The God of War - Editing

Chapter Powers

Julie’s POV

Ger’s apartment was very spacious, but if he had pups, I was sure he would be living in the cabins around the village. At least, that was what my father explained to me. His mate was sitting by the window, looking tired and sad, and I could feel all her worries. I had seen her before. She was from the Woodland Pack. I had never spoken to her as I was not allowed to. Aphrodite took control in order to help the she-wolf.

“Hello, darling. What is your name?” Ger was beside me watching us, we were strangers, and my wolf was out now near his mate. Aphrodite looked at him with her beautiful eyes. “You don’t need to be on guard, head warrior. I am here to help.” She smiled at the she-wolf, and she said, “My name is Clara.”

“You have a beautiful name. Clara, you and your wolf are suffering. Let me help you both.” Aphrodite put her hands on Clara’s lower tummy and looked deep into her eyes. I could feel my eyes sparkling from joy, and after a minute of staring, she smiled and looked at Ger.

“My work here is done. You two should mate soon, preferably now. Don’t worry about me. I know my way back.” She sassily winked at Ger and left. She gave me back control. “What did you do, A?”

“We gave her fertility. She will bear a pup very soon. Now we need to go to the pack hospital. We have many people to help, Jules. I will guide you there. It will be good for healing your soul.”

After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at the pack hospital, twice the size of the one at the Woodland Pack. Some people were looking at me, and I felt better when I saw doctor Paul talking to a girl. I did not know whom Aphrodite knew in the pack, but I only knew Beta Terry and doctor Paul.

“Hello, doctor Paul.” He widened his eyes. “Julie? By the Goddess, I wouldn’t have recognised you if it wasn’t for your scent. You look great. More than great, if you don’t mind me saying.” I laughed. “Well, if that helps, I couldn’t recognise myself.”

“It is great you are here. I was about to visit you. The Alpha asked me to run some tests on you.” I shook my head. I felt more than great. “No need, I feel fine. I am here because my wolf said we needed to help.” Doctor Paul smiled. “Right. You want to train to be a healer. Is that what you want, Julie?”

“No. That is not why I am here. At least, I don’t think so.” This conversation was difficult. Aphrodite never said everything we could do. I felt a pull and started to walk, and doctor Paul was at my tail. I pushed the door to see what was happening. I stopped outside the pup’s wing, and the saddest cry I had ever heard filled my ears.

A pup around six years old was crying in his mother’s arms. His face was unrecognisable, all burned. I looked at doctor Paul. “He was caught by rogues while playing with other pups near the border. The patrol rescued him, and the rogues were killed, but not before they threw hot silver on his face. The other two pups had minor damages, but this poor boy didn’t have the same fate.”

Aphrodite was back in charge, and she looked at doctor Paul. “Hello, doctor Paul. I’m Aphrodite, and I am here to help our pack.” She sat on the bed near the pup. “Hello, little one, you don’t need to cry. I’ll help you. And when the time comes, you will have a beautiful mate.”

She started to put love in the air, and the boy calmed down and stopped crying. Aphrodite lifted her hands on his face and touched him lightly so as not to hurt him. I felt energy crossing my body, and my eyes sparkled more and more. We stayed like that for longer than with Clara.

The boy fell asleep, and Aphrodite laid him on the bed properly. His mother and doctor Paul were watching, silenced. After a few minutes, healthy skin slowly appeared on his face, and suddenly, like thunder in the sky, the pup had a recognisable face again.

I could hear gasps in the room, and Aphrodite looked at the mother. “He’s tired now, but soon he will wake up, and you can take him home.”

She whispered to doctor Paul, taking him out of his trance. “Now, doctor Paul. Why don’t we talk in your office? I want a list of all she-wolves that cannot conceive and all the members that have lost their mates and are depressed. That is where we will start.”

Aphrodite left the room with the doctor following. “Who are you?” She smiled. “I think I have already introduced myself, doctor Paul. I’m Aphrodite.” He lifted his hand. “Ok. Let me rephrase that. What are you?” She winked at him. “I’m special.” She started to walk again. “Now, where is the list I have asked? We have much work to do. I have wasted much time locked inside that room.”

I took control back. Aphrodite was putting the man in a difficult position. “She is demanding and in a hurry to help, but if you need to talk to the Alpha first before giving the members’ details, I will understand, and so will Aphrodite. Why don’t we start with people at the hospital? It might make your decision easier. We can compromise.”

Doctor Paul sat on the sofa, and I did the same. “Julie. What happened there? I have never seen anything like that before. I am shocked. And the way you look now fully recovered in a short time. I am confused.”

I looked around the room. “I don’t know everything, doctor Paul. Aphrodite hasn’t explained what we can do yet. But she means no harm. We would never hurt the pack. We are here to work, that is all.”

Doctor Paul got up. “Very well, Julie. We can go to the help centre. There are a few wolves very depressed about losing their mates.” I laughed. “The more depressed, the better. Aphrodite said.” The afternoon was incredible. Aphrodite had poured as much love inside me as she did in the other wolves. And just like she said, I felt much better after helping my new pack.

Four wolves were discharged. The other three I helped were suicidal according to doctor Paul and he thought it would be best to keep them for a few more days as he did not understand how Aphrodite’s abilities worked. He took more blood samples from me to run some more tests. Aphrodite said it would be a waste of his time as he would not find anything on the blood, but I kept quiet and let the man do his job.

I walked back to the pack house, and it was late afternoon. I passed a beautiful tall she-wolf with black hair in the entrance hall. She did not have the Blue Moon’s scent and must be visiting.

“A, do you know her?” Aphrodite ruffed inside my mind. “Don’t worry about her. She is a nobody.”


Max’s POV

I was about to lose my mind. I returned hours ago to the bedroom, and Aphrodite was nowhere to be seen. I had asked Ger to keep guard and found out she had sent him home to his mate. I could not believe the audacity of that little wolf giving orders to my men. Nobody knew where she was; the only thing keeping me together was that I never felt her crossing the borders, nor was she hurt.

Tania was roaming around the pack pretending she wanted to train again. The minute she entered my office alone, I left and hid in my bedroom like I was not a fucking powerful Alpha. The last thing I needed was Tania getting hurt by Ares.

The door flew open, and a happy little wolf walked in wearing the pretty dress I got her. If Aphrodite thinks she is back in human form, I will let her roam my pack like she owns the place, leaving me behind worried, thinking something had happened to her. She has another thing coming.

I was beyond pissed. Before, Aphrodite was like my shadow the whole day, but now she left me here worried. I growled low. “Where the fuck were you?” She jumped and stepped back.

“I am sorry, Alpha. My wolf said we could leave. We meant no harm to the pack.” She was nervous, like she was caught doing something terrible. I looked into her eyes, and they were grey. It was not Aphrodite.

“Julie?” She nodded. “Yes. I was at the hospital.” With the fresh scent in the room, I started to calm down now that she had returned unharmed. Or was the mate bond messing with my head? With my Alpha command, I said.

“Don’t do that again! Never leave without me knowing it. People still need to meet you, and I heard you sent my head warrior away. I am the Alpha here. Don’t give orders to my men.” She nodded her small head and smiled. “I am sorry. It won’t happen again, Alpha.”

That was easy. I thought she would disrespect me. Well, Aphrodite never did. Both are respectful wolves, and that shy smile will be my end. I sighed. “Why did you go to the hospital? Were you feeling something? And I told doctor Paul to come here.”

She was attentive, looking at me with her beautiful grey eyes. “No. I feel fine. I have been working till now.” I frowned. Has this woman lost her mind? “What? Were you scrubbing floors at the hospital?” Again, that shy smile. “No. I was helping with the patients, that is all. It was gratifying.”

I had to leave. Julie was not bold as Aphrodite to follow me. She was healthy and already working. I could manage to reject her before I got into this way more than I already was. I will find a way to protect her against Michael without being her mate.

“Terry will bring you dinner shortly. I have a business to attend to.” I spent my whole afternoon thinking and worrying about her. She will not be my mate. I had to put an end to this.

I sprinted into the woods and caught myself dinner, but it was not as fun as before. I had to agree with Ares that running around with the little wolf was much better. The meal felt nicer when I shared it with her, and she always praised my skills after the kill. When I returned to my bedroom, she was fast asleep on the left side of the bed. She probably thought that was her rightful place.

The beautiful one was wearing a white silk nightgown. Julie’s soft lips parted, and she seemed innocent even after all the bad things she had suffered. She has not told me anything yet, but sure, the day Michael tied her up to a tree was not the last time he laid his hands on her.

I felt a pang in my heart urging me to protect her, to keep her where I could see her all the time. I brushed a piece of hair from her face, and my fingers touched her. The skin was soft as velvet, and I felt the electricity rushing on them. The sparks were getting more powerful, and so was the mate bond.

Aphrodite and Julie have started the work with the pack. How do you think Max will react when he finds out what they are doing without his consent? And the most important question is how Tania will respond when she finds out about Julie. Leave your comments below.

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