The Hitting Zone

Chapter 109 Game Three: San Marino 4

Chapter 109 Game Three: San Marino 4

Jason took a normal lead off first base. He stood three or four yards off the bag and was inching towards second. The pitcher didn’t even bother looking his way. Jason inched further and further out.

The pitcher started his motion and with the lift of his leg, Jason took off. It was a fastball right down the middle, Kelvin whiffed and the catcher quickly popped up and threw the ball to the shortstop at second base.

The throw was bad and off its mark, it went high enough where the shortstop had to jump up. Jason began to slide, feet first. Then it seemed to happen too fast for me to comprehend. The shortstop came down with the ball and then Jason was screaming. The umpire yelled, "Out!"

Coach Luis ran to Jason and Mr. Miller joined them.

"Chris, warm up." Coach called before stepping out of the dugout.

I looked at Noah, who was staring at the grouping at second base. He lost his easygoing demeanor and was frozen solid. I poked him. Then poked him again. After the seventh poke he came back to reality and looked at me, with a grim expression. "Jason is hurt."

No duh. I could see that. In fact, I think everyone heard it. That scream. I shivered.

Someone from the stands came onto the field and joined the coaches. After some discussion, Mr. Miller and Coach Luis helped Jason to his feet, they then preceded to carry them to the exit where a golf cart was waiting. They set him down and the man from the stands, got in the driver seat, and drove Jason away.

Coach came back to the dugout and took off his hat to speak to the team. "Jason is going to the hospital."

The team gasped and started to talk all at once.

"What the hell?"

"That was illegal for sure!"

"How was he even called out?"

"That couldn’t be considered a tag."

"Quiet." Zeke commanded and the team listened. He nodded at Coach for him to continue.

Coach sighed. "We won’t know much for now. The shortstop stepped on his foot perfectly and according to the ump, the tag fell on him before he touched the base. Jason’s parents will update me when they know more." He looked around. "Tony, take his bag out to the stands for his parents. Kelvin, get back in the box. Dave to the on deck circle. Noah in the hole. Only one out. Let’s stay focused." He put his hat back on and clapped a few times to snap the team out of the silence.

Everyone did what their told. Noah grabbed his helmet and bat and moved towards the entrance. Zeke stood nearby and started to speak with him alone. Tony grabbed all of Jason’s gear and took it out to the stands then returned to the dugout so the game could resume.

The team still wasn’t in a good place mentally after Jason’s sudden exit. Kelvin flew out to center field and Dave grounded out right to the first baseman. Noah came back and changed back. He didn’t say anything to me, but still had a pensive look on his face. I followed him out to the field. Chris stood by third, taking over for our missing teammate.

In the top of the third inning, Dave took on batters eight, nine, and one. Thankfully, his bad batting didn’t follow him to the mound. He got number eight to hit a soft grounder to me, and I was able to cleanly field it to Julian. I looked to Noah right after for a smile or acknowledgement, but he only had eyes for the next batter. I went back to my spot and tried not to dwell on it.

Batter nine struck out, then the top of the lineup grounded out to Noah. Three up, three down. Bottom of the third we go.

Noah would lead off, then me, then Mahki. Noah and I had our bags next to one another, and grabbed our bats and put on our helmets at the same time. As we walked out of the dugout, he stopped with me at the on deck circle.

He leaned on my shoulder, and in a low voice told me, "Whatever happens this inning, don’t panic."

The phrase ’don’t panic’ increased my anxiety ten-fold. I looked up at him, worried for what was to come.

He kept his head low, close to mine. "Everything is fine. Just play like normal. If I do something weird, don’t pay any attention to it. Don’t panic. Don’t worry. Don’t stress. Just stay focused."

You’re doing something weird right now, i thought to myself as he walked to the batters box. Noah was looking fierce and he stared the batter down more seriously than I’ve ever seen.

He didn’t waste any time up there. He smacked the first good looking pitch right between left and center field. It was a solid line drive and the best hit I’ve seen from Noah. I watched as he hustled down the line to first, rounded the base, and headed straight for second without slowing up. I tensed up as the San Marino outfielder got the ball and threw it back in.

The shortstop was the cutoff man, once he got the ball he turned and found Noah already standing up on second. He made a face and threw it back to his pitcher.

"That’s the way to do it baby Atkins!" Someone yelled from the stands. Others joined in and clapped for Noah’s hit. Noah gave two thumbs off.

Zeke came out to collect Noah’s bat as I went up to the box. He made eye contact with me. "Keep doing what you’ve been doing. I want this guy out of the game." He went back to the dugout.

I swallowed down my nerves. Zeke is basically saying to foul every pitch I can, right?contemporary romance

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