The Handsome Billionaire Surprises in Form of Two Cute Babies

Chapter 11

 11 Clash in the hospital room 

The tension in the hospital room was visible as Flora confronted Brandy, her voice edged with anger 

and resolve. 

“I know exactly what you did, Brandy,” Flora’s words cut through the charged atmosphere. “You tried to force Grandma to your engagement, and that’s what made her sick. Now, here you are, with people who couldn’t care less about her.” She gestured towards Emily and Albert, her own parents, with a mix of frustration and disappointment. 

“This is shameless!” Flora’s voice trembled with restrained fury even though she was not aware of what Albert had done to her daughter. “Causing chaos in a hospital room! I won’t let you all get away with this. If anything happens to Grandma, you’ll never find peace.” 

As she spoke, the attending doctor hurriedly entered the room with a nurse, their expressions concerned as they assessed the situation. 

With a firm resolve, Flora turned to her parents and Brandy, her tone resolute. “Leave. Now. You’re not welcome here.” 

Feeling the urgency and seriousness of the situation, Flora’s command left no room for argument. 

In the midst of that moment, Leslie, with a tone filled with concern, interjected after Flora’s command to leave. “Wait, Flora,” Leslie’s voice was tinged with urgency. “Can’t you just let them stay for now? It’s just temporary, after all.” 

Flora hesitated for a moment, her expression conflicted between her protective stance and Leslie’s plea. The air in the room hung heavy with the gravity of the situation. 

Leslie’s heartfelt appeal struck a chord with Flora. She glanced back at the attending medical team focused on Grandma’s‘ care, contemplating the balance between her family’s disruptive presence and 

the need for Grandma’s peace


With a sigh and a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, Flora reluctantly relented, albeit reluctantly.” Fine, but keep it calm,she conceded, her voice still stern but allowing a temporary reprieve. 

The room felt a bit more settled as Flora’s stance softened slightly, allowing Brandy, Emily, and Albert to cautiously reenter, albeit under Flora’s watchful eye. The tension, though eased, remained palpable as they quietly resumed their places, aware of the delicate nature of the situation. The medical team continued their work, and Flora stood vigilant, determined to maintain order and protect her grandmother’s fragile state

Brandy’s resentment bubbled within her as she observed Flora comfortably conversing with Melissa. It struck a nervewhy? isn’t she at least Melissa’s granddaughter too, relegated to the sidelines while Flora took center stage

Frustrated by what she felt was an unequal treatment, Brandy couldn’t contain her emotions any longer. “Why this pride, Flora?You’re acting like the almighty precious granddaughter that you are actually not” Her voice dripped with disdain. “You caused so much damage to our family. How dare 

36 Clash in the hospital room 

you act so affectionate towards Grandma now?” 

Before Brandy could continue, Flora’s gaze turned icy, locking onto her with an intensity that silenced her instantly. It felt as if Flora’s glare bore through her, stifling any words that dared to escape her lips. 


The atmosphere crackled with unspoken tension as Brandy faltered, unnerved by Flora’s piercing glare. She felt a sense of powerlessness under her oppressive stare, as if her voice had been forcibly muffled by the weight of Flora’s disapproval. The room hung heavy with the visible between them. Brandy stood there, a storm of emotions raging within her, unable to break free from the suffocating hold of her intense gaze, 

“Oh… That’s massive,” Leslie commented, watching as the drama between Brandy and Flora unfolds. 

Flora’s transformation throughout the years was nothing short of remarkable. Once timid and compliant, she now exuded an air of authority that seemed to command the room, casting a shadow over everyone around her. 

Brandy couldn’t shake off her discomfort. She always regarded herself as the cherished daughter of the Anderson family. This new aura around Flora unsettled her deeply

“If you even dare breathe another word,” Flora’s voice sliced through the tension, its tone icy and unwavering, “I won’t hesitate. You know who’s been the subject of family criticism. Especially with your recent shameful party. Don’t push me, or I won’t hold back.” 

Flora’s words echoed, enveloping the room in a tense silence. Her commanding presence seemed to amplify, leaving Brandy feeling overshadowed and vulnerable. 

Brandy stood there, her discomfort was obvious, realizing the significant shift in Flora’s demeanor and the threatening edge to her words. 

The threat was effective, at least for now. The chaotic ward finally quieted down. No one dared speak. 

“Huh. Thanks girl.” Leslie said in a low tone acknowledging Flora’s support in a situation that seemed increasingly dire. 

The doctor’s grave expression conveyed the severity of the matter as he addressed the assembled 


“As learned people,the doctor began, choosing his words carefully, you must understand the delicate nature of the patient’s condition. Her body was on the path to recovery, but today’s emotional strain has caused a setback. At her age, any upheaval can critically impact her organs. Surgery at this point poses a significant risk.” 

Albert’s dissatisfaction erupted first. “We’ve invested a fortune in her treatment here, and now you’re saying surgery’s off the table? What kind of doctor are you?His tone was laden with anger and disbelief. You might as well have stayed home!” 

“Enough!” Flora’s voice sliced through the heated exchange, her command cutting Albert’s words short. “You did absolutely nothing so please keep your voice down for now. And tuck your aggressive act away. Thanks.” 

The tension in the room skyrocketed. Flora’s decisive intervention startled everyone, silencing the escalating confrontation. Her authoritative tone demanded attention, and even Albert, caught off guard, fell into a stunned silence. The doctor, though visibly perturbed, also acknowledged her interruption with a respectful nod, recognizing the need to diffuse the situation for the patient’s well- being. 

Emily, her mind swirling with uncertainties, moved closer to the doctor attending to her mom and speaking for the first time. “So, if surgery’s off the table, who can actually save Mom now? What other options do we have to help her?” 

She searched the faces around her, hoping for any glimmer of reassurance or a plausible course of action. The room remained engulfed in a heavy atmosphere, everyone grappling with the realization that the usual avenues to aid Melissa were perilous due to her fragile health. 

The doctor paused, his gaze shifting between the concerned faces awaiting his next words. “In times like these, it’s imperative to explore every avenue,” the doctor continued, his tone measured yet earnest. “There’s someone I’ve heard of, a professional with remarkable abilities. He’s not one to readily engage, difficult to reach, but his expertise is unparalleled.” 

His words hung in the room, sparking a surge of intrigue and apprehension. The notion of a potential savior stirred a sense of possibility, yet the uncertainty of reaching this elusive figure added a layer of complexity to the situation. 

“I can provide guidance, suggest potential approaches,” the doctor added, hoping to navigate the delicate balance between offering a solution and acknowledging the family’s ultimate decision- making power. “But the path forward is something only your family can decide how to proceed.” 

The doctor sensed that the situation was about to escalate again and hesitated before continuing. 

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