The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 54

Nikki had tried to stop him storming to the Palace. She’d said something about Amneris vanishing without warning being normal. It was just something she did every now and then. This wasn’t a satisfying answer. Colt found it too coincidental his Amneris would vanish so soon after gaining information about the Dark King’s location. Kek—Kek of all people!—had been the one to give it to her.

She’d admitted that bit of information on the walk home before casually saying how he’d kissed her! On the cheek, sure, but still. In all honesty that was the other thing bothering him. Yes, he knew Amneris and Kek had a history. A bad history. That scar on her eye was harsh reminder of that fact. If he was involved in her disappearance . . .

Colt slammed through the doors of the Dining Room, causing the Old King to jump as he marched forward, placing his hands on the table and growling, “Where is she?”

Lvaane glanced toward Nikki—who’d followed him here—and give her a questioning look.

“Amneris vanished again,” she put simply. “He’s paranoid about it.”

“Ah.” He looked over Colt. “You of all people should know she does this. She will be back in a day or so, I’m sure.”

Colt’s hands fisted. “This time is different,” he insisted. “I can feel it.”

“Different?” Nikki came to his side. “How?”

“She just found out where the man responsible for her death is and when he would be there. Why do you think it’s different?”

The Shifter opened her mouth to say something, closing it just as fast.

“We have to go after her!” Colt said.

“You don’t even know if she is on Ozialon.”

“Where else could she be?”

“Terpola,” Lvaane murmured, placing down the mug in her hands. “If this is the case, we must get her back.”

Nikki made a confused noise. “Why in Creation would she willingly go to Terpola?”

“I can answer that!”

The three turned to the doorway as Jay let himself in, running a hand through his hair.

“Yeah, funny story.” He laughed nervously. “Queenie and Ema have gone to Terpola to get the items back. According to Ema, Amneris said something about it being a perfect opportunity since everyone would be getting their troops ready.”

“You believe Ema?” Colt asked. Jay nodded but provided no further explanation. “It is decided. We have to get her.”

To everyone’s amazement, the Old King stood. “I will get her myself.”

Jay and Nikki burst into laughter. It stopped when they realised he was serious.

“No. Fucking. Way.” Nikki jabbed his shoulder with a finger. “You’re staying right here.”

“Yeah,” Jay agreed. “Amns would never forgive us if anything happened to you.”

“We don’t need her to go on another murderous rampage.”

“Things are bad enough as it is!”

“I believe he gets the picture,” Colt said.

Lvaane sat back down, muttering something in the Old Language about how children were impossible to deal with.

Colt turned to the pair. “Nikki, you are staying too.” She cried out in protest. “Jay, you are coming with me. I have a feeling you are the only one Ema will listen to.”

The Fae Male sighed. “Fine. Let me get my swords . . .”

The Terpolite Capital of Crita was gloomy during the day. At night, it was downright creepy. The dark stone Castle loomed over the city as though it were a constant reminder of who was in charge. The city itself was black. Silent. It was as though the people were hiding from the new—old—King. Colt knew many Terpolites feared the Dark King. That was their main reason for following him, not that they would admit it.

Colt and Jay broke into the Castle with little difficulty. It left Colt feeling uneasy. The Castle was never this under guarded. It was almost as though some higher being was daring them to break in and grab the items and be brutally killed on the way out. Not that being killed would stop them.

Jay placed a hand on his shoulder. “Any idea where they would be?”

“I would say the central area of the Castle, but I am honestly clueless.”

“I have a stupid question.” He glanced at the Fae. “You wouldn’t conveniently have anything that belongs to Amneris on you, would you?”


“She has a, uh, very distinct sent. Like a mix of caramel and lotus.”

“Blame the perfume.”

Colt pulled a pendant—a single lapis lazuli stone on a gold-brown rope—from his neck.

He held it out to Jay who gawked. “Where did you . . . You know what, I’m not asking why she gave you that.”

Jay sniffed the pendant and handed it back, turning on the spot as he sniffed the air. He dashed down a hallway, Colt following close behind. He had no idea where Jay was headed. He’d only explored so much of the Castle during his time on Terpola. This area he didn’t recognise. He could only hope they were headed toward the two women.

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