The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Twenty-Seven

There were several packs that were waiting on the other side of the Barrier. Other reps met us at the gate welcoming their packs and giving respect to the Alphas. To the people and wolves the Barrier was invisible, but Luca and I saw it. It shimmered and had a slight purple hue to it. Guards had already posted signs up warning people of it, I wasn't so sure it was a good idea, but it was better than them being disintegrated when they hit it.

I walked up to the Barrier, "Welcome Great packs. Thank you for coming to our aid and at such short notice. We will be welcoming you in one pack at a time. Also, we will need to do checks in order to confirm your power entity, this is for the protection of the Isle. Thank you for your cooperation."

Once they all nodded in agreement I placed my hand on the force field and opened a hole large enough for them to step though. Emelia and Luca started to perform the entity checks and after the first pack was through we switched. We rotated like this for most of the day. As more packs began to arrive, carriages were brought in to help escort as many as possible to the castle which had luckily been prepared for them yesterday.

It was around 2 in the afternoon that Oran and Kai left to go check and see how the packs that had arrived were settling in. We had finally had a break in arriving packs so that Emelia, Luca and I could rest some. Taking a moment to eat and regain our strength. I could tell that this was draining on her also, even though she had more power than either of us. I was sitting across from them in the little shaded spot that some guards had set up for us. The patrol team had switched about an hour ago these men seemed to be ready to go, despite being up for a few hours last night as we made the barrier. I was rather glad that Moriarty was a loyal subject. He made sure all his men were too after that first incident. The two men who were to have been on duty that night were on patrol, but they had been on the other side of the garden during a pass. Essentially there was no one to blame, the hooded woman picked the exact moment that the guards were on the far side of their rounds. She had probably been watching them for a few nights learning the routine. In short, Moriarty made sure there were two sets of guards on patrols to make sure it didn't happen again. Though after we uncovered the whole, I doubt that she ever made a second attempt to get on the grounds.

"Luca, I wanted to apologize to you and Sarah for how I acted the other night. As your aunt I should be just as excited and happy as the two of you. I have always thought of you and Leah as my children. Sometimes it hurts not having any of my own biologically. That shouldn't have gotten in the way of me celebrating with you all, but it did. I'm sorry."

Luca embraced her in a warm hug. "I forgive you Auntie. We knew it was never meant to hurt us. Besides, Sarah is going to need you and Leah by her side if this little one is going to make it."

"Did you two ever determine what the Great Mother meant?"

"No, it wasn't clear enough. Both could belong to Sarah and I, or we could both have one child and then someone to have twins later."

"Or there was something missed and she is having twins." My aunt shifted in her seat. "Would you mind if I took a look?"

I exchanged a look with Luca, he nodded. If anyone was going to be able to see things from an outside perspective it would be her. I joined hands with Emelia and thought of the memory. I sat there with my eyes closed a few moments before my aunt squeezed my hands. She sat quiet a moment processing all that she had seen.

"So there is a difference looking at it from a view that isn't as involved as you two. It allows me to look at all the surroundings, and not just what you had seen."

"Did you find anything?"

"Of course. There was a tree, just past the little girl that wasn’t slightly in your sightline. Sitting there under the tree with a children's book was a little boy." My aunt told us. "He was about the same size of the girl also."

"So, I am having twins?" Sarah sat next to Luca, who was in a slight shock.

Emelia nodded. "It would seem that in your case the wolf gene will not be dominant and you and Luca will be carrying on the Legacy."

From the way she said it she was hiding something else. She had left something out. But she didn’t have time to explain as another pack arrived. This one had very many familiar faces and I greeted my mate's pack with a smile.

"Welcome Chief, and pack members."

They all bowed to me and called me Luna, even Kai's Grandpa. "Where is my grandson?"

"He is at the mansion preparing for you, and checking on the other packs. Thank you for coming so quickly. We will be doing entity checks on all of you to make sure that no evil spirits have entered your being in order to sneak across the Barrier."

"As you wish, Luna."

I smiled and opened the Barrier welcoming in my soon to be family. Chief greeted me with a hug once they were all through and praised me for asserting my dominance so quickly. He knew that I was going to make a great leader. Or at least that is what he told me. As we pulled apart and I started to give directions to him and the pack a rider came up urgently.

"Milady, you are needed at the Wolf Manor. Price Kai has requested you come at once." I exchanged a look with the Chief as he loaded his small pack into the wagons.

"Go, we'll catch up young one." He waived me off.

"Luca, you guys rest. Maybe Sarah should go back to the castle? Do you know how many packs we have here?"

"With this one eight, looks like Russia isn't here yet."

"Fashionably late as always," Chief scoffed.

I nodded, "If they don’t show up shortly, we will have to stop for the day or until they come. Go and rest brother."

With that I hopped on the horse and the rider and I took off. The ride was short and when he dropped me off there was another guard waiting to escort me inside. It wasn't long until I could hear some voices and bustling around coming from all the packs who were settling. But there was another string of them that I heard coming from the study just off the main foyer. As I made my way inside I was greeted by all the Alphas that had arrived. From the looks on their faces, something was wrong.

Kai greeted me with a relieved look. "Hello, dear."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Something that we didn't expect to encounter, nothing bad, exactly. But definitely something potentially dangerous if left alone."

"Oh, what is that."

"Mates, specifically the integration of packs. King Oran mentioned it might be something as this place was used for that in the past, but I didn't pay specific attention to it."

"Have we had any yet?"

"Not that we can fully discern Princess." Alpha Jakab stated. "There are other things we will have to check first, but what should be the process that we follow."

"I'll think this through and get back to you by dinner. Have you all had a chance to settle?"

They all nodded in response. Alpha George stood. "Thank you for opening this up for us again. It has been a while since we have all gathered like this. Although the reason might not be a blessing, the opportunity to mingle again and possibly diversify our packs is welcomed."

I nodded and dismissed them all. Kai sighed next to me and looked up from the chair he had plopped down in.

"I guess I could have told them that." He picked up my hand and kissed it. "Thank you."

"Relax, you're not King yet. You did well. Go and visit with your grandfather. I'll talk to Oran about it."

"The pack is here?"

I nodded. "They arrived just before you sent for me."

"Oh. Do you know if they were the last?"

"No, but I've sent everyone to rest. Whenever the last pack arrives I can do it on my own."

"I'm not letting you go back out there alone, Leah. Please take Luca."

"Fine. Now go visit."

I sat in Oran's small office in the Wolf Mansion. It was laid out similar to his space in the main palace. He and I were pondering the mating issue that was brought up.

"You know what, this is what we will do," He said finally. "We will treat it like we would any other gathering that has taken place here. If a pair from two different packs learns they are mates then they will show us proof. Then a small mating ceremony will take place for them. If they wish to proceed with bigger nuptials later that is up to them. But in this case the strength of the wolf is the pack and unmated pairs will be distracted in battle, they will be weaker. So that is how we will handle it. I'll make the announcement at dinner. If any of the Alphas have an issue they can come directly to me."

"Sounds like a plan to me." I smiled. "Do you think they will?"

"If it would be coming from you or Kai maybe. But not me. They're too afraid of me. Considering how you have already showed your dominance to the representatives at court, I doubt that they will mess with you when I step down."

I looked down not wanting to think about how quickly that was approaching. "I wish he didn't have to die for all this. I feel like such a horrible daughter. For being so angry and hating him. But also for how much time we lost with him here and us not. Why did he not just divorce her? Why didn't he take us with?"

I burst into tears covering my face with my hands. I felt Oran place his hands on my shoulders and when I looked up he was waiting to brush away my tears. "My sweet child. Things have gone according to the Great Mother's plans. I know it sounds absurd and that it may not be fair. But all this time she's been preparing you. As her child she will be there to comfort you and provide you the relief from your grief that none of us will. Not even Kai. But don't worry dear one. You'll see him again."

There was a knock on the door interrupting us. Oran went to answer it. It was Luca.

"Sis, are you alright?"

"She's fine, just having a moment." Oran spoke for me handing me a tissue.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The last pack is arriving at the barrier. If you want Aunt Emelia and I can handle them."

"What pack is it?"


"Last as always," Oran smiled.

I stood and hugged him. "Thank you."

He smiled and ushered us out the door. Once we had returned with the last pack it was nearly time for dinner. I had hoped that they'd arrive early enough that I could settle in myself some before we ate. Clearly that wasn't going to happen. I met Kai in our room and slipped into my dinner outfit. I had planned on hopefully staying in the same outfit, but realized about half-way through my day how sweaty and gross I felt. I had slipped into a pale pink cocktail dress that was one shoulder that had a silver design coming off the bare shoulder. Using the doorway as a brace I pulled myself into a pair of heels that matched the color of my dress.

Kai looked at me and I could see the lust in his eyes. "Wow, you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I smiled, "Not so bad yourself."

Until now I had never seen him wear any attire from the Ponca Pack. But I could see he had a couple feathers and a beaded necklace under his collared shirt. He also was wearing a black jacket and slacks with black shoes. Dinner tonight was sure to be a little upscale. We were eating with all the Alphas after all.

"Are you ready?"

"Hell no. But I'm ready to get this over with." He chuckled. "This is going to be my chance to prove myself to these much older alpha's. Two of them being my own grandparents and an uncle."

"Malakai, look at me." I pulled back on his arm, "You are going to be an amazing and great King. Yes we are young, but it is because of that youngness that we will do well. Not to mention you will have Oran to guide you."

"And I'll have you."

I nodded, "Yes you will."

As we were announced into the dining area all of the other Alphas stood and clapped. We were also greeted with the familiar faces of my father, brother and Sarah. Sadly, yesterday had drained my father so he wasn't standing, but rather he sat in his wheel chair and smiled at us. Officially Kai and I were not King and Queen, we weren't even mated. But this dinner was for us in honor of our mating ceremony. Kai had told me that this was a traditional dinner and that it was a way of receiving a blessing from the packs. A lot of their mates were also in attendance. Thorough the course of the night I greeted many of them and spent time with Kai's aunt and grandmas. He was spending a lot of time with leaders from the European packs and the Chief. From what I could see they were giving him some advice on leading, and maybe a little on marriage.

"So, Leah, have you and Kai decided on when you'll start trying for pups?" His Aunt was a very blunt person, so her question slightly threw me off.

"Oh, Anna, don't be pestering the child. She didn't grow up in a pack life and she didn't grow up on the Isle. She is probably still adjusting."

I smiled at his grandma's quick defense.


"Yes ma'am?"

"Could you grab Malakai a moment and drag him over here. There is something we She wolves need to do for you both. Oh and for heavens sake dear, call me Gran."

I smiled at her and nodded. The men were talking war already and I was instantly glad to be interrupting.

"My apologies Alphas, however your mates are requesting the Prince's presence."

The nodded and allowed me to steal him away. All of the ladies gathered around us and placed an hand on us. Then his grandma chanted some old ritual and blessed us with sage and holy water. I found out later that it was a cleansing ritual. It was supposed to bless our marriage and keep our hearts pure. Apparently it was customary for the ladies to bless the new king and his mate this way but it was also an alpha thing.

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