The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 53

(Chapter song ‘Nothing But A Good Time’ by Poison)


With the moon just a few weeks out, I’m starting to get nervous. I want this to go absolutely perfect. So far, everything’s been going great.

Alexi moved into my room. She protested about it, but I wasn’t hearing it. Lucy even helped her pick a dress for the ball. I love that they both have come around and are actually becoming really good friends. They hang out all the time now and… I’m getting a little jealous about it.

I have to steal moments with Alexi at this point. Everyone’s so into her. It’s unbelievable. I would have never expected this in a million years. Yeah, I wanted them to make her comfortable, but they’ve adopted her now. She’s really their Luna and I can tell she likes it even though she’s trying to dismiss the whole fated thing.

And I’m cool with that because I have something else to tell her, but I can’t do it here.

With her arms around my chest, my bike rumbling under us, I drive my baby to a spot I used to frequent for hookups, but I’m changing that. This spot will be our spot once I’m done.

I speed up the highway and smile at the feel of her laying on my back. This is what a true king feels like.

I pull into a secluded spot on the other side of Caledon’s lake. It’s a little hike through the trees to a small patch of pebble beach. It sits in a spot where the sun sets perfectly across the lake. Yeah, ok. I’m a wuss.

I park the bike and get off. I grab her head and kiss her within an inch of her life before helping her off. As she walks around, I pull out a blanket, some wine and two glasses from my saddle bag.

“Luke, it’s beautiful.” She smiles.

I lay out the blanket, sit and crook a finger to her. “So, are you. Come here.”

She gives me a seductive look and walks to the blanket. She sits in front of me with our legs intertwined.

“You really are a hopeless romantic, my heroic Alpha.” She giggles. She fixes and dusts my t-shirt off then holds my cheek.

“I try.” I shrug then hand her a glass of wine. “Before I met you, I’d never do something like this. This is what you do to me, Alexi. I want to spend my life making you happy.”

“You do make me happy. You saved me. I could’ve become something horrible, but you stopped it. I never want you to see that side of me again.” She whispers.

I look into her eyes, grab her glass and set it down off to the side with mine.

I take a deep breath in and blow it out. I take her hand and run my other finger down her cheek and across her lower lip. “Alexi. I brought you out here to tell you that, no matter what happens with the moon, I’m choosing you.” I study her eyes because even though chosen mate is nowhere near the same pressure, it’s still scary as fuck for me.

“What? Luke…” Her eyes go wide.

I hold up a hand to her. “Alexi, you’re it for me. I mean that. My single life…all of it. I don’t want anyone else. Just me and you. I want you to be my Luna.”

She smiles as she holds my hands.. “I don’t want anyone else either, but Luke, what about your fated?”

I shake my head. “I don’t care, Alexi. We’ve been through so much. I can’t walk away from that. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I know you’re the Luna this pack needs. I need you, too.”

She slightly smiles. “You really believe that.”

I lean to her. “I do.”

She grins and lifts her chin. “Then I’ll try to be the best Luna for our pack.”

I grab her and pull her into my lap. “No matter what. My mark will sit… right here.” I gently move her shirt off her shoulder and caress her skin. “You’ll be mine forever, Alexi. No one’s gonna take you away from me. Not even fate itself.”

She plays with my shirt and gazes into my eyes.. “You’d fight the cosmos for me?” She mumbles.

“Baby… I’d fight the gods themselves if I had to. I mean it, Alexi. I’m never letting you go.” I hug her as she lifts her head to kisses me..

“I’ll hold you to that, Alpha.” She smiles. “And if the moon decides we aren’t meant to be, I’ll put my mark here.” She traces my shoulder. “I will cherish it for the rest of my days. I’ll make you proud of me, Luke.”

“I’m already proud of you, baby. So proud of you. You’re amazing and I love you so much.” I gaze into the green eyes that started this roller coaster journey.

“Want to go for a swim?” She asks.

I smirk. “Yeah.” I growl playfully.

We both stand, and strip off everything. I grab her in a fireman’s carry and run for the water while she kicks and screams. I throw her in and dive in myself.

We breach the surface and I shake the water out of my hair then grab her. I hold my baby and kiss her like it’s my job as the sun starts to set behind us. The colors sparkle along the surface and we get lost in each other as we float.

I’m giant sap for Alexi and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Say something about though, and I’ll show you why you should’ve kept your lips shut.

Just kidding. Ha!



Since Luke has pretty much decided I’m to be his Luna, I felt I should make my presence known among the other Lunas and Luke’s friends. I have a lot to make up for and if we are to be a trusted member of the Alliance. I need to offer an olive branch to the people I hurt.

After much pestering, Luke finally agreed to let me have a luncheon with his friends and family.

“Can you move that table a little to left, please.” I direct the staff helping me set up the tables out in the garden where all the ladies will be.

A staff girl presents the menu to me and I look it over. “It’s lovely. Thank you.” I send her on her way as Luke comes through the French doors.

“Wow. It’s looking pretty fancy out here.” He teases, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I breathe nervously. “Yes, well, I want everything to be perfect. This luncheon will be my chance to show your friends that I’m not the horrible monster they think I am.”

“You’re not a monster, Alexi.” Lucy comes out to the garden carrying a vase of flowers. She places them down on a table and walks over to me. “Far from it. We may have gotten off to a bad start, but you’re good for my brother. The others will see it too."

I smile. “I hope so.”

“Baby, they’ll love you like I do. Now, mom has a bunch of stuff for the party, so I’ll go help her. You try to relax.” He kisses my forehead and leaves.

I look around the garden at the carefully placed tables and decorative place settings. “I really need this to work.” I fidget with my fingers.

“Alexi, you can do this. What you’re doing will show them the type of person you really are. What kind of Luna you’ll be. If they can’t get past that, then screw them. You don’t need them.” Lucy folds her arms.

I nod, still wondering if everything is perfect enough to make the guests that are coming see that I am here to help Luke be the best Alpha he can be.

My thoughts were broken when I heard the commotion inside the house. I walk into the common room and see Jayson with Sarah and Chloe in tow.

“Hey.” Jayson waves we he sees me and Lucy. “I know we’re early, but Sarah insisted on coming to help.”

Sarah steps out from behind Jason. She looks beautiful in a short, flowing baby blue dress. Her hair is pinned up in curls. Chloe is in a little white dress with tiny flowers and a head band with a flower on it.

My eyes glitter when I see them. I clasp my hands together and bring them to my chin. “Oh, you all look so lovely. Thank you for coming.”

Sarah smiles. “I wouldn’t miss it. I’ve been wanting to meet the girl who tamed the angry Alpha.” She giggles, bouncing the baby in her arms.

Jayson comes up behind her. “I’m gonna get a beer, okay?” He kisses her cheek.

She nods.

I smile at the little baby.

“You want to hold her?” Sarah asks.

“Yes, please. I just love babies.” I grin and she hands Chloe to me.

“Careful. She likes pulling hair.” Sarah warns.

As Chloe grabs my curls, I understand what she means. “I see that.” I laugh.

I bounce the chunky little girl in my arms as she smiles a little baby smile. Her big blue eyes study my face. I walk around with her a little bit. “You, my darling, are the most precious princess ever. There will not be a prince In the land that won’t love you.” I tickle her nose with mine.

“Not if her Uncle has anything to say about it.”

Luke walks into the common room, joins our little circle and fist bumps Jayson as he comes back with a beer. He leans to Chloe, and rubs her cheek with his finger. "Hey, kid. You're getting big.” Chloe giggles at her Uncle.

He points to me. "Don't get any ideas.”

My smile fades a bit. “What? You don’t like babies?’

He shakes his head. “I love babies. When I can give them back to their mothers.” He takes Chloe from me and gives her back to Sarah.

Sarah adjusts Chloe in her arms. “You’re missing out, Luke. Babies make your life so much better.”

“Kid. Your mate can barely walk straight from sleep deprivation.” He chuckles.

She waves him off. “Oh, he’s just exaggerating. It’s not that bad.”

“No, it’s worse.” Jayson rubs his nape. “She’s just like her mother. You women drive me crazy.” He snorts.

Sarah shakes her head. “God, you’re so dramatic. Here take your daughter, I’m going to help Alexi.” She hands Jayson the baby who silently protests.

Sarah giggles.

Luke leans to me. “And that’s why I say a big no to kids.”

I narrow my eyes. “I have a feeling that when it comes to it, you’ll melt when it’s your own.”

“Don’t think so.” He tips back his beer bottle.

I giggle. “Ok. You two have fun, I’ll be out in the garden.”

He grunts before giving me a quick kiss. I walk to the back and I’m impressed.

Sarah, Lucy and Luke’s mother have already started to perfect the details. Luke’s mother brought some more decorations and was directing the staff on where to put them.

She came straight for me when she saw me. “Alexi, this is just what this house needed. Thank you.” She smiles and takes my hands.

“Hi!” I look behind Luke’s mother and there’s a little woman in a flower white dress standing in the doorway. Her short blonde hair has a little flower pin it and she’s smiling from ear to ear. Behind her is another young woman with big curly brown hair. She in a yellow dress and also smiling.

Sarah runs to the door. “Ah! You’re here!” She runs to the girls, hugging them.

“I never miss a party.” The curly haired girl says.

Sarah turns to the blonde girl. “What about you? Where have you been hiding?” Sarah places her hands on her hips.

The blonde girl fixes her dress. “Blame Kale. Since we’ve been mated, I can’t remember the last time I saw the sunshine.” She winks and laughs.

I chuckle softly at the innuendo.

Sarah pulls me to her. “Alexi, these are my best friends and friends of Luke. Georgia and Ashley. Guys this is Alexi Torrent.’

They keep smiling, but I did notice a little falter at the mention of my last name.

I extend a hand. “Nice to meet you both. You both look so lovely.” I grin.

Ashley takes my hand. “Thanks for inviting us.”

I tilt my head. “Of course. I want to get to know all of the lovely women in the Alliance. And meet their handsome mates of course.” I smirk and the girls all giggle.

I take a breath. “So please. Take a seat anywhere. The wait staff are there. Just tell them what you’d like and they’ll bring it.”

I guide them to the tables.

Sarah sits down. “Wow, you went all out. I’m going to have to have a talk to Jayson about having you decorate for my Luna ceremony.”

Georgia bounces in her seat. “Mine, too.”

I clasp my hands together in front of me. “I’d be honored, really.”

Ashley leans to Sarah. “What about the baby shower?”

“That too!” Sarah smiles.

My brows raise. Seems I’m now the party planner of the family.

“Hello, ladies.”

I turn from the table and my heart skips a beat.

Anna is standing on the steps with a young brown-haired girl.

I haven’t seen her since I was arrested and haven’t had a chance to talk with her at all.

She walks down the steps me as I press my lips together.

“Alexi. You look lovely.” She says.

I look down. “This old thing.” I giggle. My nerves are all on end. “Um… Thank you for coming. I wasn’t sure…”

She waves me off. “Look. I get that there will be some things that need major patching between us, but the way I see it. If we are going to be working together, the least I can do is repair the bridge.”

I tilt my head. “I’m so sorry. I know it won’t be enough, but I hope in time, you’ll be able to forgive me.”

She looks around the garden. “Well, you seem to be off to a good start. This is gorgeous. Oh…” She pulls the brown-haired girl in front. “This is Emily. Rivers Betas mate. I didn’t think you’d mind if she tagged along?”

I shake my head. “No. Not at all. I welcome all the ladies of the Alliance Alphas.” I grab Emily’s hand. “Wonderful to have you. I’m Alexi.”

She smiles. “I’m happy to be here and get out of the territory, too. Michael doesn’t travel around much. So Red Rock is definitely a change in scenery.”

I nod. “Well anytime you want a change, you knock on our door.” I stand tall to the young woman.

“Thanks!” She chirps and the two women join the others.

Lucy stands beside me as I survey the growing number of ladies. “You’re doing great.” She whispers to me.

As the ladies from Luke’s circle of family and friends take their seats, I feel like I should say a few words.

I clear my throat and get everyone’s attention. “I want to thank you all for coming. It means so much to me and our family.” I look around the tables at the quiet ladies.

“I realize you have all heard or seen things that are disturbing in nature. I hope with this get together, I can show you who I am and what I will bring to this Alliance with Luke. I want to bring peace to the ladies of the Alliance and I look forward to working with every single one of you.” The faces of the ladies blink at me in silence.

“So. With no further ado…” I clasp my hands together. “Please. Enjoy yourselves. Eat, drink and feel free to approach me whenever you like.” I smile as the ladies’ clap then turn to their menus.

The ladies socialized and Chloe was passed from lady to lady until she started to get a bit cross. Sarah needed a bottle from her bag and I offered to get it for her.

A few ladies grouped at a table a few chairs down from Sarah’s bag.

I didn’t mean to overhear, but I did.

“Did you hear they’re going to the ball?” One lady says.

“I can’t believe it. With who she is, I wouldn’t dare step foot in there.” Another responds.

“The judgment alone would freak me out. I’d be nervous as hell. Not everyone likes her.” Another whispers.

“I know…”

As the ladies’ gossip, I try to dismiss their words, but I can’t help it because it’s all the truth.

Everything they said is what I tried to tell Luke. Not everyone will be happy to see me and the ball will be filled with those people.

No matter where we go, he’ll be judged on being with me.

I know I shouldn’t be concerned but I care about Luke. I care about his pack. I’m worried that he’ll spend a lifetime trying to defend me from other people. No one should have to live like that.

But the ball is what Luke wants. If I’m in this relationship with both feet, I have to oblige him. I just need to try my hardest get through it and not worry about others.

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