The Forbidden Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six – Rescue Attempt


Mike and three of the other traitors have manhandled Lily, Daniel and me into one of the waiting cars. We struggled as much as we could, but we are unable to delay them by more than a couple of minutes and Daniel earned a black eye for his efforts.

I knew we were running out of time, in a few minutes we would be gone, and Alex wouldn’t be able to find us. I would lose him forever. My heart feels like it is breaking. We had got so close to being together to finding a way to be open about the fact that we were mates, and now it was over, and he hadn’t even marked me.

I was going to be forcibly mated to my worst enemy, the wolf who had killed my family, and whose name was synonymous with brutality.

And what of my friends? As soon as Carl felt safe, he would kill Daniel, and he had shown how little he cared about his daughter. Lily would be forcibly mated to Jordan or someone worse.

Mike opened the driver side door of the car and got in. In front of us there was another car, and three vans, which Carl and his remaining warriors had piled into. Carl’s car headed off first taking the lead, Mike started the engine of the car we were in and began to slowly follow him. We moved down the driveway towards the main road.

He had just turned onto the road when I heard it. A howl, I knew that howl it was Alex’s wolf. He was coming for us, but would he get here in time?

Mike, had heard it too, his head had turned towards the trees in the direction the noise had come from. He paused for a moment, and then started to put his foot down. He knew that our pack had arrived. I could see wolves in the trees at the side of the road running to keep up with us.

All of a sudden Mike swore, slamming on the car’s brakes and we skidded to a stop. In front of us stood ten men I had never seen before, behind them were armed vehicles blocking the road ahead. Carl shouted out the window of his vehicle ordering his men to retreat back the way we had come. Mike obeyed, trying to quickly reverse the car up the road. We only managed to get a few metres before he slammed on the brakes again.

I couldn’t see what was happening behind us, but Mike snarled “Alex.”

Suddenly fierce growls filled the air. He had arrived in time and he was going to rescue us.

“Don’t think for one minute you are safe” Mike warns me “I will kill you before I let him rescue you. Get out the car,” he shouts. I know that if I leave this car that this will be the end.

Carl wrenches the door open and tries to grab my legs. I push myself further back into the car trying to get away from him. As he moves in to try and take hold of me, I start kicking him. I know that I can’t stop him, I am tied up, but I try to land blows where they can do the most damage.


We moved swiftly to try and catch Carl before he has chance to escape with Katy. Katy has been missing for hours and I knew that we would be lucky to get there in time. Joseph has come prepared for war, with his best warriors, armed to the teeth driving heavily armoured vehicles. He was taking no chances when it came to protecting my mate, his queen.

Will had provided us with detailed directions to where they were hiding. I had sent scouts ahead to make sure they were still there, and to alert us if they started to move. Fortunately, they were able to report back that they were still packing up, readying to leave but hadn’t left yet.

I agreed with Joseph that we should wait until they started to travel before we attacked them. The house would be too easy for them to defend. If we could catch them as they pulled on to the main road, we would be able to minimise our casualties. I only hoped that they didn’t try to use Katy and Daniel as hostages to gain their freedom, or worse kill them before we could rescue them.

We had agreed that I and my warriors would alert them to our presence once they had driven onto the road. We would run in wolf form alongside their cars, so that they would realise that we had found them. This would make them speed up as they tried to outrun us. Joseph had set up a roadblock further ahead where there was a bend in the road. They wouldn’t be able to see him until it was too late. Euan was following behind them. His vehicles would block the road at their rear and prevent them from retracing their steps. Once they had stopped and realised that there was no escape my warriors would attack.


Our plan had worked perfectly. Carl and his band of traitors were trapped between the two roadblocks and had no way of driving out. They were forced to stop and fight, and it was a fight we were going to win. We outnumbered them three to one. My warriors were angry with their betrayal, the deaths and injuries they had inflicted on the pack and were determined to get revenge. Joseph’s warriors were battle hardened and each one was worth two warriors from any other pack.

The traitors got out of their cars and vans, readying themselves to fight. Carl had placed himself in the middle, as far from the upcoming battle as he could get. Standing next to him was my brother. He had betrayed his family and his pack, helped to kill his own father. He wouldn’t be forgiven just as none of the others would. You could tell from their faces that they new this would be a brutal fight, a fight to the death.

My first priority was to find Katy and get her to safety. We had agreed that Euan and Joseph would concentrate on defeating Carl and the rest of the wolves, while I would be the one to rescue my mate.

I scanned the wolves that were now exiting the cars and saw Mike struggling to pull someone from the back of his car, I just knew that it was Katy. I ran towards them, my claws swiping at any wolf who tried to get close to me. I had only one object in mind reaching Mike. As I got closer, I could see Katy in the car. Mike was trying to grab her legs, but she was putting up a fight. She was using her legs to kick him and had landed a blow to his neck which made him stagger back clutching his throat unable to breathe. He recovered after a few seconds, and I watched as his eyes turned black with rage. He snarled, and then began to partially shift, his claws extending, his fangs breaking through his jaw as he tried to launch himself at her again. Now he was no longer intent on pulling her out of the car, his wolf was in control, overcome with fury all he wanted to do was to hurt her badly.

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