Chapter 0877
Rafe is instantly on his feet, a snarl ripping from his lips as he crosses the room in a few strides and places himself between the intruder and his mother, tucking her back behind him. The page quails a bit at the sight of the fierce prince, his canines extended.
"See?" Maryam says, her voice pitched somewhere between pissed off and dry. "Was that necessary? The poor guy's just letting her know that there's a phone call."
"Thank you, Meatball," Ella murmurs fondly, patting Rafe on the arm. "But I think I'm okay."
Maryam bursts into laughter and Rafe blushes a deep red, tucking his fangs away and hating that nickname more than he ever has in his life.
"Please, highness," the page says, stepping forward and holding the phone out to the Queen with a shaking hand. "You...want to take this call."
"All right," Ella says, her eyes wide and her voice anxious as she reaches for the phone. Mark gets to his feet, everyone's eyes on the queen as she says a soft hello into the receiver.
A moment later Ella smacks a hand to her mouth, her eyes filling with tears.
"Mom!" Rafe gasps, stepping closer to his mother, reaching for her. "What's wrong!?"
But for once Ella ignores her favorite, dropping the phone to her chest and whipping her head to the side towards the doors behind which Roger and Dominic consult with their advisors.
"Roger!" Ella shouts, her voice loud and desperate, ringing out in the room. "Roger, come quick!"
Rafe's face pales as his mother turns back to him, a huge smile bursting across her face as she bursts into tears. “Rafe, go get Cora – right now –“ she murmurs, lifting the receiver again to her ear. "Here, Jesse," Ella says, her voice shaking. "Here comes your father right now -"
A little moan of relief escapes Rafe's lips as the doors to the conference room burst open and Dominic and Roger stride through, looking alert but wary.
Rafe lingers only for a second before he forces himself to turn and rush from the room. Because his mother is right.
If Jesse is on the phone, safe, and back in this world?
He has to tell Cora and all of the ducklings too. Right now.
Jackson finishes putting up the tent in record time as I light a little fire for us. That, of course, takes very little effort to just a moment of holding Jackson's hand as I
concentrate on the little pile of sticks that I've gathered and it bursts into flames.
It's not much, I think, as I lean forward towards it and wrap my arms around my knees. But, then again, I don't think we'll be staying up very late. And I have other intentions regarding how I plan to keep warm.
"Here," Jackson says, settling in next to me and passing me four granola bars.
I balk a little. "You want me to eat four granola bars!?"
He frowns at me like he doesn't understand why that's such a ridiculous request.
"Jackson," I growl, dropping the food in my lap for a moment. "You had food this entire time? And you didn't eat?"
He shrugs, looking down at the little fire. "I wasn't hungry."
I snarl, giving him an ineffective shove that makes him grin.
"Fine, I was hungry, but I was saving it for you."
"Jackson," I sigh, my shoulders slumping as Hook up at him. "You risk being just...a little bit too chivalrous here. If we're about a day from the border between here and Moon Valley, surely I don't need four granola bars -"
He laughs and nudges me. "Eat your fill, tiny. You can have the rest in the morning."
I squawk in protest, picking up the food and shoving it at him too, clearly implying that he must have some as well, but he just laughs and pushes it gently back towards me.
"Would you please just let me take care of you?" he says quietly, shaking his head.
I break a little under that incredibly kind plea. I mean, who can continue to protest
in the face of such a sweet, heartfelt request?
"Fine," I grumble, moodily
unwrapping one and taking a big
petulant bite have to stifle my moan at the taste, because it's the kind with the peanut butter and the chocolate mixed in. And mom, knowing that it's my favorite, packed it for me. Tears spring to my eyes at the thought of that - of mom worrying about me, and picking out a snack she knew I'd like, and packing it in Jackson's bag because she knew he'd find me.
"Is it really that good?" Jackson asks, his voice baffled.