The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 77


Sitting across from Mariah in the restaurant, we’re enjoying our meal when she drops a bombshell

‘Simone, I ended my friendship with Daphne.’

I nearly choke on my drink, setting the glass down. ‘What? Why?’ Daphne and Mariah have been inseparable for some time now, their professional partnership legendary at the company and she’s cut ties with her work partner, Daphne.

‘But I thought you two got along. Why are you avoiding her?’ I ask, surprised by her revelation.

Mariah hesitates, then says, ‘Can I tell you something?’

‘What’s going on?’ My curiosity spikes.

She looks nervous. ‘Please don’t be mad at me.’

‘Why would I be?’ I ask, a sense of unease creeping in.

‘I think she outed you,’ Mariah confesses.

‘How?’ My heart starts racing.

‘She’s close with Heather Presley,’ she drops another shocker.

‘No way,’ I gasp, stunned by the connection.

‘It’s true,’ Mariah assures me.

‘You didn’t tell her about my involvement with Duke, did you?’ I ask, my worry growing by the second.

Mariah shifts uneasily. ‘Maybe a little…’

I’m dumbfounded. ‘Oh, my God…’

‘I’m sorry,’ she says, her regret palpable.

‘So, you’re the one who spilled it all,’ I realize, feeling betrayed.

‘I didn’t give her all the details. Just said you were working on a project with them,’ she tries to explain.

‘But she’ll talk to Heather, and she’ll know you lied,’ I point out.

‘Yeah,’ Mariah admits, looking guilty.

‘And she might tell Aisling,’ I add, the implications hitting me hard.

‘I’m really sorry,’ she says again.

Before I can fully digest this, Mariah changes the subject. ‘There’s something else. It’s about a job opportunity, but I don’t think you should take it.’

‘What is it?’ I ask, still reeling from her earlier confession.

‘Ms. Anne is considering you for a position. As the second wife,’ Mariah says, her eyes serious.

I nearly choke on my drink. ‘What?’ The absurdity of the suggestion leaves me speechless, and I sit there, stunned, trying to process the whirlwind of revelations.

‘Mum told me,’ Mariah says, ‘and I don’t want you to ask her about it. We weren’t planning to tell you yet.’

‘I won’t ask her. Honestly, I don’t even want to know,’ I reply, feeling a sense of resolve.

‘Why not?’ she probes.

‘He could never love me the way I deserve, and I can’t put myself through that. I won’t do it,’ I declare, feeling a mixture of sadness and strength.

‘That’s exactly what I thought,’ Mariah agrees, supporting my decision.

Lately, I’ve been pondering a significant change. ‘I’ve been thinking about moving out of here,’ I confess.

‘You too?’ Mariah’s eyes widen in surprise.

‘Yeah,’ I affirm. ‘I need to get away.’

‘I’ve been feeling the same. I want to go somewhere far,’ she shares.

‘There’s more to it, though,’ I admit, a shiver running down my spine. ‘I feel scared here.’

‘Scared? Is someone after you?’ Mariah’s concern is palpable.

‘I feel like I’m being watched all the time. Like someone is always lurking, waiting to harm me,’ I explain, the fear evident in my voice.

‘Do you think you’re being followed?’

‘I do. Sometimes, I think Aisling has sent people after me,’ I admit, the paranoia of it all gnawing at me.

‘Oh, no. That’s just your mind playing tricks on you,’ Mariah tries to reassure me.

‘But she’s always in my dreams. I don’t understand why,’ I say, confused and scared.

‘You’re letting fear consume you,’ Mariah observes.

‘I know, and it’s killing me. If I don’t move, I fear it’ll get worse. I’m not sleeping well anymore,’ I confess, feeling overwhelmed.

‘That’s really strange,’ Mariah comments, her brow furrowed.

‘But why do you want to move?’ I ask, curious about her sudden decision.

‘I’m having second thoughts about my wedding,’ she says, her voice trembling slightly.

‘Why?’ I ask, shocked.

‘His parents. Our relationship just isn’t getting any better. I think it’s not too late to back out,’ Mariah confesses, her words echoing the turmoil inside her. Her admission shocks me, and I realize we’re both standing at a crossroads in our lives, each grappling with our own set of fears and uncertainties.

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