The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 45

Sophie’s pov
I shouldn’t have come here.....
Aiden’s eyes are set on me, unwavering as he unbuttons his shirt slowly. My fingers curl into fists at my sides as I felt the tingling
urge to be the one to remove his shirt.
My eyes drink in every ripple of his taut muscle and I swallowed. This was very unprofessional but so was tugging him into an
I wasn’t thinking then, and clearly, I wasn’t thinking properly now too. Not with his upper half naked.
Aiden places his white button-down shirt on his desk and leaned on his desk while looking at me with a raised brow.
He looked like a model.
“Aren’t you going to come closer to check for those injuries miss....” He drawled in a heavy husky tone as he waits for me to say
my name.
I flinched. Did he really not remember me?
I feel nauseous as I uttered. “Sophie Bell.”
His eyes don’t flicker with recognition when my name rolls off my tongue in disappointment. He was either really good at hiding
his real emotions or Aiden had forgotten all about me.
Why did I want to cry?
Why did I want to wail and ask him why he couldn’t remember me?
Why was this hurting so much?
Because you still love him, Sophie. After all these years, after all that happened with Carson you’re still madly in love with Aiden
Xavier. My mind reminded me.
Aiden nods and motioned me to come forward with his index finger.

Despite my disappointment and sadness of him practically forgetting about me entirely, I felt desire swirl in my lower regions.
There was a heat there that was building up slowly.
My feet move on their own and I’m before Aiden in a few nerve-wracking seconds.
His scent is stronger here and I’m more aware of the tingling in my p**sy by me just standing close to him
“Did you not come here to look for injuries?” Aiden suddenly asked with a heavy thick tone that bounced off the walls of the office
and made my insides melt.
G*d Aiden, after all those years, you still manage to affect me without trying much.
Inod, gnawing on my lips.
Aiden raised a brow and tilted his head. “Then why are you not looking?” I could see the way his lips tried to quirk up and my
stomach knotted despite his teasing.
“Uh yes, sorry Mr. Xavier.” My eyes fall to his chest and I can’t help but feel aroused.
When we had sex in high school, we were never completely bare. This was the first time I’ve seen his chest up close.
But when my eyes noticed the soft red irritated skin, my concern overpowered that desire and I completely forgot that he was the
Ceo of the company and I was only an employee here.
My fingers touch his irritated skin. I noticed how completely still he got as soon as my fingers touched him.
“Oh no. The hot coffee must’ve caused this Mr. Xavier. I’m really truly sorry, I’ll go get a wet cloth to soothe the irritated skin.” I
rushed out and turned around to actually look for that wet cloth but Aiden’s hand wrapping around my arm had me halting.
“I’ll get Noel to bring the wet cloth.” Aiden’s emotionless voice utters.
I turn around when he peels his hands off me so quickly that one would think I had burnt him. His action had my heart squeezing
painfully and despite how cold he was treating me, I missed his touch.
His eyes are dark, stormy, and blue. They’re setting me on fire without even knowing.
Aiden casually reaches for the phone on the desk while still keeping his stormy gaze on me. I squirmed at the intensity. It almost
feels as though he was doing it on purpose.

“Bring a wet cloth.” He ends the call as abruptly as he started it.
We stand there in silence, him just staring at me without any flickering emotion and me squirming and having the urge to back
It only takes about a minute before Noel comes fushing in, panting and all. Her face was red and she looked like she was on the
verge of fainting.
But of course Aiden seems to not care about her flustered face and demands her to bring the wet cloth over quickly.
“Hand it to her.” He nudges his chin a little toward me and I’m met with the annoyed stare of Noel,
“Thank you,” I thanked her even though she was currently burying me six feet under with the weight of her stare.
She pushes the damp cloth in my hand not too kindly and looks over at Aiden. Completely ignoring my presence.”Do you need
anything else, Mr. Xavier?”
“No Miss Bell will take it from here.” He said. She nodded barely and walked away with slightly slumped shoulders,
When it was only Alden and me in the room again, I nervously smiled. “This should cool off the
irritated skin a bit. Though I’ll recommend you to get an ointment for that.” | winced when I realized I should be the one to buy
that ointment for him since it was me who caused his skin irritation in the first place.
Aiden remains quiet, observing, and his stare is unnerving. It had me squirming.
I awkwardly smiled and started patting the damp cloth on his irritated skin. “I’m really sorry about this Mr. Xavier.” I winced. My
luck today had really screwed me over.
“I hadn’t seen you were so close to me,” I said quietly as I looked at his irritated skin and refuse to look into his stormy gaze
Looking into his blue gaze only brought on memories of the past and he made it clear that he had forgotten about them.
“Of course you hadn’t Miss Bell, you were too busy flirting with your colleague to notice that you were obstructing the way.” He
said coldly with a sharp edge in his voice.
My hand froze. I was obstructing the way? If I do recall, I was far from blocking anyone’s path.

“Sir.” I lift my gaze and almost instantly regretted it when his cold eyes froze me on the spot.
Squirming under his gaze again, I stuttered out. “I wa-s not flir-ting.”
Gregg was flirting, I on the other hand was trying to come up with a way to let him down easily.
But of course, I had to make a fool out of myself in the Ceo’s presence.
“You were not?” Aiden c**ed one of his well groomed brows and his blue eyes pierced through mine hotly. My heart leaps,
because despite his cold gaze, there was warmth flickering underneath. Warm of desire.
Between my thighs throbbed and I am aware of the sleek heat traveling down to drench my panties. I was getting wet.
My nipples bud as his fingers brushed against my hand that held the cool damp cloth/rag on his chest. I sucked in a sharp breath
through my nose and I shivered.
Aiden’s head dipped and I held my breath when the tip of his nose nearly brushes against mine. I could feel the hot breath
fanning from his parted lips on mine and I nearly moaned.
What was happening?
“Aiden,” I breathed out in a whisper. I probably shouldn’t have, because now he’d ask how I knew his name since he apparently
didn’t remember me.
His blue eyes dart between the both of mine and then like someone throwing water on a flickering fire, it dies out. There’s
nothing but coldness now in his gaze.
“Let’s make one thing clear here Miss Bell. No one is allowed to say my name during and after office hours. Especially those who
don’t have the privilege to.” He said coldly without any emotion in his husky tone.
His words had me flinching and my stomach twisted as they brought me pain. Aiden pulis his head away from mine and looks
down at me as coldly as his voice.
I squirmed under the intensity of his gaze but kept my chin up. I was heartbroken that he refused to remember me. It has only
been three years! How can he forget me so quickly? It doesn’t make sense.
Unless.... when he was in jail he got injured and got amnesia?

Regret for not checking up on him while he was in jail made my stomach heavy. I should’ve called, even though he would’ve spit
out angry words in my ear, I should’ve called. Now I was regretting it.
This was a poor decision on my part and now, I had the biggest secret I kept from him. How would he forgive me if he finds out
about Ash?
If he has amnesia, then he’d probably say that Ash wasn’t his.
My throat hurt.
My poor decisions really screwed me over. Now I was stuck and didn’t know what to do.
“Mr. Xavier....” I drawled out, gnawing on my lips. “Can I ask you something?” I whispered.
I wanted to ask him if he remembered me. If he forgot about what happened three years ago.
But all those questions died out when he scowled. “No. I don’t feel like engaging in a conversation with you. You may take your
leave, Noel will finish what you started.”
My heart drops in the pit of my stomach as his words slapped me across my face. Wow, just to wow. Aiden was even a bigger
jerk than when he was in high school.
I bit the inside of my cheek as I pushed the damp rag on his chest and gritted out. “Fine.” I turned around to leave but when I
opened the door his next words stopped me.
“One more thing miss Bell. Office hours are strictly for work. It’s not for getting your next fling. We don’t tolerate w**es around
I clenched the door handle in my hands while seething. The nerve of that a**le! How dare he call me a w**e!?
The mother of his child!
But he doesn’t know you have his son Sophie. My conscious reminded me which made the rage ! had, simmer down a bit.
I don’t bother answering Aiden, I just stepped out of his office with my chin up.

And to think I thought we were about to have a moment in his office. What a D**k.

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