The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 88

Sophie’s pov
I’ve heard those words more than once now and it still
leaves a bitter feeling in my chest.
Was this how the rich actually is? I thought those only. happened in books and movies.
But I suppose I was wrong.
Aiden continues when he sees that I was not willing to cut him off.” He wants me to marry the daughter of our business partner to
tie the two companies together. Doing so would benefit both companies.”
My heart feels heavy. Did he want to marry this girl? If so why did he force me to act like I was his fiance?
Aiden looks at me for a few before saying. “But I refused. As you’ve noticed by his aura Sergio is a very powerful man who
always gets what he wants. He wouldn’t stop until I settle down. Especially with his need to fix the public view of me, given my
reputation. There was only one way that could get him off my back.”
He looks at me silently, gauging for my reaction.
“And that way was for you to say that I am your fiance.” | nod, now understanding.
Aiden nods, looking pleased that I hadn’t yelled at him.
And boy was he wrong to rejoice so soon.
My gaze switched from understanding to fury. “Aiden are you f**king insane!?”
“I assure you that I am not.” His lips tug upwards into a grin.
This man was finding amusement in this f*cked up situa- tion. I don’t know if to be surprised or not.
My eyes burn with fury as I shoot him daggers across the room. “You can’t just say that I am your fiance and catch me off guard
like that! I had no choice but to play along to your s*upid game. If this is about your reputation all you had to do was go on a
p*ssy cleanse. I’m sure your grandfather would stay off your back and the public eye too.” I ranted in a screech of anger.

Did he seriously get me into this mess because of his pub- lic reputation?
He could’ve kept his d*ck out of every hole he wanted to dip into.
Now I’m pulled into a mess I didn’t want to partake in.
Aiden’s eyes narrowed on my face. “You must not know how tabloids work Sophie. I can be seen in a business meeting with a
woman and automatically it’s my new playtoy for the day. Even if I take that ‘p**sy cleanse’ those tabloids will find it in their way
to create a false story to show that I’m still keeping up with my old ways.”
I stay silent, seething inwardly when I realized that I might be doomed. How will I get out of this when I played along with Aiden’s
d*mn story?
Was there even a way out?
Aiden sighs brushing a hand down his face in frustration. “So you see this was the only way I could truly win this. You being my
fiance will make those tabloids think I’m finally set- tling down. Sergio will also be pleased and hop off my back.”
I shook my head.
He can’t possibly not see how much s*it we will be in when everyone would find out that we were acting.
Going with this absurdity would push me into the public eye too. Something I never wanted and never will now.
Did Aiden not think of Ashton at all?
What would happen when those cameras switch on our relationship? What would happen when they find out that I had a son?
What would happen when they see the sparkling uncanny resemblance between Aiden and Ashton?!
What would his grandfather say too? He already clearly hated me. Would he treat Ashton any differently?
“With all your s*upid planning did you not think of our son and what the public would say about him? Did you not think at all
Aiden!? We can’t drag an innocent child into your mess! You should’ve kept your d**k tucked and not wave hello to ev- ery
woman using that dang thing!” I yelled.

My fingers are itching to remove my heels and fling them at him. He deserves a knot or two.
So much for us finally seeing a little eye to eye. Now we’re
back on square one.
F**king fantastic.
Did Aiden really have to ruin it?
Could he not have found another solution?
Why did I not stop it when I had the chance? I could’ve called him out on his b**hit.
But instead I played along with him.
S**pid s*pid Sophie.
What have you done?
Aiden winced which told me I was right. He hadn’t thought of the cons when making that s**upid plan.
He rubs a hand down his face and mutters the word f*ck.
Yes Aiden. F*ck indeed.
You’ve royally screwed us both and it seems for the first time you’ve now noticed your wrongs.
“I didn’t have time to think of another solution Sophie. You were the only option. It was either you or get dragged into settling
down with a woman I don’t love just for the sake of the company.” He grumbles.
I shook my head and clapped my hand lightly. “Wow Aiden Xavier, the big bad blue eyed devil didn’t have other so- lutions to
unscrew himself and decided to pull his child’s mother in his mess too.”
Aiden glared at me in annoyance.
the truth Sophie. I didn’t have a choice-
You know that’s not

I held my palm up and shook my head. “No Aiden. That’s where you’re wrong. You always have a choice but you never choose
right. Can’t you see this will only benefit you? Your reputation will be clean while mine, G*d knows what they’ll say about me
especially when they find out about my back- ground. ”
I laughed dryly as I cracked. “Just imagine their reaction when they find out I got pregnant as a teenager. And imagine their faces
when they know that I got pregnant fby you. What would you do then Aiden? What would you tell them? And what if they dig so
much they find about-
I stopped my heart growing heavy. I hate thinking about Carson. I always feel sick to my stomach.
Aiden’s gaze grow cold as if knowing what I was about to say. He probably did.
“They don’t have to know about your past Sophie. There are ways I can hide them from the public eye. The same way I hid that I
served jail time for a crime I did not commit.” He said in a cold voice that lacked emotion.
“Then why don’t you hide your p***oy ways from the public eye Aiden instead of thinking about this absurd idea?!” I huffed.
No wonder there were no records of his past in high school when I searched online. He cleaned out his records.
Aiden snorted and leaned back in the chair. “You see So- phie, I can hide what the public eye has no knowledge of, but I
can’t hide something they’ve seen already. I was quick to clean off my record before I turned Ceo. Before they even knew the
name Aiden Xavier.”

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