The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 41

(Chapter song ‘Bodies' by Disturbed)


In a huddle, I instruct the guys on what kind of training I want Alexi to have. “Remember, she’s suppressed. Go easy.” I arch a brow, then look out to the gym floor and smirk. Alexi is stretching and looking damn yummy.

“Don’t worry. We won’t hurt her…much.” Tyrone holds a fist to Richie and they both chuckle and bump them.

I point to their faces. “You better not or both your asses are mine.” I growl.

They hold up their hands. “You don’t have anything to worry about, Luke. You can put your wolf away.”

I had no idea how true that statement was.

They walk out to the floor and start to warm up, bouncing on their toes and stretching.

Alexi is looking so goddam hot in a white, fabric wrap top that criss-crosses her chest and ties in the back. She's also wearing a very loose, flowy, white skirt that has two slits up the sides. She’s barefoot and her long legs are presented nicely. I told her it wasn’t really great training clothes, but she said it was some sort of traditional Dragon fighting dress. I'm not arguing. Go Dragon dress.

I stand at the sideline and give the go ahead. “Show Alexi what you got.”

My trainers both nod and bend their knees. They square up with Alexi as she picks up a bamboo pipe baton. Her favorite apparently.

She spins the baton in her palm, fists it then drops back into a front facing lunge pose. She holds the baton over her head and stretches her other arm out in front of her. She bends her knees and eyes the men.

Her dress dangles in between her spread out legs and…I may have to leave for a minute. Sweet Jesus, that’s hot.

Richie cracks his knuckles and Tyrone cracks his neck. I cross my arms as I assess everything.

She raises her palm up and nods to signal she’s ready for them.

As if a whistle was blown, they both run at her with determination. She doesn’t move a muscle until they’re pretty much on her.

I drop my arms, lips and my brows go up when she leaps into the air and does a back flip over them as they run by.

She lands on her feet and spins to high kick Richie in the head from behind.

Richie hits the floor, Tyrone spins around to her in confusion and I'm suddenly kinda scared.

She ticks her head at Tyrone, takes two steps, hops and strikes him the head with the baton. He drops to his knees holding his head and I bite my knuckle as I watch my friends hit the floor. Damn!

Alexi quickly readies herself as Richie recovers and tries grabs her from behind.

As soon as his arm reached in front of her, she grabbed it with her free hand, spins in front of him and climbs his damn chest.

She turns at his shoulders, wraps her baton around his beck, drops her feet to plant on his back then pulls. He flips backwards over her and lands on his stomach.

The whole thing was so fluent and fast, it was hard to pick it apart.

Alexi’s on her back. She rolls to her front and locks eyes with Richie.

He punches the floor in frustration. “Damn it!’

Alexi stands, gets her bearings and her eyes meet Tyrone's.

She raises a brow and places her baton over her head. She keeps her empty hand out to him as they both take big side steps in a circle.

She’s smirks then crooks her fingers telling him to bring it. And he does.

Tyrone growls as he breaks into a full on run at her. I watch the gap close fast and worried about him steamrolling her. But, of course, I don’t have to worry about it, because this redhead of the Amazon, pulls out an in-spot, no hand, back flip that kicks Tyrone right in the chin. He flies backwards and lands on his back. He coughs and rolls through the pain.

She lands on her feet, holding the baton and fist at her side.

I cringe back. “Damn…” I shake my head. Oh, yeah. She was definitely holding back when she kicked my ass.

Richie gets his strength back and her head whips to his direction. Her tight curls flaring out as she does.

Richie snarls and runs at her. She turns and runs for a back wall. He chases her and when she gets to the wall, she runs up it, grabs another baton, backflips and nails him in the side of his head as she flies over him.

He hits the wall and falls to his knees.

I break out in a round of applause. Fucking brilliant.

Tyrone came in with no kid gloves. He takes the offensive and throws blows at her. She blocks a few, then dodges the last one. She spins around him, pulls her arm up across her chest and brings the end of the baton down on his spine.

He falls to his knees just as Ritchie was coming in for an attack. She jumps on Tyrone, leaps into the air and kicks Richie in the chest. He sprawls out on the floor and Alexi slides to a stop and turns. Richie wasn’t giving up.

He scrambles to his feet and tries again. He swings punches and she answers back. They’re both are throwing down and it’s getting heated. He tries an uppercut, she dodges, drops down and kicks out a leg. She takes out his ankles and he hits the floor hard. He groans as he rolls.

"Fuck!" Richie slams his fist on the floor and holds the heels of his palms to his eyes.

"What's wrong, Rich?" I cackle as he rips his hands away and glares at me. This only makes me cackle more.

Tyrone was completely pissed now.

He gets to his feet, growls and comes in swinging.

He’s loudly huffing out growls as Alexi dodges his swings, arching her back. She’s watching and anticipating his every move as he pushes on her. She finds an in and swings her batons. Tyrone blocks them, but he's tiring fast. She’s beating the shit out of his arms then spins to the right. She smacks one off his thigh and he screams at the charlie horse. Without missing a beat, she spins to his other side and smacks one off his side in a kidney shot. He twists and she takes out his knee. He drops down and supports himself with one hand until she drives one into his back. He groans loud as he’s laid out in pain.

I'll really have to remember to not to piss this woman off.


I turn to Evan who’s come to watch the show with Lucy right behind him.

I smile and motion to Alexi. "Not bad, huh?" I can't help but feel a little bit of pride here.

“Girl has some skill.” Lucy nods.

“Some?” Evan looks at her like she’s crazy. He also looks terrified as he watches Alexi fight Richie. Tyrone is definitely done.

Alexi drives a baton into Richie’s gut then backhands his face with the other one.

Both Evan and Lucy cringe.

She grabs his shoulders and throws him to the ground. He’s coughing when she walks up and drops another blow of her baton to his diaphragm.

“Fuck!” He yells as he rolls away from her holding his stomach.

She stands tall and assesses the room. Both trainers are on the floor trying to recover.

Evan and Lucy break out in applause and Alexi struts up to me with a smirk. She’s barely breathing heavy and I raise a brow.

She raises her brow, too, rests her batons on her shoulders and kicks out a leg. “I hope you have something…” She glances at the boys just getting to their feet and back at me. “A little harder.”

“Maybe I do.” I smirk, look at my sister and Evan, reach back and remove my tank.

Alexi bows to me, backs up to the floor and spins her batons.

I flex my muscles and do ring fighter hops to warm up. We move to the center of the floor and she goes into her lunge, now with two batons.

I step a foot back, ball my fists and square up. I chew my lip with a smile as I get heated. This is going to be so good.

She smiles. “Are you ready, Alpha?”

I tick my brow and head "Let's rock, baby." I say in a cocky tone.

Richie and Tyrone join the growing audience which now consists of Gavin, Terry, Bobby and a few others from the office hall.

"Kick her ass, Luke." Tyrone yells.

"Yeah. Kick her ass.” He hollers as he checks his head for blood.

I wait for her signal and she smirks at me. I return with an air kiss.

"You guys gonna drool on each other, or are you gonna fight." Gavin crosses his arms as the room snorts.

Alexi gives me the nod and I waste no time.

I run at her, preparing to deliver a punch, but she spins around me and connects a baton with my calf.

“Argghhh…” I arch and limp as the pain shoots up my leg. I lower my head and turn to her.

"Don't go in blind, Alpha." She says with a snarky look on her face.

As I walk with my hands on my hips, I see Gavin, Terry and Evan chuckling at each other. I point to them, signaling to knock it off. They put their hands up and try to force their smiles back.

I shake it off, square again then invade her space. I come in swinging, huffing breaths through my nose. She’s blocking my moves then returns them with a series of swings of her batons. She’s pushing me back and I block each strike.

Fuck, she’s fast. I’m already dripping in sweat and panting as I try to slam the doors. My arms are starting to really hurt from being hit repeatedly.

When I see an opening, I come in with a left hook. She ducks my arm, spins, bounces a baton off my head then smacks one right off my back.

"Son of a bitch!!" I grit as I walk around the gym floor holding my back, absorbing the pain.

"Clear your mind, Alpha. You're too distracted." She instructs as she twirls her batons then squares up again.

I point to her as I pace in front of her and recover. "Hey. I'm supposed to be schooling you, alright.”

She tilts her head to me. "My dear, Alpha. I've been training since I was 2. Can you say the same?"

The room snickers and I glare at the audience. They all try to hide their laughter.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I get in position. “Let’s do this.”

I blow out a frustrated breath before I run at her for a third time. This time I held back until I got right close. I throw a left and connect with her cheek. I follow up with an uppercut to her chin. She stumbles back and I spin with a kick to her side that sends her to the floor.

Our audience cringes and groans.

She watches me as I bounce around. "How's that?" I gloat.

"Sloppy." She says in that dark tone I really don’t like as she stands, wiping the blood from her lip.

I chuckle and shrug. “Sorry.”

She scowls, runs at me, and starts swinging the batons at me with a fury I can barely handle.

Did she just get faster? Um…fuck…

I huff out rapid breaths as I block her attacks. Lefts and rights are flying everywhere as we push each other around the floor.

The guys are cheering me on and I’m practically pissing myself when I see the determination to fucking kill me in her eyes.

She's incredibly strong for someone with a wolf suppressed. She also knows how to close the doors. I can't find an opening anywhere. Finally, I get a chance to take a swing, but she catches my arm and twists it behind me back.

"Ugh... This feels familiar." I groan as she arches my back, twisting my arm further. I wince at the pain.

Her lips get close to my ear. "Yield." She whispers in a sexy voice.

"No way." I slam the back of my head into her nose and I hook her foot, tripping her to the floor. She lands on her back and breaks put in coughs. I drop to one knee, I shove my forearm into her neck and pin her.

I lean down to her lips. “You yield." I mumble seductively then sit up as she struggles.

She stops struggling and smiles. She grabs my arm, lifts her legs into the air and kicks me twice in the head. I stumble back, holding my face and she runs for her batons.

I drop my hands, shake the bells out and look for her. "That’s a new one. Ok. It's like that."

I meet her eyes, rush her and throw blows. I’m punching, spinning kicks and stomping at her. She blocks my punches and stops my kicks as she backs up.

She swings a baton at me. I grab her forearm, take the baton, pull her to me, move to her back and wrap the baton around her neck. Her hand stops it from connecting, but I’m not letting go.

My lips brush her ear. “Get out of this one.” I nip her ear.

She turns her head to me and I smile. She smiles back then beans the other baton I forgot she had off my kneecap.


Before I have a chance to bend over, she grabs my shoulders and her knee comes up.

She nails me in the junk...again!

The entire gym fills with. “Oh, damn!”

I lose all air and crumble to the floor. “Fucking hell.” I grind as I roll to my hands and knees and hold my head. The pain fills every inch of my body. My mouth's watering again and my forehead hits the floor. "I was totally gonna use that later." I whine as I blow out breaths.

Alexi crouches down beside me "Yield?" She bends over to try and see my face.

"Fuck ya." I look at her with pain resonating off me in waves.

She taps my back. I lift my shaking head and watch her walk over to Richie. She hands him the batons and looks at me with a smirk. "I'll be in the shower." She says smartly as she struts out of the room. The audience claps and whistles as she leaves.

I fall to my stomach with my arms and legs splayed out. Terry stands over me and snickers. "Luke? You, ok?" He can barely contain his laughter.

With my head still planted on the floor, I raise a hand. "I'm alright." I groan.

I lay there for a minute longer then stand with my dick throbbing.

I walk gingerly over to Richie, look him straight in eye and point to his chest. "You're fired."

Richie and Tyrone bust a gut as I leave with everyone else.

“We need those moves. If our unit could fight like that, we'd clean up this town in a week." Terry suggests.

"Maybe without the cheap shots." As I adjust my throbbing dick in my shorts.

They both laugh and shake my shoulders.

I leave them there and run upstairs, taking two at a time. Time to get my manhood back from the flaming hot redhead in my shower.


In the shower, she makes up for nailing me in the nuts with an extra steamy sex session. Yes, she kissed him better. Ha!

After, I can't stop smiling as I dry her face. There’s no way this chick is real.

"You're amazing." I whisper as I glide the towel across her cheek.

"I'm not." She blushes as she pulls her towel wrapped around her body over her chin.

"Yes, you are. In every sense of the word. Baby, I couldn't ask for a better woman. You're sexy as hell. You're an incredible fighter. You're super smart. I'm a lucky bastard you're even giving me the time of day." I plant a kiss on her nose.

"And you might be a boorish cave wolf,..."

"Hey." I warn, pointing a finger in her face.

She laughs as she pushes my hand down. "But you're kind and so sweet. Your heart is so big, Luke. I'm so fortunate to have someone like you in my life. I don't know where I would be if our paths didn't cross."

She buries half her face in the towel.

"You'd still be right here." I push the towel down. "With me." I kiss her gently.

I scoop her up bridal style and carry her off to bed.

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