The Guardians' Blade

Chapter Chapter Twenty - Celebrations at Eagle's Point

Mycol stood on the front wall rampart. With him were some prominent Guardian figures, along with the Rangers who had helped to defend the Keep and bring together an alliance. The courtyard was full of Guardians, Mar’quie, Silvarians and Kilimanjarins alike, all looking towards the Guardian Veteran expectantly.

“Guardians, Dragonkin of the Mar’quie, Dragons of Drakebare, Silvarians and Kilimanjarians. We are all gathered here today to ponder the recent event that has brought us all together.” Mycol smiled a little as he glanced over the gathered crowd. “For years defense of the northern border has fallen solely to the Guardians of the Black Watch. But today we bear witness to the other races south of the border who joined us in the fight against the Warlords of Dryn!” A cheer rose up from all gathered and then Mycol motioned for silence again. He waved a hand towards the Rangers standing in a line to his right. “I would like to give special thanks to Kain and his companions. They were given the task of riding with Sir Krammer, Sir Lionheart and Lady LightWeaver to bring the alliance together. They are the reason we are all gathered here today.”

Another cheer arose as the group was applauded for their efforts.

Serraria looked on from where she stood by a pillar in the courtyard, a little smile upon her lips as Mycol publicly thanked Kain and his Rangers for helping the Guardians with their allotted task of getting an alliance together. It weighed heavily on her heart that she would be leaving them and the friendship that they had so readily given to her. She rested her head against the stone column as she watched the Guardians bring out food for feasting, heard the Kilimanjarians and Silvarians put aside their differences for the moment and sing in beautiful harmony that almost brought her to tears. She turned then, making her way quietly through the crowd, unnoticed in the festivities. She reached the Keep back doors that lead into the Golden Realms. Pausing, she turned back and found herself staring directly at Storm. “Leaving so soon?” she asked as she grinned and reached out, handing over the reins of a horse that was standing next to her. “You’re gonna need a ride to get where you’re going.”

Serraria felt her-self blush hotly, but smiled as she took hold of the reins. “Thank you.” She said and looked up at Storm. “I have to go,” she added. She had never had to say goodbye before and didn’t know how to.

“We’ll be seeing you around,” stated Storm. She smiled again and stepped up close to give the girl a hug before drawing away. “Be safe on your journey.”

Serraria nodded, than turned, leading her horse out of the Keep and into the southern part of the pass. She put a foot in the stirrup and swung up. After a final look over her shoulder, she nudged her horse into a light canter, heading south down out of the mountains of Drakebare. She had learned quite a bit about these realms, to the point she had carefully drawn up her own map in her journal. As the sun began to set, Serraria drew her horse to a halt, and glanced slowly around her. She had made good time. She was out of the foothills of Drakebare and was now following the road that took her along the edge of the forest of Tarkil. This looked like a good place to stop and rest for the night while she contemplated about what she wanted to do. She knew she should go straight home, and yet she couldn’t quite make herself leave just yet.

Mycol smiled as he turned to face Kain and moved to grasp his hand in a firm grip. He lifted his other hand and motioned for silence from those gathered in the courtyard before he looked back to the Ranger. “Kain Thornsbry, you have supported us for many years now without proper recognition of your work.” Mycol motioned to a nearby Guardian who approached with a sheathed blade. “I would like to gift you with an honorary Guardian’s blade, one for you and for each of your companions. Also, from this day forth the Guardians will be there ready to support you as you have so willingly supported us. If you ever have a need, you only have to come to one of the Keeps or Ramoth to make your request.”

Kain smiled and nodded as he shook the Elder Guardian’s hand firmly. “Thank you, Guardian Wolfsbane. We all appreciate being recognized. Not many among our own races truly realize the threat that is gathering in the north and has to be watched. We are a small group and there are others out there as well. Our being recognized today will encourage others to do their bit in the fight against the northern Warlords.”

A cheer rose up from the crowd gathered below as each of Kain’s Rangers where given a Guardian blade. But silence fell when Mycol called one last name and there was no response: the name of Serraria. Kain frowned and glanced over amongst his companions. The others either shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders, except for Storm who was gazing off towards the gates before she turned to look at Kain and smiled a little at him. She stepped up towards Mycol and spoke. “Serraria had to go home. But I am sure she would have been delighted to know that her help was very much appreciated. I suggest you keep the sword in a safe place until she returns amongst us once more, then she can be given it, and shown that she was not forgotten.”

Mycol nodded slightly as he turned and took the sword that would have been given to the young girl child. He drew it from its sheath and held it aloft, calling out to those gathered around. “The Guardian’s Blade is a symbol of hope in these difficult times. It is a sign of our fight for freedom, it distinguishes us as the Holy Warriors that we are.” He slowly lowered the blade as he looked around. “This blade is not to be taken lightly. We have sworn to fight against the Warlords of the north and all that is evil.” He smiled as he lowered the blade and carefully sheathed it before handing it over to a nearby Guardian amidst a cheer from those gathered in the courtyard. He then raised his hands once more, causing all to fall quiet. He kept his hands raised and looked up to the sky before he began to pray out loud. “We give this triumph to the Shepherd King who kindly sent us aid in our hour of need, through the Mar’quie, Dragons of Drakebare, the Kilimanjarins and the Silvarians. We give thanks for little loss of life, and that our friends and loved ones are still standing by our sides. We give thanks that this battle lasted but a night and a day and that the enemy for the moment has withdrawn, allowing us time to repair the underground highway so that we can use it once more.” Mycol lowered his hands after his prayer and then smiled over those gathered. “Now then friends of ours, join us in a great feast.”

Those gathered cheered, as a large table was carried out and foods of various sorts were placed upon it. All were encouraged to eat their fill while mingling with the Guardians and getting to know them. Sir Krammer and Boar stood next to each other holding a plate of food each which they were slowly working their way through. Alixa approached with bread in her hand. She smiled at the two as she drew to a halt, waving the bread first at one then the other as she spoke. “So were either of you aware that the little dragon girl gave us the slip?”

Soryn raised a brow while finishing a mouthful before he spoke. “No, not in the slightest. Which way did she head?”

“Storm said she headed back into the Golden Realms. She said she was safe. After today’s defeat it will be a while before the Wolf King can get a grip on the Keep again.” Alixa said before taking a bite of her bread.

“What about Dilbare’s Fortress?” asked Boar after a moment with a frown. “That is still a thorn in our side, as he most definitely holds that at the moment.”

Soryn shrugged his shoulders slightly. “Mycol is yet to hear anything from the High Council about what moves will be made in regards to that, other than keeping the highway cut off from there.”

Alixa nodded and then looked over to Boar. “You never know, they might need your special skills soon to get a look-see inside.” She flashed him a little grin and winked, “Since you did so well bringing in that Rakkath fellow.” Then she paused and asked after a moment. “What happened to him, by the way? Did anyone ever check the cells after the fire?” For a moment all three were silent, then putting down their food, they turned and ran for the cells. They found the cells half-standing and still smoking. Stepping over rubble, they found the cell that Rakkath had been placed within broken and empty.

“Well, either he escaped, or he was helped to escape,” said Alixa as she looked about, and then turned looking over at the other two. “I’m not surprised, he was a traitor and given half the chance he would have done a runner at any time since he had been caught.”

Soryn smirked slightly as he tapped a contorted bar with a gloved finger. “Very true, but if he had wanted to clear his name, he would have stayed.” He lowered his hand then turned and looked at his two friends. “Well, let us return to the festivities. There is little we can do about it now, other than record this in our reports.” He lead them back to the festivities, only to be stopped by Lady Dovelin who smiled at the three and took his hand before she looked at Alixa and Boar.

“Sir Krammer, I want to thank you and your two friends for taking in young Serraria when she needed a bit of guidance.” Dovelin looked over to Boar. “She was very lost when we came across her, but I think she learned the meaning of friendship through the way we all came to know her. And I am hoping that when she returns, we will be the first to know.”

“Do you know where she came from, Lady?” asked Boar after a moment. “You were like a sister to her, or a mother. And I know you both had some deep conversations at times, as she seemed to have so many questions to ask.” Boar scratched the back of his head as he glanced at his fellow Guardians. “It was almost like she was from another world.”

Dovelin just smiled a little before answering. “She came from beyond the borders of the Golden Realms, though I wasn’t able to get an exact fix on which country. She wasn’t allowed to tell.”

“She was a spy?” asked Boar perplexed. “She seemed too innocent to be a spy.” He looked at Alixa, who rolled her eyes.

“Just because she couldn’t say where she came from doesn’t mean she’s a spy, you idiot,” she said to him. Alixa turned to look at Dovelin. “She might have had amnesia, for all we know. And just couldn’t remember.” She shrugged her shoulders slightly.

“That I can believe,” stated Boar. “That would make a lot more sense out of the questions she was asking.” He frowned slightly. “I didn’t like Rakkath befriending her, though.”

“We couldn’t choose her friends for her,” said Dovelin softly. “We can only be good friends to her and hope that she learned a lot from her experience amongst us.” She smiled as she finally let go of Soryn’s hand and shook Boar’s and then Alixa’s.

“And what of you, Lady Dovelin? Will you return to Shari now?” asked Alixa as she flexed her hand, having felt a soft gentle warmth seep into her skin, giving her a little boost of strength and tranquility. She made a fist a couple of times, a little astonished at the sensation.

“Kain has asked me to travel a little longer with his crew, and I do not mind that in the least.” She smiled at the three. “So I may see you again unless you are returning to Shaylo.”

“We do not know yet,” Soryn smiled. “We are waiting to speak with Guardian WolfsBane to find out if our time here is finished.” He gave a slight bow. “It was a pleasure to have met you, and to have worked with you, Peacekeeper.”

Dovelin smiled softly before she turned, making her way through the crowd, and over to where Mycol stood who took her hand, resting it on his arm and escorting her over towards the feasting table.

“You’d think those two were married,” commented Alixa.

“They are,” stated Soryn after a moment, receiving a startled look from the dark-haired Guardian. “They have been married for more than forty years. Sometimes they are far apart from each other, and then there are times like this where they are able to work alongside one another.”

“It must be hard at times,” murmured Alixa with a soft little sigh.

“I guess it depends on the strength of the marriage.” Soryn smiled lightly as he patted Alixa on the back. “A marriage with the right foundation will last through the toughest trials.” He winked as he spoke, “And those two have got it perfectly, or at least I think so. Trust, loyalty, support, encouragement, communication, a love founded on friendship and not lust.” He looked off into the distance. “From a Guardian’s point of view, it is the perfect marriage, even with the ups and downs they may experience. They never give in, they never give up, and never stray.”

“Sounds like something you’re wishing for,” teased Alixa, with a little grin of her own. She turned then to get some more food to eat.

Boar chuckled quietly then glanced over towards Soryn and saw that the man was strangely quiet. He tilted his head before he finally asked quietly. “Are you wishing for something like that?”

Soryn Krammer seemed to come back to himself and looked over towards the ex-Shadow Warrior before answering. “I once had a wife, she was my other half, my soul mate, the perfection of my marriage. She supported me, had faith in me and never gave up on me.” He offered a slight smile before he moved slowly towards the feasting table. “And then she left, without a word, without a warning.” Soryn frowned as he picked up his plate. “I later found out that she had met a man while on patrol in Omar, and she wanted an easier life than the one we lived.” He sighed a little as he picked up a piece of chicken and took a bite.

Boar stood next to him looking a little stunned. Soryn was a very private man, and it took Boar a moment to digest what he had just heard. “I’m sorry,” he finally got out after a moment. He didn’t know what else to say.

Soryn turned to look over at his recent student and friend. Reaching out to grip Boar’s shoulder firmly he fixed steel grey eyes on the man’s pale features as he spoke. “Not everyone’s marriage is going to be perfect, but as long as the two who are becoming one marry for the right reasons and know that there will be hard times as well as good, they will last.” He turned away then to add some more food to his plate, leaving Boar to consider the man’s words thoughtfully.

Storm and Millianyia found Tarn and Ryu singing a bawdy tavern song to a group of Guardians and joined in for a few verses, until Tarn forgot the words and Ryu swallowed his ale the wrong way and was left spluttering, much to the amusement of those gathered around them. Kain chuckled as he walked up and slapped both men on the backs as he spoke. “Lads, it’s time to saddle up and take our leave. We have places to go and things to do.”

“Now?” whined Tarn, as he held up a chicken leg. “I haven’t finished eating yet.”

“Now, Tarn.” Kain grinned as he looked at Ryu, who was still trying to get his breath back. “We’ll have a feast at the Brazen Pony Inn if that helps.”

Tarn dropped the chicken leg and ran for the stables. Storm watched and laughed softly as she looked over to Millianyia. “He loves the cooking there, I guess.”

Millianyia nodded her head in agreement before she walked with Storm over towards the stables. Serreria was still on her mind. When she reached her horse she frowned as she got a strange feeling and put a hand over her stomach.

“Milli are you alright?”

“I’ll be fine Storm.” She frowned a little as she stared off for a moment at the distance. She was unable to say why she suddenly felt queasy in regards to Serreria. She only hoped the young girl was safe and well. “Come we must go.” She swung up into the saddle and urged her mount out of the stables to follow the men out of the Keep’s gates, for the ride south back towards the Brazen Pony Inn and further adventures.

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