The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 58

(Chapter song ‘Patient Number 9’ by. Ozzy Osbourne)


I shrug it off as Fredericks calls the meeting to order.

We all get up and take our seats assigned to us. There's 15 Alphas in total. The Lunas are guided to Luna room and the door is shut. The Betas close their door.

My father's chair is on the right side of the table in between River and Jayson with River at the top next to the podium where the Head Alpha stands who is Alpha Fredericks right now.

Fredericks takes the podium. "Good morning. I trust everyone had a good blue moon?"

The room mumbles and heads turn their attention to him.

He nods. "OK. First, I'd like to welcome our newest member. This is his first council meeting since his father's passing. Alpha Luke Jackson."

I stand quickly and acknowledge the table. Everyone acknowledges me with nods and waves. Jayson claps my back as I tuck my legs under the table and fold my hands on the table top. I got to really try to be professional for Alexi.

"I trust everyone will give Alpha Jackson the assistance he needs to get up to speed here." Fredericks continues.

Again, the table mumbles agreement and we move the meeting along.

"Moving on. I'm taking this time to officially announce that after the next moon, I will be retiring as Head Alpha from the Unit and the council. It's been great working with you all, but I finally need some rest." He chuckles. So does the room.

“Do you have a replacement?” Alpha Andrews asks as he leans back in his chair.

I glance over at Bastian. The cocky bastard looks cockier then ever as he smiles at Fredericks.

“At this time, we're taking names of those interested.” Fredericks answers. “There will be a series of tests and then a decision will be made after the Ball.”

“I'll have to pass that along.” Andrews picks up his phone and types.

I lean back and internally snort. As if his twins would be any kind of contenders. They’re only 2rd years and complete douches. I smile to myself and shake my head.

"For the third order today, we have a guest to the council floor. His order of business will be directed to the Head of the Falcon Ridge prison.” Fredericks announces.

Bastian sits up and eyes the man. He looks suspicious of the guy. I just think he does more cardio than lifting.

Fredericks motions to a side podium at the end of the table. “Dr. Chase Rennet. You can take the podium." Fredericks sits beside Andrews as this Rennet guy fumbles with his papers and takes the podium.

I arch a brow as Rennet looks like he’s freaking out inside. The guys a nerve ball. It’s hilarious.

He takes the podium, adjusts his glasses and drops a binder on top. He looks around the room, makes a dumb joke about being disorganized then smiles at us.

He clears his throat. "Good morning. I am, as you heard, Dr. Chase Rennet. I have a doctorate in criminal psychology and have been working with the criminally insane for the last 10 years. I specialize in cults and work with members to rehabilitate them into society. I come to you today to ask that I be allowed to evaluate the current Dragons in the Falcon Ridge facility."

Grumbles are heard around the table.

"Order." Fredericks warns.

"As you know, during Draco Torrent's attacks, a lot of members joined him reluctantly. It'll be my job to evaluate them and determine who is best suited for rehabilitation and hopefully through a series of evaluations, be able to be released back into society."

"What? You're crazy." Bastian speaks up, adjusting his suit and scoffing.

"Order, Alpha Cole." Fredericks arches a brow.

"No. You can't possibly believe any of these people are innocent." Bastian looks around the room as he motion to the doctor.

Rennet adjusts his glasses and smiles. He nods to Bastian. "Not innocent, Councilman. Misguided or did so under duress. I truly believe there are people in there who regret their actions and truly want to denounce the Dragons and move forward. We should, as higher members, at least give them that chance."

The room mumbles and I tick my head in consideration.

Bastian scoffs. "Oh my God. You can't be considering this. These people are insane. You let them out they'll be havoc in our streets." He turns to Fredericks.

Alpha Andrews speaks up. "The release of those willing to become upstanding citizens would release some pressure from the prisons already stretched budget. Alpha Cole’s upgrades didn't come cheap."

Bastian points to Andrews. "Yeah, well, we don't need another Karver escape."

Fredericks nods. "Agreed. Alpha Cole’s improvements may have been expensive, but they do hold true to their intent. The prison really is safer now. But we do need to do something. We really can't afford to house all the Dragons coming in."

Dr. Rennet speaks up. "That's why I'm here. I'll interview and test all the prisoners. I'll report which ones I feel that would do well in a rehabilitation program to Alpha Cole. He can make the final decisions."

"Are you in agreement, Alpha Cole?" Fredericks asks.

Bastian was about to say something, but I interrupted him.

"Alpha. If I could say something?" I raise my hand off the table.

"Please, Alpha Jackson." Fredericks motions for me to speak.

"Um... Well... As you know my mate, Alexi Torrent, is in fact, the daughter of Draco Torrent." I look around the room as mumbles start.

"Now, she was lied to. Her whole life. Led to believe her father was a great man. It caused her to make some very bad decisions. But after some convincing she saw the truth and now is my Luna and a damn good one. I don't see why there wouldn't be others considering how Torrent operated." I looked at Fredericks.

I glance around at head nods and more mumbling.

"Ok. Let's put it to a vote. All those in favor?" Fredericks orders.

Ten hands went up, including mine.

Bastian snarls at me. I smirk right back at him.

"All opposed?"

Five hands went up.

Fredericks nods and bangs his gavel. "Ok. Dr. Rennet. You're hired. Report to the Falcon Ridge prison Monday next week."

"Thank you, Alphas." Rennet closes his binder and walks away.

"Alpha Cole, I trust you'll help the doctor with anything he needs?" Fredericks turns to Bastian.

"Yeah." Bastian says, looking defeated.

"Good. Next order of business." Fredericks opens a file and flips through papers.

The rest of the meeting was actually boring. I zoned out much like I do at my own pack meetings. I just kept thinking of Alexi's hot body under me.

After we were adjourned, we all mingled a bit before leaving.

I was talking with Jay and River when Bastian sauntered up.

"So, I guess congratulations are in order, Luke." He smiles. "You got yourself a mate and a Torrent no less."

I bite my cheek and eye him. "Thanks."

River sticks his hands in his pockets. "So, you struck out again, huh Bastian?" He grins.

Bastian chuckled. "No. I didn't go. I'm too busy preparing for my own ball next year. "

Jay folds his arms. "Right. It's Black Rock’s turn. Should be a good one."

"You have no idea. I just built a 15000 square foot addition onto the pack house. A grand ballroom." He rocks on his heels with his chin in the air.

Jay and River look at each other. "Doesn't seem large enough to fit even your pack, let alone any others." River says.

He shakes his head. "No. This will be for the Alliance Alphas and plus ones. Some dignitaries. A private party. The rest of the pack will be at the Amphitheater."

"So, you aren't going to your own ball?" I arch a brow.

"No. Nigel will go for me. This private ball is more important." He says, nonchalantly.

Jay crosses his arms. "More important than your own pack?"

He shakes his head. "It's for my pack. We have 4000 and growing. I can't be everywhere at once. As long as the house is represented, they don't need me there."

I turn to him and scowl. "They're your pack. They always need you."

He waves me down. "Well, at any rate. I have an appointment with a highly recommended, and very expensive, decorator who should be at the house right now. Wouldn't want to keep the young woman waiting." He claps my back. "Enjoy your mate." He winks and strides out of the room.

"God, I hate that guy." I say to Jay and River.

Jay nods. "Really. If anyone needs a mate to kick him in the ass, it's him."

"Well, should we find our Lunas?" River suggests.

"Oh yeah." I grin and the three of us collect our ladies.

When we got home, I helped Alexi with her Luna paperwork while we lounged on the couch. Helped, meaning, she did the work and I rubbed her beautiful toes.

She moves the papers away from her face. "You don't have to do that, you know." She gives me a half smile.

"Yes, I do. It's my job as worshipper." I lift my chin and grin.

She giggles and goes back to reading.

"Oh my God. You're actually out of the room for once."

I lean my head back and Terry is walking out of the office hall. I follow him as he walks to the back of our couch and leans his hands on it.

"Not true. We've been out of the room plenty." I retort.

"Hello, Terry." Alexi greets with papers blocking her face.

He looks down at her. "Good morning, Luna. How was the council meeting?"

She takes her feet from me and sits up on the couch. "You know it was quite fascinating. My pack never had council meetings per say. More just meetings of my father barking orders. It was nice seeing something so organized and mature."

I scoff. "Except for when the council irritated the fuck out of Bastian, it was boring as hell. I might skip the next one."

Alexi slaps my chest and points at me. "You'll do no such thing. You're the Alpha of Red Rock and you'll attend every meeting they say to."

My mouth ticks up. "Yes, dear." I give her a kiss.

Terry chuckles and goes to the dining room.

She puts her file in her lap. "So. What should we do now?”

I sit back and rub my chin, thinking. "Well. We both have a mountain of paperwork to do. There's still some stuff that needs to be done around here from the Lycan attack. I should prepare for the pack meeting tomorrow."

She slides close to me, laying her body on my side and her arm around my head. She wraps her leg over mine. My hand rubs the soft skin of her calf.

I start to talk a little quieter. “There's a ton of stuff I need to do outside, too."

My eyes close as she gently runs the tip of her nose around my cheek.

"Mmhmm.” She purrs as she nips my ear and kisses my neck.

Damn it.

I'm really getting hot now. My dick is swelling fast. Her arousal hits my nose.

I whip my head to hers. "But all that can wait."

I grab her file, throw it behind me, pick her up and runs her upstairs with her giggling the whole way.

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