth to answer but they both straightened at the sound of footsteps. Her jaw dropped as they heard the door handle turn. Delton turned, shielding her with his clothed back. She felt strangely protected and safe in his arms as the door opened.

“Your Majesty—” Her face heated with embarrassment as she heard General Darius’ voice. Though her body was covered by his, her arms remained around him. She should be ashamed. Worried. Embarrassed. But all she felt was a deep sense of satisfaction. The visit to his office had been worth it.

“General Darius,” Delton said calmly. “Get out and make sure nobody comes in.”

“I-I will.” Caught in an awkward situation, he was only too eager to leave.

Xara heard the door close instantly. For a few seconds, she sat like that, her naked form stranding Delton, her head pressed to his chest. His hands tightened around her like he didn’t want to let her go. Like he didn’t want their interlude to end. Reluctantly, he let her go.

“You should get dressed.” His heavy voice was a mix of authority and concern.

She slid off his lap and hurriedly began slipping on her gown. He opened the drawer and pulled out his rings. Then, he collected her hairpins and handed them to her.

“Can you help me?” she asked, turning her back to him. Her buttons needed to be done and she couldn’t do them and her hair at once. The torturous expression in his eyes was back again but he didn’t deny her. Shaking fingers did her buttons. Each movement grazed her skin and she wanted nothing more than to stay with him. She should ask him why he had apologized earlier, but Darius was outside. This wasn’t the best time for questions.

“Done.” Delton’s raspy voice brought her back to reality.

She turned and eyed him before saying, “I will see you at home.”

Xara was supposed to meet Heires tonight. She didn’t want to lie to him or sneak out behind his back, but she hadn’t come up with an excuse yet.

Thankfully, he spared her by saying, “I won’t be back tonight. There’s a lot of work I need to get through.”

She nodded, relieved at his change of plans.

She might not have to sneak out, after all.

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