The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 47

Presley Estates, Wesbury

The ambiance in Brayden and Lilian’s men’s cave is thick with camaraderie. Leather chairs, cigar smoke, and the smooth slide of the pool cue dominate the senses. As I line up my shot, the tension of the moment only briefly interrupted by Dean’s escalating frustration.

‘Someone’s swiped from my store,’ Dean growls, glaring at the billiard balls as if they hold the answer.

I can hear the edge in his voice, the one that speaks of more than just anger.

Brayden, responds, ‘Handle the legal stuff later, man. For now, let’s just play.”

But Dean’s not having any of it. ‘I’m sick of being the good guy. We can’t let him off easy.’

‘Just… deal with it later.’ Brayden shoots back.

I nod in agreement, the pool game a welcome distraction from the looming issues of life. But then, the conversation veers into more personal territory.

‘Speaking of double-dealing,’ Brayden starts, shaking his head, ‘you guys heard about Maxum? Preaching high and mighty at church and then goes and cheats on his wife. Lost custody and everything.”

‘Yeah,’ Brayden pitches in about this well known mega pastor embroiled in an infidelity case. ‘His wife got the kids, everything.’

‘What did he really do?’ I ask.

‘Cheated. With a bunch of women, some from the church and outside ‘ Brayden says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

Dean snorts in disbelief. ‘That guy was on to something. Figures.’

Laughter rises, a shared mockery of hypocrisy. But the mirth is short-lived. Dean fixes his gaze on me, eyes sharp as razor blades, “Speaking of, rumors say you’ve been stepping out on Aisling. Any truth in that?”

Brayden’s confused. ‘What do you mean?’

But Dean’s pointing his cue at me, and I feel this jolt in my chest. ‘You, Duke. What’s the deal?’

I try to play it cool. ‘Me? What about me?’

Dean’s eyes are like lasers. ‘You cheated. Your wife knows. She’s not talking to you.’

My hand tightens around the pool cue, every muscle taut. A low anger boils inside me, but I control it, striving to keep my voice steady. ‘What are you talking about? Who said that?’

Dean’s grin has a cruel edge. “Doesn’t matter who said it. What matters is if you did it.”

And just like that, my anger, my guilt, it all starts boiling up inside me. I’m caught, and there’s no playing it off now.

“I’ve always been faithful,” I snap, feeling like a caged animal.

‘Because I’ve never heard this before.’

Dean’s eyes are like drills, piercing through me. ‘But did you do it?’

‘Do what?’ I’m stalling, scrambling to get my thoughts in order.

Brayden glances between us, clearly sensing the shifting atmosphere, trying to intervene. “Hey, let’s not go there. We’re here to have fun.’

But Dean won’t let it go. He pushes, and prods, enjoying my discomfort. Each ‘Did you do it?’ feels like a blade piercing deeper.

“Do what?” I ask.

Dean’s disappointment weighs heavy in his voice. ‘Come on, man. It’s no secret.’

I step closer to him, needing to understand. ‘No, seriously, Dean. Where’d you hear it?’

His gaze doesn’t waver. ‘But did you?’

‘Do what?’ I whisper, feeling like I’m at the edge of a cliff.

Dean suddenly grabs his keys from the table. It’s a lifeline, a break in the interrogation.

Brayden’s concerned voice cuts in. ‘Where are you off to?’

Dean’s avoiding our eyes now. ‘Got to go. They need me at home.’

Brayden’s not letting it go. ‘Who told you, Dean? You can’t just say something like that and leave.’

Dean’s answer is simple, direct. ‘Heather.’

My heart plummets. ‘Heather told you I cheated?’

Dean’s voice is calm and collected. ‘Yeah, Duke. Heather knows everything. She’s tight with your wife. And she found out from her.’

‘With whom?’ I ask, but my voice betrays me, quivering.

Dean’s response is sharp, a stinging rebuke. ‘I don’t know. You do.’

‘I didn’t cheat,’ I say, the words squeezing out of me, my chest constricting with every syllable. The room feels too small, the air too thick, as I stand there, grappling with Dean’s accusations and my own tangled emotions.

Dean’s look is full of disbelief. ‘Come on, Duke. She wouldn’t just believe something like this without proof.’


‘Yeah,’ he says, firmly.

I take a deep breath, my confession tumbling out before I can stop it. ‘I started something with someone. But I swear, it didn’t go further.’

Brayden’s staring at me, his face a mix of shock and disbelief.

Dean lets out a dry laugh. ‘There we go.’

‘I’m serious,’ I say, desperation creeping into my voice.

‘How can I believe that?’ Dean fires back.

‘I didn’t do anything with her,’ I insist, my words sounding hollow even to my own ears.

‘Why even start anything if you weren’t planning to follow through?’ Dean’s accusing tone cuts through me.

‘It’s complicated,’ I mutter, the weight of my decisions crushing me.

Dean’s words hit me hard. ‘What would make you want to cheat on Aisling? She’s incredible.’

I look away, unable to meet his gaze. ‘You wouldn’t understand…’

Brayden jumps in, ‘Who is she? Do you know her?’

‘Her name’s Simone,’ Dean says, his voice heavy.

My heart races. ‘Heather told you?’

Dean nods, his eyes fixed on mine. Then, without another word, he heads for the door.

‘I’ll see you,’ he says, and then he’s gone.

The door clicks shut, but the echo of that conversation stays. The silence that follows is suffocating.

Brayden finally turns his gaze towards me, his eyes searching for answers. “Simone? Really, Duke?”

I draw a ragged breath. “It wasn’t… it didn’t get to that point. But, yes.”

‘So, you didn’t actually sleep with her?’ Brayden asks, his voice tinged with skepticism as I unravel the story of Simone.

‘No, I didn’t. Not even a kiss. We never touched,’ I say, desperate for him to understand.

‘But you spent a weekend together,’ he pushes, making me face the reality of my actions.

‘Yeah. The biggest mistake of my life,’ I confess, feeling the weight of my shame.

Brayden’s curiosity peeks through. ‘Do you believe what the soothsayer said?’

I inhale shakily, the confusion clear in my voice. ‘Sometimes I think it’s all nonsense, but then, there are moments I find myself believing it.’

Brayden’s gaze is probing. ‘Why are you making her go through this?’

I sigh, the words heavy on my tongue. ‘Because anything can happen.’

He’s concerned now. ‘Does she know about the IVF?’

‘That’s what I’m not sure about. I just… I need to come clean about everything,’ I admit, the relief of confession mixing with fear.

‘Talk to her. Set the right mood and get her to open up,’ Brayden suggests, his voice a calm in my storm.

My phone buzzes with a text.

It’s Aisling.

My heart skips.

|| I’m ready ||

Brayden’s caution resurfaces. ‘If she doesn’t know yet, maybe wait before telling her. Focus on what she might already know.’

I stand up, fueled by a newfound resolve. ‘I have to pick her up in Spring City.’

Brayden nods. ‘Find the right time. There’s no easy way to do this. If you can talk before she leaves tomorrow, that would be best.’

I’m filled with dread at the thought of Aisling going to Rich Oaks alone. ‘I hope she opens up. But now, with everything that’s happened, I’m terrified. She’s going to Rich Oaks, and the trust… it’s broken. Nothing will feel right again,’ I say, the pain evident in my voice as I confront the reality of the damage I’ve caused.

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