The Hybrid Queen Unedited

Chapter 19

Elijah waited for his mother to leave the room. I saw that her Queen’s Guard had come back for her as she left the room. I sighed once the door was closed. Elijah did not move. He was not even looking at me. I knew this was going to be bad. I knew he would be angry with me however his refusal to look at me was far worse.I could feel his anger rolling off of him and the tension in the room was becoming unbearable. He still refused to look at me. His hands were balled at his sides and a vein pulsed in his neck. I wondered if he was fighting the urge to scream at me. He sure looked like it. He was as stiff as a board.

Hell, If I had been in his position, I was sure I would have been screaming at me too. I had known before leaving with Amilia that he was under stress and worried about the security of the Manor and once I had woken up in my room, I had been ready for whatever he was going to say, or yell at me. What I had not been ready for was his silence. He seemed calm. I knew, however, how deserving that could be. I felt a sob hitch in my chest, a breath I hadn’t relized Id been holding left my lips. This broke him. Elijah finally looked up at me now, his green eyes were dark, masked with some emotion I could not read. I had never seen that look on his face before. I watched him close his eyes and started towards me. Once he was before me, he stopped. His breathing was coming a little harder. “Do you have any idea what you have put me through?” he demanded. I sank my head. I felt so ashamed I had worried him. I knew I had needed to go because I needed the answers. I needed to see my old home for myself. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

Elijah growled at me, the sound of it filling the room and echoing off the walls. I did my best not to flinch away from him, but in the end, I cowered into my seat. “I do not need your apologies! I need you to be safe. What would I have done if I had lost you? Do you know what my life would have been like?” he demanded. I wanted to tell him it would be very short. He would die a slow painful death. Like his mother was now. I sighed. I felt bad for Elijah. He had already lost his father. Now he would lose his mother soon too. Elijah sighed, reaching a hand out to me, palm up, waiting for me to take his hand. I raised my hand slowly. I was shaking. I did not like it when he was angry with me. It made me want to cry and beg for forgiveness. I wanted to throw myself at his feet and beg him to forgive me. A small sob passed my lips as I placed my trembling hand in his and once our skin made contact, a feeling of calm washed over me and I felt like I could breathe again after holding my breath for so long. “I’m sorry. I know how little that means to you right now-”Elijah pulled me in close, his arms snaking around my waist.

“Kiss me,” he ordered. I watched him, seriously wondering if this was a trick. “I thought you were angry with me,” I asked confusedly as his hands snaked up my back. Did he not want to talk about this?Elijah ignored me. “Kiss me,” he said again, his fingers pressing into my skin. I sighed and pressed my lips to his for a moment. I had been ready for him to yell at me. What I had not been ready for was his repose when our lips met. An angry growl ripped through his chest and his hands came to my face to hold me to him, keeping me in place. His lips were hard and angry against mine. I was not sure how it happened, but somehow my back slammed into the wall and he was flush up against me. I gasped when he warped his hands around my waist and hoisted me up into his arms, pressing me to him and into the wall. “You defied me. You went away when I told you no!” he growled at me.

I nodded, my breathing heavy. “I know!” I almost sobbed. “I’m so sorry!” I ran my hands up his muscled arms and sank my head to his shoulder. Elijah sighed and held me closer. “You can never do this to me again,” he reminded me. “Do you understand that?”Pulling back to look at him, I was shocked to see the clear pain and anguish on his face. I brushed his cheek with my fingers and nodded. “Yes, I understand,” I answered him. Elijah sighed once more and pressed his lips to my Mark. Pleasure washed through me and I moaned a little. Hearing this must have done something to him because he laughed, his hot breath washing over me. I felt his lips and tongue play with the slightly raised skin of my scarred Mark. However pleasurable this felt, I was finding it hard to concentrate on him and the beautiful things he was doing. I pulled back to look at him. “How is it that I was missing for six days?” I asked him.Elijah sighed, leaning back to look at me now. “I was really hoping you would be able to clear that one up for me, Love,” he said. I thought for a moment as he unhitched us from the wall and walked over to the bed. Elijah tucked me in and then stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed beside me. “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked him. “We were gone for three days. It took us almost two days to get there and then the day we were at my old house-”Elijah was shaking his head so I stopped. “No, you were gone for a total of six days, Faye,” he told me. I sat up, looking at him, my thoughts spinning around in my head. “Six days? If that is true, where was I for four full days?” I demanded. Elijah watched me now, his face becoming more and more confused. “You don’t know?” he asked me. The look on his face was worried. And angry. I sighed and leaned back in my pillows. I had wanted to tell him all I had seen but now I was wondering if it had all been a dream? If so, how had I known that the book would be under the floorboards? I looked over at the book sitting beside me on my bedside table. It was a worn leather book, held closed with a single leather strap. I reached for it and placed it in my lap.“I saw my mother,” I said quietly. Elijah nodded. “In a dream or something? Sometimes The Great Spirit sends us messages from our lost loved ones,” he said gently, thinking this was making me sad. I was not sad. If anything, I was angry at my mother for not having told me the truth before. She should have told me all she knew. I pushed my anger away. I needed to tell Elijah what I had learned about myself. I sighed. “No, nothing like that. When Amilia and I were running away from the Hunters, I tried to shadow jump across the river. I thought I made it but I have never tried to jump with another person like that before. I heard Amilia screaming and when I reached the other side I was alone,” I said as the events replayed in my mind. Elijah shook his head. “We searched both sides of the river for miles. There was no trace of you, no tracks to follow. Summer was saying you could have been washed downstream. I knew she was really thinking you were dead but I knew better,” he whispered to me, placing his hand over my Mark. I felt my skin tingle at the touch and I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest. “When I reached the other side of the river, my mother was there, waiting for me. She said I had shadow jumped into the Land Of The Spirits,” I told him. Elijah leaned away from me. “How is that even possible?” he asked me. I shrugged. “She said it was within my abilities as a half witch,” I told him. Elijah’s eyes widened a little. “Within your abilities as a half witch?” he repeated. I looked down at the book, running my hand over the soft leather. “Yes, but there is more. She also said that Orias is not my real father. She was already pregnant when she met him. She did not say who my father was and I have no way of knowing or finding out who is. Or if he is even alive,” I said.

Elijah pointed to the book. “This is a grimror. And,” he said as he reached into his back pocket. He pulled out the dagger my mother had given me. “This is a witches’ knife. Meant for ceremonies and spell casting.”I sighed and took the knife from him. There was really no easy way of saying this so I just said it. “Elijah, I am half witch,” I told him. I could not stop the tear rolling down my cheek anymore. Elijah raised his hand and gently and wiped them away. “I am not sure what this means for us now. I am sure the Tribe will be upset about this-”Elijah cut me off. “What does the saying of the Tribe have to do with you being a half witch?” he demanded. I looked up at him. His face was confused and I could see the wheels turning in his head, trying to understand why I was so bothered by this news. “Elijah, don’t you get it?” I demanded. “I am not fully a wolf either! How can you want a defiled half-breed as your Queen?” I asked him. Elijah was suddenly on top of me, straddling me, his hands on my shoulders. His face was twisted in pain and anger. A fierce growl ripped up his chest and he leaned down to press his lips to my Mark. It took all I had not to push him away from me. “Stop it!” he growled at me. “I never want to hear you speak of yourself like this again. Ever!” he warned me. I could tell by his tone that he meant what he said. “You are so much more to me thanthen what you think you are. You are my mate and I love you!” he told me.I felt my face go blank. It was the first time he had said it to me. I felt my chest swell with joy so fast it was almost painful. My heart was hammering away and I smiled at him. “I love you too, Elijah,” I told him. He sighed and leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. “You are not a defiled half breed. You are my Queen. My soon to be wife, I hope,” he said and smiled at me.

I laughed at him. “You have not even asked me for my hand yet!” I reminded him. Elijah shrugged. “That goes without saying,” he said. I looked up at him, his playful mood was getting to me however this was one thing I was going to insist on. “No,” I answered. “You have to do it right! Romantic settings, ring and down on one knee!”Elijah scrunched his nose a little. “Do I really?”I playfully punched him in the arm. “Yes!”Elijah growled and placed his lips to the skin of my shoulder once more. How could such a small touch set me ablaze like this? I cleared my throat. “Now,” I said as his lips skimmed along my neck. “I want to talk about Amilia!”Elijah growled and pulled back. “What about her?” he demanded. I shook my head at him. “It is not fair you are punishing her for doing what I asked her to do!” I told him and he growled at me, pushing away from the side of the bed to tower over me. “She should have known better. There is a reason I appointed her to you, Faye. She is supposed to protect you,” he said, his voice gruff and hard. I rolled my eyes atand him and he frowned at me. “I can take care of myself, Elijah! I am learning how to fight and defend myself. Amilia has been a big part of that!” I reminded him. He shook his head at me and grumbled. “You are being stubborn!” I told him. Elijah sat back, still straddling me, putting his weight on his feet. “So I have been told. What have you done in my place?” he asked me. I raised an eyebrow. ”WhatHow do you mean?”Elijah shrugged. “Say you were me. Say you were King and your Mate went missing along with your irresponsible sister on some crazy self fulfilling, not to mention dangerous, mission only to come home with more questions then they had before!” he said. “What would you have done?” I watched him. I understood that he had been worried. Now he was just looking for someone to take his anger and frustrations out on. I shrugged back at him. “I would know myself,” I told him. Elijah rolled his eyes. “I would know that I would be angry but I would also know that, once I knew my Mate was alive and safe, that my anger would be irrational,” I answered him. Elijah sighed and leaned down over me. “You have a kind heart, my Love,” he told me. He sighed and hung his head for a moment. “Fine,” he said after a moment. A small smile spread across my face. “She is pardoned?” I asked him. Elijah sighed once more and nodded. “I will let her know she has you to thank for that!” He reminded me. I smiled now and warped my arms around him. “Thank you, Elijah!” I squealed. Elijah smiled and rolled over so he was towering over me. His fingers traced the curve of my shoulder. With a sigh he just stared at me. “What?” I asked him in a whisper. He smiled. “You are truly beautiful, do you know that?” he asked me. I rolled my eyes. “Have you seen half the girls that walk around here?” I asked him. Elijah rolled his eyes. “I see their beauty, yes. Yet it does nothing for me. Not like you do,” he answered me. I sighed. I knew he was trying to give me a compliment, however I was having trouble understanding where he was coming from. What did he see that I could not? “What?” he asked me, his voice soft. “Why are you making that face?”I shook my head and sat up, looking over at my full size mirror above my dresser. “You may see me as beautiful because I am your Mate, Elijah,” I told him with a sigh as I ran a hand through my thin black hair. The first night in the hotel with Amilia, she had given me about four bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I did not understand at first what I could use four different products for. Now I understand. In addition to a dietary supplement and beauty products, my hair and skin had started to glow again. I still had a long way to go. I still looked ghostly and ragged when I did not have my makeup on, but it was getting better.

Elijah sat up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. His eyes were fixed on my face, his expression was... hungry. I gulped a little. I knew that look now. The last time I had seen it was when he had guided me away from the Manor after dinner and into the woods. The memory of the feel of him against me that way had me clenching my thighs again. I watched as a slow, almost evil smile spread across his face. “You know I can smell you, Love,” he reminded me. I reached for the blanket, thinking I may be able to mask or cover the smell but Elijah stopped me, grabbing my wrists from behind and pulling me back against him. I looked back up at him in the mirror and his eyes were still fixed on me as he pressed his lips to my neck. “Never be ashamed with me, Faye,” he said. “Do you even understand how hard it is not to take you right now?” he hissed at me. Blood boiled under my skin. I was beginning to understand that. The want and need for him was getting stronger and I knew Heat was coming. I will be having a period soon. I closed my eyes as his hands came around me, his lips playing at my neck. I was only seventeen. Teen pregnancy was not on my to do list right now. I knew it was not on Elijah’s either. I turned slowly to face him. Elijah froze, looking at me, his face puzzled. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked me. I shook my head. “No, I am just tired,” I answered him. He continued to stare at me. I knew he knew I was lying to him, yet he said nothing. I sighed. Really no point was there. “Heat is coming Elijah,” I told him. I could feel it. I was already feeling the change in my body. Heat was just the fancy wolf word for a period. Elijah cleared his throat and leaned away from me, his face a little embarrassed. “I wasn’t thinking of that. I’m sorry,” he said. I shook my head. “Don’t be. It’s just that teen pregnancy is not a priority for me,” I told him. Elijah burst out laughing and I raised an eyebrow at him. “Sorry,” he laughed again. “It is just that my mother will be disappointed that she will not have any grandchildren anytime soon,” he told me. “Is she that eager to have a grandchild?” I demanded. Elijah shrugged. “She has hinted at it,” he said. I watched his face fall and knew he already knew there was something wrong with Sophie. I closed my eyes, praying to the Great Spirit that he would spare Elijah’s mother. He had already lost so much. “So you know?” he asked me and I looked up to see him watching me. I sighed. I did not want to talk about this. Yet I did anyway, because he asked me. “I pieced it together myself, yes,” I said. Elijah rolled back onto his back, tugging me with him, tucking me against his side. I pressed my face to his warm chest. “Does Amilia know?”Elijah sighed. “If she does, she has a good way of hiding her pain from everyone. Including myself. I just hope my mother makes it long enough to see her find her Mate,” he told me. I traced small patterns on his chest. “When I met Collin for the first time, I was sure he would be her mate,” I told him. Elijah burst out laughing again. “They have known each other for years and never made a connection!” he told me. I leaned away from him, my face serious. “So?” I asked him. “So did we and look at us now!”Elijah stopped laughing and then nodded. “That is true. The Great Spirit works in mysterious ways. Speaking of Spirit, tell me more about the encounter with your mother,” he asked me. I shrugged. “There is really not much to tell. She came to me from the darkness, told me who Reid was, or better who he wasn’t. I just wished I had thought to ask her about my real father. If only I could go back-” Elijah cut me off quickly. “No!” he snapped at me. “No traveling between the worlds until we find you a mentor to teach you magic. If you are truly half witch like your mother says, then you will need someone to teach you right from wrong when it comes to spell casting,” he said. I glanced over at the Grimror on my dresser. “Elijah-”

His fingers came around my chin to make me face him. His face was calm, impassive. His eyes were locked on my face. “The last time you used your power, I nearly lost you. You were gone for six days. That was six days of pure hell for me, Faye,” he reminded me. I sighed. “For me it only seemed like a few minutes. I am sorry I worried you,” I told him. Elijah sighed and nestled his face into the crook of my neck and shoulder. “I know, Love,” he mumbled and a few seconds later a light, soft snore erupted from him. His arms were around me as he rested peacefully in my arms. I watched him as he slept. I was too wired for sleep. I reached up and stroked Elijah’s blond hair, now almost silver in the pale moonlight. I thought of how Sophia was dying and wondered if Elijah understood the fact that he will someday soon lose his mother as well. I sighed. If only I could stop it. This made me wonder. Were there any other half breeds like me out there? Or was I the only one? Was I the only half witch half wolf? How did a witch come to breed with a wolf? I sighed. So the blood of a former Alpha was not really my blood. The thought of the Pack came back to me. I wanted to take his word for it but Elijah could only speak for so many people of the Tribe. I knew one or two people who would have a problem with my blood line. “Stop it,” Elijah muttered to me and cuddled me closer. “You need rest!”I looked down at him. His eyes were still closed and his face was relaxed. “Stop what?” I asked him. He smiled a small smile and my heart melted. It was insane how much that small smile made my heart jump. How could I be falling in love with him this fast? Was it the bond of our Mark? Or was it because we were fated? “Stop worrying about everything for a few hours and relax. Be here. With me,” he said as he opened his eyes to look at me. Before I could answer, his lips pressed to mine and I was rolling back onto my back with him towering over me. “I will make you forget everything and everyone else but me, Faye,” he warned me. I swallowed.

“Elijah, I am not ready,” I reminded him. He laughed. “I know. I was not implying that though,” he said as he leaned down to run his tongue along my collar bone. Pleasure washed through me and my stomach knotted in an unfamiliar way that made me want more. Elijah seemed to notice my reaction because he did not relent. He slid his head across my chest, never leaving my skin. “Now, I want you to relax,” he whispered as he kissed my neck, nipping my Mark.I swallowed again. “That is kind of hard at the moment,” I told him, my voice breathless. Elijah laughed and pulled away from me. “I love how easy it is to rile you up,” he teased me. “Makes me wonder how our Mating will go!”I felt myself blush and I punched him in the arm. “Elijah Yansa! You do not get to make fun of me like that!” I warned him. He smiled at me and pulled me against him. “Now sleep!” he ordered. I rolled my eyes, annoyed now. How could I possibly sleep after all of that?

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