The Fire Within

Chapter 3: Darvin Forest

The darkness came long before they reached the trees and the party slowed their pace, resting their horses and finding small amounts of food in Adrian’s pack. He had packed enough food for himself to survive a few nights if he was not able to make it to town. To be honest, he had not expected to take Ted alive, but now that he had he wasn’t sure he could just murder him with Caitlin around, but now they were short on food and he didn’t want to leave Caitlin alone with Ted while he hunted. He looked over to where Caitlin rode beside Ted, now upright and on his horse properly. His hands were still bound, but he wasn’t complaining nearly as much. Adrian smiled to himself as he watched her feed Ted bits and pieces of cheese and bread. Only an hour longer then he would stop them for the night.

They bed down much the same as they had the previous night. Ted, wherever Adrian left him, Caitlin, close to the fire and Adrian against his saddle a few yards from fire pit, his short sword tucked up under his arm. Laeha stood watch again in the fire pit as she marveled at the stars and the sounds. As they grew closer to the forest more animals were about and she used her growing senses to listen. She heard the voices in the forest, though they were barely close enough to see the trees. She heard the deer grazing in the tall grass at the edge of the tree line and the big cats slink through the grass as they hunted.

She was listening to the sounds of one of the cats as it broke into a run and the deer scattered in response when a distant scream brought her attention back the way they had come. She stood up, the flames crackling around her and the wood shifting. She couldn’t see far enough, but she could hear the sound of growling and a man being drug away as she screamed and called for help. Quickly it mixed with the sound of four, no five men shouting to one another as the scrambled for weapons. She searched the darkness with her eyes, knowing she wouldn’t find them, but she couldn’t help it. Just as abruptly as it started, it stopped. The man stopped moving, the men stopped running towards him. A yelp replaced the growl and a whimper as the beast disappeared into the darkness.

She stood for a time longer, listening, but nothing more came from that direction. She settled back down into the fire pit and checked on the party. None had been disturbed by the sounds and she wasn’t sure she should tell them in the sunlight. A few hours later, shortly after midnight, a whimper brought her around again to the edge of the light far away from the rest of the party. She lifted herself up and began forming a ball of fire once more. She held it in one hand and raised the other pushing the darkness back. As it gave way the wolf from before became visible, paws out, head down flat to the ground. Laeha absorbed, the fireball back into her hand and leaned over the edge of the pit. She flicked her hand again and once again the light pushed away the darkness to reveal a bolt stuck in the hind leg of the wolf. Her mouth opened in shock and her heart went out to the beast. She looked over at the sleeping party, then beckoned the beast forward. It crawled on his belly trying to appear as unhostile as possible.

Laeha put her hand flat palm down, towards the ground and the wolf crawled until it was against the rocks directly under her hand. She looked down at the bolt, and the wolf lifted its head until it reached her hand, then rubbed the top of its head and down the length of its neck against her hand. She jumped back in shock at the touch, but the wolf seemed fine, almost laughing at her reaction. She stepped forward again, and this time slowly moved her hand out towards the wolf’s head. The wolf lowered its head in anticipation and waited patiently as she stroked the fur from the head down to the shoulders. She realized it was the only black fur on the entire body of the wolf, but it still felt soft under her fingers. She reached down with the other hand and quickly gripped the bolt and yanked it free. The wolf yelped as the bolt came free. Blood began to pour from her leg so Laeha reached down and touched the skin. Again the wolf yelped and whimpered, but did not move. Instantly the fur around her finger turned black and the wound cauterized. The wolf pulled away and ran off into the darkness leaving Laeha to stare after it.

She looked down at the metal bolt in her hand, it had turned red from her touch and was beginning to melt in her hand, so she put it down on the rocks at the edge of the pit and settled back in. Adrian would want to be up soon. She sighed, that meant she would be confined to the candle again. The wolf returned again carrying two rabbit carcasses in its mouth. Laeha looked at it as it dropped them at the edge of the light and sat down. It rolled the dead rabbit with its nose once, then turned and disappeared into the night. She looked around the darkness and made sure the wolf was gone before calling to Adrian.

Adrian? She whispered.

He stirred and shifted, but his eyes didn’t open.

Adrian. She cooed again.

He opened his eyes and breathed deeply. He rolled and stretched, then sat up. He looked around and yawned. His face coiled up, confused as he saw the rabbits. She shrugged as he picked them up and brought them over to the fire pit.

“How?’ He started, but stopped when he saw the melted bolt at the edge of the rocks. He looked up as Laeha smiled sheepishly. “I think you better tell me what happened.”

She sighed and sat down on the rocks, he sat across from her and began skinning the rabbits. She relayed the details of the evening slowly in small words and motions, and he stopped her occasionally to make sure he understood. She would nod and continue. He would offer words when she seemed confused, until she agreed on the word before moving on. When she was finished, he stood and turned away. He had skinned the rabbits and laid them across a spit to roast for breakfast. In his lap the bent and mangled bolt was in his lap.

“So. You are saying a wolf, was hit with this bolt. You pulled it out and it brought us breakfast?” Adrian said standing and walking over to Caitlin.

Laeha nodded enthusiastically. Yes. She affirmed

“That is something else.” Adrian said giving Caitlin a gentle shake. She shifted and stirred. He moved away as she sat up.

You. Do. Not. Believe. Me. she asked slowly forming each word individually.

“Oh, I do. It’s hard not to. We are roasting rabbit and I am holding the bolt.” Adrian said smiling.

“What’s going on?” Caitlin asked sitting up, and sniffing the air. “And what is that smell?”

“Breakfast.” Adrian said sitting back in his spot in front of Laeha, the sun was beginning to rise and the sky was lightening up. They would have to be moving soon, but first breakfast.

“If that’s what you call it. What were you talking about?”

“We had a visitor last night. Left us a few gifts.” He said holding out the bent bolt.

“That’s a.”

“Yes that’s a royal crest on the fin.” Adrian said handing it over. “It’s the town guard from Cheshire, they apparently took exception to us killing their guards.”

“No matter how corrupt they were.” Caitlin finished moving closer to the fire. “Where did it come from?”

“Laeha pulled it from a wolf last night that wandered into camp.” Adrian said and Laeha nodded, she picked up one of the spits from the fire and passed it to Caitlin.

“A wolf?” Caitlin asked surprised, she looked first at Adrian, then at Laeha, pausing from pulling pieces of meat from the charred rabbit.

Wolf. Laeha exclaimed nodding her head. Caitlin pulled another section of meat from the carcass and sat back in awe.

“Where is it now? It’s not still here is it?” She stammered again looking around.

“No, no. It’s gone now.” Adrian said reassuringly. “It is gone right?”

Laeha nodded slowly, then looked around. Then nodded more matter of factly.

Adrian smiled and took a bite of rabbit meat. A blinding light shone down on them from the mountain ahead and Adrian flinched. “I guess it’s about time to get moving.”

“Where are we going anyways?” Caitlin asked between bites of rabbit.

“Darvin Forest.” Adrian said walking past her. He heard her cough and choke.

“Are you serious?” She shouted. The sudden out burst made Laeha jump in the pit and stumble as the logs rolled in the pit. She pulled herself back to the edge of the pit.

What? She asked.

“Get up!” Adrian called out giving Ted a harder than necessary kick his side to which he reeled over from.

“Adrian. Tell me we aren’t going into Darvin Forest.” Caitlin called.

“What is she on about? Even you aren’t that stupid.” Ted asked sitting up, twisting his hands and arms, trying to relieve the pressure on his wrists.

“Yes we are going to Darvin Forest. We should be there about midday if we get moving soon.”


“No one comes out of Darvin Forest.” Caitlin said turning to Laeha. “It’s a cursed, unnatural place.”

I. Protect. You. Laeha said, pointing to herself then to Caitlin. Caitlin couldn’t help but smile at the sincerity displayed by Laeha.

“Oh sure that’s great for you. Can I be killed now. Save myself whatever is in there.” Ted asked laying back down on the ground.

“I can arrange that.” Adrian said pulling his blade free and moving around Ted. Ted’s eyes opened and he scurried to sit upright.

“I was kidding. Kidding. HaHa!” Ted stammered as Adrian approached him, but Adrian leaned down and slit the bounds around his ankles.

“You might as well be able to ride for this. You know. Just in case something grabs us.” Adrian said with a toothy grin. He saddled the horses as Laeha absorbed the flames and put out the fire. Caitlin held the candle and waited until Laeha was ready before absorbing her back into the candle. Once Ted was on his horse gnawing on leftover rabbit, Adrian turned and helped Caitlin mount her horse. He watched as she struggled to fix her dress again.

‘We can fix that problem too once we arrive.’ Adrian thought to himself as he turned to his horse and flung himself into the saddle. Five minutes away from camp again Adrian spotted a wolf sitting next to a tree. He veered slightly giving more room between the beast and himself. Even if it was the same wolf that Laeha had helped there was no reason to provoke it, but as they drew closer he noticed it had the same black patch of fur down its neck. ‘Couldn’t be?’ He thought, but put it out of his mind as they passed by.

Shortly after midday with the sun hanging high in the sky, Caitlin sat on her horse staring at the tall lumbering trees and the darkness that was beyond them. An ominous scary presence like they were being watched hung in the air, but she couldn’t see anyone. In fact she couldn’t see anything beyond two trees in, like the world disappeared and a whisper on the wind warned her to run now, but ahead of her Adrian pushed on.

“Did I mention this is a stupid idea?” She called from behind him. He slowed his horse and looked back at her beyond Ted.

“You don’t have to come. You can wait here, I’m sure the guards will completely understand when they find you a fire elemental that burned down a tavern and killed three guards.”

“I’m fine with that. Can I stay here with her?” Ted interrupted, not looking at him, he just stared off at the trees. Caitlin sighed loudly and waved him on. He turned in his saddle and proceeded forward.

“It will be fine. I promise.” He said as he passed the first set of trees. “Hello ladies.”

“What was that?” Caitlin called back. Leaning forward.

“Nothing, just saying hello to some old friends.” Adrian called back, not bothering to turn around. Behind her, Caitlin felt as though the trees turned to watch her as she entered and shadows made the hair on her neck crawl. Her history was longer than she had been letting on and while it was true that he had found her working in a tavern, that was far from her limits. She had been a spy for the crown, planted in Cheshire in response to the corruption and brutality that the King had been hearing about from his advisors. On his advisor’s advice four women were planted in various taverns known for past issues and three men were placed as rookies in the home guard. All had been extensively trained in small weapons, the men held short swords the women, daggers. Though even with the extensive training this place seemed unnatural to her. She would be past due for her weekly check late tonight, but it couldn’t be helped. First chance she got she would have to slip away and bring the elemental to her superiors.

A shadow passed on her right high in the tree and it brought her attention around. She quickly looked around, then over her shoulder. Nothing. Not even the entrance they had passed through. She turned back and pulled the reins taunt calling her horse to a stop. She had almost graved Ted and she had no desire to be that close to him. She looked ahead trying to find out why the stopped. Adrian was talking to someone, but as hard as she tried she could not see to who.

Magic. Here. Caitlin heard and looked down at the candle at Laeha sitting quietly on the wick.

“Magic? What kind of magic?” She asked confused.

My. Kind. Laeha said looking around. Everywhere.

Caitlin’s eyes went wide and she spurred her horse, flying past Ted. “Adrian! Adrian!” She hollered, but she pulled up short and fell silent, her mouth wide, as a short pale skinned elf wearing a ragged shirt and skirt made of large leaves stood before them holding a short sharpened spear. Her skin was marked with dark streaks of what she could only guess was dirt and a tight blonde ponytail draped over her shoulder. Beside her Adrian sighed heavily and looked over his shoulder.

“Caitlin this is Selvia. Selvia this is Caitlin.” Adrian introduced, then gave her an impatient inquisitive look.

“Um. Nevermind.” She stammered, looking down at the cloak she had pulled around her hands. He already knew about the magic apparently.

“How long will you be staying?” Selvia asked filling the empty space and Adrian turned back to face her.

“A couple day. Three at most, I have to get him Firestone and collect the bounty.” Adrian said, pointing over his shoulder.

“Very well. Aria will escort you in.” Selvia said as she turned and stepped back, extending an arm invitingly. Adrian nodded and nudged his horse on. Caitlin looked from side to side, then behind her as she fell back in line with Ted’s horse. Behind them Selvia was gone and the empty forest was again empty. After a few minutes she couldn’t take it any longer.



“Where is this escort we are supposed to have?” She asked leaning over her saddle trying to look ahead of them. She could hear him laughing under his breath and she was about to say something, but he beat her to it.

“Oh she’s here. Aren’t you Aria?” He said then called off to no one in particular

“Of course.” Came the immediate reply, but seemed to come from everywhere. “Erin as well.”

Caitlin turned from side to side as the voice shifted from beside her to over her then back. Adrian smiled

“Really? Little Erin?” Adrian said with a smile and it seemed as if the trees laughed with him.

“I’m not so little anymore.” Came a separate voice sounding a little sour.

“No I should think not.” Adrian smirked.

“You were away too long this time.” Aria commented.

“It couldn’t be helped. Adrian said sounding almost sad.

“Selvia misses you too, but she won’t admit it.” Erin added.

“Shh.” Aria scowled.

“But she does.”

“You aren’t supposed to say anything. What if he doesn’t feel the same way about her as she does about him? You could ruin a friendship.”

“Ladies.” Adrian interrupted. “It’s ok. I’ll try to make an effort to visit more.”

Caitlin listened in awe as he was having a serious conversation with two spirits she couldn’t place, Just then from the right side a bush moved and a little sprite, dressed in similar garb to Selvia with a short haircut, jumped from the shadows and ran up beside Adrian.

“Do you mean it?” She said

“Erin!” Aria called.

“I do.” Adrian said smiling, looking down at the short girl beside his boot.


“I do.”

“Erin!” Aria called again and this time Caitlin saw her standing on a branch high in a tree, just on the edge of the shadows.

“I have to go.” Erin said and ran off the side of the road. Caitlin blinked and she was gone, in the tree Aria was gone as well.

“Ofly shy friends you have.” Ted said from his horse.

“Shut up Ted.” Adrian called over his shoulder.

“You know one of these days I might have something important to say and I may not tell you.” Ted said smartly as he looked off into the darkness.

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