The Forgotten Twin

Chapter Home

“So the Stone’s gone?” said Ron finally. “Flamel’s just going to die?”

“That’s what I said, but Dumbledore thinks that -- what was it? -- ’to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” replied Harry.

“I always said he was off his rocker,” said Ron, looking quite impressed at how crazy his hero was.

“So what happened to you two?” questioned Harry. At this, Ron turned to the only person whom had been conscious the entire time they were not and Hermione grimaced before relenting.

“Well, you’re not going to like this but,” pointedly ignoring Ron and keeping her eyes locked with Harry, she answered, “when you told me to go back and get some help, I found your brother there.”

My brother?!” gasped Harry.

“His brother?!” exclaimed Ron.

Hermione simply nodded to them both and continued, giving no chance for both the boys to ask any questions. “I don’t really know why or how he even managed to come there but when I got back from Snape’s room, he was atop the white king’s shoulders and declaring it captured, winning the game without even playing and was over my side without a moment to spare. I was panicking Ron! Harry went off alone to fight some evil wizard and you were unconscious and when he asked me what happened I blurted out everything that we all did then I had a guitar on my hands telling me what Harry basically told me before he was off to the next room!”

“You told him everything?!” Ron shrieked.

“He captured the white King without even playing?” Harry asked, astounded which got looks from both his friends.

That’s what you’re asking?” Ron nearly yelled, “not, oh I don’t know, that he know’s about everything that we did?! He probably already told Snape about all the rule breaking we did and got all our house points back down to zero!” Ron bemoaned.

“Oh, don’t be so overdramatic Ron!” Hermione had to roll her eyes. “That was three days ago! If that really happened, we would have known about it by now. Don’t worry Harry, nothing of the sort happened. Our points still remain remain the same.” Hermione assured.

“Well, maybe he just wanted to wait until the end-of-year feast and have it announced then to humiliate us to the whole student body.”

“Now that’s stupid.” A voice, not of Hermione’s and Ron’s, suddenly interrupted from the entrance of the wing, “Why would I want to condemn myself just to humiliate you? Not to mention my house already won this year’s cup with all the points we have.”

“What are you doing here?” Ron sneered at the newcomer.

“Visiting my brother, obviously.” Charlus raised a brow. “I wouldn’t be a good twin if I didn’t now would I? Think of my reputation.” he added wryly.

“Reputation? What reputation?” Ron scoffed. “You haven’t exactly been the picture of most supportive big brother to Harry all year. Why care now?”

Ron couldn’t have dodged the incoming punch no matter how he tried.

“Ron!” Harry and Hermione both shrieked as they helped the beaten Gryffindor off the floor. Charlus didn’t even give a glance back at the poor red-head, turning instead to placate the fuming matron that had just witnessed the ordeal.

“You can give him something for his headache, but maybe not for his swollen cheek? I’d like to think that with a reminder, he would actually think before he speaks.” Charlus declared. And to both of the Gryffindor’s horror and surprise, the strict, no-nonsense, matron of Hogwarts actually, not only listened but permitted, the Slytherin’s suggestion.

“Madame Pomfrey!” Hermione exclaimed, appalled of the matron allowing a physical beating to go by unnoticed.

“I may not approve of physicals, Ms. Granger, but I also do not approve of such callous attitude. Drink this, young man.” Here, she placed a black vial of what looked like a disgusting goop in Ron’s hands, forcing the boy to drink and helping the boy on the bed next to Harry’s whom she ushered back to bed.

Angry, Harry snapped at his twin, “Why are you even here?”

Being tucked in by the nurse, he missed the slight wince Charlus had reacted at his tone despite having expecting it. Hermione, thankfully, had not commented on it.

“Apart from visiting you because you nearly died?” Charlus had to keep a smirk off his face at the look his near doppleganger sent him, “Well, seeing as we’re blood related and all and also nearing the end of the school year, I’m here to discuss our legal papers and all that.”

“Wha-? Legal papers?” Harry felt his brain stop.

“I had already asked Professor Dumbledore about our status here in the wizarding world and assured me that he would mail me the certificates and everything once everything has been organized and that Gringotts is just as good for officially declaring our sibling status at the ministry -faster too.” He smiled at a perplexed Harry, “Waiting that, we’ll have to go to a hospital in London to confirm our blood status and have all the proper papers done in the meantime while there -don’t worry about us being orphans, I already have a guardian that would no doubt become yours too. Oh, but you already have your guardian too don’t you?” He asked but continued, without waiting for an answer. “’Course you do, well then, we’ll just have to explain it to them won’t we? We’ll probably have to stay in London for a week -five days at the most but if Master arrives earlier than expected, we might be off London in less the three days. What do you think?” Finally, Charlus waited for a response from his brother, smiling expectedly -almost excitingly at him.

Harry had to blink and wait for his brain to slowly absorb what had been said before expressing an appropriate response.


“He’s asking you to come live with him for the summer.” Hermione, ever the only other first year besides Draco to keep up with his thoughts, summarized for Harry.

“Why should I?” scowled Harry back at Hermione. “He just punched my friend and now wants me to come with him?” He rudely pointed a finger at his twin before turning fully at him. “Sorry mate. Brother or not I don’t take kindly with people punching my friends.”

And though Bard should have expected it, it still hurt.

Just as much as when Dumbledore announced that year’s House Cup Champion.

[King Cross’ Station]

Clasps on shoulders, hugs of farewell and greetings, Charlus still brooded about the station as he gave his goodbyes to his fellow first year housemates -and to Neville.

“Tha-thanks for everything, Cha-Charlus.” Bard winced at the name, but smiled nonetheless at his potions partner.

“No problem, Neville. I look forward in seeing you next year for potions too.” He said, earning a brilliant smile from the boy before leaving him to his Grams.

Still brooding, Charles? I hope the next time we see each other you’ll be less of a mope to be with. Remember to send me an owl when you have enough time to grace us with your darling presence during the summer.” Draco rolled his eyes at him but Bard could hear the underlying sincerity buried beneath the mockery and gave a grin and nod at both him and his parents just before they disapparate with a resounding loud crack home.

Bard gave a last sweeping gaze of the platform nine and three quarters, silently giving the magnificent train his farewells and faze through the hidden entrance to find himself once again in King Cross’ Station with the muggles none the wiser. A quick glance amongst the crowd, a few steps and already, his baggage were lifted from his hands alongside his mood.

“I hoped you had a good school year, Mr. Bard.” Greeted Luke, his trustee escort and friend -officially, one of the assistants and caretakers of Prince En but was assigned to him by En, himself, once Bard came into the picture.

Bard blushed -still not used to being addressed in such a way- and waved a dismissive hand at a smirking Luke, whom started leading him to where the car was parked. As they walked, he couldn’t help but notice the large group of red-head that no doubt was the Weasley family gathered just ways away from the Station’s entrance. Spotted with the Weasleys was a black haired boy that was also no doubt his twin brother with a family of three consisting a large whale of a man, a very thin, necked woman and their son -a big chubby kid who, if not taken any sort of nutritional diet, would most likely end up like his stout of a father.

“Mr. Bard?” Luke’s voice penetrated through Bard’s musings and blinked when he realized that he had stopped following Luke to stare at the family.

“Sorry, Luke. Guess I zoned out a little.” he apologised sheepishly. Luke ignored him and turned to stare at the family of redheads that had captured his attention, almost instantly recognizing the black haired boy that stood out amongst the red.

“Is that him?” Luke asked, yet already knowing the answer. “Is he not coming with us?”

“I punched his friend before asking,” even from a distance, Luke could spot the bruise coloring the side of a young Weasley’s face. Bard shrugged and looked away, “He refused.”

A beat of silence, “ah.” Luke uttered.

“There’s always next time, Mr. Bard.”

At the show of optimism, Bard quirked a smile and agreed.

“For now, let’s go home.” With a final glance at his brother, off he went, never noticing the return stare he received once his attention was elsewhere.



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