The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 132

Sophie’s pov
When I thought about ways this could end, I never thought I’d be submerged in cold water.
One of Aiden’s arms wrap around my midriff and I kicked up my legs together with his until we emerge out of the water.
I take a huge gasp of air, coughing as I lift my hand to move the wet strands plastering to my face.
“You okay baby?” Aiden asked with worry on his tongue.
I’m still coughing, trying to move the water out of my lungs. Opening my eyes only to fall into the trap of his stare.
His eyes are warm, not stormy at all....warm and filled with
The stare had me tearing my eyes away dropping them to his wet shirt that clung to his skin.
“Let me go,” I whispered, my palms landing on his hard chest and trying yet failing to push him away from me.
My body was also betraying me and was reluctant to move away from him.
But I had to hold it together, I was still after all angry at him.
“I won’t,” Aiden said with a stubborn edge in his voice, his arm around my middle tightening.
“Aiden,” I growled under my breath, a bit more vexed by my body’s response to him than his stubbornness to let me go.
“Sophie,” Aiden snapped, his head dipping so they could level with mine.
“I’m not letting you go. I’m not screwing up this time around.” He hissed, water droplets from his brows curving down his
My eyes narrowed as he pushed us to the edge of the pool until my back was pressed to the edge.

“You’ve already screwed up the moment you set your eyes on her at the hospital but yet refused to tell me your relationship with
her.” I barked, glaring at him.
I felt betrayed.
It feels like he purposely kept what she was to him away from my knowledge. Even though we were not a couple when I first met
Lillian, it still hurt to know that he hadn’t told me about his relationship with her.
And seeing those two so close and the way Lillian smirked at the camera taunted me.
I wanted nothing more but to find the bitch and pull out her hair. Strand by strand. That’s how badly I was livid with anger and
Aiden groaned lowly. “I didn’t tell you because she was not worth it, she’s nothing to me. But I see now that I should’ve. I’m sorry
Sophie. I should’ve told you sooner. I don’t want to keep anything from you from now on.”
His eyes stared at me fixedly and deeply as he confessed. “Lillian Muralo is the woman Sergio chose as my wife. Her father is
one of our business partners and Sergio thought it would be a good idea to merge the two companies to gain more profit.”
Those swirls of blue flickered between my brown pools, searching for something I wasn’t sure of.
“I hadn’t seen her for months until the day at the hospital. I was stunned to see her because the last time I saw her, we didn’t
quite leave on good terms,” He mumbled.
My brows furrowed. They didn’t leave on good terms?
Aiden notices my confused stare and tore his eyes away from mine to keep them on my cheek. “She was clingy after we slept
My heart stopped even though I should’ve expected his confession.
But as soon as my heart stopped, fury began to boil in my veins. “Of course you two did. Were you catching up at the office?” I
sneered, slapping his chest with my palm.
Aiden’s free hand wrap around my wrist, stopping my actions.
“She came to my office to talk, it was nothing like you’re thinking right now Sophie. I wouldn’t do that to you, nor did I want to.
Lillian came to talk, I spoke back to her coldly. There was nothing going on in that office,” Aiden gritted out, seeming to be

My eyes narrowed like hot slits of anger as I asked bitterly. ”
What about outside the office? When you two were photographed together? Any explanation as to why you two were so close
and why she had your arm between her bosom?”
The tilt of Aiden’s lips at the corners of his mouth irritated me and had me slapping his chest with my free hand. “What is so
funny?” I snapped.
His mouth tilts even more until he was grinning from ear to ear. “Your jealousy mama bear. It’s alluring. Also the word bosom,
never heard of it since the nineteenth century.” He admitted, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
I huffed, frustrated that we were supposed to be arguing yet he was having a field day with my jealous and angry state. I tore my
eyes away from him, feeling the heated swirls of a blush snaking up my neck like a predator.
“Of course, I can’t expect you to be serious,” I murmured in disappointment.
Aiden pushes closer to me, his wet fingers brushing along my cheeks. “It hurts me to know that you think so lowly of me Soph.
But I understand I had not gained enough trust for you to think otherwise.”
My eyes draw back to his when he began to speak.
“I was coming home to you. My thoughts were on you when the paparazzi just pulled up in front of me. Being in a state of shock,
Lillian took this opportunity to grab my arm and get close to me. I assure you that after that photo was taken, I pushed her off.
But of course the media will not show this one and would rather spin this out of proportion.” Aiden
rolled his eyes after he said those words.
His fingers cupped under my chin and he tilted my head up when my eyes flicker down to his neck.
“There are security cameras at the front of the building. I can show you the footage if you want. I can even show you the footage
in my office if you want even more reassurance.” He murmured.
I gnaw on my lips, staring at him to see if he was lying. He wasn’t. He spoke with honesty.
I embarrassingly rip my eyes away from his as I murmured. “So you didn’t allow her to keep your arm between her breasts?”

Suddenly I felt a flicker on my forehead and brought my gaze back to Aiden who was smiling widely. “No you silly girl, why would
I jeopardize my relationship with you when I’ve wanted you all my life? Do you really think I’d risk losing you for someone who
doesn’t mean anything to me?”
I shyly stared up into his eyes and he dipped his head until his nose brushed against mine.
“I only have eyes for you mama bear, my heart only belongs to you. Always have.” Aiden murmurs and tilted his head so his lips
would meet mine.

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